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Lv 617,415 points


Favorite Answers46%

Simply put, I love music, with a respect and a passion that often surprises even myself. After earning a degree in business and one in theory/composition, I now find myself able to do the things I love -- I love to play the piano, I love to compose -- I have a couple of things published -- and I make a living by selling Steinways. Life could be worse.

  • Has anybody heard anything about

    I just tried to surf there and my browser says they don't exist. Are they temporarily down, or are they going through the copyright hell again?

    7 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • My wife and I are attending a symphony concert this Friday?

    The first part of the program includes Beethoven's 4th Piano Concerto, with Emmanuel Bach (relatively unknown but a terrific pianist IMO) as soloist. The second half consists solely of Sibelius' 5th Symphony. I listened to it on line and found it to be his usual amorphous, sonorous, and pretty much pointless self. We plan to escape during intermission, unless someone can convince me that I should give Sibelius yet another try. Any takers?

    4 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Does anybody know the formula for the decal setting products?

    called Microset and Microsol? (These are products used to apply and set waterslide decals on plastic models).

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Need help finding notes.....................................?

    Can somebody give me the ocarina or kazoo tablature for "Solfegietto" by Carl Phillips and Emmanuel Bach?

    I'm desperate -- I need it for juries next month.

    10 points for best answer!!

    7 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Poll: Should the U.S. change its national anthem to "America the Beautiful?

    I vote "yea". I'd much rather sing about the beauty of the land I live in than about bombs and flags.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • In the spirit of Fierydog's last few fun questions...? 5 of your top picks for classical pieces that should never have been written, or that you could live your life without ever hearing again. (Fur Elise and Pachelbel's Canon do not count -- too easy).

    Mine will surely arouse ire among the advocates:

    1 Franck's Symphony in d minor

    2 Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto in Bb

    3. Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory"

    4. Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu

    5. Rachmaninoff's "Prelude in c# minor" op3 #2

    Honorable (or dishonorable) mention:

    Vaughan Williams' "The Lark Ascending"

    Mendelssohn's "Andante and Rondo Capriccioso"

    Phillip Glass -- anything

    Brahms' "Academic Festival Overture"

    Grieg;s Piano Concerto in a minor.

    Okay, fire away -- I'll duck.

    12 AnswersClassical10 years ago
  • Mr. Beethoven, please explain yourself!?

    Regarding his Sonata in Bb, opus 22, LVB said "Diese Sonate hat sich gewaschen". Literally this translates to "This sonata has washed itself". Obviously an idiom, but what does he mean? I am no expert in 200-year-old German idioms, but I take it to mean something in the vein of "That's the ticket!" or something similar, meaning he was pleased with it. I think this is one of Beethoven's most important utterances for those of us who are always trying to pry into a composer's aesthetic, even if it means the opposite of what I think it does. I think, for various reasons, that this sonata is among the crowning achievements of his early period, but what is your take on his enigmatic statement?

    4 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Classical music section, wanna have some fun?

    Then go to you tube and listen (for as long as you can stand it) to "Bella's Lullaby" and then to "A River Flows In You".

    You will notice right away that they are the same piece. But what is a real riot is to read the commentary -- these people don't even REALIZE IT"S THE SAME PIECE -- if it weren't so pathetic it would be hilarious.

    So now we have two pieces of music, one "by" Carter Burwell" and one "by" Yiruma -- my question is..

    Who is the original guilty party? Do we go after them both or just the original perpetrator?

    5 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • I oughta know that....?

    Drive time today, radio on the classical channel, just happened to tune it during the middle of an orchestral piece. After about 20 seconds I decide that the size of the orchestra, phrase shapes, harmonic language etc. etc. make this a Mozart work -- but I don't know it -- never heard it. The announcer chimes in at the end " .. and that was the overture to "Cosi Fan Tutti" by Wolfgang Mozart....". My reaction is shock -- "How could I not know this piece?"

    Have you ever been surprised by a piece of music that is obviously "in the canon" as it were, and you were arrogantly confident that you "knew 'em all" -- yet you had never heard it? own up now -- what was the piece and the occassion -- and were you as surprised at yourself as I was -- or am I just too insufferable? :-)

    8 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Which of the "great" composers was the worst orchstrator?

    As a companion to Alberich's question -- who wrote decent music, but was hamfisted, clumsy, amateurish, or had the worst sense of color and texture? And you can include ANY period, right up to today.

    My pick is Robert Schumann -- most boring symphonies ever written by a "great" composer, IMO

    12 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • A few Brahms Trivia questions?

    First an easy one:

    We know that Brahms didn't write his 1st Symphony unitl he was in his late 40's. But he attempted a symphony earlier but abandoned it . What became of that music?

    A little harder:

    What is the signifigance of the two mottos "Frei aber einsam" and "Frei aber froh", and what work of Brahms do we normally associate with the latter? (and whose motto is the first?)

    For the experts:

    In Brahms' motet "Schaffe in mir" (opus 29 #2), what is the relationship between the soprano and low bass parts?

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • The Mozart A Major Sonata (K 331)?

    contains no sonata-allegro mvt. The 1st mvt is theme and variations, the second a minuet, and the 3rd is the all-too-familiar Rondo a la Turca. Should we still call it a sonata? Why or why not?

    5 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Can somebody explain quantum entanglement?

    I have read explanations in the past, but some things are unclear (big surprise) to me:

    1. How do particles become "candidates" for entanglement? Were they somehow related before hand, or do they just have to interact at some point?

    2. They apparantly exhibit their respective behaviors without respect to causality -- how is this proven and how is it possible? ("we don't yet know" is an acceptable answer)

    3. How does this translate into the possibilty of "quantum teleportation"? I don't see or understand the flow of logic.

    I am no math whiz -- if you can explain it without math, great -- but if you must, be gentle with me. This is one of the most fascinating subjects I can imagine.

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • It has come to my attention....?

    that an answer I gave to a Beethoven trivia question was incorrect, yet I received a Best Answer. Being a man of honor, I am always willing to admit a mistake. Can you ever forgive me?

    I will make it up to you all with dilligently researched answers in the future.

    10 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • A guy walks into the psychiatrist's office?

    wearing nothing but cellophane. The doctor say "Clearly I can see your nuts."

    A guy tells his psychiatrist, "I can't decide if I'm a teepee or a wigwam". The doctor says "You're just too tents".

    A guy walks in to the doctor's office with lettuce in his hair, peas in his nose, a carrot in his ear, and tells the doctor, "Doc, I'm not feeling well." The doctor says, "Well, you're not eating right."

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • A man goes into a bar....?

    sits down and orders a beer. While he is sipping his drink he hears a small voice say "Nice haircut!" He looks around and sees nobody, so asks the bartender "Did you say something?" The bartender says "Nope -- not a thing". The man shrugs and continues to sip his beer. By and by the little voice says "Nice tie!". The guy looks around again, and asks the bartender, "Are you sure you didn't say anything?" The bartender says "No, man. Just washing these glasses". So the guy is a little freaked out now. He sips on his beer, all the while looking around him. Again he hears the voice. "Weredja get those cool shoes?" He slams his beer down and yells at the bartender. "Are you trying to drive me crazy or what?!!" The bartender says, "Of course not. Why would I do that? Why don't you relax and have some peanuts? They're complimentary!"

    23 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • According to an answer given in this forum...?

    The speeds of these objects were given as:

    Earth around the sun -- 67,108 mph

    Earth and sun around the Milky Way galaxy -- 559,234 mph

    Milky Way galaxy through space -- 1,342,161 mph

    I have no quibble with the answer, and I understand the first and second objects, but my question is, how do you determine the speed of our galaxy through space? What is the frame of reference? What fixed point is this speed relative to?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • What do you think are the particular qualities of the music of the "great" composers....?

    that sets them apart from the rest?

    F'rinstance, why are Beethoven's concerto's considered so much better than, say, Hummel's? What qualites set Mozart's symphonies apart from Schubert's? And so forth.

    More consideration will be given to answerers who employ complete sentences, and more importantly, complete thoughts, with opinions well supported.

    7 AnswersClassical1 decade ago