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Conservative. Christian. Mother. Wife. Professional. Biased, but I try to see more than my immediate response.
What should my in-laws bring back from Brazil?
5 AnswersManaus1 decade agoHow do I find the right grad school for English/Literature studies?
I can't find a decent search engine that can list all the colleges and there rankings concerning the field of English/Literature/etc. How can I easily anrrow down my choices? I'm looking in the US and the British Isles.
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoDo you approve of book to film adaptations?
Please give specific opinion and reasonings behind them. Are you a purist? Do you prefer word for word, artisitc license, modern interpretation? What are some of you favorite and least favorite adaptations (i.e. 2006 version of Pride & Prejudice was great because..., etc.)? What is your background (i.e. student, teacher, average Joe, etc.)? (This is for a research paper, detailed answers very appreciated and links to information even more appreciated. Thank you.)
18 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoDo you approve of book to film adaptations?
Please give specific opinion and reasonings behind them. Are you a purist? Do you prefer word for word, artisitc license, modern interpretation? What are some of you favorite and least favorite adaptations (i.e. 2006 version of Pride & Prejudice was great because..., etc.)? What is your background (i.e. student, teacher, average Joe, etc.)? (This is for a research paper, detailed answers very appreciated and links to information even more appreciated. Thank you.)
11 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat kind of vehicle do I want?
We are expecting our second child and need to purchase a larger vehicle. This is what I want: four door, 30 miles to the gallon, seven seats with captain chairs in the middle row, no more than six years old, ac vents in the back, and I prefer to not have a minivan. Do you know what kind of car I want or where online I can find out?
11 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoHow do you get rid of a blackhead in and EAR?
My sister has a HUGE blackhead in her ear and it has been there for probably about a year. How do we get rid of it? It is too awkward to pop, I have tried a bobby pin and pulling out the surface with a needle, not damaging the skin. I think it's getting bigger, too.
6 AnswersSkin & Body2 decades agoHow do you get sangria out of clothing?
I spilt sangria (wine if you didn't know) on my khakis. Anyone know how to get it out?
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades agoIs Arbonne any good?
6 AnswersMakeup2 decades agoHow do I get rid of the red spot on my face?
It looks like broken cappillaries or something. It was just one tiny spot, like it filled a pore with blood or something. I tried "breaking" it and sqeezing the "blood" (i assume it is blood, but it never turned brown) but it made it worse. Now I have three tiny pore sized spots, making it much more visable. I can't afford a dermatologist. I've had it for four years or so. Don't know how or when it got there in the first place. How do I get rid of it?
6 AnswersSkin & Body2 decades agoIf you have a maid for your home, how much do you have to clean yourself?
Do you have to make your bed everyday? Do you have to pick up your dirty underwear? Do you hang up an outfit after trying it on and deciding to not wear it? What is proper? Are there levels of maid? Is there etiquette concerning maids?
11 AnswersEtiquette2 decades agoHow do I buy a thong?
It seems they are either too big or too small, but I can't even tell which they are. I want one that doesn't hurt when I sit, I can't feel when moving, doesn't leave a big line in my thigh, doesn't show above my waistband, and covers my hair area so it looks sexy for my hubby. Sorry so graphic, but I am very specific.
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades agoWhat restaurants and store chains are typical for a strip shopping center?
I am looking for tenants for a strip center and am running out of ideas. What do you have in your town?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades agoWhat is this spring's new makeup?
What colors, styles (ie thick eyeliner, no eyeliner, natural, shimmery, tan, pale,etc)? And I really would prefer not your opinion. I would like to know what you have seen and heard on TV, in magazines, etc. Oh, and I am in my late 20's! Egad!
8 AnswersMakeup2 decades agoWhat's the best way to clean up my landscaping?
We moved into a house that had gardens ect at one point, but has overgrown for about 5 years. We waited a year to see what grew, nothing too great except bulbs which are up now. I am pulling out the rock borders. What do I do then? Can I move the current plants/bushes etc? How do I decide if the trees are too big for the house?
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape2 decades agoWhat words should a 15 month old be taught?
Can he learn verbs, colors, numbers? What concepts are too difficult, generally, for a 15 month old? What's the best way to teach him?
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 decades agoWhat is the best color of sirt/blouse for a medium gray suit?
18 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades agoAre there fashion rules for avatars?
I put my cute little Irish outfit on my avatar because I love Irish stuff. Now that it is after St Pat's, is it a fashion faux pas? Is it like white shoes after Labor Day?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers2 decades agoAfter treatment with a chiropractor, how to I ensure my back doesn't slip out of place?
It seems that sometimes the same day my back will go out of alignment again. What can I do to strengthen my back so it stays put?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine2 decades ago