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  • very weird type of headache. anyone ever heard of this?

    i have a very odd headache where it feels like there is so much air pressure in my head that it's going to blow out of the top of my head. i keep popping my ears, but that is no longer helping. it feels almost as if i am in high altitude and my head is about to explode. i have been to the ER. I've had x-rays, a ct scan, and an mri. they all turned out fine. now i just don't know what to do anymore. the doctor can't really help me. any thoughts or ideas?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • very weird type of headache. anyone ever heard of this?

    i have a very odd headache where it feels like there is so much air pressure in my head that it's going to blow out of the top of my head. i keep popping my ears, but that is no longer helping. it feels almost as if i am in high altitude and my head is about to explode. i have been to the ER. I've had x-rays, a ct scan, and an mri. they all turned out fine. now i just don't know what to do anymore. the doctor can't really help me. any thoughts or ideas?

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Do all birds shell birdseed?

    My parakeet (budgie) doesn't eat the whole seed, he leaves the shells in the bottom of the cage and I guess just eats the very center of the seed. I've never noticed a bird do that. Is that normal?

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How come parakeets swell up sometimes?

    Sometimes he looks normal and smooth, other times he looks fluffed up and bigger. Why is that?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • is there a natural remedy for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I have these crazy panic attacks that come out of nowhere where I feel like I'm going out of my mind...which in turn is even scarier because I think that if I do really go out of my mind I'll be locked up in a mental institution. Is there anything that is better (more mild) that xanax? I don't wanna keep taking the hard stuff and end up getting addicted. More so is there a natural remedy or herbs (mixture of herbs) that can help?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • is there a natural remedy for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I have these crazy panic attacks that come out of nowhere where I feel like I'm going out of my mind...which in turn is even scarier because I think that if I do really go out of my mind I'll be locked up in a mental institution. Is there anything that is better (more mild) that xanax? I don't wanna keep taking the hard stuff and end up getting addicted. More so is there a natural remedy or herbs (mixture of herbs) that can help?

    11 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Is there a natural remedy for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I have these crazy panic attacks that come out of nowhere where I feel like I'm going out of my mind...which in turn is even scarier because I think that if I do really go out of my mind I'll be locked up in a mental institution. Is there anything that is better (more mild) that xanax? I don't wanna keep taking the hard stuff and end up getting addicted. More so is there a natural remedy or herbs (mixture of herbs) that can help?

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • how do you take a video from youtube and put a different song to it?

    first how do you save it to where you can alter it, then how do you add a song to it? Thanks

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • how do you take a video from youtube and put a different song to it?

    first how do you save it to where you can alter it, then how do you add a song to it? Thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How does an all-loving, all-forgiving, all-merciful God allow any of his children to go to hell and burn for e

    The bible says that God loves us more than we can comprehend. If that statement is true, and knowing that I myself could never have the heart to send my child to hell, no matter what..even if he killed 50 people...then how could a God who loves us MORE THAN WE LOVE OUR OWN CHILDREN have the heart to do such a cruel thing? And How could a God who is all Good and all Holy create a place of evil in the first place?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is the new teentech portable dvd player any good?

    Is it worth the price because I've seen several of them on Ebay and the cases/accessory packs to go along with them, but I want to know if the DVD players are of good quality before I purchase one and the case.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Sagattarius guys?

    Do you prefer passive or agressive women? Would you rather a woman approach you, or would you rather do the chasing? and what characteristics do you look for most in a woman?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • which band does this song belong to?

    It's by one of the heavy metal hair bands from the late 80's.

    Angel eyes, you have angel eyes, with a smile that lights up my life. You're a dream come true, and now im holding you, and I'll never, never let you go. I will never LET YOU GO. First time I laid my eyes upon you....... And what is the title? Is it "angel eyes" or "i'll never let you go"?

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Need help in dealing with ADHD autistic 9 yr old.?

    I have a son who has ADHD and just a little bit of Autism/Asberger's. He is very hyper, sometimes destructive, shows bad behavior and is very accident prone. He is constantly breaking things in the home, making huge messes, and is sort of a bad example for the other kids who are starting to act like him on purpose. I am a stay at home mother of 3 boys total and I am about to pull my hair out. Most punishments don't work on my son. He is on medication, right now focalin, but has hardly responded well to any medicine we have tried on him. How do other parents deal with this kind of behavoir? And what are some positive ways of getting the child to respond positively when told not to do something? Please help, before I go crazy.

    10 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago
  • 10 points to the person who has any info on this guy Justin Jennings? just one more time.?

    He lives in or around Little Rock Arkansas, or could be anywhere by now. He would be 29 or 30 right now. I am pretty positive his birthday is in March. I knew him when he was 16, he had long blond hair and attended South West Junior High school in Little Rock, shortly after that he was transferred to Cloverdale so I was told. I've been searching for him ever since. If you give me enough accurate information to where I actually find him, then there is a reward involved, no kidding. I have already done exhaustive research online with no results and have gone around asking about him for years. No one knows anything. The only thing I know for sure is that he isn't dead or in jail, I looked. Any information would be most helpful and appreciated. And this is not a joke so please don't post sarcastic replies. I really do miss and care about this person a lot. The reason I posted this here is because I am multiple posting in any category that could possibly relate somehow. Thanks

    5 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • 10 points to the person who has any info on a guy named Justin Jennings. ?

    He lives in or around Little Rock Arkansas, or could be anywhere by now. He would be 29 or 30 right now. I am pretty positive his birthday is in March. I knew him when he was 16, he had long blond hair and attended South West Junior High school in Little Rock, shortly after that he was transferred to Cloverdale so I was told. I've been searching for him ever since. If you give me enough accurate information to where I actually find him, then there is a reward involved, no kidding. I have already done exhaustive research online with no results and have gone around asking about him for years. No one knows anything. The only thing I know for sure is that he isn't dead or in jail, I looked. Any information would be most helpful and appreciated. And this is not a joke so please don't post sarcastic replies. I really do miss and care about this person a lot. The reason I posted this here is because I am multiple posting in any category that could possibly relate somehow. Thanks

    8 AnswersOther - United States2 decades ago
  • 10 points to the person who has any information on a guy named Justin Jennings.?

    He lives in or around Little Rock Arkansas, or could be anywhere by now. He would be 29 or 30 right now. Birthday is in March I think. I knew him when he was 16, he had long blond hair and attended South West Junior High school in Little Rock. I've been searching for him ever since. If you give me enough accurate information to where I actually find him, then there is a reward involved, no kidding.

    13 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • Does anyone work at a Casino/Hotel in Vegas and live at the Hotel for free?

    Is that even possible? And how hard would it be to get a job there?

    4 AnswersLas Vegas2 decades ago
  • how does a newly single mom get started in the world when she has no job experience and very little money?

    I'm leaving a marriage of 7 years and taking a child with me. I've pretty much been a stay at home mom all this time don't have much job experience under my belt and haven't went to college or anything. What is the best way to get out there and get started in the world? I want to be able to depend on myself for a change and provide for my child, but I'm not sure how because I've never had to. Are there any other single moms in my position who have succeeded in doing this and how did you do it? Thanks for any and all replies.

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago