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  • Should I get my child tested for Aspergers Syndrome?

    I have a 2.5 year old boy and I'm starting to notice peculiar behaviors. I'm trying to figure out if they are just normal or triggers for Aspergers Syndrome. I have looked a lot online and it seems he has some of the symptoms but not all of them. I just wanted to run this by some parents that, perhaps, have children with this syndrome before I ask the doctor. Here is the list of what he does;

    Very advanced in speech. He talks in grammatically correct and complete sentences. To the point now that if he makes a mistake I go ahead and correct him and he doesn't make it again. For example, he tells me "I don't want nothing for breakfast, Mommy" and I told him to say anything instead of nothing and he hasn't made that mistake again. He asks me questions all of the time, which I know is normal, but the way he asks...instead of "why" he asks "Why is the dog barking at the window?" These are just some examples. I mean, there are no fragments or incomplete sentences, it's weird, he actually freaks people out in that he talks so formally! He said his first word at 5 months old and began talking very soon after.

    One thing different from what I've seen as a symptom is that he does have appropriate inflections in his conversation. His speech is not monotone at all. He tells jokes and gets them as well. He tells me things like "First we are going to make hot chocolate and then we will eat our breakfast, ok?" all with appropriate voice inflections.

    He is in daycare and is quite comfortable with those children. However, in new situations he is quite shy and doesn't want any other children to even come near him at first. But he does eventually warm up and interact with them. I wouldn't characterize him as socially inept, more like socially hesitant, which is somewhat normal for children his age.

    He is obssesive about many things. He likes to watch the same movie over and over and over, as well as shows, and his music cds.

    He HAS to follow a pattern when getting dressed in the morning. If you don't put his socks on right before or after his pants, he gets really upset.

    We discipline using time out. He now knows to go to his chair in his room when he is told to go to time out. This is very effective for him. However, his tantrums are extreme, and he reacts sohystericallyy to the smallest of corrections. If you tell him to stop doing something a little too loudly, a screaming kicking tantrum ensues.

    He has certain interests that he learns to the exclusion of all else. He loves dinosaurs and has known the names of a wide variety of them, from T. rex to parasaurolophus, since before he turned 2 years old. Other interests include animals, cars (especially his daddy's micro machines), puzzles and balls. He lines them all up into neat lines, and then proceeds to have them have intricate interactions with with each other.

    He knows the alphabet and can recoginze half the letters by sight. He loves to count and can count up to 50 when we have enough items. He knows the concept of addition and subtraction.

    Ok, what do you think? Overreactive worried mom? Or something else...??

    Please, only serious, helpful answers. Thank you!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Does your view of sex change after having a baby?

    I had a baby 4 months ago and since then it's been hard for me to get in the mood when my husband and I go to make love. I love him deeply and feel bad that I don't have as much of a drive to want to initiate sex like before. Also, I feel so different about sex now, like the only reason you should have it is if you want to get pregnant which I know is crazy but that's what's running through my mind. I'm not a prude, I've had my wild and crazy days believe me! But I was just wondering if these feelings are normal and will I eventually get back to at least close to the way I was before? Anyone out there go through something similar?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How long did your implantation bleeding last?

    I've had what appears to be implantation bleeding for 6 days now. I took a test last night and this morning and both were positive for pregnancy. I was wondering if anyone else had a really long implantation bleeding time. I'll be going to the doctor soon.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a competing Pomeranina in DockDogs?

    I have a 2 year old Pom named Pippin that just started practicing and competing in DockDogs. Obviously he is in the lap dog category but mostly I see Jack Russels and Cocker Spaniels. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a Pom compete. It is quite entertaining to watch him leap into the water following a Lab!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When do you have to stop taking anti-depressants before you ttc?

    I'm on Celexa and wanted to know when I had to start weening off of this before it's out of my system to try and get pregnant. I take it for anxiety not depression so it's not worth trying to continue it while I'm pregnant.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Was Simon drunk tonight? Why was he so hard on Cook?

    Cook's last performance was soooooo sincere...what was simon thinking? Who else thinks Cook won tonight and Simon was way off!!!??

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Does excercise help regulate your menstral cycle?

    Does anyone know if regular excercise helps regulate your menstral cycle? I'm not talking about dropping a ton of pounds in no time therefore causing your cycle to stop altogether due to very low % body fat. I've been excercising for a month and out of nowhere I have a regular period again after years of irregularity and I haven't done anything else different (i.e. no diff meds, bc, stress level the same...etc.). Just curious.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can you track your cycle when it is completely irregular?

    My husband and I will start trying in the near future and my problem is my period is completely irregular. It used to be very regular and the same length and everything. But then I got on the pill and it made me sick, so I switched to a lower dose pill and I had a non-stop period for a year. Then I tried Depo...another 6-month long period. Then I gave up with it. Since then it has been totally off. About I year ago I had an IUD placed. That has done nothing to regulate me but hasn't made it worse. My doctor recently put me on Yaz to try to fix my irregular cycle and cobat my right ovarian cysts that have developed. With Yaz I gained a ton of weight and guess what...still irregular. Soon I will be off everything and I know I'll still be irregular (because I was during that multi-year time when I didn't take anything). So I would like to know FROM WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD SEVERELY IRREGULAR PERIODS what they did to attempt to track their cycles leading up to conception. Thanks!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What to do the year leading up to conception?

    I was just wondering what advice people had for the year leading up to trying to have a baby. I know the details about the three months before, but was wondering if you need to start doing anything earlier than that. The biggest thing I've done is I have joined a health club to add daily excercise to my routine (I'm somewhat out of shape but just under being overweight). I don't smoke and only occasionally have a glass of wine now (I know to completley stop alcohol 3 months prior as well as my caffeine intake). I take a daily regular multi-vitamin as well. I know there is nothing to prepare you truly for conception, birth and parenting but I figured if I take smart steps now it will help out down the road. Thanks!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can I start an herb garden in late summer?

    I'm about to plant my herb garden (I just moved into my new house). Do you think that it will be alright to start it now? I know the perrenials should be alright and I can get some use out of the annuals till the first frost. I live on the Eastern Shore in Maryland. Thanks!

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do you write thank you cards for a baby shower?

    I was just curious for the future. I threw my friend at work a baby shower and I was just curious how you appropriatley thank people at work who "pitched in" money towards a gift. I kept track of who contributed but a co-worker who helped me collect money from people did not. I was wondering how she should thank people from work that gave in this way rather than giving a gift. Would a company-wide email do it? There are about 100 people that work here and I know most pitched in...generating a LOT of gifts off her registry. But should she individually thank all 100 employees, even though she's not sure who gave and still even if they all gave mone is it really realistic to individually write a thank - you to all 100 employees??? I'm just curious...Thanks!

    14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • My 1 year old Pom has had loose stool with mucus present the past few days?

    His diet has not changed and is very good with high quality dog food at specified intervals during the day. Nothing really has changed in his behavior other than he doesn't want to go #2 as often as he has had. This just started a few days ago. I just wanted to know if this is something that can wait till Monday for the vet or if I should bring him in sooner since I'm supposed to be leaving (with him) to go out of town tonight through the weekend.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog still messes in his crate!?

    I have an almost 1 year old Pomeranian. He pees and poops in his crate. IT IS THE RIGHT SIZE!!! So don't tell me it's too big believe me I know it's the right size. He goes immediatley, after a while, if we are visible, if he can't see us....nothing specific triggers this besides being in the crate. I have tried everything...give me a suggestion I haven't thought of please. I put toys in there. I've put food and water and have not put food and water in the crate. Every single day I have to take him out, clean the disgusting crate and sanitize it and give him a bath. HELP PLEASE!!!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks the wrong people were voted off American Idol tonight?

    Sundance instead of Sanjaya!!!! Sabrina instead of I don't even know her name cause she sucks!!! Come on!

    18 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • The smallest things set me off, is this a chemical imbalance or something else?

    My entire life I mean from childhood little things most people don't even notice really really irritate me. I mean to the point where I feel violent (although I never act on the violence). I do clench my teeth and fists sometimes or leave. The things that do this are stuff like people chewing loudly with their mouths open, sniffing non-stop without blowing their nose, talking with food in their mouths, sneezing, barking dogs that won't stop. Or if a collection of little things go wrong for me during the day I just feel murderous! I talked to a friend years ago about this and he said his wife was the exact same way and that it was a chemical imbalance that can be helped with some kind of prescription. I would like to know if such a condition exists and research it a bit before I go to the doctor and go from there. I would really love to live life without having all of these inconsquential teeny things bother me throughout the day.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I house train a puppy with the aid of training pads?

    I've had my 6 month Pom for 3 weeks now. He is good a letting me know when he needs to go out (especially for #2). He has not messed #2 in the house in a very long time. However, he pees in the house a few times a day still and it's always when he gets out of my sight for just a second. I have training pads in the house and he occasionally will use them but not regularly. How can I get him to go on the pads if he can't get my attention that he needs to pee (since he pees quite more often than #2)?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is the "Marriage & Divorce" section of Yahoo combined...?

    I would really like to know why when you look for questions on Marriage, you have to go to the combined "Marriage and Divorce" section. Why can't these be seperated? I know the divorce rate in this country is super high but come on, does the Yahoo company just decide that if you're married you'll probably be divorced soon so just put all those questions in the same area? How can I appeal to Yahoo to seperate the two? I'd really like to read just about marriage rather than divorce.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is the national average Christmas bonus?

    I definitley don't think we get a legitimate Christmas bonus at our company. I work for an Aquatic Ecotoxicology lab and we do important work on studies that are very expensive i.e. the company is making some money and our STANDARD (everyone gets this regardless how long you've been here) bonus is $250!!! So I would like to find some credible stats out there to go to my boss with and explain how that is NOT a bonus! Websites links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    12 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago