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Hey, I'm Moira, I've been volunteering at a vet clinic for 4 years. I have low self esteem. I'm very mature for my young age,l. I utterly love Tae-Kwon Do, theatre, and marching band. I'm always looking towards the future and planning ahead, while still trying to live in the now and have fun in my life. To me, there is no point to life if you don't enjoy it. P.S. If you want to know anything else just email me, I love to talk to new people!

  • Has Bones been renewed for season 6?

    Its my favorite show, and im not sure if its been renewed

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • If you're on birth control, consistently, why do you have to use a condom?

    If you know your partner is clean of STDs and diseases.

    Im just wondering, not because i plan on having sex anytime soon what-so-ever, but honestly ive heard people say to always use a condom a lot, and ive always wondered why.

    Please dont answer like im stupid. Im very edjucated about sex, and have no plans on doing it soon.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Opinions on University Of Hawaii at Manoa?

    I want to go to UHM for an animal science major.

    What do you think of it. Would it be good for an animal science major if I want to go into zoology types of field.

    What do you think of the enviroment and dorm life, and edjucation system. It would be far from home (Missouri) and more expensive then a local school. But I really love the idea of it.

    Opinions and comment.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Would this age gap bother you?? (take into account the details, please)?

    So first off the age gap is 4 years, im 14 he is 18.

    but I am really mature for my age, no one ever thinks i'm a freshman, and I get mistaken for a senior or junior a lot. Not just because of looks, in fact I look only about 15 or 16, but becauase of the way I act and how I hold myself.

    He's 18, and a senior, acts about his age, sometimes a bit younger even.

    Also because of my older sister i've been around all the highschoolers for four years and most of my closest friends are senior and juniors. So i'm not new to the group and got to skip the ackwardness and learning how to grow up your freshman year.

    My sister graduated last year, was his friend and would be okay with us dating each other, so thats no big deal.

    Also yes, if I slept with him It would be illegal, but im not planning on doing that no matter what, and he would never pressure me to do something I didnt want to. He's not that type of guy.

    I know people would judge him more than they would judge me, but he is a strong willled and unique person, and I think he could get over that. My friends and his friends wouldnt judge us too strongly at all.

    We do the same activities and I see him all the time in theatre and after school, so time wise we would see each other enough and that wouldnt be an issue.

    I'm not looking for my happily ever after and I know after he leaves for school could be and issue, but who knows if it would even last that long and we can deal with that when the times comes. I would never hold him back form what he wants to do for me, and would never expect him to on his own either.

    Pretty much, if it wasnt the age gap, this would be a great made for each other relationship.

    He really likes me and I REALLY like him, but the age gap bothers him, would it bother you?? Or bother you enough its not something you could get over??

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Future careers (Neonatal nurse, Zoologist, Zoo Vet?? Fairly long question.?

    So Im only a freshman in High school, but I want to start taking the proper classes and be prepared for my future now. Im stumped between three future careers.

    Neonatal nursing


    Zoo Vet-I've been volunteering at a vet clinic that works with both domestic and exotic animals for four years already.

    I love animals and babies. And I could handle some of the heartache that could accompany Neonatal nursing. I

    m not very good in math and sciences don't come naturally to me, but I could work through that. I don't want to have to be in college forever (10+ years), I also want to be able to support a family.

    So my questions are

    -What are some pros and cons of these careers??

    -What are good colleges for these careers??

    -What classes should I start taking now??

    -Experiance in these fields??


    -How long would I have to be at school and what degrees would I have to get for these??

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How long did you stay a Blue belt in ITF Tae Kwon-Do?

    I just got my blue belt recently, and I was wondering how long you or anyone else you know stayed a blue belt. Not quite at blue belt, but got it and advanced up. I know Im getting up in rank and in no way expect to test next test (January) or the one after that (May). So how long is normal and preferred to stay at that rank??

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • I really want a snake, but would prefer an insectivore.?

    Some of the criteria im looking for in a snake are:

    -Can survive and be healthy with out live animals, or frozen animals. Insects are fine.

    -Are pretty small. No longer than 3.5 feet preferably.

    -Are fairly easy to take care of and are good snakes for a first time snake owner.

    -I want to be able to handle it freqently. I enjoy watching them too, but would prefer to be able to handle it.

    All of those except for the last one points strongly towards the Rough Green Snake!

    So can Rough Greens get used to being handled if its mostly just by there main owners (Me, who would raise it form a very young snake)??

    Are the websites exaggerating that they don't like to be handled??

    If neither of those are true, Do you have any other suggestions kinda meeting those criteria??

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Question about the book "As Simple As Snow" by Gregory Galloway?

    I just finished this book and I was looking for answers about some of the unanswered questions in the book. Like:

    Who was leaving the bruises on Anna??

    Why did Bryce Duitt have a box of stuff Anna sent him and what role was he supposed to play in this story??

    What was going on between the narrators Mom and Carls dad??

    Why didn't Anna like Mr.Devon??

    Where did Carl go when he left??

    Why did Claire wind up in the hospital??

    What do YOU think happened to Anna??(I have my own theories but i'd like to hear yours too)

    If you think Anna's alive, Do you think her and the narrator will see each other again??(Once again I have my own ideas on this)

    I know to most of these there aren't right answers but what are your opinions, or the answers you've found for these question.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Help on metric system math problem.?

    So heres the question on my homework sheet, I dont know how to work it out.

    The question is: A cookie recipe calls for 1 pound of butter. How many Grams of butter would be needed for three batches of cookies using that recipe??

    Help please. Im not cheating, I did the rest of my homework im ust stumped on this one.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Metric System math problem help, please.?

    So heres the question on my homework sheet, I dont know how to wor it out.

    The question is: A cookie recipe calls for 1 pound of butter. How many Grams of butter would be needed for three batches of cookies using that recipe??

    Help please. Im not cheating, I did the rest of my homework im ust stumped on this one.

    5 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I have a question about Dreadlocks?

    So im thinking about getting dreads in the next year or year and a half and im not opposed to doing them at home, I know thats how most people do it, it just makes me nervous. I like the knotty boy dread lock care and dread lock wax so any place that uses that would be great. Theres a knotty boyhair salon but its all the way in vancouver. So is there a salon that does good dreads preferably using knotty boy products around the St.Louis/St.Charles area?? Also are dread locks hard to do at home??

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Extremely female question!?

    My vagina has been really itch for like the past 5 days. Im not sure what to do about it or whats going on with it but its really un comfortable and embarrassing. Theres no bumps or mosquito bites there either.

    P.s. In case it matters, im 14, Ive had my period for a bout a year and a half and for a while its started on the 20th or early and Its the 23rd and theres no sign of it coming. Im not concerned about it I just wasn't sure if you should take that into account.

    What should I do about the itching. Its really bothersome. :?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Opinions on this name...?

    Do you like the name Cloe Arabella Rose??

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How do you bet the Mode for Sims 2 that lets teens get pregnant...?

    And GEt engaged and whoohoo. I know you can but how do you get the mode that allows you to do so??

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to switch back and forth between nose stud gauges?

    When I got it pierced in February it was 16 gauge then when I ha the piercer change it he put in an 18 now I found a nose stud I want but its a 20. If I have the piercer change it is it okay to wear a 20 gauge if I still plan on wearing my 18 gauge when I feel like it. Also if it matters I switched to the 18 gauge in March.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Wedding dresses galore!?

    So I was just browsing the internet and ran across this dress website. Im NOT getting married for atleast 10 years but I really like these dresses and I wanted opions on them and to show people looking for dresses some beautiful dresses. So choose your favorite and feel free to leave a picture of your wedding dress, Iove looking at thise things.

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Midnight Sun a go or not?

    Is it true that Stephanie Meyer is planning on still writing Midnight Sun?? I heard that about three months ago after she said she was halting construction that she was contioning. True or False. Details please

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to balance all my activitys?

    So I love Theatre, Marching band/any type of band, and Tae Kwon Do.

    Tae Kwon Dos Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-9 in the winter and 7-9:30 in the warmer months

    Theatre I only have to worry about rehearsals for plays and a few thespian confrences.

    Marching band has practices every Tuesday and Thursday from July to October from 6-9ish.

    I love all of theses activitys so much so I dont want to drop anyof them.

    Here they are in order of importance

    -Tae Kwon Do

    -Marching Band


    But theatre doesnt really interfere with anything. Theatre and Band are school activitys but TKD isnt. What should I do?? Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago