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Elena V

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  • Statistics Probability Distribution?

    "An SRS of size 5 is taken from a box of 100 marbles of which 50 are blue.

    Write the probability distribution for the number of blue marbles in an SRS of size 5.

    Be sure to show the possible values and their associated probabilities. Also explain

    how you know the probabilities. (Hint: you may use relevant information about the

    proportion of blue marbles in section 1 of \Distributions: The Central Limit Theorem"

    without proof. But there are still some arguments that need to be made for how you

    know the probability of the number of blue marbles.)"

    I know from lecture that the probabilities for the proportions are:

    0 - 2.8%

    .2 - 15.3%

    .4 - 31.9%

    .6 - 31.9%

    .8 - 15.3%

    1 - 2.8

    I just don't know how they got those numbers! Well, I think I figured out 2.8% because

    50/100 * 49/99 * 48/98 * 47/97 * 46/96 = 0.028 = 2.8%

    But for the rest I'm stumped.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • How to help a buddy sour horse?

    I have a problem. My horse is kept with another horse that belongs to my friends on their property. They do not encounter any other horses, ever. Not even at a distance. They have their large stalls and a small turnout area, but no pasture or large riding arena. When we ride, we take them on trails. They are never apart. This has obviously created some issues. When I want to take my horse out or away, the other horse freaks out. He runs back and forth along the fence line, whinnies, and basically becomes panic-stricken. When he is taken out by himself he is perfectly fine, and my horse is fine with being alone or being taken out by himself. So. I want to take my horse out by myself sometimes, but I don't want the other horse to injure himself. What should I do?

    Note: I don't have a large, secure area to work in. I have a small, secure turn out area that can be used for minimal longeing and riding, secure box stalls, and that is it. This horse gets freaked out if I even take my guy outside of the turnout area and walk him up the driveway. Also, both horses are geldings, 19 and 14, and my friend's horse is the dominant one in their mini-herd. What should I do? How should I even start?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Some questions about 2 recently rescued chihuahuas?

    We recently (within the last 2 weeks) rescued 2 dogs. They are brother and sister, 1 1/2 years old, and they are chihuahuas. Their previous owner had to re-home them, and we heard of them over Craigslist.

    Anyway, I have some questions about their behavior, whether it's normal, and how to fix it if it needs to be. They have this little crate that they both go in a lot, and they love it. It's their safe zone. We don't lock them in there since it is too small, but they love it so we leave it open for them to sleep in during the day. But if we need to get them out of there, sometimes they won't come out, and I don't want to just drag them out. The female will growl if you get too close while she's in there. So far we haven't done anything about it.

    They are very skittish and tense a lot of the time, but we just figured that's because they are in a totally new situation. They are also hand shy, and they walk around with their tails tucked most of the time. If one person is holding one of them, and another reaches over to pet them or something, they'll snap. So far we just deal with that by saying "no" and putting them on the ground. The female is friendlier and will let you pick her up and pet her, even if she is flinchy. Her brother isn't so good, he'll come up to you slowly and let you pet him, but if you move to quickly he's off. also if you try to restrain him for any reason he will growl and snap.

    They are quite attached to each other. When together, they have no problem being left alone, but if you separate them and leave them alone they pace around. The male is more attached to his sister than she is to him, and she's the boss between them. At night we have been separating them, and they pace around a little then settle down. How should we go about fixing that? We have another dog, a chihuahua too, and they are fine with her but don't really pay much attention to her.

    They don't like children, we're told, so how do we socialize them more? And how long do we give them to settle down and get used to us before we even start to fix any behavior? The other thing is that they don't play. With each other they'll wrestle occasionally, but never with toys. They won't chase anything, and they just walk away when our other dog tries to get them to play with her. Besides wrestle, all they do for fun, it seems, is run.

    My only other question is they are both quite skinny. They don't seem to have much muscle or fat, and you can easily feel their ribs and spine with a flat hand. They are both deer chihuahuas, but this is abnormally skinny. Is it because they are still filling out and not quite adults? Or because they are so nervous all the time? We feed them twice a day, and just give them a full bowl and they get 30 minutes each time to eat their fill. We feed them Royal Canin mixed with some Beneful that came with them.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How can I make my horse listen to me rather than...?

    his stable mate? These two do everything together, live together, eat together, always go on rides together. Both geldings. The other one, Cheyenne, is the boss, and he is super slow and lazy. He can't (won't...) walk faster than a crawl. Anyway, my horse, Bosco, is a total follower. He goes at Cheyenne's pace, turns when Cheyenne does, stops when Cheyenne stops, and won't walk away from him. I can get him to go past him and walk away, but it takes a LOT of effort. It's frustrating because when we are on a trail ride Cheyenne (his owner let's him get away with everything. This horse is so so so spoiled) will be walking slowly and go down the trails and Bosco will just follow right behind him at exactly his speed and if I try to get him to walk on another part of the road or cross the street he puts back his ears and tries to ignore me, then finally gives in after I go to Demand (Ask, Tell, Demand). This is very frustrating because normally Bosco is very responsive to the lightest touch, and likes to power walk and trot and canter. However, when he's under Cheyenne's spell, all he does is that annoying slow walk no matter how I try to encourage him forward. What do I do?!

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What color would you call this horse?

    We just recently rescued a 13 year old gelding, and when I first saw him I said: Dun, but then I looked closer and thought: Bay? His neck and hindquarters are a darker brown than around his chest. His main and tail are black. He has a stripe down his topline? Is that called a dorsal stripe or a feral stripe or what?

    He is underweight. As I said, we rescued him. These pics were taken yesterday, and he already looks better today! Oh, and his name is Bosco, short for Chubosco (spanish word meaning "storm")

    31 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Introducing 2 geldings?

    Okay, so we recently acquired a rescued gelding. He is an Arab cross, 15.1 hh, 13 years old, and rather underweight. We have him in a stall that has one other stall beside it and opens into a small paddock area. Anyway, he is locked in this stall because there is another resident there. The other horse is also a gelding, 18 years old, 15.3 hh Appendix QH. He is super dominant. Right now he has free run of the paddock and his own stall, but we occasionally lock him in his stall to let the other guy wander around a bit. How should we go about introducing them so that they can both be turned out in the paddock at once? I'm worried that they will hurt each other if we just let them work it out. The appendix already took a chunk out of the Arab's side by lucky chance over the stall partition. Any advice? Serious answers only please.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Adobe Photoshop 7.0 question?

    I selected something (stupid!) when I was downloading Adobe Photoshop 7.0 that I didn't quite get, so now all my PDF files are opened in Photoshop instead of Adobe Reader 7.0. I can still open them in reader by right-clicking>>open with>>Adobe Reader but I'd much prefer is I could tweak the Photoshop settings so that PDFs won't open in that program.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • I found a bat this morning...?

    He was in our yard, and by the looks of the tracks and disruption of the sand he probably was on the ground for a while. We put him on a bush in a little fenced garden off the house (So the dogs won't bother him) and he's not going anywhere. His wings are completely stretched out, and he moves a little but doesn't fold them or anything. Being a human, I want to nurture and help it, but in case there are any experts on bats out there, what should I do? Leave him alone? Is he sick?

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Any New Wolf RPG Forums?

    Are there any really new (realistic!!!) wolf rpg forums out there? I have gotten so tired of looking, so I thought I'd try letting one come to me! I'd prefer semi-literate-ish, and I'm most comfortable with those hosted on Proboards. I want a new one, specifically, no more than a month old or so.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch the second Bleach movie...?

    the Diamond Dust Rebellion? I would prefer it to be in english, dubbed, but english subs work fine too.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • The name of that old story...?

    What was the name of that old story about the man who had a lot of money but he never used it. Instead he kept it buried and came once a week or so and looked at it. Then it was stolen and when he was looking for sympathy among the villagers one of them asked what he was going to do with the money. He said nothing, and the villager said something like, "If you weren't going to do anything with it what good was it to you?"

    I know that's really sketchy information, but does anyone know that story and what it was called?

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Dog to Dog aggression/unpedictability?

    My dog, Chewy, is unpredictable with other dogs. She does one of three things when meeting new dogs: Most commonly she ignores them after a quick sniff over; sometimes she will try to play, but it's very uncommon; and mygreatest concern is when she lunges at other dogs, snapping and snarling. This is usually when the other dog is barking at her from behind a fence. She will lunge forward and crouch down, showing her teeth and making an snapping wit her hackles up and all that other stuff.

    I only let her off-leash outside if there are no dogs around or she is in a fenced yard. The only dog that she actually gets along with well so far is my friends dog, and tat is mostly because she (other dog) is passive and playful. I have started walking her with a Halti because she is too strong when she lunges and it takes me a while to regain control of her.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is episode 8 on season 4 of Lost going to show on ABC again?

    If so, when? I missed this episode and my internet connection is way to slow to stream it online. They must show reruns right? And episode 9 hasn't aired yet I don't think...

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Hamster Question?

    I have a dwarf hamster, and he lives in a big storage tub (He escaped from everything else. It's quite big, and thus well ventilated). Anyway, I ran out of wood shavings a couple days ago and used some shredded paper towels for a temporary substitute. We live in a small town, so no pet store. And the store that we usually buy from has been closed every time we go by. So I was wondering what substitute I could use untill I get restocked? Shredded paper towels didn't last long.

    Also, I was wondering if there is any reason that you couldn't just use hard packed soil and then use something soft for their bedding in their nest area? If it wasn't dusty or muddy?

    9 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Got inspired...What breeds do you see in my dog?

    We know she is part labrador, and some people say she could pass for a purebred (which I don't believe). Anyways, she is 3.5 years old, very healthy, around 22 inches at the withers and weighs somewhere above 45 pounds but below 65. What other breeds do you guys see?

    (her first birthday. She had a canned dogfood cake...)

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can't get my horse to canter?

    So my problem is this: I ask for a canter and my horse trots faster. I give more pressure and he will either ignore me or trot a little faster. He doesn't respond to a tap of the riding crop either, and I really don't want to whack him into a canter. I don't want to just make him go faster until he eventually falls into a canter, so what can I do to ge it right off?

    19 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse problem/question?

    I have been riding a 6 year old mustang/arab (there are some othe breeds in there, but we don't know what) gelding for 3 years and now semi-own him. He used to have countless problems like biting and just being bratty and contrary. Now, however, he is a great horse: Willing, energetic, and well desensitized. I ride him in a hackamore w/ and english saddle. He is perfect on the trails except for one puzzling quirk. Whever I ask him to go intoa trot from a walk he will lurch forward in what feels like a cross between a buck and a skip, then go into his beautiful trot without further problems. He used to buck, and he never stpped until his rider was firmly planted on the ground. But there is no anger behind these jump/skip/bucks. And after he does it he acts as if nothing happened. Nothing has come of it, i.e. i haven't fallen off and it doesn't scare me at all. what should I do?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What alternative stuff is there for hamsters in Baja?

    I live in Baja and plan to get a hamster in the next day or two. I've had hamsters, but that was before when I lived in WA. Basically I want to know what tropical fruits are ok, like papaya and guava, and also if plain straw is good for bedding. Any information in general is appreciated.

    1 AnswerRodents1 decade ago