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A smart guy looking to eduacte those who do not understand.

  • President speech to The American children?

    This amazes me and and just pisses me off. Why would the President decide to give a speech to the American children? It amazes me more and more how socialist this President is and how me being in the military having to defend this country with a President who has these types of views. Also why is that Fox News seems to report of this story but while probing CNN news of this story i can not find any trace of this?? Just amazes how this country is going down hill and i am currently overseas and see these changes.

    19 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can a company suspend or fire an employee for video taping while at the job?

    The company i am talking about is a call center.

    14 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Speeding in the state of Georgia?

    if you get pulled in Georgia for speeding over 24 mph and is under the age of 21 will your license get suspended? if so how long? Is it possible to talk the judge down to a fine if you are a full-time working student and full-time college student who needs his car in order to go to school and work?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Amnesty to 12 million illegal’s?

    Or should i rephrase that since the Dems call them "undocumented workers." Anyways to get to the point, as u know since the "Dems" have taken control of Congress, we can now expect 12 million illegal’s to gain amnesty. Why? B/c the Dems are only looking out for themselves and not the country.

    Why, u may ask, hasn't minimum wage rose in 10 years? B/c we are not strict enough with illegal’s, and companies know instead of paying $5.15 for American citizens to work, they can pay two illegal’s and get the same job done. Already the Dems are talking about removing the wall and creating amnesty for those 12 million illegals. What next? Is the dominant language on the southern U.S. borders going to change from English to Spanish?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Okay Dems you now have control. Hamas is calling for attacks on America. What are you going to do?

    Are we going to cut and run if Hamas and his crazy loons do attack us? Or are we going to attack back if we get attacked first?? If you haven't read the news, Israel's artillery barrage accidentally struck a residential area killing 18 Palestine’s. Hamas is calling for revenge against the U.S. and Israel.

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Giving the Dems a chance?

    Hate to say it fellow Republicans, but it looks like we may have lost this one. But, hey since the Dems haven't been in power for 12 years and they say they want change, guess we have to give them a chance.

    Let us pray to God that taxes don't increase, b/c that is the last thing I want. Let us hope that they don't F%$k up with the U.S. military, which is the strongest in the world, and make us cowards b/f other countries who have no power. Let us hope that they will keep America strong. I hope this election has also woken up fellow Republicans to see that we may have just screwed up after all, and I hope that my party will correct their past mistakes and fix them b/f the 2008 Presidential elections.

    And to all the Dems out there, well done on your victory.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The balance of power has switched?

    Looks like the balance in the House has switch but the Republicans still have control of the Senate. Currently the situation in 49 for the Republicans and 47 for the Dems. Even if the Dems do take those two states, the Senate will be stuck in a dead even tie. The two independents could carry the Senate either way. But, for now Republicans still have its power structure, with the presidency and the Senate.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Last minute tactic by the Dems?

    Yesterday while I was at work, a group of fellow employees was calling everyone in the phone book with Maryland to see if they will vote for D(George Johnson). I decided to listen in a few calls and it didn't sound pretty. 90% of the calls were hang up. The rest were either voting straight Democrat or since you called I'm voting Republican.

    And the Dems want to talk about Bush not respecting the rights of Americans? What do you call that? Calling people at 8:30-9:00 at night seeing if they will vote for Dems. That's shows you right there how twisted the Dems are in their false message of protecting Americans privacy.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where are the Dems at now!!!?

    After Kerry's ridiculous remarks, noticed he canceled his travel plans today b/c he doesn't want to ruin the already difficult chance the Dems have of winning back Congress. America is outraged at Kerry remarks, (don't believe me look at the headline news). Majority of the soldiers have diploma's or college degree's. And to say that if you are dumb you will be in Iraq. Today's military is so high tech we can no longer afford "dumb soldiers" in the armed forces. So Dems to make this simple for you guys do you or do you not agree with Kerry's remarks?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Vietnam War?

    Notice that for quite some time that the Dems have been criticizing President Bush for his handling of the war. The Dems say they can do better. Can they? Look back at the Vietnam War.

    The Dems fought that war and that was a disaster. We lost 58,209 troops in that war and we sent around three million soldiers there. The war lasted around 30 years and the Dems could not even complete the primary objective which was, To ensure that Communist did not take over the country. There was even controversy on why we went to that war when it had nothing to do with the U.S.

    Now take a look at the current war. We have only fought for around 5 years and we were successfully able to complete our primary objective, which was to ensure the freedom of both the Afghan's and the Iraqi's. We have only sent around 300,000 to both regions but yet instead of losing 58,290 soldiers, we have only lost around 3,000., which by the way is the fewest amount of KIA in any war that the U.S has fought in.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Global Warming is just a joke!!?

    Check out the link that explains why Global Warming by man is a joke.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can we go to war with N. Korea?

    Some say the U.S. forces are tied down is Iraq. Did everyone seem to forget about the Navy and Air Force!!

    Both branches are not in Iraq. S. Korean technology is capable of shooting down missiles. S. Korea can easily fend off a N. korea ground invasion. If you read the news and facts on the S. Korean military, you would see that the only thing they are weak in is their Navy and Air Force. And Lord behold what does America have that is in ready and capable to do their job. The U.S Air Force and Navy, the most advanced branches in the world. "Army and Marines are pretty high tech too."

    So you see, we can successfully wage war against N. Korea. Fighting a battle is not always won with ground forces. Sometimes the birds in the sky and the ships in the sea have to do some dirty work too.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The Duck and run party?

    Dems have stated the following: "While under Clinton, our country was safer and we was loved in the world." Dems think for a moment. Why didn't the U.S. get attacked on its U.S. soil? Clinton wanted to please everyone. He followed the polls all the times. If the polls said, a majority of Americans want the military to downsize to just a few hundred, guess what Clinton would have done? Clinton couldn't follow what he believed in because he didn't have nothing to believe in. And you can't tell me that Clinton didn't go by the polls because look at his approval rating while he was in office. A true leader knows he/she can't go around pleasing everyone because he/she would get nowhere.

    Jeez, you want to know why we our Army and Marines forces are stretched so thinly. Look at the military cuts Clinton did; all because we were to powerful. Dems say that have a new policy but you know what it is?

    It's the Duck and Run Policy. Seems to work every time for the

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Funny how Clinton and Carter never did anything major w/ an armed N. Korea.?

    Everyone is saying "Bush has been in office for six years. He should have done something" It's kind of hard to do something with a madman running around with nukes now isn't it. Of course Bush is doing something but we can't just declare war against N.Korea, otherwise Kim and his psychopath self will launch nukes like crazy. Who knows how many nukes this guy has.

    Clinton and Carter both had the chance to either stop or severely weaken Kim while they were in office. Both could have imposed severe sanctions, could have use spec forces or something. At least Kim didn't have any nukes then, so he couldn't talk the S#$t he is talking now about declaring war on the U.S.

    Now I'm not blaming Clinton and Carter but those two could have did more to deal with this issue along with others.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Different classes of socitey and the way they vote?

    The poor are mainly represented by the Democratics. The rich are mainly represented by the Republicans. But what about the middle class. If you studied Humanities and Ancient Greek, you would understand that the rich and the poor are on the extremities of society. Neither know what the other goes through b/c they are so different. The middle class, which some philosophers of Ancient Greek, realized that the middle class is a better representation of a civilization. While some of the middle class leans to the left, others lean to the right. But, there is a majority more that lean to the right b/c of the simple fact that the middle class would rather get richer than to get poorer.

    The point is that the Republicans will always continue to see an increase in votes b/c they represent both the rich and the middle class who seeks to become rich.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Yahoo user would you rather have a president who follows the polls or a president who makes choices based on?

    reality? Polls reflect what citizens think and their are tons of polls out there. Polls also fluctuate frequently. Or would you prefer a president who does not guide and follow polls but instead follows what he/she beleives in?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Its amazing to see how many people think the US should not be a world police?

    Funny isn't it. What would have happened if the US had not stepped in during WW2? Russia was getting their *** kicked and Europe basically belonged to Germany. What about WW1. Maybe we should've been like "Hey that's over their in Europe not over here in America." Or lets go current. Instead of trying to police terrorism we should jus leave it alone.

    For those who don't support America as a nation police I wonder is you even support your own police. You see just as every town needs a police department to keep order in town, the same is said for the world. If the U.N will do its job for once and stop backing out, then America would not have to intervene in the affairs of other countries. What about the tsunami that hit a few years ago? Maybe we should have not been a police then and help those countries that were affected. What is the job of police officers? To protect and to help innocent civilians from those who seek harm.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The economy is doing better than ever!?

    It amazes me on how the left say the economy is bad right now. they talk about the money we have spent on Iraq but that is nothing compared to the figures we spent in either of the World Wars. They say that the US is in debt but come on we have been in debt for years. Even when Clinton was in office. Has America ever gone bankrupt? NO. Will it happen? No! I could explain the economics to everyone but it will be to time consuming. Sure we owe money to other nations but rhe same can be said for them. Have we ever gone after nations who owe us and demanded that they give us the money we loaned them? Wars are expensive so why complain. Would you rather spend whatever it takes to get rid of a threat or just not spend anything and hope the problem disappears?

    Gas prices are low. New alternative fuels are being developed. BMW is talikng about producing the world first hydrogen fuel cell car by 2008. Interest rates are low. Unemployment is low on a national scale.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago