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  • Printer installation help please?

    I just bought a printer, and during installation I keep getting errors that tell me Cryptographic Services must be enabled. I've tried enabling it, and get an error saying Windows could not start Cryptographic Services on local machine. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? It's a Gateway computer running Vista, and an HP D1660 printer. And yes, I did verify this printer was compatible with Vista before I purchased it.

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • I've plateaued, so suggestions please?

    I am female, 37, 5'5". My highest weight was 240. Since my diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease, removal of half of my thyroid due to a tumor, and being put on thyroid replacement therapy, I'm down to 150. Yup, 90 pounds without changing my eating or exercise habits at all. Now, I've been at this weight for a year. So, I know it's up to me now. I clean houses for a living, so am on my feet running around all day. I also coach youth soccer, referee youth soccer, and play on an adult rec team. So, I guess it's going to come down to my eating habits. I honestly don't eat much, usually only one meal a day. I KNOW that's bad for me. I just don't get hungry. So how do I lose the rest of the weight? I only want to lose another 15-20. But I know my metabolism is likely stalled because of my LACK of caloric intake for so long. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Cat keeps throwing up, ideas?

    My cat is a 2 year old spayed, indoor female. Has had all shots. Took her to the vet Monday because she keeps throwing up everywhere. No fever, so he said she probably had worms, and gave her a wormer. Well, she's still puking. I called him today, he said it may be her food, an allergy, any number of things. It mostly looks like spit, sometimes with a little fur in it. She's throwing up probably 15 times a day, and doesn't care where she does it. Once this is over, I'm buying a new couch... Anyone had a cat do this, or have any advice?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Sticky non-custodial parent/child situation?

    Ok, my kids are almost 17 (in 2 weeks) and 13. I have full physical custody, the ex husband has joint legal custody. We divorced in 1997 in Arkansas, where we all still reside. According to the divorce papers, he gets visitation on Tuesday and every other Thursday, and at all other times agreeable to both parties. Neither kid was yet in school when we divorced, and those were the ex's days off. He also gets them on Thanksgiving in even numbered years, and Christmas in odd numbered years. That is the full extent of the visitation agreement.

    I have always been liberal with visitation, and allowed them to go whenever he wanted as long as we didn't have other plans. We're both remarried, and have one more child each. He is divorced again, but has full custody of his other little girl who is 8. I've never gone after an increase in child support, and he only has to pay $260 a month. He's currently only one month behind, but has been as many as 4. He pays to a court clerk, and she cuts me a check, we don't do it through the OCSE.

    He has always been rather mean. He has PTSD stemming from an armed robbery in which he was beaten severely. He refuses to seek help, and it eventually led to our divorce. He does things like make lists for everything, literally. I can still hear him in my head : "I brushed my hair, I put oxy on my face, I brushed my teeth, I shaved, I have a shirt on..." and on and on and on. All doors and windows are checked numerous times before he goes to bed. He used to put tape across the outside of the doors when he'd go to work so he could see if I opened the door or not. Extremely paranoid is putting it mildly. He's also an alcoholic who drinks a 30 pack in 2 days.

    Most of the time when he wants the kids, it's because he has to work nights (he works in a mill, sometimes 7p-7a, sometimes 11p-7a) and he wants them there with his other kid. He almost never takes them when he's not working. He doesn't take them to the park, or anywhere more exciting than Wal-Mart. He doesn't play with them, or allow them outside. Their role when there is to help him rearrange furniture, help him clean, babysit his kid, and be his best friends. He has no other friends. He tells the kids everything, even how much money he makes, how much his bills are, how much money he has.

    He has the kids on a strict diet while there too. They are allowed to share a Little Debbie if it's a 2-pack, they can have their own if it's a single. Then lunch is at precisely noon, and they can have 2 pieces of bread, one piece of bologna, and some mustard. Once in a while he will give them each a bad of the 30 cent chips, you know, the little ones. If he's feeling rich, he might give them another Little Debbie. Supper is usually a tv dinner, a pot pie, or a couple of frozen burritos. They are allowed one cup a day, and can drink water from the tap (ok, nothing at all wrong with that, honestly) Once in a great while he will buy them a soda. If they bring their own sodas, they can't put them in the fridge as it would mess up the order of things in the fridge.

    My son's best friend moved about a year ago. Many times he has called or come by wanting my son to go to his house for the weekend. I always say yes, that kid is like another son to me. Son will call his dad, and his dad will say 'no, I need you here to watch Courtney.' Well, Thanksgiving afternoon, Cole walks in the door. He wanted Josh to come to his house for the weekend. I said no problem, but Josh needed to check with his dad since it was his year for Thanksgiving. I should note, I dropped the kids off at his house the evening before, and he let me come get them, including his kid Courtney, on Thanksgiving morning. We invited him to dinner as well, but he refused.

    The ex said no. Josh hasn't been to Cole's since he moved. Cole always shows up on the ex's weekend. Mind you, he doesn't have weekend visitation unless I say he can. So, Josh decided to go anyway. His dad was furious. They have not spoken since. He called me yelling and screaming about me taking away his thanksgiving with his kids, and I had no right to tell Josh he could go.

    He got so mad he sent Kait (our daughter, 13) home Friday afternoon instead of keeping her all weekend like he'd planned. He also called in sick to work friday and saturday nights. Now he blames Kait for him loosing two days at work. He yelled at her on the phone and told her she was going to grow up to be no good like her brother. He called me and told me I am keeping the kids form him, and so he's not going to pay any more child support.

    I don't know what to do. Should I take him back to court over the child support issue, and ask to get the visitation reviewed while we're at it? Or should I make the kids go over there on Tuesdays and every other Thursday like the papers say, and tell the ex that's all he gets? Since he said what he did to Kait about her being no good, I haven't allowed the kids to answer the phone when it's h

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I have a 97 Dodge Caravan, the wipers come on at random times?

    I imagine I'm dealing with a ground problem, but where do I even start looking? The wipers will come on when I'm driving, when the passenger side sliding door opens, even when the van is off and key isn't even in it. I have a new battery, new alternator, and replaced the terminals on the battery cables too. None of that fixed it. (No, I did not buy a new alternator in an attempt to fix that, the old one went bad)

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • How can I remove dried glass paint from hair?

    My toddler decided to paint her room during the night, and she painted herself too. We got most of it off her skin, but it will not come out of her hair. It's a bunch, so cutting it out is out of the question. We've tried shampoo, several scrubbings, it does not work. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I make Outlook Express save my password?

    I always get the password box, and it's annoying. The 'remember password' box is unclickable. I've looked all through options and everything and still can't find where to make it save my password. Anyone? Not sure which version of OE it is.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • In Myspace Mafia Wars, is there a way to get reward points?

    Without using a credit card to buy them, or signing up for any of the 'free' offers? If not, is there any other way to get energy?

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • I'm in the mood for something cold and fruity to drink?

    Here's what I have on hand:



    one lime

    one grapefruit

    jug of orange juice

    a papaya



    green tea (leaves)




    I also have fresh mint in the garden, peppermint and spearmint, oh, have lemon balm too. I do have a juicer, blender, etc... What would you make with any or all of the ingredients above? I also have vodka and rum in case anyone wants to come up with an adult beverage, but I'm not a fan of either, they're here for company and the occasional sleep aid.

    7 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • What is going on? Answers is all wonky?

    In all the categories, all I can see is questions from 2 hours ago. Clicking home brings me to current questions, but that's the only way I can see current questions. I also can't search the questions posted in the last 2 hours, so I can't see if this has been asked a million times already. Probably has. Anybody?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Teens: I want to know what your attitude is towards the age teens begin having sex?

    I have two teens myself and I asked them this question: Do you think the age which teens are emotionally ready for a sexual relationship is a set age, or is dependent on the person? In other words, do you think that after a certain age, all teens are emotionally ready for sex, or does that vary with the individual? Do you think there are variations in that age according to the culture in which they're raised? For instance, the lower income kids here tend to engage in sexual activity earlier than those in higher economic classes. But, I'm not asking about the age in which they actually start, just at what age you feel emotional maturity is reached?

    23 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What does litre refer to in a gasoline engine?

    For instance, my van is a 3L, but they also make them with a 3.3L. I saw a truck with a 5.5L. Litres of what?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • I'm so exhausted with my 4.5 year old daughter?

    I don't know what to do anymore. Her full diagnosis is Global Developmental Delay with Moderate Mental Retardation. She's a perpetual 2 year old. And she acts like one. It seems like her mind is like a computer that freezes up, and then you have to reboot, losing all data you didn't save. I don't know how many times we've told her not to hold the cat by the neck; not to paint her walls, dresser, carpet, and self. I can't seem to get it through my 12 year old daughters head that the baby is smart in her own way, you can't hide anything from her. My 12 yodd is very into painting and crafting. I've had it to the point where I just threw out all of her paints because she leaves them in her room, thinking she can hide them from the baby. I'm so tired of scrubbing paint off the walls, carpet, baby.... I'm just so stressed. It's so difficult to get any kind of help. We've waited well over a year for the developmental doctor appointment. Is anyone else in my boat? Has anyone else been there?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does posting 'work at home and make thousands' and 'peer to peer lending' sites constitute spam?

    I've seen dozens of questions like 'what can I do to earn some money, I'm only 13' answered with links to sites where you sign up to do surveys for pay. I've read the fine print on many of those and they seem scammy to me. Most want you to register your credit card info, just so they know you are who you say you are. Yeah right. Like 13 year olds have credit cards anyway. So many people get sucked in by these work from home make thousands in your spare time schemes. I realize there are a few legitimate sites, I belong to a couple myself. Another is the 'I have bad credit and need a car loan' which gets answered with a 'peer-to-peer lending' link that wants all of your personal info including bank account info (so they know where to send the money) and social security number (so they can find you if you default) Are things like this considered spam on here? Do you report those kinds of answers as spam? I've considered it, but don't want to get a bad rep if some are legit.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • My neighbor built a fence, can I legally force him to...?

    Our new neighbors built a wood fence. The centers of the post are 7 inches from the property line. They built it 'backwards', with the ugly side facing us. There are rows and rows of nails sticking out on our side. Granted, these nail ends are still technically on their side of the property line. However, my kids play in the yard, and a stray soccer ball hitting the fence is likely to get popped, a kid trips and falls against the fence and injury is a certainty. Do we have any right to ask them to file or grind down the nail heads? We are in Arkansas.

    20 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What effects can demerol have on a breastfed baby?

    My sister was prescribed Demerol for post c-section pain. But she's a breast feeding new mommy! The baby has been in the hospital for 3 days now with vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. She's also lost almost a pound and was only 6 pounds to begin with. She's only 8 days old today. They've just now put her on formula, and are having my sis pump and dump. IF this does turn out to be why she was such a perfect baby who doesn't wake up at night and never cries (yes, that was sarcasm, there is something wrong with a lethargic baby) what lasting effects could she have?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Behavior changes in cats?

    We have an outside cat that comes and goes every once in a while. He was a stray that just kinda stuck around. He's never let us pick him up, and we've never been successful at catching him to take him to a vet. Normally, he's very sweet and will rub on your legs, as long as you don't try to touch him. Well, today I was standing on the porch, and he was rubbing my legs. I did not move. He went and laid down. Then all the sudden he jumped up, hissed, and clawed at my leg. Then he went and laid back down. He did draw blood. I've had a tetanus shot, just a few years ago. As far as I know this cat has never had any shots, unless someone else in the neighborhood has taken him in. He will hang out here for a few days then disappear for 6 months. Anyone know what to make of this?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do you think people who receive government checks should be able to vote?

    Welfare, social security, disablilty... are recipients of these checks too dependent on the government for their money to be able to fairly vote?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Christian wives: What would be your response if you caught your husband looking at porn?

    A friend and I were discussing this the other day. What would be your first reaction? Anger? Disgust? Would you feel like it is your fault? Would you say anything to him, or just pray and let God sort it out? I'd like to say I'd have the grace to pray first, then discuss, but I don't know. Our pastor preached on the topic Sunday last, and one of the things he said was that something like 62% of Christian men admitted to viewing porn, and 54% of Christian pastors admitted it.

    So, if you've been there, how did you react? Or is it just no big deal to you? If you haven't been in the situation, how do you think you'd react? It seems a lot of Christians have no problem with porn, and if you're one of those, that's your business, I'm not going to belittle you because of it. I'm just curious as to how you'd react.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Frontline question?

    Have any of you used Frontline spray on your cats? I've been using it for 3 months now, and it seems like the cats are scratching again around 20 days, but you can't use Frontline more than every 30 days. They are only indoor, and we got a flea infestation when we dog-sat for some friends while they went on their honeymoon. I've shampooed carpets, used Frontline as a spray on areas that can't be shampooed, and treated the yard just to make sure we never bring fleas in on our pantlegs or shoes. What other steps can I take to insure a flea-free home and cat?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago