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Some Lady

Favorite Answers17%
  • If you had a 20% chance of winning a million dollars (or your country's equivalent)...?

    Would you spend $100 to enter?

    How about $1,000, $10,000?

    This would be (hypothetically of course) a definite 20% chance, like, you and 4 others are competing for the jackpot.

    How much would you spend with these odds?

    Just curious, I was randomly thinking about this yesterday. I know it doesn't make any sense (what kind of contest would lose that much money) but just hypothetically.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Have you ever noticed that the more cliché your answer is...?

    the more thumbs up you get?

    Clichés are clichés for a reason =)

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I heard this song once, I think it's from the 90s, and I never heard it again, want help identifying it?

    It's about a dude that's stoned a lot and his girlfriend has apparently left him because of it.

    Has a line that says something like "I don't care if you come home, but if you do, please bring pizza". Anyone recognize this so I can find this song? I really liked it.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What's your favorite comfort food?

    Mine is grilled cheese and tomato soup.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Any Christians that smoke weed?

    I mean, God made this wonderful thing for us humans, medicinally awesome, hemp is great for making clothing and paper and all sorts of other things, it's a great relaxant, why not use it in moderation?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Reoccurring themes -- wondering how normal they are?

    Bathrooms -- as in, I'll need to go number 2 very very bad (tho not in real life, and no "accidents" as a result, like, I wake up and no longer need to go and didn't go), and I'll encounter a public bathroom at one point in my dream, and every stall is either without a door (so I'd be exposed) or completely nasty. I'll finally settle down on one of the exposed ones, thinking I'm alone, no one has come in recently, and then suddenly everyone is there all at once.

    Insanely late for work -- Another common theme is I'll be running late for work, or I'll go on a break at work - but a break involving driving my car, and I'll somehow lose track of time (like should be half hour break turns into an hour turns into 3 hours) and suddenly I'm in the middle of a crazy, two to three states over road trip, and have no idea how I'm going to get back in time, can't find a way to call in, and worry I'll lose my job. Or I'll dream that I get another job while I'm on break from the first one, then forget I need to go back to the first one.

    Things that are "closed" - Like, amusement parks (think 6-flags), or water parks, or malls, in the winter or late at night when they should be closed, but are somehow spookily open and I am in there, but have this terrible feeling like I shouldn't be there, but there are people operating most of the stores and or amusements, so I feel somewhat ok. This dream usually devolves into the bathroom scenario.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • Do you take pride in proper spelling and grammar?

    I do. Sometimes I mess up, as I'm human, but I do make a conscious effort.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Tell me about your dreams?

    Dreams are freaking cool. I also like how humanity in general tend to have very similar "weird things" happen in dreams.

    Are you a lucid dreamer? Do you dream in color? Do you have any recurring dreams? Do you enjoy dreaming? Do you have more nightmares or benign dreams?

    Just curious =)

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • This is my first time in R&S since becoming a Christian -- used to be an atheist, this is weird for me?

    I used to argue against Christianity vehemently as an atheist. And always thought that I would never be able to believe in God because I was too smart. But God (my belief) found a way to connect with me thru music (inexplicable knowledge of and urge to sing old-school church songs no matter how much I tried to block it out), and I found myself unable to not believe.

    I'm not a fundamentalist by any stretch, and even have some issues with the bible being taken literally (especially Genesis) but I still do have faith that the universe has a God, and He's loving and omnipotent (my thought is maybe God was the Big Bang, "designing" us by designing evolution, and the old societies just weren't advanced enough to interpret this right).

    It's a very weird position to be in, as I'm very intellectually-minded. My faith is strong, so nothing is going to change it, not even the trolliest of trolls or the "old-me-iest" types arguing against it will make me lose my faith. However, it did take me a long time to come back to Y!A r&s because of the polar shift in my beliefs.

    Anyone else have similar stories they'd like to share? Or any input at all, even from people who disagree, because that's how I used to be and certainly can see where you're coming from.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Developmental delays linked to Lexapro during pregnancy, anyone know about this?

    My daughter, while in perfect physical and psychological health, is experiencing some developmental delays. So much so, that the state is stepping in with their "Birth to Three" early intervention program, and practically giving away occupational therapy and speech therapy services.

    Examples of her delays:

    She doesn't walk, tho has been cruising for some time now, and can stand unsupported for up to about a minute (before she "realizes it").

    She doesn't say anything except for a very newly acquired "Hi" which I know is the actual word because of the appropriateness of when she says it, and mama and dada, tho mostly indiscriminately.

    She is slightly behind in general cognative functions, like some toys below her age level are kind of complicated for her (like the one where you push a button or twist a "key" and a figure pops up).

    I have heard that this can be linked with my taking Lexapro (under doctor's guidance and supervision) during my pregnancy. I've also heard that in these instances, the kids catch up and have no future problems due to this, which is obviously good news.

    Has anyone taken lexapro while pregnant and seen developmental delays in their child(ren)? Has anyone heard of or have more info on this?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • Has anyone else in their early 30's (30-35) had this epiphany?

    It just occurred to me that, being 30, I was 9 when my mom was my age. It kind of freaked me a little, because I very clearly remember being nine, and I know I don't feel like a "grown-up" even tho I am, I'm married and have an almost 2 year old daughter. It made me picture how I would handle a 9-year-old version of my daughter at the age I am now, and suddenly I got a huge appreciation for my parents. Wondering if they were just winging it too, even tho I always thought they knew what they were doing.

    Anyone else, especially newish parents, have this happen?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • When did you start trying sippy cups?

    My daughter will be six months old next Wednesday. I've been reading about a lot of parents who started their kids on sippy cups at about now. My daughter has just begun getting a pretty good grip on holding her bottle. My mother-in-law (who watches her while I'm at work) absolutely scoffed at the idea saying she was too young (not that it matters, she's MY daughter so if I decide to start her on them it wont matter what my MIL thinks), but now I'm curious. When did you all start sippys? What were your kids' reactions?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When do you put your 5 month old down for the night?

    I put my daughter down at around 6pm. She fusses for about 5-10 minutes then sleeps awesomely until about 8am (I know, I'm so lucky!). She also takes at least one 1.5-2 hour nap, usually two (one about 10:30 the other at 2. Just curious how far/close I am to the norm here.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mommy poll: how much did/does your four-month-old weigh?

    Mine went yesterday for her checkup and weighed 16lbs 6oz and was 24.5 inches long. She's a chubbster! How bout yours?

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 4-month-old daughter has a cold. Anything I can do to make her more comfortable?

    I've talked to my pediatrician (don't worry, that was step one). She said to keep her upright for sleeping (like carseat), get some saline drops to clear out her sinuses, and basically just keep her nose clean and give her lots of fluids.

    I feel so helpless because it's not like I can give her sudafed or robitusson for her symptoms. Any safe, home remedies to keep her comfortable and help with her symptoms besides those mentioned?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • where can you get the "disposable" nipples they give you in the hospital?

    They are the only kind my daughter will drink from right now, and I only have eight, which I've been washing and reusing. I'd like to be able to replace them, and not panic when I misplace one.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • GD, baby measured 6lbs at 33 week ultrasound. Will they induce me early?

    The doc actually used the word "Giant". He said they'd do another ultrasound in 3 weeks and discuss "delivery options".

    I know ultrasounds can be off a pound, but even then she's measuring a pound big.

    Please share your big baby/gestational diabetes experiences if you have them. Also, if your baby was bound to be big, did they induce you early?

    Also -- she's breech. Anyone have a baby turn around after being breech for two months, and when did they turn?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What's in the brown sauce that Chinese restaurants give you with the diet meals?

    I've always wondered this. You order steamed chicken with broccoli, which is absolutely disgusting without that mysterious sauce. What's in it?

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Survey: when are you planning on starting your maternity leave?

    I'm due Sept 14th and I'm planning on working until Sept 11th (the Friday before) provided, of course, I don't go into labor early. I have a relatively low stress sit down job, so I think I'll be able to handle it. Of course, I have all these good intentions NOW but come 38 weeks could say enough is enough! I wont allow myself to go earlier than that tho, because I'm only taking 10 weeks total.

    When are your last days? Do you have that decided yet?

    I'm 31 weeks and 3 days today.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago