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Dallas, Texas! Can I Create something for you? also For God So Loved you that he allow his only son to die in your place. John3:16

  • Does any one understand?

    Lately the EU is getting awful brave in it's quest to dominate thinking it is better then others. What is next Jerusalem?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Waht is going to happen to American?

    <b> Do We Not SEE It! </b><br>

    9/5/2007 <br>

    Lately as I see the news on CNN or Fox and others I have noticed a trend going on in this country. <br>

    <b>A stealing or selling off of American Business and Social development has become an Issue. </b> <br>

    <ul>I do not believe my eyes or my ears when I hear that China is trying to buy US up and just maybe trying to kill off our children with bad toys.<br>

    I cannot believe that on CNN, I hear that the last few Presidents did not want NAFTA but <br>the European Union demanded we include the pact in the treaty.</ul> <br>

    Since when does another nation have the right to dictate to the United States<br>?

    What we can do and what we cannot do and more important where our boarders are<br>. Only God has that Right and no one else. <br>

    It is our soventy as a free nation I am speaking about in this letter to you. Have we as <br> People gone mad to allow our Government Officials to allow this to happen to us? It is almost treason! <br>

    <b>Why did all those young American boys die in all those wars we have fought for our <br> right to exist and to have Life Liberty and Freedom? Other nations soil has our blood in it ground yet we do nothing to correct the problem. How many must die again <br> before we learn that freedom has a high price and we should never allow any nation <br> dictate to us when we are all about. We are becoming puppets of the United Nations and European Union and China is really an enemy waging financial warfare on us. </b> Why are American Companies all running to Foreign investors to secure The American way of Life? <br> Do we not know it is becoming a Security Risk for our children? And the excuse that we are a lazy People is outrageous! It’s a Lie the rest of the world has bought into.<br> Yes I may sound anti E.U. or Chinese or even anti Mexican <ul>when the Mexican <br>President tells us that his country does not stop at our boarder. </ul> <br> <b>Of course it doesn’t when he and his predecessors have allowed Illegal’s to come across our borders and <br>infiltrate our national common wealth only to send it back to Mexico never to <br>bee seen here in Our national economy again. <b><br> What is wrong with us that we are that blind or just plain stupid.<br> Yes, I am hoping to get some people angry as to what is happening to US. <br> This Nation use to stand for allot in the world and now we cower down to others to make peace with them or some other enemy. <br>We have even tried buying them off in the past but that has not done any good for now. <br> Our Officials have even gone so far as to make Little Israel give their land away to the Palestine Government in order to appease the E.U. and Rome.<br> People WAKE UP before it is too late for you and your kids or grand kids. Your Freedom is at stake here! <br> I suggest for every Voting American to take the time to write their <br>Congressman and Senator and let them know how you feel about what is happening <br>to US as a peoples before someone else owns US and can tell us what, where and <br>when we can do or go. <br> Lets not leave this one for our kids to solve because we <br>are the ones who messed it up. <br>

    Thank you,

    Richard L. Campy


    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is God Located?

    After reading many articles on the location of Heaven and the plausibility of God physically being there I have concluded that...

    1. Heaven is a location beyond the know universe

    2. In a dimension not know but mathematically calculated

    3. In a general area of our sky to the North.

    4. Is a physical place where there are living quarters and structures with living beings dwelling there

    5. Is not bounded by limitations

    6. Is a perfect domain

    7. Has perfect order enforced in it with the perfect government and a family monarchy dwelling there capable of coming here.

    If this is so then the kingdom of God is the whole Universe?

    20 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone recieved a check from overseas and deopsited it and found out later that it was fake?

    Sale an Item over the internet and recieve a cheque or money order or even a US. Postal Check for an large amount. Deposite it in your bank and then find out later that it is a fake and the bank prosecutes you?

    2 AnswersDallas2 decades ago
  • Why is not art cherished in this county as it is in Southern Americas or Europe?

    The trend in the United States is to Look but do not buy unless you’re a serious collector and rich. In Europe it is to buy if able for it always increases in price when ready to sell again.

    In South America they buy to collect and pass on as family heirlooms to increase family wealth. So whats our problem?

    2 AnswersPainting2 decades ago