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  • How many different ways are there to make videos for YouTube?

    By this I don't mean "how do I record myself?" but rather, I've seen lots of videos of people recording themselves, but also:

    * Powerpoint presentations

    * Animations

    * Still images with audio (kind of like a podcast)

    Are there any other ways?

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Christians, prove to me that Zeus doesn't exist!?

    One common argument I hear from Christians or theists in general towards atheists is "Prove that God DOESN'T exist!"

    It's a ridiculous statement, and I'll demonstrate why:

    If any Christians or out there can answer the question, then I'll be happy to demonstrate proof that God doesn't exist as well:

    Can you prove to me that ZEUS doesn't exist?

    If you can demonstrate scientifically valid, irrefutable evidence or proof that Zeus doesn't exist, then atheists can also "prove" that God doesn't.

    Go for it.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do you believe in abstract concepts?

    I have a question for atheists and agnostics. I assume the basic precept of your belief (or whatever you want to call it) is that since there is no proof or evidence for God or a higher power or anything like that, that there is no reason to believe it.

    How does that precept contrast or correlate to believing other abstract ideas like justice or morality or love or knowledge? Can you prove that justice exists? Morality? Love? If not, do you mean to say that you don't believe those things exist? If they do, how can you prove them or provide evidence for their existence?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What to do with content?

    I have a few blogs up already about education and self-improvement. However, recently I've written some content that I want to post but doesn't fit with the blogs which I have created.

    What are your suggestions? Should I start another blog for those articles? Should I post them on another site like Associated Content? Any other ideas?

    Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • What should I do (borderline problem)?

    I recently broke up with a girl who I later discovered probably has borderline. I didn't believe it at first, but the more I read and talked to people about it: the way we met (she told me she was a "difficult" girl to date, even though she seemed like a dream at first), the fights, the random moods (telling me she could be with me forever one day, telling me we were totally incompatible the next), the push-pull (being clingy and lonely one day and then being cold and distant the next), the break ups, etc.

    Problem was, I didn't discover this til well after we had finally broken up.

    The break up was tough. I had finally "had enough" of her behavior and told her I wanted to break up. She came back to me almost immediately, wanting to try again, and within minutes another fight started. I said goodbye to her and sent her a letter with a lot of things I had been thinking about since we started dating, mostly criticisms. She wrote me back the next day asking if i wanted to try again. I told I would think about it and that very same night she changed her mind and decided she wanted to be friends. When I told her i wanted to get back together, she said she would "think about it" and proceeded to not contact me at all for over a week. It was torture, waiting to see if she wanted to give us another chance. When I finally contacted her myself to ask, she very non-chalantly said "Nah, sorry."

    I very soon met someone else but I was still obsessed with this ex. We initially decided to stay friends, but as it was interfering with my current relationship and my ex still seemed distant, I decided that the best thing to do would be to cut her off completely. I did so without telling her.

    She then started to try and befriend my friends. When I asked them to ignore her and she found out, she called me, scolding me coldly, telling me she "can do whatever" she wants and that I should mind my own business. All I was thinking was that I wanted her out of my life for the time being. My friends cut her off at my request.

    This all happened over the course of a month and a half. In the mean time, a friend mentioned that she might be narcissistic. I looked it up, and it made sense at the time, and it altered my view of her: I wanted to get as far from her as possible. But as I looked more into it and read more, I realized that borderline made more and more sense... and now I just feel like I want to help her.

    My relationship with the new girl is going great, and I have no desire to get back together with my ex. I just want, if possible, to be in her life again if she needs someone to talk to or listen to her. I feel that now that I understand better what's going on with her, I can be of more help.

    So my question is: is it possible to reconnect with a borderline after pushing them away? If so, how do I go about it?

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • How to help narcissists?

    I recently got out of a relationship with a girl. It had its high points, but overall it was one of the worst relationships I've been in, particularly the end. I talked to someone who was a psychologist about what happened and immediately he said "Narcissist."

    At first I didn't believe him, but I did some research on my own. I admit, I'm not a certified psychotherapist or psychologist, but after reading numerous sites and communities regarding narcissism and the people involved with narcissistic partners, it made too much sense. So much of it was EXACTLY what happened to me. It fit too well. Borderline personality also made some sense.

    Obviously, I can't say for certain it is narcissism. But it seems like a real possibility. All I'm really left feeling is pity. I feel like I want to help this person, because I think she's intelligent and aware enough that, if she wanted to, she could get help and be ok. I'm in touch with a couple of her friends and I know how to contact her if I want. I don't want her back in my life, but it hurts to think she could spend the rest of her life like that.

    What do I do?

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • How to help narcissists?

    I recently got out of a relationship with a girl. It had its high points, but overall it was one of the worst relationships I've been in, particularly the end. I talked to someone who was a psychologist about what happened and immediately he said "Narcissist."

    At first I didn't believe him, but I did some research on my own. I admit, I'm not a certified psychotherapist or psychologist, but after reading numerous sites and communities regarding narcissism and the people involved with narcissistic partners, it made too much sense. So much of it was EXACTLY what happened to me. It fit too well. Borderline personality also made some sense.

    Obviously, I can't say for certain it is narcissism. But it seems like a real possibility. All I'm really left feeling is pity. I feel like I want to help this person, because I think she's intelligent and aware enough that, if she wanted to, she could get help and be ok. I'm in touch with a couple of her friends and I know how to contact her if I want. I don't want her back in my life, but it hurts to think she could spend the rest of her life like that.

    What do I do?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • What do you think of this kind of relationship?

    Recently I've gotten serious with a girl. We've been dating about 3 months now, but we were "seeing" each other a few months before this and I met her over a year ago.

    The good stuff: All of her outstanding qualities are my ideal. She's intelligent, deep, fun, great-looking, energetic, positive, curious, flexible, open to new experiences... we can talk about almost anything. She loves dancing. She's introverted but likes to go out. Very similar to me. We've also had a lot of similar experiences in life. She's often very loving, very sweet and very affectionate.

    The bad stuff: She's very moody and overanalytical. She sometimes thinks about things too much and then gets herself wound up and gets worried about them. She can turn quite negative and/or sensitive as a result sometimes. I used to be like this, so I understand, but it's exhausting sometimes. Also, she can get in some nasty moods. When she does she gets overly critical, harsh even, or even becomes unattached and cold. We've had about 5 fights so far, which is more than I've had with any girlfriend ever. She'll say one thing one moment and then the opposite the next moment or a few days later.

    The details: She's 22, I'm 32. She's had one serious boyfriend for 5 years, I've had several ranging from a year to 4 years.

    It makes me wonder: Which is more important, your ideals or what you can/cannot tolerate? What do you think of this relationship?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do you think of this kind of relationship?

    Recently I've gotten serious with a girl. We've been dating about 3 months now, but we were "seeing" each other a few months before this and I met her over a year ago.

    The good stuff: All of her outstanding qualities are my ideal. She's intelligent, deep, fun, great-looking, energetic, positive, curious, flexible, open to new experiences... we can talk about almost anything. She loves dancing. She's introverted but likes to go out. Very similar to me. We've also had a lot of similar experiences in life. She's often very loving, very sweet and very affectionate.

    The bad stuff: She's very moody and overanalytical. She sometimes thinks about things too much and then gets herself wound up and gets worried about them. She can turn quite negative and/or sensitive as a result sometimes. I used to be like this, so I understand, but it's exhausting sometimes. Also, she can get in some nasty moods. When she does she gets overly critical, harsh even, or even becomes unattached and cold. We've had about 5 fights so far, which is more than I've had with any girlfriend ever. She'll say one thing one moment and then the opposite the next moment or a few days later.

    The details: She's 22, I'm 32. She's had one serious boyfriend for 5 years, I've had several ranging from a year to 4 years.

    It makes me wonder: Which is more important, your ideals or what you can/cannot tolerate? What do you think of this relationship?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Which is better to do first?

    I spend a couple hours a day about five days a week exercising and also improving myself. Right now I only exercise about half an hour and spend the rest of the time reading positive and motivating stories or watching videos on you tube, meditating, writing, studying, etc. I'm wondering which is better to do first? I tend to feel less motivated about exercise and I feel much calmer after, so I sometimes feel that would be best to get done, but I also like to try and get myself in the right frame of mind as soon as possible. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • Which poker forums do you recommend?

    I've decided to improve my poker game as much as possible and I've read that many professional players used discussions on poker forums to improve their game. Which forums would you recommend, and how exactly do you use them to become a better player?

    3 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Not sure what this is (head related)?

    A little less than a month ago I started feeling some strange sensations around different parts of my head. Not really pain, but something dull and close to it, as well as different parts of my head feeling strangely cool. These sensations have continued until now. They usually don't last long and go away for awhile, but they've been consistent. They haven't increased in intensity or frequency, but they also don't seem to be going away. I'm not sure what they could be. I don't do any drugs other than alcohol and my diet and sleeping cycle are pretty normal.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Am I just being paranoid (HIV/AIDs question)?

    I'm probably being paranoid but just in case, I want to ask this:

    In September I had unprotected sex with a woman and then a few weeks after showed some "flu-like symptoms." I recently discovered that that is a potential symptoms of the HIV virus, so I decided to have myself tested just a few days ago. Fortunately, the results were negative.

    Now, I remember reading that in virtually all cases, after three months of contracting the virus the effects begin setting in, so that if you get yourself tested three months or later, your results are pretty much conclusive.

    So, my question is this: Is there any way possible that I got a false negative, or am I just being paranoid?

    If it is possible, why, and when should I check again?


    5 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Are there any health/nutrition apps like this?

    I've been searching far and wide for an iphone app that:

    a) Keeps a database/record of what you eat AND

    b) Keeps track of not ONLY calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber but ALSO vitamins and minerals that you consume.

    I've found apps that keep track of food you eat as well as calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein and fiber OR that give you information about all the vitamins and minerals, but not one that does both.

    I don't care if it's a free or pay app, either. If anyone could suggest anything to me, I'd highly appreciate it. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with all society's laws/norms/rules?

    Are there any aspects to society that you disagree with? Any laws that you disagree with? Anything that everybody does or thinks that you don't agree with? If so, what are they?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Who is correct in this poker situation?

    There was an argument at one of my local poker games about a hand and I'm wondering what the standard ruling is.

    Everyone at our game agrees to the "show one show all" rule. However, what happened was, after I folded a hand on the turn and mucked my cards, my opponent showed me ONE of his hole cards and then proceeded to muck his. Another player then grabbed both of my opponents' cards and turned them BOTH over to show everyone. An argument ensued. The argument had two parts:

    Part 1: Whether or not the player had the right to grab cards out of the muck and expose them even though he was not the dealer and

    Part 2: Whether or not both cards were to be shown, even though the player had only flashed ONE of his cards.

    So, what is the correct/standard ruling?

    This was a cash game, by the way.

    7 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • How do you make "membership" cards?

    I have created a small game league and I would like to make membership cards similar to those you get at video shops or gyms. Does anyone know how or where to make them?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Question about LAGs (poker)?

    I've been having a tough time with a particular area in no limit hold em with loose aggressive players (sometimes good players, sometimes just maniacs).

    What do you do when you are dealt a solid pair (TT, JJ, QQ, KK) and the flop contains both one overcard and a flush/straight draw?

    For instance, if you are dealt QQ and the flop is:


    Assuming you are heads up and out of position on the LAG, what's your action?

    Other details:

    -I'm asking mainly in regards to cash games at quite low stakes (0.25/0.50 to 1/2)

    -I'm asking in regards to long-handed tables (usu. 8-10 players)

    -My own image is generally tight to semi-loose aggressive. I play premium hands (of course), but will loosen up towards the button or even middle position and widen my range to face cards, Ax suited and suited connectors, but usually not beyond that.

    So far my standard play has been to take a shot at the flop with a bet about 2/3 to 3/4 the pot size and if it's called, reduce that bet to about 1/2 to 2/3 on the turn and then check on the river, which has generally lead to me having to make a big decision.

    What's your action on each street?

    1 AnswerGambling1 decade ago
  • What kind of poker gifts can I get for under $20?

    Does anyone have any ideas? It could be gifts related to poker directly (like materials or cards) or indirectly (like clothing).

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago