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Lv 57,190 points


Favorite Answers9%

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me goddess.

  • Who here is SICK of "political spam" in the real world?

    I swear, my house hold of 3 people gets AT LEAST 5 items of mail, 6 recorded phone calls and god knows HOW many commercials on TV EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

    Also, how come my numbers are listed on the "do not call list" yet all of these candidates and people for and against propositions can call??

    I can't WAIT until the election is over so we can stop wasting this time, paper and electricity!!!

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I just dropped a small pair of scissors on my toe...?

    They are OLD little tiny grooming scissors and are rusted a bit and it went through my sock and poked a tiny hole in my big toe.

    Do you think I need to update my tetness shot? I can't actually remember when I got one last?

    10 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Please send your positive thoughts and energy...?

    I have a friend who's having surgery as I type this, for a ruptured hernia with multiple complications.

    I am In the US and he's in the UK and I can't get there until Wed. (well actually thrursday) and I am going nutts with worry and grief.

    Please send positve thoughts to Gary at "Jimmy's" (St. James Hospital) in Leeds, UK.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How did us 30 somethings graduate?

    You see so many kids in here asking for homework help, and it makes me wonder just HOW we "older folk" ever got along without the wonder invention of the decade, the PC?

    10 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here gotten pregnant when they weren't supposed to be able?

    I am nearly 36 yrs old and have no children. I was told that I don't ovulate (but I have cycles) then I was told I have endomitriotis and displacia. I may have had one misscarrige a few years back, but have not been pregnant before.

    Has anyone here been told they could not have kids or just never got pregnant until later in life?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I feel like my friends are using me, what should I do?

    I have 2 female friends that I feel are both using me for rides. 1 lost her car and licence when she got a DUI and the other is very pregnant and her man has their only car at work, out of town.

    I usually don't mind doing the "occasional" favor for friends, but I have been running the one all over town these past few days, and the pregnant one only seems to call or come by when she needs something as well.

    I already take care and live with my grandma and am on call 24/7 for her, so maybe I am just over stressed with taking care of others.

    I just called and made up a lie to my prego friend as I had told her I would take her to an out of town apt. for a birthing class tommorow, but I just don't feel like it. Not 5 min later the other calls and needs a ride to get her stuff.

    They rarely give me gas money or kick down anything else, and of course they can never give me a ride because they don't have cars.

    Am I being irrational, or are my feelings valid?

    17 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Should intelligent, single people seek other intelligent people?

    I was chatting with a male friend of mine last night (about what, I can't remember) when all of sudden, out of no where, he says, "you need to find someone highly intelligent". I asked if he didn't understand something I'd said and he said, "No, I was just making an observation".

    But it got me to thinking...I have been more or less single for 4 years now and have dated a number of men, but the few that I have formed lasting, meaningful relationships with (good friendships only thus far) are the ones that can keep up with me intellectually.

    I'm not a genius by any means (I think my last IQ test said 126) but I do tend to get bored easily, with men and life in general.

    Should I start looking for mates in places that "smart people" hang out? And if so, where might that be in "small town USA"?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to evict a possum from my garage?

    I've had a possum living in my garage for some time now. I rarely see him/her, but the dry cat food was dissapearing too fast for one cat, things were knocked over a lot and one time, I saw a rat like tail jet out from under the steps. I have a bunch of boxes out there so I can't really see where it's been living.

    Tonite, it came out while I was having a smoke on the back lawn and I saw the little (well actually bigger than my cat) sucker eye to eye as it sat on the trunk of my ivy. I shut the garage door, so maybe it won't be able to get back in and will go away...but I doubt it, because it's been well fed and comfy in my garage for near a year.

    I don't want to kill it...I just want it out of my garage.

    Any NON VIOLENT suggestions???

    8 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • If you had a friend, who just found out?

    From the Internet (Megans List) that her BF was a registered sex offeder, (sexuall battery) and he had said NOTHING to her about it, other than, he had done some time in Prison.

    He also may be cheating on her with her friend and often never doesn't call or hook up when he says he will.

    What would your advice to her be?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • People from California...?

    Are you from Northern or Southern California?

    Have you ever heard about people wanting to split the state legally into 2 states, N and S?

    What do you think about that? Pro's and Cons.

    6 AnswersGeography2 decades ago
  • Over 30's you take time to play?

    When's the last time you blew bubbles, or made and played with a rubber band ball? Can you remember the last time you had a squirt gun fight, or better yet, a water balloon fight?

    I started to make a rubber band ball this am, while watching the morning news and it's fun and good exercise for my fingers and I can't wait to get it big and take it out back on the patio and see how high it bounces.

    What do you do for play to de-stress and feel like kid again? Even it's just a few minutes a day.

    12 AnswersMental Health2 decades ago
  • Is there a way to block someones IP address in here?

    It seems to me that a lot of the people who are rude and asking nasty questions in here, get reported and booted, then go create another yahoo ID and they are right back in the game.

    I was just curious if anyone knew if they can block the IP adress yet. That would be way cool, don't ya' think?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • I need a rear view mirror for an 87 Honda Accord LXi?

    I have checked my local junk yard and they crushed all their Honda's, I have speant hours on the net on all kinds of different sites and haven't even seen one available for that make/model/year, and I have also posted a want add on e-bay, with only one response and it wasn't what I was looking for.

    Please, if anyone has a link to a site that carries parts for older Honda's or happens to know someone who has a wrecked honda...I need a rear view mirror. I can't drive my car at night or sell it until I get it fixed.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 decades ago
  • How long do you think it will take me to get 4,804 points?

    If I limit my question asking to one every couple of days, and answer for say 2 hrs a day, how many months will it take me to reach level 5.

    Since I got to level 4, I'm frustrated that it's taking so long to move up...need a "light at the end of the tunnel".

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Is there any way to find out who owns my old mustang now?

    I had a 65 Mustang that I was forced to sell and the guy that bought it from my ripped me off big time. He convinced me that it was worth less than it was and then burned me for another $1,000.

    I heard this guy died some time later and I want to try and find my car so I can try and get it back.

    If I know the plate and VIN number, can I look it up somewhere?

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling2 decades ago
  • It's 4:20 pm here...what are you doing?

    I'll catch the answers later, as I'm busy outside right now.

    5 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • How come any guy I seem to "click" with on line seems to be from far away?

    It's not like I'm seeking anyone on here. I don't do internet dating sites, or advertise myself as single and looking. I just occasionaly "meet" guys on line and we corospond, but they always seem to be at least from the other side of the US...if not from another bloody country?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Long haired people...when you shower, do you ever find long hairs?

    Stuck in your bum? Don't you hate that? You wash your hair, then go to wash your body and when you get to your bum, you feel a really long hair and for just a second, you think, " I growing mutant butt hairs, or what?"

    Am I the only one that happens to, or what?

    12 AnswersSkin & Body2 decades ago
  • What's the most amount of money you've found in your laundry?

    I just found $40 in the pocket of a pair of pants I haven't worn in weeks. Funny thing is...I kind of remember thinking "damn...did I drink THAT much tonite?"

    12 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 decades ago
  • Should I bake cookies now, or after I go to the pub?

    I have to make cookies for a volenteer thing tommorow at noon, so I could get up early and they'd be really fresh.

    16 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago