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previous experience: plumbing, central vacuum, engine mechanical, military(navy), nuclear power, electronics, electricity, sterilizers and industrial washers, music, bass guitar, carpentry, acoustic design(small scale), acoustic mixing, computers, HTML, art, french, retail, fast-food, cooking, heating and air, meteorology, ups and downs of drugs and alcohol, politics(minor experience) exercise, lanscaping, consumer electronics, car stereo, TV repair, appliance repair, amplifiers/home electronic repair, instrument repair, the art of verbal self defense, welding, steam piping, and ridding the world of ignorance. On myspace at:

  • She's older and sexy! What next?

    Met this older woman tonight. Very friendly and engaging, but I'm not sure of her intentions. she seems like she likes to have fun but not sure if I should ask her for dinner or be more forward and go straight for the kill. Red head, drinker, social, works in a beer store. How do I approach this? I'm pretty inexperienced after a long relationship. thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I mix 1R-cis-Bifenthrin, Zeta-cypermethrin, and Metsulfuron methyl in the same solution?

    I don't particularly want to spray 3 times, and I'm under the understanding that APL Lawn Spraying mixes insecticides with Manor and the Bifenthrin/cypermethrin mix is the best I've found. Can I mix these 3 without under durable reaction?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • How do I fix my "ratty j*w hair"?

    My girlfriend says I have "ratty j*w hair". I'm not really sure what that means, but apparently my hair is mouse fur.

    What shampoo and conditioner should I use? what the hell is brush in "hair oil"???

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • How can I get my teenage nephews to listen to me?

    Now that I've reached that golden age where I wish I'd listened to all the wise advice that people had given me, I'm starting to think about all the advice I could give my nephews, In a way that they'll actually listen. I realize that when people tried to explain things to me when I was younger, there were two problems, one that I was too hardheaded to listen, and the other being they were too hard headed to try and explain things from a different perspective.

    so, to rephrase my question, how can I give my nephews advice in a way that they will take it so that they don't grow up and wish that they had changed their attitudes earlier on?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Is there a way to disable the "Caps Lock is On" message in Internet Explorer?

    Our intranet site does not care about letter case. The warning tends to get "stuck" on the screen periodically when changing window focus and can stay there when IE is closed. It's very annoying. Is there anyway to disable this warning??

    I've searched all over Google and the only solution I can see is that you can use JavaScript to disable the warning, however we obviously cannot edit the JavaScript on every website, and actually cannot edit the JavaScript on our intranet, since it's maintained by the corporation.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • How do I isolate a malicious driver using an address for a worker routine on WinXP?

    I got a BSOD from a bug check stop (0x00000096) INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM. I looked it up on MS and it said I could isolate the problem driver using the address in the 4th parameter of the stop dump information. How do I do this?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Arrested for public intoxication after mixing meds and alcohol. What are my options?

    I recently went out and drank for the first time in a year and a half. Since I'm not a drinker, I didn't pay much attention to the info about my medication in regards to alcohol, and my doctor told me it was ok to drink as normal while on this medication. What I didn't see was that I shouldn't take it within 8 hours of drinking.

    So, long story short, I lost control and ende up leaving the bar. I was arrested for public intoxication, sat in jail for 8 hours and paid my fine. I have court in a couple weeks, if I want to contest the arrest. I'm a first time offender, so I was looking at seeing what it takes to get my record expunged. What else should I look at doing?

    btw this happened in mississippi

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • What's considered authentic Japanese sushi?

    I've just discovered that I love sushi... The only sushi I had ever tried before was a California roll and I didn't really like it. lately I've been eating black dragon rolls and spicy tuna. I thought I was being adventurous eating raw eel but friend tells me that's all still very American. so what do I need to try to say I've had "authentic" Japanese sushi that hasn't really been Americanized?

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • Lost weight now how do I gain confidence?

    I used to have a lot of confidence then gained a lot of weight after an accident. Now I lost it all after 10 years and everyone tells me I look great but I've lost all my confidence and haven't figured out how to get it back. I still feel fat. I'm not trying to get laid... I just want to feel more like people actually take me seriously and be able to lead and get up to talk in front of people again

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to I sand a round surface perfectly?

    I've got a 12" tube that I'm about to cover in fiberglass and Bondo. Once the Bondo is on I'll need to sand it back to being perfectly round or as close to it as possible. I'd like to make it look as close to being machined as possible, however I have to sand it by hand. Whats the best method for sanding large, curved surfaces like this?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • How do I fix a pinched nerve?

    I've been losing a lot of weight lately, so I've been much more active. recently, I've been feeling a localized "chill" in my back near my shoulder blades. It it's not quite numbness, but more like the goosebumps feeling you get when you're cold, with some soreness in the muscles. from what I read, the nerve start in my neck and runs down to my shoulder blades, so I'm not sure exactly where it's pinched. are there some exercises or stretches I can do to "un-pinch" the nerve?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • what song is this?help!?

    the song is relatively recent and is by a young country singer. it's a love song , something about wanting you or wanting to be with you. it's seriously cheesy romantic stuff. the video is in black and white, and it's just the singer playing a piano, and there's writing on the walls and on the piano.

    help me! you may save my relationship here!! before you call me a jerk you got to realize this song is so lovey cheesy its almost creepy... nevertheless my gf chose it as "our song" and I have forgotten what it is cause we haven't talked about it in so long... the reason she chose it is because it's how she sees me thinking of her so I'm obviously not a jerk lol I just forgot a bad song...


    3 AnswersCountry9 years ago
  • She cried after orgasm?

    Ok this is a bit private but i need some perspective, so here goes....

    So my gf and I are apart right now because of work, which has been really hard on us both. But we talk every night on the phone, and it often turns into phone sex. Last night I could tell she was feeling a bit overwhelmed and emotional, so I made sure to let her know she is the world to me (in not so few words of course) and next thing I know, we're talking dirty again and I'm talking her to orgasm.

    She suddenly got very loud and started screaming saying to keep talking. She apparently orgasmed so hard that when we were finished, she started crying. She didn't seem sad in fact she seemed extatic haha

    I guess that's where I got confused... She's never cried after sex although she seems to enjoy it very much (I know she fakes it for me sometimes). Last night I was worried that she was feeling insecure afterwards because she said "I'm sorry I don't talk as good as you but you were just so good I lost it". I think she felt like I was just saying things for her but I was enjoying it just as much as her.

    Anyway can I get a girls perspective on this? I'm worried I need to do more to make her feel more secure. It was the day before her period, so I know her emotions were intensified, but I just want to make sure there's nothing I can do to keep her from feeling insecure. Or could an orgasm have really been that good? Could she really have been crying just because of the intense release? I love this girl and I want make sure I really understand her!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it too good to be true?

    I've only met someone online once before nvolving persuing a relationship and it went down in flames. But I met this girl online through a group of buddies and after working together with them over VoIP, she spoke to me privately and said she really wanted to know what I looked like after hearing my voIce.

    So, I send her my most flattering picture :) and she expresses her attraction to me, then sends me a picture of herself. She's gorgeous and appears to be out of my league looks wise but just like me personality wise. The picture she sent seems legit, as I asked for another picture of something specific, and she provided.

    At first, she was just really cute about everything, but then suddenly expressed that she was strangely and deeply attracted to me and wants to make something of it. We talk late into the night on the phone, and have a good time together just talking. After only 3 days she expressed light hearted dreams of being able to meet up and spend real time together.

    She's very pretty, and I'm only so-so. She just seems too good to be true. Is she just craving attention? I was skeptical, but I don't think I'm being scammed, but nevertheless, I'm still being careful. But how do I figure out if I've really found something special or if it's just a girl trying to get some flirtation and attention showered on her? I've been playing kind of hard to get and being very reserved about my feelings but at the same time opening up and having fun with her. Haha she seems to be my dream girl-- pretty, a little geeky, fun and down to earth

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What aircraft would strobe around once every 13 seconds and have no other lights?

    I walked outside this morning and saw a flash of light that got my attention. It happened again and again every few seconds, so I got my brother and we watched it for about 10 minutes. The only light I could see was the strobe, and no other navigational lights. The strobe occured once every 13 seconds. The craft was stationary for most of the time, until I ran inside to get my telescope. By the time I had it oriented to view the craft, it began to move slowly away (about 10 degrees of sky in about 10 seconds) and faded dark. We didn't see it again. I live near Biloxi, so the only thing I could think of is the high altitude stealth helicopters they use for IR border patrol on the coast (it was south of my position). But why would an aircraft strobe every 13 seconds and not every 1.2 seconds like a normal aircraft, and why would it strobe at all if it was a stealth craft?

    4 AnswersAircraft10 years ago
  • What's it called when you create a new meme from an old one?

    In other words, what's the word for taking an hilarious old internet meme, and adding your own twist to it, adding extra lulz to it, thereby creating an entirely new meme? For example, the guys that made the Bed Intruder song, created their meme based on the original Bed Intruder video.

    I know there's a word for this... I've heard it before. If there's not a word, I will officially coin one, here before the internets of the world.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Does SATA 3.0 (6 Gb/s) need an upgraded cable compared to SATA 2.0?

    I just bought some SATA 3.0 HDDs, and I was wondering if I needed to get special cables, or if the cables have not changed. Can I use the same cables I was using with SATA 2.0?

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • How do an NTSC D1 Display and a 540 TV Lines Camera work with each other?

    I have a DVR which will display NTSC D1 on the monitor. I also have a camera which has 540 TV Lines Resolution. What does that mean? I thought that since NTSC's D1 effective resolution was 720x480, that I was displaying 480 TV Lines... But apparently TV Lines are vertical lines measured over a horizontal width.

    Now, I'm reading the specs on my camera, and it says the CCD chip is 510 horizontal by 492 vertical... So what resolution is my camera going to ***display*** in terms of horizontal by vertical pixels? WxH is the only thing I work with, so I think I would understand it better.

    Will I even notice a difference between a 540 TV Lines Camera and a 600 TV Lines Camera?

    Cameras1 decade ago
  • How do I create a Windows DNS zone that will point a public sub-domain to a local server?

    I have an exchange server that has a public sub-domain ( When connected to WiFi with iPhones (or other phones), no one can get their email from the exchange server. It says "Connection to the server failed". But on 3G, it works fine. I suspect it's because there's no NAT policy in place on the firewall.

    Before I create a new NAT rule, can someone explain to me how to create a DNS zone so that sub-domain will point to it's LAN address?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when your doctor says you have "High HSV1 antibody count"?

    I got a blood test, and it came back positive for herpes simplex (cold sores). He said that my antibody count was extremely high. I have never had a break out that I know of, and have for sure never had any sores. I remember having a tiny blister or two on the inside of my lip that was related, but never anything serious.

    Does this mean my count was high because my body is fighting it off well? I was apparently born with it because my mom had it, and I have never been told that anyone I kissed contracted it. I have always been careful not to kiss anyone when I have one of those blisters...

    But does having a high antibody count mean that I'm MORE likely or LESS likely to pass it on?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago