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Favorite Answers25%
  • I wrong?

    Today is my 1st anniversary & my husband came home from work saying he thought really hard about this for "2 weeks," but couldn't think of anything to get me or do with me. He got me a pack of gum for Christmas - no kidding. The birthday was much better - a digital camera. Not because I need a gift, but because he thought about it & DID something. Valentine's sucked. I won't waste the space. Am I wrong to feel hurt & completely unappreciated? I spent hours & hours digging through photos of our 1st year & getting more printed, organizing them, & writing a caption for hundreds of pictures in an album. I put together a page of sayings about love & included that in the album with a hand-written note. As I sit here, he's showering & I'll be cooking dinner soon. As usual. Am I being selfish or wrong about this in anyway? Seriously. I need to handle it if I'm wrong. But I don't feel wrong...

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Please tell me what you know... (Virtual Assistant - Team DoubleClick)?

    This is a serious question and I would appreciate only serious answers (though I know that just opened this up to all kinds of answers! :). I have been offered a job with Team DoubleClick as a Virtual Assistant. This has been a lengthy process - testing, multiple interviews, etc... all by email or phone. Now they want personal information that could help them defraud me, if they are a scam. If you have any solid information that you can share, please do so. I want to know if this is a scam or not. I've done Internet research on them and do not find anything negative at all. I do find positive items, though who can really tell where those come from, right?? Any info you can share is most appreciated and I will come back to check and choose a best answer, so there's 10 pts in it for you if your answer is legit and helpful. Thank you!!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Take this job & shove it...?

    What would you say to your boss if you could walk in and quit your job RIGHT now? I'm going to do it, but in a professional manner with the proper two weeks notice. I thought it would be fun to fantasize for a minute about all of the things we REALLY want to say to our bosses! (:

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can an employer DO this?

    Is it legal for an employer to automatically enroll an employee in benefit coverage? 401(k) - yes. But medical coverage? Paperwork was given to a new hire and the employee did not decline or enroll in coverage because he already had medical coverage through his spouse's employer. His employer now takes a deduction from every paycheck for medical and says it is because he did not decline coverage. He was auto-enrolled and cannot drop or change his coverage until open enrollment a year from now. He didn't WANT coverage and is now PAYING FOR coverage he does not use. Paying twice - through his AND his spouses employer. As well, he has to let his other carrier know about the coverage, which potentially causes issues regarding who has to cover the treatment. It's a mess. Is it legal? Does the employee have ANY recourse? Or does he just have to pay for this all year when he never signed anything opting for coverage? If you have any input, please let me know. I appreciate the advice!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What do you like/dislike about MySpace?

    I don't have a page, but am considering one. Before doing that, I want to know if the hype is true... is MySpace as great as everyone says it is?

    Do you have any complaints about it? Things you want to do, but can't? The page layouts - good/bad? Etc...

    I want to create a page for a home-based business (to network), but have not done anything like it in the past and I'm not really sure what to expect. I'd like to hear good and bad points - anything you can offer is appreciated. Thanks!

    6 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • What's the one secret from your past you can't tell your mate?

    Everybody has a past. What is the one thing that you will never tell your mate?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What do YOU think - Is it believable?

    I'm a newlywed (5 months married). 1st marriage for both. Found out my husband registered on a site designed to find other people who live nearby and want to have sex. He says he was working, saw semi-naked women on a pop up & looked further. When he clicked to see more, the site said he had to register, so he did. That's it, he says. No intent to cheat. My husband likes sex. A lot. Not a surprise to me. Looking at porn once in a while MAYBE wouldn't bother me (but probably would - why lie?), but actually registering for a site specifically for finding people to have sex with screams CHEATER to me. Any other opinions are really welcome - I want some other points of view before I walk out of my marriage with my daughter, who adores her daddy. Advice? Thanks!

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do in my shoes?

    My husband's co-worker made an inappropriate call to him after hours on his cell (not the work cell). She got his # from his personnel file. I called her back, introduced myself & politely told her never to call my husband again outside of working hours & during business hours to use his work # if needed. I was civil & simply stated what I had to say then said thank you, good-bye. My husband works where we live. It's 2 weeks later & the co-worker reports another resident filed a complaint stating I yell @ her when she walks by. Not true. The woman is my neighbor & couldn't be nicer. She spoke with my husband about this & said it didn't happen - she never complained. Then offered to let management know that if we wanted. At this point, I've done nothing, though I am considering a formal complaint against the co-worker. She lied to retaliate because she didn't like me telling her to leave my husband alone. But that lie is on record & could affect my family's living situation. What to do?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is chunky monkey a joke?

    My husband of 4 months grabbed my backside while laying down & said "hmmm, chunky monkey." When he realized - two minutes later, that I was completely silent & still, he tried to play it off like he'd just had an uncontrollable urge for ice cream. So now he thinks I'm "chunky" & apparently stupid, if he believes I'd fall for his lame attempt to cover it up. It really hurt. Not because I'm sensitive about my weight. I'm 5'8" & weigh 170. Not tiny, but by no means out of control either. I'm hurt because the one person in the world I trust never to be so insensitive & hurtful to me said something that is exactly that. It made me feel completely unattractive to him. When I've never felt that way before. Ever. I tried to talk to him about it, but he insisted it was a joke, not meant to be hurtful, I should be okay with it & not "make it a long drawn-out thing." Just to add to the insensitivity. My husband is also a kind, loving & funny man. How do I make him understand? Or am I wrong? Help.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is this employer doing something illegal?

    Is it illegal for an employer to require employees to sign a form consenting to the following:

    1. Random searches of personal property, including vehicles parked in a company lot

    2. Notification when an employee is taking medication, prescription or OVER-THE-COUNTER. The employer wants to contact the employee's physician to ensure the employee can function in the workplace.

    3. Random drug tests if the employer smells drugs or alcohol, a co-worker complains, the employee has ATTENDANCE or behavioral issues, or the employee is involved in an accident

    An accident - fine. A supervisor's certain they smell something - a little scary, but fine. A co-worker complains - HECK NO! Attendance - um, no. Behavioral issues - okay, fine.

    But searches of personal property anytime they see fit?? Reporting every time one takes over-the-counter meds so that the employer can call the doctor??

    Am I crazy? Or is this outrageous and/or possibly illegal?

    Any advice is sincerely appreciated!

    12 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • We are both sick, what is wrong?

    My BF, age 31, has lost 25lbs in 3 months, has night sweats, is really fatigued and has a swollen gland on his neck. The dr's said the gland is not a concern. Also tested him for TB - doesn't have it. I'm so worried. What could it be?

    I'm 37 (in a week :) and have had intermittent bleeding and pain during sex for almost two months. As well as irregular spotting and stomach/pelvic pain at other times. I do not have cervical cancer, though I do have HPV (not the warts, but the virus in my cells).

    I have a history of cancer (Hodgkin's Disease). The only medical issues in my BF's family are cancer-related too. His nephew had cancer as a child.

    We are getting married soon and want to try to conceive right away. It has been a rough few months for us and we just want some answers. The doctors haven't been super helpful or informative.

    I'll thank those of you with helpful answers for your kindness now. It's appreciated!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What do you have if he's on top?

    a penisbutter & belly sandwich!

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Is it his size?

    This may bring TMI to a whole new level...beware...

    My boyfriend & I have been having sex for 3 months - on an almost daily basis. He is not too large in size, so I don't think that's causing the problem here, but I don't know.

    This has never happened before...

    For the last week, every time we've had sex (at least five times, nothing rough or out of the ordinary & no pain...) I bleed.

    I'm not having a period - nowhere near time & the bleeding is only there during clean-up (sorry!). It doesn't last any longer than while we are having sex.

    Is bleeding common? Normal? An indication of something more serious? Mostly, I want to know some reasons for bleeding during sex...are there any "normal" reasons?

    Not being gross - just a little scared. Thanks for sharing any experience you have with this.

    And for all of the ridiculous, rude & immature answerers I will inevitably hear from - thanks for stopping by. Now take your 2 points, move on, & smile. I will.

    18 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Wanted: Christmas Dinner Experts. Are there any out there?

    Calling all experts!

    Okay. So I'm cooking my 1st Christmas dinner ever. And it's the 1st with my boyfriend & his family. Gulp. I need help!

    1. Suggestions for really good dishes or treats to impress! Recipes welcome!

    2. How much does it cost (roughly) to make a Christmas dinner? We're having ham & turkey for sure. Some side dishes, making cookies & fudge, pies, drinks...

    3. How do I manage to make everything so that it all is done at about the same time? So nothing sits & gets cold or whatever...

    Freaking out here people. Help, please. I need to not blow this in front of my boyfriend's family. I'm not the best cook - I don't do it much & I've never taken on anything like this. So my only remaining question is should I heavily medicate before or after dinner? (: Or both?

    By the way, I need food and a beautifully-prepared meal for SEVENTEEN people who, did I mention, are all related to my boyfriend! Yikes. Thank you for any words of wisdom you can share...

    Happy Holidays

    9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • How do you associate a file type with an email attachment that won't open?

    Received an attachment with the WPS extension (word processing??). Anyway, I opened the folder options in the control panel and added the file extension - though I did not do any advanced work, like associating the extension with a program. I was not sure how/if I should do that since I never have. So the attachment still won't open. Help!?!

    Have a super holiday!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do you password protect an entire folder?

    Instead of protecting individual documents or spreadsheets, is there a way to protect the entire folder where you file them? I'm at work and our HelpDesk is off for the holidays. Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Have a safe & warm Thanksgiving!

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What choice would you make?

    You're dating someone for three months and have met and spent a little time with your mate's brother and sister-in-law, as well as the sister and brother-in-law, but nobody else in the family. The holidays are coming you make your first meeting with the family a holiday event? Or, instead, do you spend the holidays with your family since your mate has met them many times and has spent time with you & your family. Or, door #3, do you both spend the holidays with your respective families and maybe try to squeeze in some together time for the two of you?

    My boyfriend has invited me to spend Thanskgiving with his family. But I don't really know any of them, though I am comfortable with his brother, sister and their spouses. Haven't met the parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, and other family and everyone will be there. Yikes! It freaks me out a bit, but he seems to think it is a fine time to meet the family. Any thoughts? Any experience with this is so appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Possibly pregnant...Can you help with my questions?

    Oh gawd, the condom broke. Yikes! Okay so here's the deal... I've had cancer - 2 years of chemo & radiation. The dr's said I couldn't get pregnant. I went through menopause at 21 (again, yikes!), didn't have a period for 3 years, woke up one morning & had a period, got pregnant at 29 - wow! So here it is 7 years later & I don't have regular periods. But I have them. Which just means I get to go through menopause AGAIN. Oh, the joys of womanhood...

    As mentioned, the "protection" didn't exactly keep me safe. Fortunately, I am in a monogamous relationship with a man I love. It's all good. Neither of us are freaking out...much. But, I need to know if I am pregnant. I'm nauseous (could be b/c the darn thing broke!) & I can't rely on the missed period deal to indicate I need to head to the drug store for a test. It's only been 3 days - 3 very LONG days! (: How long should I wait & how soon can morning sickness occur? ANY advice or experience you can share is so very much appreciated. THX!

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What would you do if he left after?

    My BF & I went out & had too many drinks, but a good time was still had by all. Back at my place we had the best sex of our relationship.

    The condom broke.

    I freaked out...not in a meltdown kind of way...we were laughing about it & talking. One thing led to another & his ex-girlfriends came up. There aren't a lot - he's 31 & been with only 5 women. At one point, I let him know I'd heard enough. I tried to listen with an open, jealous-free mind for as long as I could. But, for the love of all that's holy, at some point I'd had enough. I was drunk, feeling weird about the condom & just tired of sitting there listening to it. To his credit, he listens to whatever I have to say about my exes.

    He went to lay down & I sat on my couch for a sec to make sure I didn't go to bed 'crazy' b/c of the whole night's events. I passed out. Woke up at 5am & he had left. Upset b/c I had "slept" on the couch. He felt bad when he woke up & I was gone so he left to make me feel hurt too?


    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Did you hear? Britney files for divorce!?

    Check it out on Yahoo home page...

    Who thinks it's about time? Gasp! They weren't destined for eternal happiness? What will happen to K-Fed now? The tragedy of it all...

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago