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♥Love stinks.♥
I'm Kayla. My age doesn't matter. I am a huge Twilight Fan! My favorite character no matter what is Alice Cullen! I love Rosalie, she's misunderstood and many people she is just a hateful hag but she's the way she is for a reason. I'm here to help not to find haters. I ask a lot of questions. Answer them please. I'm a nice person. Email me anytime.
An historical event that has changed our language?
Okay so I have to write an essay on an historical event that has changed our language. It can not be 9/11 because we used that example in class. Can someone please tell me one, and a link with some information about it. It would be appreciated. Thank you!
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoSexual things to do with your boyfriends other than sex?
We always make out and we need new things to do... we will go as far as anything... but not sex. So what should it be?
25 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMusicc? Death? Help!?
I am facing a death right now,(my best friend committed suicide.) Music helps me, can someone give me songs about that, to sing and stuff.
26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoTwilight Riddle??? Help!?
Yeah I know I am so stupid but I am on question 20 and I forgot to write down my answer so will someone please give me all the answers up to then?? Ugh.
2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoHelp Twilight Riddle?
I went here but how do I get to the riddle? I can't figure it out.
4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoHow do you get to level 3? ?
I have 725 points.... how many do I need to get to 3? What are some tips to get there faster? Also, how many levels are there?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoI have a great boyfriend but....?
Okay so last September I started dating this guy (that I practically feel in love with) but I seem to always break up with guys if I feel to close or to serious about them. I broke up with him on New Years Day, yeah I know I am such a jerk. Then he started dating another girl and they are always around each other and I have a situation where I can't just stay away from them. I love him so much and I want him back but I started going out with this other guy to maybe get over him and it didn't help. Now I feel like a complete idiot having a boyfriend I don't even like and not over my ex. What should I do?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow to "become" a Wiccan?
Hi, I have been researching and I know some people who are Wiccans and I feel that is the path I want to go down. When I researched it says that there are rituals that should be done to officially "become" a Wiccan. Is this true, and if so what rituals? Also some pages say you don't have to, you just have to feel a connection with the four elements. Earth,Water,Fire, and Air. I have always loved the Earth and respected her. Basically I need some help to get started. Will someone please help me?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow to "become" a Wiccan?
Hi, I have been researching and I know some people who are Wiccans and I feel that is the path I want to go down. When I researched it says that there are rituals that should be done to officially "become" a Wiccan. Is this true, and if so what rituals? Also some pages say you don't have to, you just have to feel a connection with the four elements. Earth,Water,Fire, and Air. I have always loved the Earth and respected her. Basically I need some help to get started. Will someone please help me?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHouse Of Night Series....?
I have two questions. When is Hunted coming out? Also, will there be any movie, is it absolute?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhen does the Twilight movie come out on DVD?
Does anyone know when Twilight comes out on DVD? I would really like to know.
9 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI'm getting my cartilage pierced....?
Is it safer to get it done by the gun or a needle and does anyone know some good places to get it done in Indianapolis.
10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoI'm doing a very short paper 1-2 pages on Mexico?
I know this paper is very short but I can't find much information on Mexico. Can someone please give me links with facts about Mexico? I have already been to the CIA World Factbook.
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoI'm doing a very short paper 1-2 pages on Mexico?
I know this paper is very short but I can't find much information on Mexico. Can someone please give me links with facts about Mexico? I have already been to the CIA World Factbook.
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoDeath????? How? And How long?
So I'm wondering how do you handle death? hat do you do to cope with it?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoOne more time. Cutting?
So this is a very hard question to ask random strangers so pls take me seriously. I have been cutting myself for at least a year now. It's hard to look at the scars and it's just a habit I can't stop. I tried putting a rubber band on my wrist and when I feel the urge i snap it. But that never works. Can someone pls give me some help how to stop?
I said this in my last question and I got a lot of answers but they all told me to get help. I want to do it myself. So no1 knows. Something that makes me just not want to. I'm 13 and I started after something very hard to deal with when your 12 kinda thing happened. So now I have no clue. It will be 2 years in october I just don't know how to deal with it.
6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoHow do I stop cutting?
So this is a very hard question to ask random strangers so pls take me seriously. I have been cutting myself for at least a year now. It's hard to look at the scars and it's just a habit I can't stop. I tried putting a rubber band on my wrist and when I feel the urge i snap it. But that never works. Can someone pls give me some help how to stop?
12 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoTell me about your religion?
Will everyone pls tell me some stuff abut your religion. Atheists tell me why you don't believe in god. I didn't grow up with a religion but both of my parents grew up Catholic. I want to know some other options.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoRate these poems pls?
She says she's OK
But she cries her self to sleep
She say she has no secrets
But keeps everything hidden deep
She acts like nothing wrong
But I can see it in her eyes
She is unhappy with life
And it's the reason she cries
She pretends to be perfect
Smiling each and every day
But no matter how convincing
I never believed a word she would say
She says she feels good
But she's going insane
She tried to hide her feelings
But can't hide the pain
No one cares to see
They all believe what she says
Not what could be real
But i see past it
To all her silent cries
Past her fake smiles
And her well spoken lies
I know how she feels
And all her pain i see
I experience her life
Because that girl is me
the suicide note
is hardest to write
because you have to say goodbye
Now this girl was stressed
with bullies and boyfriends
she hate to burn
but her life was a thread
Now it's times to snip it
here and now
she wrote the note
she didn't know how
it said:
To my mother
i love you so much
to my father
you too
to all the haters
keep on hating me
to my boyfriend
and this is a silent cry
of a mistaken
suicide butterfly
will she see you in he**
because her final trip out
is leaving the station
She just wants to give you a final
5 AnswersPoetry1 decade agoRate me? 1-10.? Pls.?
I know a lot of ppl do this and post fake pics but I'm the one standing up with the peace sign. I think I'm ugly but my friend is telling me I'm not. She is standing over me makinf sure I do this. Funny huh? But ya pls rate me and be honest. What can i approve?
19 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago