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  • Are menstrual cramps a precursor to labor?

    I'm 36weeks 4days.

    So, yesterday I just felt "off" all day. EXHAUSTED, weary, no energy, almost like my skin just didn't fit right. I couldn't really pinpoint any one thing that was wrong, just everything... I was staying nice and hydrated though and keeping my feet up.

    Anyway, when I would lay down to rest, and went to bed lastnight I had a few cramps. But I didn't really think much of it.

    Now, I'm getting them again. They aren't round ligament pain. It isn't pressure (though I've got that too!). It feels like period cramps. Every now and then, a sharp pain in what feels like my vagina (though, at this point, it could be VERY low in my uterus).

    I've had BH contractions, but they've always been in my upper uterus, so I don't know what contractions feel like in my lower uterus.

    Anyone else experiencing this? Is this a precursor to labor? More BH contractions in a different place? Or just more uterine "stretching" (though, seriously, at this point how much bigger can the damn thing get?!)? :)

    Thanks ladies!

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Why would a landlord limit the amount of time a guest can stay with a tenant before being added to the lease?

    I am a landlord, I currently own a property that has 3 roommates living in it.

    It has recently been brought to my attention that one of the roommates/tenants girlfriend has been sleeping there every night. This is causing problems for the other tenants since she is using more electricity, water, & gas in addition to taking up common areas to study.

    This leaves me with several questions:

    1. I know that many landlords restrict the amount of time a guest can stay before they must be added to the lease (30 days, 5 days a week, etc.). My question is why? Why would a landlord care if they are on the lease or not as long as the rent is being paid?

    2. Should I interfere in this matter or let the tenants work it out for themselves? Part of me feels like this is a "roommate issue" and I don't want to get in the middle of it. But I just want to make sure that I'm not dropping the ball on something that I need to handle.

    3. The lease I drew up for them did not include anything about the amount of time guests can stay, is it too late for us to even address the issue now?

    Again, I want to make sure that I'm taking care of any issues that my tenants might have, but I don't want to get into a dispute that has nothing to do with me. At the same time, I don't want to put myself in jeopardy if there is a reason that I should limit the length of time that a guest stays.

    Thanks for your help!

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • tenant rights- can my friends landlord do this?

    My friend is renting an above garage apartment from someone. SHE NEVER SIGNED A LEASE OR GOT ANYTHING WITH HER RULES. All of her utilities are included in her monthly rent. My friends mother came in from out of state to visit (she is elderly and doesn't travel often, so she has been here for a month.) Her landlord is now threatening to either kick her out or make her pay $200 more every month for her mom for the use of the extra electricity. (her mom is leaving next wed).

    What are her rights as a tenant? Can her landlord enforce rules not agreed upon before hand? I know that a lease protects the tenant and the landlord, but what happens if there isn't a lease agreement and they have problems?


    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Looking for suggestions on feeding my dog a homemade diet?

    We have been feeding our dogs Blue Buffalo Wilderness dog food forever. But occasionally if they have tummy upset, we will switch them to chicken and rice for a while.

    I did this several weeks ago and they loved it. But since then, they won't really eat their dry food. I have to practically beg them to eat it. I tried the old "if they get hungry enough, they will eat" method, but that didn't really work out so well.

    Anyway, my husband and I have been talking about switching them to a homemade diet for a while so I've been doing some research. I believe that feeding them organic and human grade food will be better for them in the long run and I KNOW that they will love it. But I still have some concerns.

    I know that dogs that eat hard food rather than soft food have better teeth because the breaking of the food, naturally cleans them. I also worry about them getting all of the added nutrients that they need (healthy fats, sodium, vitamins, etc.) that are already packed into the dry food.

    And then, I've considered mixing the 2. Doing half homemade and half dry food.

    I'm looking for some suggestions, ideas, tips, etc from other dog owners that have done or considered this. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How to address the issue of splitting the cost of my friends bachelorette party?

    I'm the MOH for my friends wedding. Her bachelorette party is coming up, and I have planned out everything. In the past when I've been in a wedding, everyone just KNOWS that they are supposed to pitch in and pay for the bride on her bachelorette party. (Taking turns buying drinks, splitting the cost of her meal, etc.)

    However, this is the strangest group of women I've ever encountered (with the exception of one). They have done nothing but complain about the cost of everything associated with the wedding! Their dresses, hair, makeup, etc. And these ladies are NOT living paycheck to paycheck either!

    So, how do I eloquently address the issue of paying for the bachelorette? Just say something like "We all want Sally to have a wonderful time, and not pay a dime, afterall, this is her night!" Or should I just leave it alone?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used the peel and stick wall decals outside on a vinyl fence?

    Did they stay? Do they make decals specifically for outside?


    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Have you used this ultrasonic anti dog bark unit?

    Has anyone used this item in particular?

    There are several dogs in the neighborhood that get out there and have bark-athons. And their barking excites my dogs so then they bark! I really just want to prevent my dogs from being a nuisance. I've tried the Bark-Off (the one that they show on tv) but it didn't work at all!


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What can be done for a cracked bone?

    A couple of days ago I was coming down the stairs when my dog ran right underfoot and tripped me. I fell down several stairs, slamming my shin on the edge of 2 steps at the same time. It hurt like CRAZY right when it happened but I could walk on it so I figured it was just bruised. I elevated it, took some tylenol, and put ice on it.

    Now it has been a few days and it still hurts. I can walk on it but sometimes it just aches. It's not swollen but there are a couple nasty looking bruises on it. I figured that I would just keep taking ibuprofen but my mom is concerned that there might be a small fracture in the bone and wants me to see a doctor.

    But my question is, ... what would they do if there WAS a small hairline fracture? Is that something that they would cast (like a regular broken bone) or just give me some meds and tell me it will heal itself? I know there are some breaks they can't really do much about (like broken toes).

    Thanks for the help!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Since getting a new puppy I feel like the "bond" between me and my other dog isn't as strong?

    A few weeks ago we got a new puppy. Our 1 year old female dog is doing great with him! They play together, nap together, share toys, share treats, eat out of each others bowls, etc.

    Before we brought him home I had a very close bond with our older dog. She and I were pretty connected. If I thought "sit" she did it. She loved nothing more than to be with me, where ever I happened to be.

    I knew that bringing him home would have an impact on our lives so we have made an extra effort to set aside special time with her (playing/training/walks while he naps, etc.) so that she doesn't feel "replaced". But, I've noticed that she has matured SO much in the last couple of weeks. And in that process, I feel like she is pulling away from us a little. Like, napping on the floor instead of the couch next to us, and not being as affectionate, among other things.

    Is this common? Any suggestions on how we can get that bond back?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog is developing aggression towards kids. How do I fix this?

    I have a 1 year old mini schnauzer that I have had since she was 10 weeks old. She has been highly socialized her whole life, I take her everywhere with me. The goal has always been that she eventually be a therapy dog (and her test is coming up in a couple of weeks) so I have been vigilant in exposing her to lots of people of different ages, races and backgrounds. Kids, elderly, disabled, etc. In addition to this, there are several children in our family that she knows, loves and enjoys very much.

    However, about 3 months ago she got hurt (not by a child) and as a result had to have 2 of her toenails removed at the bone. Shortly after the bandage came off she was playing with the kids in the back yard. There was a new neighbor boy over that she had not been exposed to previously. I noticed that her toes were bleeding, so I figured that maybe she was just being a little too rambunctious so early in the healing.

    However, since that night, every time she sees that boy she lunges, barks and shows aggression towards him. For a while, it was only him but as time has gone on, I've noticed that she has begun to have that reaction towards unfamiliar boys in that age range. I've asked several trainers about this and the only conclusion that we can come to is that she associates rambunctious boys (around 6 years old) with being in pain.

    But my concern is, how do we fix it? Her reaction is much more "fear" based than "aggressive". She retreats from them, tries to avoid, and then will lunge when they walk away.

    I CERTAINLY don't want her hurting someone (and she is NEVER left alone with children), but I also know that being afraid is a terrible way to live. I don't want her to progress in her fear and aggression. Please help.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you have more than one dog?

    We currently have one dog and we are discussing getting another one. My little girl (dog) is my baby and I love her to death. I know that dogs are pack animals and that she probably needs a furry family member to keep her company & play with her. I know that we would love a new little addition to the family and that it would just double our joy.

    But we really enjoy being able to take her places with us and worry that we wont be able to do that as much if we have two of them. I also enjoy being able to snuggle with her on the couch while watching tv & playing with her special toys. And I wonder if we will lose some of that when she has to split our attention.

    Do you have more than one dog? How did you feel before getting the second (or third)? Did you have any problems bringing a new dog into the home?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If there was a sex offender living in your neighborhood, would you want to know?

    I just discovered this morning that a registered sex offender moved in down the street from me. The info on my states R.S.O. website only says that he was "registered as a result of an out of state conviction". I know that people can be put on the registry for a multitude of reasons and I don't want to over react, but I have neighbors that have children, and even a couple females that live alone. I, personally, believe in being aware of your surroundings and being cautious. But I know that some people would rather not know.

    Would you want to know? Should I tell my neighbors or just let it go?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used the pet doors made for sliding doors?

    I'm interested in getting a pet door for our sliding glass door but I don't know anyone that has one. Like this:

    Do you like it?

    Does your dog use it?

    Did you have a problem getting your pet to use it?

    and most importantly,

    Does it lock for security?


    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Need Legal Advise- Paid a Contractor for a job they didn't complete.?

    **I apologize in advance for my long winded question!**

    We hired this company to come out to paint our house. When they arrived to give us an estimate I told them that I wanted several different prices because we were going to do some things our self. What would it be to paint just the interior? Just the exterior? Both? To put down laminate flooring? etc. "Danny" gave us a written estimate of $650 to paint the entire interior. We even emailed him later to confirm that was the price, to tell him that was what we wanted & to ask a few additional questions.

    However, once they were there working, he tried several times to ask for more money from both me & my husband! He even tried to guilt trip my husband into paying him more money than what was written on the estimate. He said that he thought they were getting the entire job (interior & exterior) & that the price of $650 was a package deal. However, he never mentioned that during the estimate OR in the email. (We have copies of both.)

    We supplied the paint because we believed we should, but we had stocked several paint supplies in our garage for US to use to paint the exterior. When we got to the house, we realized that they were using all of our supplies, so, we had to go out and purchase more. I would have expected a painting company to have brushes and rollers, & this was an additional cost that we were not expecting to incur.

    They coerced their payment from us under the guise that they would be finishing the job in the afternoon. Then they left, & left the job undone. They never returned even after we called them several times & even called their corporate office.

    They didn't finish the trim, closets or even the touch ups. They didn't replace any of the doors or shelves in the closets that they removed. They didn't pull off most of the tape & they certainly didn't clean up! They spilled paint on the carpet & laminate floors. They made inexcusable messes. Their work was sloppy & streaky. And to top it off, they went into our refrigerator & helped themselves to our drinks without permission!

    When they did not return to finish the job that they had been paid for I called the person I had been dealing with, "Danny", as well as the "office manager" & the *800 number listed on their website several times. I left voice mails at each number. I finally got a call back several days later from the *800 number. The person I spoke with said that he would have "Danny" call me back but he never did. I've called the *800 number back 3 times over the past week just to have him tell me the same thing. "I will have 'Danny' call you."

    I'm at my wits end. It isn't about the painting anymore. It is the principal of the matter now. We paid for a job that was not done satisfactorily, & wasn't even completed. So, my question is, do we have any legal leg to stand on? What action, it any, can we take?

    THANK YOU for your help!

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Need Legal Advise- Paid a Contractor for a job they didn't complete?

    **I apologize in advance for my long winded question!**

    We hired this company to come out to paint our house. When they arrived to give us an estimate I told them that I wanted several different prices because we were going to do some things our self. What would it be to paint just the interior? Just the exterior? Both? To put down laminate flooring? etc. "Danny" gave us a written estimate of $650 to paint the entire interior. We even emailed him later to confirm that was the price, to tell him that was what we wanted & to ask a few additional questions.

    However, once they were there working, he tried several times to ask for more money from both me & my husband! He even tried to guilt trip my husband into paying him more money than what was written on the estimate. He said that he thought they were getting the entire job (interior & exterior) & that the price of $650 was a package deal. However, he never mentioned that during the estimate OR in the email. (We have copies of both.)

    We supplied the paint because we believed we should, but we had stocked several paint supplies in our garage for US to use to paint the exterior. When we got to the house, we realized that they were using all of our supplies, so, we had to go out and purchase more. I would have expected a painting company to have brushes and rollers, & this was an additional cost that we were not expecting to incur.

    They coerced their payment from us under the guise that they would be finishing the job in the afternoon. Then they left, & left the job undone. They never returned even after we called them several times & even called their corporate office.

    They didn't finish the trim, closets or even the touch ups. They didn't replace any of the doors or shelves in the closets that they removed. They didn't pull off most of the tape & they certainly didn't clean up! They spilled paint on the carpet & laminate floors. They made inexcusable messes. Their work was sloppy & streaky. And to top it off, they went into our refrigerator & helped themselves to our drinks without permission!

    When they did not return to finish the job that they had been paid for I called the person I had been dealing with, "Danny", as well as the "office manager" & the *800 number listed on their website several times. I left voice mails at each number. I finally got a call back several days later from the *800 number. The person I spoke with said that he would have "Danny" call me back but he never did. I've called the *800 number back 3 times over the past week just to have him tell me the same thing. "I will have 'Danny' call you."

    I'm at my wits end. It isn't about the painting anymore. It is the principal of the matter now. We paid for a job that was not done satisfactorily, & wasn't even completed. So, my question is, do we have any legal leg to stand on? What action, it any, can we take?

    THANK YOU for your help!

    4 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why would my 7 month old puppy start drooling now?

    I have a 7 month old miniature schnauzer. She isn't a "drooler" by nature, but over the past 24 hours I've noticed that when she sleeps (and it is ONLY when she sleeps) she has been drooling -a lot. My initial thought is that perhaps she is losing a tooth or two, but I can't see any teeth that look loose.

    Other than the drooling she seems to be fine. She is still eating, playing and napping as usual. And nothing else has changed (no new treats, dog food, pets, etc.). I can be a little over protective so I wanted to get other opinions. I don't want to take her to the vet if it is nothing out of the ordinary. :)

    Thanks for your answers.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you let your puppy/dog sleep with you?

    I've talked to several people with different opinions on letting their dogs sleep in the bed with them. Do you? Why or why not?


    23 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My puppy likes to throw her toys off the bed. Is this a common "game"?

    My husband and I joke that she is a sociopath. When we get ready for bed, we put her (she is only 7lbs) and several of her toys on the bed. She takes them one at a time, over to the edge of the bed, chews them for a minute or so, and then dumps them off. Then she will stand there looking at them longingly and even growl or bark at them until we pick them up and give them back to her. Then she starts all over again. It's quite funny actually, unless its your turn to run around the bed picking up the toys.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. (It reminds me of when my little brother was a baby and would throw his bottle out of the shopping cart, we would pick it up and give it back to him, and he would throw it out again... and then giggle at you.)

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My new puppy and my moms "pack"?

    My moms family has a pack of 2 dogs and 1 cat. A very laid back, calm, affectionate black lab mix- 6 years old, a curious, energetic schnoodle- 2 years old and a very high strung kitten- 3 months old.

    I like to take my 4 month old puppy over there to play and get interaction with the dogs. She and the kitten have a great time playing, running, and play-fighting for hours. The schnoodle is very interested in the puppy and always wants to know what is going on but doesn't really get involved in the play very much. And the lab just pretty much leaves the puppy alone for the most part.

    But lately I have noticed that the lab with growl at the puppy if she gets too close to him. He likes to lay on the foot of the couch and sometimes she will run by or jump over him when she is jumping off the couch. He has started growling and sounds pretty fierce.

    I don't really know what to do. I'm concerned that she is going to get hurt, but at the same time, the lab has never been an aggressive dog and his behavior has become worry some. He hasn't snapped at or bitten her, just verbal warnings. And he doesn't act this way to her all the time, just after we have been there for a while and everyone has sat down on the couch to watch tv.

    Is he just a grumpy old man that wants her to calm down? I know that in normal dog packs, the elderly don't raise puppies, but he isn't considered "elderly" is he?

    Or is my puppy unbalanced and he is trying to fix it? How do I even know if she is unbalanced?

    What do I do? I don't even know which of them I should be disciplining when this happens.


    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Potty training my puppy, any suggestions?

    My mini schnauzer puppy is 16 weeks old and still not potty trained. I'm very nearly at my wits end!

    We got her when she was 9 weeks old and immedietly started working on house training her. She was doing well for a while (a couple of weeks) about going outside when we took her out and only had accidents when we "missed our mark". But shortly after we got her it started raining almost every day for several weeks and even when it wasn't raining the ground was wet and muddy. She wouldn't go out. If we picked her up and took her out, she refused to go no matter how long we stayed out there. (I don't really blame her, I wouldn't want to stand in wet grass up to my arm pits either!)

    After a week or so we finally realized that she would go potty in the garage, (our garage floor is finished and easy to clean) where at least she isn't ruining the carpet. And she is completely potty trained through the night, she sleeps in bed with us and wakes us up to take her out. But alas, I'm at my wits end! We put a bell on the door and ring it when we let her out, we ring it when we let her in, we give her treats for going potty where she is supposed to. When we catch her going somewhere she isn't supposed to go we "scold" her and show her the door (again, ringing the bell). I've put food in her favorite "potty" places in hopes that she will not go where she eats (however, she just eats the food and then goes potty there!).

    I don't know what else to do. I know that they say training the little dogs is harder, but it has been weeks and this is getting tiresome. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago