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Favorite Answers25%
  • Is Yahoo! acting weird for you?

    For the past few months, whenever I come to the Yahoo! homepage, it'll have the wrong news feed and date from the previous day. And when I try to click my quick links to either Facebook or AOL, it'll say "Sorry Gone"

    Now, it's saying that I'm not signed in at all although I am. Has anyone else been noticed anything weird and have any suggestions on how to fix it?

    Please and Thank You :)

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Is Yahoo! acting weird for you?

    For the past few months, whenever I come to the Yahoo! homepage, it'll have the wrong news feed and date from the previous day. And when I try to click my quick links to either Facebook or AOL, it'll say "Sorry Gone"

    Now, it's saying that I'm not signed in at all although I am. Has anyone else been noticed anything weird and have any suggestions on how to fix it?

    Please and Thank You :)

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be a resident of two different states?

    I live in Colorado but want to go to school in California for a couple of years and was just wondering.

    Please and Thank you!


    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How does the G.I. Bill work for children of Californian Veterans?


    I am the child of an army veteran who served in the military for 30 years.

    I used to be told that because my dad retired in California, my tuition to any state school in California would be waved.

    A few months after my dad retired, we all moved to Colorado. I've already racked up a pretty substantial school bill here in Colorado and I was just wondering if I can I still benefit from the G.I. bill.

    If anyone has any information that they think would be helpful, don't hesitate to share.

    Please and Thank you!


    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Did you freak out after losing your dependant military I.D. card when you turned a certain age?

    I've been a military brat all my life and being affiliated with the military is all that I've ever really known. I'm a 22 year old full time college student and I lose my military I.D. next year. I need a little guidance, maybe some words of wisdom from other military kids and parents of kids who have gone through the same thing.

    Were you nervous about it?

    How did you feel about not being able to get on base anymore?

    If you could still get on base how did you feel about not being able to shop at the commissary or the BX/PX anymore?

    I guess the main question that I'm asking is how can I prepare myself so that the experience of losing my I.D. won't be so traumatic?

    If anyone has any words of wisdom or guidance, all is welcome if you think that it will help!

    Please and thank you!


    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a promo code for a David's Bridal online?

    So, I'm going to a friend's wedding and was informed that it is an extremely formal occasion. The only formal dress that I have is this coral and ivory dress that I ordered for my prom a few years back and never really liked.

    I'm about to pay a little over 160 dollars for a new dress and any little bit helps.

    So, if anyone can help, even if it's a little, I'd really appreciate it!

    Please and Thank you :)


    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How should I address an issue with my unethical supervisor?

    I work for a before and after school program part time and get in about 30 hours each pay day.

    Because The kids are on Christmas break, and they're bringing counselors in on a need basis, my hours got cut, which isn't a big deal because everyone needs those hours and I don't mind sharing. It's the holiday's, I get it.

    The place that I work for has this arrangement where college students can come back at least once every 90 days and work all of the seasonal breaks and still stay on payroll.

    This is the problem...

    My supervisor, cut my hours by 90% in order to give an away college student the maximum hours.

    That means that this pay period I'm only guaranteed 3.5 hours and the away college student gets 56 hours. Because I go to school, this is my only job and I rely on this job to pay the little bills that I have and to pay for school.

    It's not fair that someone can just come in from college and boot me and others out of our jobs and take our hours.

    How do I go about telling my supervisor that this is wrong and that I need more hours?

    This is unethical right?

    I have to pay for school too!

    And if anyone has any Colorado Workplace Ethics Laws that you'd like to share, I'd really appreciate it!



    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where can I find plus size board shorts and rash guards?

    I'm going on vacation in about 3 weeks and I'm trying to find a nice swim suit, rash guards and board shorts. Finding the swim suit was easy but the board shorts and rash guards not so much.

    A lot of the clothing stores that I shop at seem to think that if you're bigger than a size 12, you're not into surfing or any other type of water sport.

    Can anyone tell me where to find board shorts and rash guards that come in plus sizes. Preferably something pretty or really cute!



    4 AnswersSurfing1 decade ago
  • Do area heaters save more money than turning on the central heater?

    My family just moved into a 5 bedroom house and the weather is getting kinda chilli. To make matters worse, my room stays cold constantly. I had an area heater with automatic shut-off to keep my room a certain temperature thoughout the days and nights. My mom told me not to use it because it might run up the utility bill. Now, she has the heater and my room is the only one that's really cold. And to make matters worse, it's about to snow. The only way that I can get it back is if I can convince her that my little area heater with automatic shut-off is more economic than the central heating system in our house that doesn't heat up my room in the first place..

    Can anyone help me?



    Sources are very much welcome and needed if possible... :)

    8 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to have a Disney character tattooed on your body?

    Anything Disney? Characters, symbols or even the name? I heared somewhere that it might be and I just wanted to confirm.

    Would it be illegal for the tattoo artist?



    18 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • What is the proper way for a police officer to signal/stop you?

    I have a court date for next month and I can't seem to find proper police procedures. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction. The state that Iive in is Colorado if that helps.



    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Have you ever won a traffic court case? How?

    I have a court date next month for a traffic ticket that I didn't deserve. I plan on representing myself. I was just wondering who has actually pleaded not guilty, had a trial and won. What did you do or say to convince the judge that you were innocent. Was the trial long, intimidating, or hard?


    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A question about court fees?


    I have a court date next month to fight a ticket that I was wrongfully issued. People are telling me that if I feel stongly about the issue that I should just fight it and that I'm going to have to pay the fine anyway.

    Do they mean that if I'm found guilty, I won't have to pay anymore or any less than the amount that's on my ticket?


    Do they mean that I'm going to have to pay that fine, plus court fees?


    Are there going to be any additional fees?


    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where to look up traffic codes?

    I got a ticket for running a red light that I didin't run. Someone told me to look up the code to know exactly what the officer pulled me over for but I haven't been able to find a site that could give me th information that I need. Can you help me?



    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Traffic court for running red light?

    I have a court date in a couple of days for running a red light that I didn't run. I want to fight it, but I'm a little nervous and don't know how to go about it. I know that it'll just be the officer's word against mine so I was wondering if anybody has any advise for me or could tell me what to expect.


    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there such thing as a custom shoe maker?

    I was watching the movie 'In Her Shoes' and there's a part in the movie where Cameron

    Diaz's charicter is wearing a t-shirt and these gorgeous peep toe boots. I've tried searching for them but they're nowhere to be found. So I was wondering if there's such thing as going to a custom shoe maker to have a similar boot made.


    If anybody knows which shoe I'm talking about and can point me in the right direction to get them, I would be so appreciative.

    They kinda look like this.

    I would get those but I don't like them as much as the onse in the movie.



    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can I access traffic light camera taping legally ?

    Today I was on my way home from school and I went through an amber light. Even though I had beaten the red light, I got pulled over. The cop bassically lied to my face telling me that the light was red for like two seconds.

    I know that I'm innocent but there's no way to prove my case without proof that I didn't run that light.

    It there a site that you can go to in order to access taping of traffic?


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My file recovery isn't working. How can I make it work?

    I pressed the formatting button on my camera without knowing what it mean't and erased all of the media. I'm doing this file recovery thing but it says that there's nothing on the disk. However, people say that whenever you delete pictures, they'll always be there, you just can't get to them without file recovery software. I used the software and it's not working. Do you know of any other file recovery software or sites. Should I take it to a proffessional to recover?


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I submit a name to the American Name Society?

    ... Or anywhere actually.

    There are lots of common and uncommon names in this world however you can find both types of names in all sorts of name books.

    My brother's name is 'Brim' and while it's cool that it's unique, it also sucks because we can never buy him keychains with his name on it or tell him what his name means because it isn't in any name books.

    We got his name from someone on television and we've met a few Brims since he was named so he's not the only one. Is there anything I can do to bring this to the attention of the people who write the name books?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago