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  • Why do my comments about China always disappear within minutes?

    Comments about China which are critical to the country, it's people, or relations always disappear within minutes of posting. If you look at news stories about China, there are never any critical or harsh comments, only positive comments.

    This makes it very obvious that:

    1. Yahoo news co-operates with the Chinese government to censor comments and news.

    2. Yahoo news is censored by the Chinese government without the knowledge of Yahoo news.

    3. Either scenario is very disturbing but at least one MUST be true.

    Which one is it?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • In Copenhagen we are NEGOTIATING whether there was actually global warming?

    " This decade has VERY LIKELY been the warmest in the historical record, and 2009 will PROBABLY end up as one of the warmest years, the U.N. weather agency announced Tuesday at the second day of the 192-nation climate conference in Copenhagen.

    In some areas — parts of Africa, central Asia — this will PROBABLY BE the warmest year, but overall 2009 "is LIKELY TO BE ABOUT the FIFTH-warmest year on record," said Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization.

    The decade 2000-2009 "is VERY LIKELY TO BE the warmest on record, warmer than the 1990s, than the 1980s and so on," Jarraud said.

    The data were released as negotiators at the two-week talks worked to craft a global deal to step up efforts to stem climate change. On Tuesday, delegates were digging into the DENSE TECHNICALITIES of "metrics" and "gas inventories," as governments JOCKEYED FOR POSITION leading up to the finale late next week, when more than 100 national leaders, including President Barack Obama, will converge on Copenhagen for the FINAL DAYS OF BARGAINING.

    In Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged fellow Europeans to raise their bid on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to pressure the U.S. and others to offer more in the Copenhagen negotiations.

    "We've got to make countries recognize that they have to be as ambitious as they say they want to be. It's not enough to say 'I may do this, I might do this, possibly I'll do this'. I want to create a situation in which the European Union is persuaded to go to 30 percent," Brown was quoted as saying by Britain's Guardian newspaper.

    The European Union has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2020, compared with 1990, and is considering raising that to 30 percent if other governments also aim high. Government leaders will have an opportunity to make such a move at an EU summit this Thursday and Friday in Brussels.

    On Monday, when the climate conference opened, the Obama administration gave the talks a boost by announcing steps that COULD LEAD to new U.S. emissions controls that DON'T REQUIRE APPROVAL OF THE US CONGRESS."



    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Healthcare system wastes up to $800 billion a year, will the new system be better?

    A paper-based system that discourages sharing of medical records accounts for 6 percent of annual overspending. There are no funds in the bill to fix this, they are relying on the system to repair itself.

    Unnecessary care such as the overuse of antibiotics and lab tests to protect against malpractice exposure makes up 37 percent of healthcare waste or $200 to $300 billion a year. So we shoot all the lawyers to make this one work!

    * Fraud makes up 22 percent of healthcare waste, or up to $200 billion a year in fraudulent Medicare claims, kickbacks for referrals for unnecessary services and other scams. And the new bill won't have any fraud!! Wake up!

    Administrative inefficiency and redundant paperwork account for 18 percent of healthcare waste. The forms and paperwork involved in the new system will be several times the existing load.

    Preventable conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes cost $30 billion to $50 billion a year. So we shoot anyone who is in danger of becoming diabetic?? or overweight??

    "The average U.S. hospital spends one-quarter of its budget on billing and administration, nearly twice the average in Canada," reads the report, citing dozens of other research papers. Thanks to existing Government regulations, and nothing in the new bill changes that.

    American physicians spend nearly eight hours per week on paperwork and employ 1.66 clerical workers per doctor, far more than in Canada," it says, quoting a 2003 New England Journal of Medicine paper by Harvard University researcher Dr. Steffie Woolhandler. And the bill does nothing to change that.

    So where are the real savings coming from? Not from the B.S. our government is spewing out, thats for sure!

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Global cooling was caused by Meteor Impacts, are we really warming?

    Now that several findings have shown that the ice ages were all caused by Meteor impacts and possible massive volcanic activity (possibly caused in part by those impacts), are we in fact, returning to normal global temperatures after an abnormally cold epoch rather than experiencing abnormal global warming?

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • where can I buy a Porsche Cayenne maintenance manual?

    I need a 04 Porsche Cayenne maintenance manual, where can I beg, Buy, Borrow, or steal one?

    6 AnswersPorsche1 decade ago
  • Do Honda dealers think customers are morons?

    I have just returned from my local Honda dealer where I was told that "since winter is over the air in the tires will have to be changed for use in the summer, cost $7 per tire".

    Next I was told that the entire tail light assembly would have to be changed because the brake light was not working, changing the bulb was not an option.

    They quoted me $800 for shocks and struts, parts only, and said it would take 4 days to do the work.

    Are all car dealers thieves and liars? Or just Honda?

    Why does Honda not provide a contact email?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is The Economic aid package nothing more than a hand out to the drug industry?

    Pfizer, one day after the $68 billion megamerger with Wyeth, both drug giants, are spending millions to lobby congress and support Representative David R. Obey, the prickly Wisconsin Democrat who is chairman of the Appropriations Committee and has spent 40 years in Congress as a champion of federal spending.

    First we have the auto industry asking for billions, now we have drug companies, already the most profitable in the world, getting many times as much and not even publicly asking for it.

    Is this corruption Chinese style or what??

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • many years ago there was a TV series about a priest who became very powerful and worked with the mafia?

    I seem to recall that the series started around WWII and continued through the present day (about 20 years ago). I do not remember the name of the young actor playing the priest but he looked like Christopher Reeve, although it was not him. Can you tell me the series name and who the actor was?

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Detroit Bailout Is to Bring On U.S. Oversight / In Hard Times, Russia Moves In to Reclaim Private Industries?

    What is the difference between Washington's moves and Moscow's moves. Is there any, should we be content using the same tactics so pleasing to the old Soviet Union while claiming to be a "free market economy"

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you think the severe anti business attitude of the incoming Democratic administration will cause a depressi?

    The Democratic controlled congress and the incoming Democratic administration are drawing a line in the sand with their refusal of support for the American automobile industry. This indicates to the business world that the Dems are refusing to help the American economy by helping save American jobs, clearly signaling the Democrats acceptance of a Depression for America and probably for the world.

    Can anyone tell me why this idea is wrong?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is President elect Obama doing what he does best?

    With the G20 group meeting in Washington going on and decisions being made for economic recovery, where is Obama?

    "With Bush only two months away from leaving the White House and his successor Barack Obama choosing to stay away from the Washington meeting, talk of the summit launching a top-to-bottom overhaul of global finance had been tempered."

    Is he staying away so the situation gets worse and then he can play superman by stopping it after taking power? A highly questionable tactic, playing with the lives and economies of the world, destroying the lives of millions, just so he can look good!

    Or is he doing what he has always done, letting others make the decisions, then taking credit for it?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now that the truth is known, don't you feel shamed to have quoted him?

    The "Top McCain Advisor" was a fake and hundreds of you quoted him and asked/answered questions based on his fake information, are you shamed or do you just not give a ****?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • On Nov. 2, 1976, former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter defeated Republican incumbent Gerald R. Ford.?

    Now, 32 years later we are about to replay history. We are about to vote in a socialist Democrat as a knee jerk response to an unpopular Republican. Will Obama look the same after four years of whining, sniveling, spineless, "socialist reform" and "redistribution of wealth" that characterized the Carter administration.

    Will Obama gut the military, create an atmosphere of spineless verbiage, and witless response to middle eastern extremism. The exact atmosphere that allowed the Ayatollah Khomeini to rise from near obscurity to become the leader of fanaticism and the origin of the terrorist problem we have today?

    Will Barack Hussein Osama put us in the same position again with his pandering to every special interest group in the world. Will his acceptance of millions in donations from middle eastern countries, China, Russia, and Chicago gangsters place him in a position to be beholden to all?

    We will find out will we not!

    What do you think his presidency holds for America? Be specific, and no preaching, I want to find out if we can expect another Jimmy Carter before I place my ballot in the box.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does the New York Times really make money only by being negative on everything?

    All the NYT from the last month. Does the NYT really want America to fail, just so they can sell newspapers? Have they ever printed a positive story?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A reply to "Joe the Plumber" an echo of my own life, what do you think ?

    This is the real reason why you don't want to vote for Obama. He just doesn't understand.

    Given the furor about “Joe the plumber” I’ve written an open letter to Mr.

    Obama myself. I think it is worth the read. Maybe if Americans could take a closer look at what a small businessman is, they wouldn’t want politicians penalizing their success. Feel free to forward it if you want…


    Mr. Obama,

    Given the uproar about the simple question asked you by Joe the plumber, and the persecution that has been heaped on him because he dared to question you, I find myself motivated to say a few things to you myself.

    While Joe aspires to start a business someday, I already have started not one, but 4 businesses. But first, let me introduce myself. You can call me "Cory the well driller". I am a 54 year old high school graduate. I didn't go to college like you, I was too ready to go "conquer the world" when I finished high school. 25 years ago at age 29, I started my own water well drilling business at a time when the economy here in East Texas was in a tailspin from the crash of the early 80's oil boom. I didn't get any help from the government, nor did I look for any. I borrowed what I could from my sister, my uncle, and even the pawn shop and managed to scrape together a homemade drill rig and a few tools to do my first job.

    My businesses did not start as a result of privilege. They are the result

    of my personal drive, personal ambition, self discipline, self reliance,

    and a determination to treat my customers fairly. From the very start my business provided one other (than myself) East Texan a full time job. I couldn't afford a backhoe the first few years (something every well drilling business had), so I and my helper had to dig the mud pits that are necessary for each and every job with hand shovels. I had to use my 10 year old, 1/2 ton pickup truck for my water tank truck (normally a job for at least a 2 ton truck).

    A year and a half after I started the business, I scraped together a

    20% down payment to get a modest bank loan and bought a (28 year) old, worn out, slightly bigger drilling rig to allow me to drill the deeper water wells in my area. I spent the next few years drilling wells with the rig while simultaneously rebuilding it between jobs. Through these years I never knew from one month to the next if I would have any work or be able to pay the bills. I got behind on my income taxes one year, and spent the next two years paying that back (with penalty and interest) while keeping up with ongoing taxes. I got behind on my water well supply bill 2 different years (way behind the second time... $80,000.00), and spent over a year paying it back (each time) while continuing to pay for ongoing supplies C.O.D.. Of course, the personal stress endured through these experiences and years is hard to measure. I do have a stent in my heart now to memorialize it all.

    I spent the next 10 years developing the reputation for being the most

    competent and most honest water well driller in East Texas . 2 years along

    the way, I hired another full time employee for the drilling business so

    that we could provide full time water well pump service as well as the well drilling. Also, 3 years along the path, I bought a water well screen service machine from a friend, starting business # 2. 5 years later I made a business loan for $100,000.00 to build a new, higher production, computer controlled screen service machine. I had designed the machine myself, and it didn't work out for 3 years so I had to make the loan payments without the benefit of any added income from the new machine. No government program was there to help me with the payments, or to help me sleep at night as I lay awake wondering how I would solve my machine problems or pay

    my bills. Finally, after 3 years, I got the screen machine working

    properly, and that provided another full time job for an East Texan in the

    screen service business.

    2 years after that, I made another business loan, this time for

    $250,000.00, to buy anot her used drilling rig and all the support equipment needed to run another, larger, drill rig. This provided another 2 full time jobs for East Texans. Again, I spent a couple of years not knowing if I had made a smart move, or a move that would bankrupt me. For the third time in 13 years, I had placed everything I owned on the line, risking everything, in order to build a business.

    A couple of years into this, I came up with a bright idea for a new

    kind of mud pump, a fundamentally necessary pump used on water well drill rigs. I spent my entire life savings to date (just $30,000.00), building a prototype of the pump and took it to the national water well convention to show it off. Customers immedi

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I would like to draw my Social Security, but Obama wants to raise the taxes on it, why?

    I thought Obama was simply a socialist, but in reality he is just another "tax and spend" Democrat "Good Ol Boy".

    When I read up on Obama's voting record at his Illinois Senate website

    it weren't for the Democrats like Biden and Obama I would paying LESS on Social Security benefit taxes.

    They voted AGAINST lowering the taxes on Social Security benefits.

    Obama and McCain on their voting record Jan 2007, the first month of US Senator Obama.


    On 1/25/2007 vote on Senate Bill H.R. 2 , amdt 154 to amdt 100.

    To improve access to affordable health care

    Obama vote= NAY

    McCain vote= YEA

    Obama voted against improving healthcare.

    McCain voted in favor of improving healthcare.

    On 1/25/2007 vote on Senate Bill H.R. 2 , amdt 119 to100

    To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the 1993 income tax increase on Social Security benefits

    Obama vote= NAY

    McCain vote= YEA

    Obama voted not to eliminate tax increase for people receiving Social Security benefits.

    McCain voted to eliminate tax increase for people receiving Social Security benefits

    It didn't pass because of too many NAY's

    S.Con Res 21, S amdt. 473

    To save families from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) first by permitting a deduction for personal exemptions for purposes of computing the AMT.

    Obama vote= NAY

    McCain vote= YEA

    Obama voted against giving families a tax deduction for personal exemptions

    McCain voted for giving families a tax deduction for personal exemptions

    Social Security benefits:


    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama has spent >$600,000,000 but is no further ahead than he was at the start, McCain >$85,000,000, why?

    Why has marketing Obama returned so little for so much money?

    Is it because the people who will vote for Obama are only voting for him because of his political party or his color, but they just don't believe his message so you cannot sell to them for any other reason than race or political party loyalty.

    Is there something wrong with his message?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • “These people are supposedly liberal, but there’s a few in the neighborhood that, you go against their opinion?

    And you are looking for trouble.

    Is this what is wrong with the Democratic party. We have simply become the " New Racists" with an unwillingness to listen?

    The Democratic party supposedly is the party of Liberals. Liberals are those who are open to the thoughts and opinions of others, but not in this election! Just try to voice a dissent, they will rip out your throat and spit on your grave.

    Why is this? What is your opinion?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama raked in $9 mill last month at glitzy Hollywood fundraisers, incl one w/ Barbara Streisand performed?

    Prior to the last election Barbara Streisand notoriously announced her intention to "leave America and never come back if GW won the election.

    Well, guess what, she never even packed her bags.

    Her promises, just like other Hollywood performers promises and Osama's promises as well, ARE COMPLETELY EMPTY.

    Can you name a promise that was kept.?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago