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  • Has anyone noticed how any people are completely clueless when it comes to politics?

    I love debating people on politics and other subjects, it's enjoyable to me. Yet sadly I find it laughable how many people don't know ANYTHING about politics and have essentially NO data or facts, or anything even close to a valid point. It amazes me that people hardly ever argue about subjects they don't know anything about but then when it comes to politics they suddenly have no issue with it and either use personal insults or their "feelings." Saying things like "Well I just don't like that politician." But when u ask them why they can't give you a good answer. Since the political races have been heating up I figured I'd ask anyone out there how they felt on the subject.

    9 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Anyone notice the lifesavers sweet story book is lame now?

    I have gotten one of these for years on x mas. Now I realize u used to get like 8 rolls and they all used to be 2 butter rum, 2 cherry, two tropical and two 5 flavors. Now u only got 5 and they're ALL 5 FLAVORS. WTF?.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink5 years ago
  • Is it me or is MSNBC trying to help Hillary Clinton?

    Now to be fair I have not seen favoritism everywhere on MSNBC (meaning not on all their shows) for Clinton. But after watching for a while it seems to me there is some subtle yet slanted reporting when it comes to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. MSNBC has been talking a lot about Sanders age, interviewing people who seem to keep saying Clinton is going to win (like it's already in the books) and quite a few other things that seem to try to sway the people who are on the fence toward Clinton. MSNBC is seen as the liberal news station and yet they are a huge corporate entity so I would imagine they are pulling for Clinton. Do you think they are reporting fairly or do you think they have an agenda?

    9 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is Nancy Grace the dumbest person on Earth?

    I just happened to see her show today and I was absolutely blown away by her stunning lack of intelligence. She was a former lawyer (as incredible as that sounds) and she doesn't seem to understand the fact that people are innocent until proven guilty. And we find people guilty or not guilty of crimes using EVIDENCE not just throwing crack pot allegations and conspiracy theories out. How can a lawyer not understand that of all people? She is often incoherent, she doesn't listen to what people are saying. Either that or she doesn't comprehend what they trying to tell her, misinterprets their quote and then goes off on a tangent about something that nobody ever said to begin with. Why was this women given a television show and how is it that she has been able to make a career in reporting? It's just madness is it not?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism5 years ago
  • Why don't the misfits get a new lead singer?

    I'm a big fan of the band but I am not really a fan of Jerry Only's vocals. He's not horrible but he is not Michale Graves and certainly no Glenn Danzig that's for sure. I know that Jerry is getting older and the current lineup have almost become a tribute band of the Misfits in a way. Maybe the band has runs it's course so to say and they are either not interested in improving or innovating their sound but are comfortable where they are. I'm not judging by the way but I just think maybe they would be better off with a new frontman and some young blood. When ur new lead singer is progressively worse each time it's not good in my opinion and although Graves was maybe a more naturally talented singer then Danzig, most people prefer the work of the Danzig years and there's more of it to like. But whether u like Danzig or Graves better, whoever u choose from those two will always beat out Jerry Only in most circles...sorry Jerry.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop5 years ago
  • What is it with right wingers online, are there that many nuts out there or does it just seem that way?

    I just finished the movie "American Sniper" and wanted to see what I could find regarding Chris Kyle's tragic death and why the shooter may have done it. I found a short story and read a few posts and the first two accuse Obama of secretly setting the whole thing up (because ya know he's a Muslim...idiots). It made me want to ask why it seems as if there are so many right wingers out there just making absurd connections between everything from why the Cavaliers lost the NBA finals to more serious issues such as this and why Obama (The Anti-Christ they often refer to him as or they mention his middle name EVERY time they spell out his name). I really thought it was a historic and amazing showing of maturity and pride that a man of African American decent could be voted in as our president. Not because he was black but because we thought he was the best candidate and that he happened to be black. It's so sad how some on the right have so much HATE for this man, our president and how proudly and crudely they proclaim it online. Like him or not he has had arguably one of, if not the two most difficult terms as an American President and on top of it he has to deal with people like that. It really showed me that we have a he|| of long way to go when it comes to growing up and looking past ones skin color and in our president's case looking past one's name. I just find it discouraging and wonder if radio show hosts like Hannity and Limbaugh know the hate they have helped to create?

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Can Taylor Swift really be the voice of this generation? God I certainly hope that's bullish!t.?

    I was about to watch something on On demand when I heard some kid make the statement "Taylor is so great, she never leaves anyone out (whatever that means) and she's really the voice of our generation." I chuckled to myself and being bored thought it would be funny to Google this and see what else popped up. I found this statement was also mirrored by her record producer at "BIg Machine Records" and thought that was funny but hey, I mean this guy loves her cus she makes him tons of money but could this be the opinion of this generation as a whole, and I began to sigh uncontrollably in pity. Now I don't know if she writes her own stuff and I couldn't really name any of her songs so I don't claim to be an expert but from what I've heard of her music I just find those statements to be tragic, don't u? Does she belong to be up here with Elvis, The Beatles, Bob Dylan or Nirvana? I think u can guess what my answer would be to that question (He|| No!!!) but what's your opinion?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Why do we as a society allow and accept African American people's racism towards Whites but condemn it when the rolls are reversed?

    Now first off I would prefer that any racist act or behavior be condemned so that there will be no confusion on where I stand on the issue of judging or hating someone due to the color of ones skin. That being said I just find it alarming and cowardly that we as a country tolerate such an ugly and despicable form of behavior no matter what has happened in the past or what wrongs have been committed by ignorant people who by the way are all DEAD! To act as if these wrongs today have been justifiably earned through racial struggle of the past is to completely miss the point of what people like MLK strived for and died for. He "had a dream" and we have turned it into a nightmare. African Americans have been through a lot and slavery and the subsequent acts of Good ole boy bullish|t that followed were so WRONG one can hardly imagine it could have ever been the norm. But when a race of people have experienced such pain and suffering, would they not want ALL persons innocent of these crimes to avoid being the victims of the same treatment? Martin Luther King wanted EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL and i believe he would be greatly ashamed and saddened by the way we have taken the "Eye for an eye" method rather then the "Turn the other cheek" method. After all it was another man of peace, Gandhi who taught us that an "Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and that my brothers and sisters is the truth and something would be well served to remember and teach our youngsters isn't it?

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • What is the air speed velocity of a swallow? (African or European species is acceptable, your choice of one or both if ur feeling saucy)?

    Now I hope anyone answering this great mystery of natural will in fact have some sort of professional credentials available to show ur not one of these jokers parading about town proclaiming to be an expert on swallows and their accelerational properties and abilities (you know who u are and shame on u...there's a special place in Hell for people like...) No wait, I told myself I wouldn't let them ruin my life anymore...just gotta remind myself that THEY are the ones with the problem and someone probably didn't hug them as a child or something...I mean why else would they do something so foul, and loathsome as the falsification of such an important and critical problem facing our world today...swallow speed and swallow speed related issues. Please only serious answers and qualified scientific people with degrees...and beakers, lots of beakers and test tubes and stuff. Thank u for your time and God speed or maybe I should have said swallow speed? Ha ha ha, just a little inside joke for all of u in the swallow speed community, you're welcome.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why do people from big cities like Boston, Chicago, New York etc. always seem to have to let you know that?

    I'm not saying that everyone from big cities does this but I know more then a few people that seem to have to tell u that they're from (insert large city here). They seem to act as if they're better then u, tougher then u or smarter for some reason as well. I'm not saying u shouldn't have some pride in ur city or love ur city or anything like that, but to me its about as absurd as being prideful of being white, or black or tall or short. U are who u are and how someone can be proud of something they had no control of is beyond me, that's just my opinion, what's urs?

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • Anyone find this ironic?

    The "war on terror" we are supposedly fighting in the middle East is to kill a ruthless enemy that quote "hates freedom." Now Im in no way saying these wackos arent dangerous or that they dont in fact hate us for the freedoms that we display nor do I support their cause, beliefs or their methods of operation. That being said so there is no confusion, is it not ironic that we "the shining city on the hill" and the bastion of all that is good, right and holy in the world are so wiling to give up our freedoms to supposedly combat the enemy combatants (as we like to call them now) and with little prodding I might add. We love to celebrate the 4th of July, sing "God bless America" and wave the flag around and yet we are basically pi$$ing all over the men and women who have invested so much or even given their lives to provide us with the freedom we enjoy in this country. What do u guys/gals think?

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Should we have just let the Southern/Confederate states succeed?

    I have thought about it many times and the Southern states which are predominately red states (politically) hold back the progress of this country with their "conservative" and tea party horse manure. Now I realize that economically we may take a step back but many of those states are in fact "welfare states" anyway and I say let em go. Now sure these fine geographic subsidiaries did bring us cherished pastimes such as Jim Crowe laws, segregation and the big daddy of them all slavery but he|| I think we'll get over it with time, don't u? I would just love it if we didn't always have to deal with the stubborn, holier then now and quite frankly delusional elements of Southern culture and it's belief that they can "take back America" to a make believe place that I assume resembles the 1950s but actually never really existed except in the feeble minded imagination of the good ole boys that dreamt it up.

    11 AnswersHistory6 years ago
  • What the HeII is wrong with u right wing nut jobs?

    Now its not like this is a newly found problem just recently discovered by yours truly but I happened to be watching HBOs news magazine program "VICE" and they were doing a story about self proclaimed "patriot groups" and I was inspired by these knobs to get any feedback on the subject. These vigilantes wrap themselves in the American flag and claim they will be the last line of defense when Obama and his Kenyan sleeper cell open the US boarder and let all the Muslims, Communists and French in to take us all hostage, kill us and turn our children into flag burning queers,,,or something to that effect. They hate Obama so much it practically seeps out their pores and soaks into their John Deer trucker hats. They have been convinced either by their slack jawed brethren or from the many, many right wing hate spewers like Rush, Hannity or some other a$$ hole with a microphone, micro penis and a penchant for misleading people with low brain output and a black and white outlook on how the world is (you know, "ur either with us or the terrorists",. that sort of thing). The fact is there has been no movement on the gun issue since Obama took office and yet theyre sure this has all just been a clever ruse by that darn ***** and hes not to be trusted...not one bit!

    8 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Why do people think life is so important?

    Maybe u think this is an odd question but people seem to think that they have the right to tell others how to live their lives either with religion, censorship or many other absurd examples of nosiness, delusion and self grandure. I was born on this Earth just like u were and I just want to be able to live my Fu(king life the way I see fit and in a way that makes sense to me! Im not hurting anyone and yet the powers that be want to tell me what I can put in my body, what s right and what's wrong and want me to just play nice and act like a good little soldier. Where the hell do they get off telling me any different! Fact is we are on a rock, floating around in space and NONE of us know why the hell we are here, if someone tells u they know they are a god damn lier and they're more full of sh:t then a manure truck on it's way to a really big job. If this is my only go around in life then thanks a bunch to all the A holes who make it your business to tell me and everyone else how to act while were here and raining on our parade. Fu(k u and the horse ur secretly screwing behind closed doors u Fu(king hypocritical, holyier then now, lemmings. Get a life and quite ruining mine!!! Not sure if that's really a question anymore but I really could give a rats ***, after all IT DOESN'T FU(KING MATTER! Thoughts?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Is women's lib in the Middle East the answer to getting rid of isis and terrorism?

    I'm watching a documentary on Public Broadcasting about women's lib and saw the power that women can wield when they stand together and show us men that they're worthy of and deserving of every right that men have. The Middle East has been famous for the downgrading and submission of women's rights and their place in the world and this nonsense has allowed men in this part of the world to run amok with violence and perversion of their religion. If women could stand up fearlessly and rise as one don't u think they could take down not only women's discrimination and bigotry but also violent thoughtless organizations such as isis and other terrorist movements which are almost exclusively run by men? The wild west was a very voilent place before women and children begin occupying the same space and putting their two sense in change it so why not the same in the Middle East too? If Isis members saw their own mothers, daughters and wives as more then just submissive, sub servant, second class citizens then maybe we could see more change then we would by dropping bombs and killing people. Thoughts?

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is women's lib in the Middle East the answer to getting rid of Isis and terrorism?

    I'm watching a documentary on Public Broadcasting about women's lib and saw the power that women can wield when they stand together and show us men that they're worthy of and deserving of every right that men have. The Middle East has been famous for the downgrading and submission of women's rights and their place in the world and this nonsense has allowed men in this part of the world to run amok with violence and perversion of their religion. If women could stand up fearlessly and rise as one don't u think they could take down not only women's discrimination and bigotry but also violent thoughtless organizations such as isis and other terrorist movements which are almost exclusively run by men? The wild west was a very voilent place before women and children begin occupying the same space and putting their two sense in change it so why not the same in the Middle East too? If Isis members saw their own mothers, daughters and wives as more then just submissive, sub servant, second class citizens then maybe we could see more change then we would by dropping bombs and killing people. Thoughts?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago