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**formerly livelovesimplyb*** I am me.

  • Do birds have a wet tounge?

    My 7year old wants to know, and it's kind of hard to try to get our pet parakeet to lick us. She bites,'s really hard to tell. I thought it was a pretty good question...hey, even I'm not sure about it.

    16 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What are you avoiding by pretending this(Yahoo answers) is reality?

    Could you be avoiding possibly: reality itself, your children, your spouse, work, actual human interaction that forces you to face things in the physical world, your sad, sad boring life? What is it that brings some people to spend every waking hour here...asking questions that are not of the intended use of this service...only to defy it's violations/suspensions? Just wondering.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many celebs have died in small airplane crashes?

    Seems to me, most deadly airplane crashes are small planes...piloted or carrying celebs.

    And no, before I get accusations, I'm not trying to be nasty here. Just wondering!

    16 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why do celebs only adopt babies from 3rd world countries?

    Wouldn't you think the more humanitarian thing to do would be adopt a child who has had to endure longer in poverty? Like, what's wrong with a 7 or 8 year old?

    22 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you prefer?

    to tell your children (or would you) the more gory original versions of fairy tales (which were often made that way to keep kids 'in line') or the modern more loveable fairy tales? Why?

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Scarey monster?

    Did you have a monster living under your bed or in the closet when you were little (no, homosexuality doesn't count...don't try it!) What did the monster look like? Typical boogie man? Furry? Big sharp teeth? How'd you get it to go away? Was it the tuck your feet in the sheets technique?

    14 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Are you afraid of the dark?

    Lets say you just got done watching a scary movie....home alone...the power goes out. Do you ever SWEAR you just saw the boogie man or feel someone standing RIGHT behind you? Details of your horrible flashback to childhood are welcomed :)

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What to do about....?

    my classic rock addiction? This morning on the way to work I was rockin to the Doobie brothers, last night it was Electric Light Orchestra, yesterday during the day it was there a classic rock anonymous group? I'm only 26....and refuse to listen to any new groups. I'm driving my friends and family crazy!!

    9 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • If you bought 2 jumbo crates of kimchee,?

    and were on vacation while they were dropped sat in the sun for a while and then there was some acid rain from a nearby power plant....and your house was built on top of a *uh oh!* indian grave yard.....and the radiated kimchee leaked down into the graves and caused zombism, and then the kimchee turned into a kimchee monster....who would invite all their friends over and trash your house before you got home?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 decades ago
  • In honor of 6/6/6...?

    What is your favorite blasphamous 'pope' joke? Here's my new one.

    Did you hear the pope got the bird flu?

    He got it from one of his cardinals!

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades ago
  • I had 2 teeth extracted on saturday morning.?

    My wisdom tooth and the molar right next to it. I've been following all the rules (no smoking, don't use a straw, ice for swelling, NSAIDS for pain, no swishing/brushing that spot...My stiches came out part of the way! I know she said they 'come out themselves" but I figured that meant they were the disolving kind. Now I have a big piece of the stiches hanging into my mouth. The clot is still intact, and I can feel with my tounge that there is some healing of the tissues already (seems to me that it's a smaller hole now). I had noticed this morning that the stiches felt loose. Should I call my dentist (does this need to be restiched) or can I trim what's hanging in my mouth with sterile scissors (not too close to the gums, of course...just so it doesn't get hung up and rip all the way out). I'm looking for seriously, educated answers...I know there are some actual dentists/people with experience on here. Thanks!

    10 AnswersDental2 decades ago
  • Should they take away Britney Spear's baby?

    Let's first document what has gone on here...(we won't even include her horrible judgment skills-hooking up with a 'man' who had a pregnant girlfriend and baby).

    -driving a large suv with her child on her lap (not only endangering her son, but anyone near her car)

    -the baby 'fell out of a high chair' hitting it's head

    -driving with the baby forward facing in a convertible (which has prompted California officials to make an new law!) photos show that the baby was also not properly strapped in, as he was laying to one side.

    -walking out of a hotel the other day with a glass in one hand and the baby in her other arm...she tripped and almost dropped him (pictures show a bodygaurd kept the baby from falling to the ground, although his poor little head did snap backwards)

    So, what do you think?

    49 AnswersOther - Entertainment2 decades ago
  • If someone walked into your house one day and said?

    "I'm going to live here, eat your food, not pay any bills, expect you to feed and clothe my children also, learn my language, and give me medical care. In return, I'll clean the litter box cause I know you HATE to pick up's such a back breaking disgusting job. NOw, if I happen to...let's say....strain my back picking up poo...I'll sue your *** and continue to live here, but boss you around and send my money to my grandma"

    would you agree to it?

    28 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Are people going to go see Da Vinci Code?

    Many christians are upset at this book/movie (rightly so-although fictional-the author claims in the forward of the book that there is factual info in it-which is it) and I'm now seeing that Albinos are boycotting-no joke-because it's the 68th movie since 1960 to feature an evil albino character. WIll you see it? Did you read the book? Have you seen the news articles that say it has been proven that this does affect people's views of Catholisism? I will not see it, and although I'm not Catholic or a very 'obidient' Christian, I find if it was about any other would have already been banned. Seems to me, beause Christianity is the 'majority' it's subject to this kind of hate. What's your take on it all?

    8 AnswersOther - Entertainment2 decades ago
  • What is the worst part about getting a tattoo?

    First person who answers "getting one at all" gets reported. Not supposed to answer questions without a valid answer.

    Anyway...I've got 4 tattoos, 2 are brand new. I personally feel the worst part is when the scabs start peeling off...and they are colored!! for some reason, that grosses me out BIG time.

    7 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago
  • Does your family have a remedy that's used for everything and passed down the generations?

    Like in the Greek Wedding movie...the dad uses windex for everything.

    In my's Noxema. We even have a saying...that when you die and go to heaven, you can find your family by sniffing for noxema. Works for so much, I've even used it to clean carpet stains!!

    8 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago
  • What if the bird flu?

    was found in humans in the USA, became transmitable human to human, next week? Our country apparently has some stocks of tamiflu, but limited. If the situation arose...that your child could get tamiflu or an illegal immigrant child could get it, would your opinoins on immigration change? I guess my question is, if we faced an epidemic disease, would you be more likely to want the illegal immigrants sent home?

    6 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • How come answers does this...?

    a memeber can have my answer to his question removed as a violation...even though he asked the same question multiple times so I told him to 'shut up' but he can call me a stupid whore...and it doesn't get removed even though many people have reported it?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago