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Lv 44,200 points

emma m

Favorite Answers12%
  • Orbs? have you ever filmed and discovered them on the footage?

    whilst filming with a 5 mp camera on mobile phone i have picked up several large balls of light - some white and one blue. i wonder what your idea of what these might be.

    they move very fast - in and out of the frame in under a second (i don't have decent editing on my pc yet to look at frame by frame)

    we can see they are not reflected light.

    could this be dust? and if so why does dust move this fast?

    what other Earthly explanation could there be?

    I am spiritual and believe that at least one of these is not just dust,(its blue and it appears suddenly in the middle of the picture and then flys out to the side) but to consider this properly i'd like to know what other people who have captured these on video think they are. thanks

    6 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • antagonists of all denominations, or of none...?

    Would you be quite so rude, aggressive, childish and intolerant in your replies to each other and indeed, your questioning, simply because you have differing belief systems, if you were face to face as you do here on YA?

    it seems to me that the questioning is increasingly rarely anything other than one "group" trying to annoy another group - which is a shame as i am sure theres loads of people here who have a genuine interest in others perceptions and interpretations and not just spiteful arguing, perhaps that's all R & S amounts to here?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • sony ericsson cyber-shot?

    am i being dumb or should i take it back to the shop?

    the back panel is fairly difficult to get on and off and when i can finally get it back on it is not flush.

    think I am going to take it back but thought I would see if anyone else has had this problem.


    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How would you describe your ego?

    I mean from a personal point of view, not what you have been told to think - have a really good look at it - does it serve you? or does it destroy you? or maybe something else?


    Emma x

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is webascorpus????

    what, if anything, does it mean when you type two peoples names into google and the only thing that comes back from the search is a result from "webascorpus" and a load of numbers and words...??


    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Audi A3 Electrial wiring problem?

    we think the earth points in my car (1997 Audi A3) have failed as the elec. windows, sunroof and fan are not working - the haynes mannual indicates that the earth points E1 and E2 could be the ones causing the problem - its just we can't find them... !! Anyone got any ideas as to where they are or if there is a diagram online or in any manual - the car is not worth the cost of taking it into an audi garage to fix.

    thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • are you happy knowing that the bible has been adulterated from its original form?

    i read recently that in AD 325 Constantine the great along with his mother, Helena, deleted all references to reincarnation from the bible - how much more has been taken and/or added...and how can you be comfortable in the knowledge that you follow the path laid down by God but dug up and re-routed by man & woman (obviously!) .. surely the truth is the quest.... or is this simply similar to the recent changes to the koran to make it more acceptable to the modern world? or manipulation?

    your thoughts?



    Oh and btw please, no childish battles about your chosen religion, just your thoughts on this... if you have any.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • early pregnancy and insomnia?

    i am only 5 weeks pregnant - all the usual symptoms etc.. however, i seem to have become an insomniac - not every night but occasionally... i go to bed as am totally shattered and then stir - and wake up and begin to feel sick and then, as tonight, think i may as well get up as lie here tossing and turning feeling sick... anyone else had a similar experience in early pregnancy?

    thanks in advance

    emma x

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • WOW world or warcraft.. dumb mum.. please help!!?

    my son has asked for a gaming chair for xmas - he plays world of warcraft as if his life depended on it! ;-)

    is it possible to get an upright gaming chair - as if to sit up to a computer desk.. or are they all low down rocking type things??

    i believe you need access to your keyboard to play (???) so one of the recliners wouldn't be much good would it?

    what do you think?


    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • do you believe YA is truely representative of what humans are really all about?

    especially in R&S .. i can't figure out who is the most antagonistic..

    where is the LOVE


    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslims....confusion????

    I am not muslim.

    Is anyone else confused with what Islam stands for??? is a muslim an islamist? are islamist's the "radical" group?

    we know pretty much where we stand with other world religions is it time the Muslim council of GB stood up and was clear about what they do and do not support....

    and will the people they represent stand by this. for instance- i heard a member of said council and i understand a religious leader, being interviewed about the facial veil and in his learned opinion - there was no reference to women HAVING to wear it. he said one aunt or second counsin or mother-in-laws camel wore one in their book so then all these women want to be like her... but he said he thought it an un-necessary componant of the religion.

    it seems like so long as you bow to the East 8 times per day - you can interpret the rest as you please!!

    i am sorry if my ignorance offends - but i am terribly confused and hoping to have a little clarity. thanks. x

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • psychic???????

    have any of you had psychic experiences and then decided that you would a/burn in hell b/ be sent to the loony bin c/ turn into a haggard old witch or d/jesus said don't so i didn't ....

    or is it that ppl who shout down psychics have actually no nurtured gift themselves and as someone else so succintly put it in another answer - can tell you all about swimming have read about it in a holy book, and indeed this book says back stroke is evil and so anyone who does it is evil - but they themselves have never even dipped in a toe...

    i am curious .. :-)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • christian?

    i have to say that i would expect someone who calls themself a christian to be as christ like as possible - and yet there seem many YA contributors who choose christainity as a "side" or "team" and do not sound at all like Christians at all.. or is the Christ they follow a stubborn hypocrite?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Past life and reincarnation .... ???

    do you believe? have you memories or deja vu occassionally?

    or do you think we are here just once?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When God created man... was She just joking?

    i have a feeling she was.... ;-)

    and why have we women allowed this world to become run by these silly creatures....Oh I love men, i love mine the most, but they are just so so stupid.......

    yes yes, we women are crazy ..... but honestly.... men eh?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do amercian christians think that sex is bad?

    i am confused, it seems that you all think that sex is a bad thing, a sin, even, - i realise we are each entitled to our own opinions and beliefs - and mine is i think God made sex feel good, because it is a good thing. it is a gift.

    maybe i am wrong and you guys all like sex to - hmmmm ????

    (please do not be offended if i am wrong in my assumption that the answers i have read are not from Amercian is an assumption only, due to the language use )

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • if life is just an experience NO LESSONS - what is it you'd truely like to experience?

    so.. for the purpose of this Q ... you are here on this planet to simply experience "stuff" ... there is no attached lesson nor praise nor punishment - just your choice to create what ever you choose.. for you ... what would that be

    and why ?

    oh, and please do not quote books or others in any way - this is about YOU!

    thanks.. :-)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago