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Lv 44,024 points

The Professional

Favorite Answers42%

More or less a jack of all trades...I play a string instrument, breed koi, competitive oarsman, scuba dive, marksman (military) and a computer freak.

  • How do you refer to a black person??

    If you know that the person is NOT American and you do not know his nationality. If you are black, do you feel offended if I refer to you as black?

    17 AnswersOther - Social Science2 decades ago
  • What car should I buy?

    I have a flexible budget. Right now, I am considering the new 2006 Honda Accord (3.0 V6 with GPS), 2007 Toyota Camry (2.4 but 4 cylinder with GPS, AFS, ABS etc etc - we do not have the V6 here) or the 2006 2.4 V6 Audi A6 (No GPS available). Problem is that the Camry is the best equipped (better than the Audi), the Accord the fastest and the Audi for the brand conscious. For business and family use...this will be a company car but I will have to chip in if I choose an Audi.

    What would you choose? BTW, the Audi is about 60% more expensive than the other 2.

    10 AnswersBuying & Selling2 decades ago
  • Why do Americans Blaspheme?

    A lot of Americans say "Jesus Christ!" when they want to make an exclaimation point. Do you know that this is blasphemy and is a sin? It makes me cringe to hear it used in such a way......

    For a country of people who claim to follow the Christian faith, why is this accepted?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • If a woman sleeps with a man for money, she is a prostitute. If she marries him because he is rich?

    If she wants to marry a rich man, is she not a prostitute as well (money & security in an institution of marriage in exchange for sex)? What if he is old and ugly and unattractive? Why does society not view these girls in the same way as prostitutes? What is the difference?

    BTW, I have nothing against prostitutes. They are just doing what they need to do to make a living.

    27 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Debt Collection agency - need expert advice?

    I have been approached by a debt collection agency stating that i have an unpaid debt. However, they have not given me any documents to prove that they are now the owners of the debt. Further, the original creditor has issued me a letter stating that I have repaid the debt in full (though in error). What is the best course to follow? The debt collectors just call at all sorts of strange hours and threaten me....I am so sick of this.

    I do not want to pay anyone till they give me the documentatin that they own the debt or else someone else may come along and claim the same thing. Do I just ignore them till I get the confirmations? Do I have a duty to find out or should the burden lay on them?

    4 AnswersCredit2 decades ago