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char__c is a good cooker

Favorite Answers37%
  • Tartar sauce recipe with horseradish powder?

    I need a good tartar sauce recipe, that has horseradish powder in it, that you know is good!! I am not familiar with horseradish powder but I want to make a pint or so of tartar sauce it is so expensive. Thought I'd try make some as we are eating a lot of fish this summer. I think it would also have mayo, relish, lemon juice maybe garlic n onion powder or something along those lines. Appreciate it!!!!

    Please post recipes or links to recipes for this type of tartar.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Adobe flash player or shockwave player?

    I have been having trouble with flash player add-ons freezing up my computer. It is just a year old I shouldn't be having all this software trouble already. So I just uninstalled Adobe player, reader, shockwave etc.. I am going to start from scratch.. Now which should I put on my Dell Laptop?

    I have Vista Home Premium.

    Service pack 1(I had trouble with service pack 2 so I uninstalled it also)

    I have 3GB 1.6GB. available

    Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T7250 @ 2.00GHz.

    What is the difference in shockwave and flash player anyway.? Do I need both? And what is Adobe Air? never heard of that one before. What version of Acrobat should I install? Do I just need reader of something else.. I am so confused. Please help....I read some blogs that Adobe has compatibility issues with Vista. I've had trouble for a long time but more in the last month that's what made me decide to uninstall it all. Please tell me which ones I need to download. Thank you for help...

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Yahoo answers is acting weird. Constant error messages, it's a long term problem I've had.?

    This has been going on a long time but a lot more lately. I wondered if it was just my computer or does it happen to anyone else? I spend a long time answering questions in detail only to hit the submit button and loose it. It gives these errors. There are several different ones that pop up.

    "Yahoo answer is not available",

    "Question has been deleted"(but it really has not!),

    "Not yet migrated",

    "You have already activated your profile",

    "OOPS taking a coffee break",

    or I have to keep signing in over and over. There are others I can't remember to.

    I mean it does this all the time, it's very aggravating to loose all your hard work over and over. Is this something I can fix in my computer or yahoo settings? Or is it just going to always be like this? What is the problem? Anyone having these issues besides me? Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I take my yahoo answers pretty seriously and spend time on my answers.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • OK I need a rough/slutty name for a female inmate for Prison/Lockdown game. Need creative names don't b afraid?

    I just joined this Prison Lockdown game on MySpace, I can not think of a good female inmate name, I need a first and last name. Something unique and real sounding. Maybe something from someone you remember in life or a notorious female serial killer, murderer or outlaw. Or just a real sounding inmate name... Then I need a nickname as well. I've been trying to come up with one for 2 days. I can't play till I come up with a name. Help!! Make it good n scary & slutty n tough and real sounding. Lets see how creative we can all get. Write as many as pops in your head I might be able to mix and match to come up with a good one... Thanks you all !!!!!!!!!!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • OK I need a good slutty/tough female inmate name for Prison Lockdown game. Need some fun creative ideas here?

    I just joined this Prison Lockdown game on MySpace, I can not think of a good female inmate name, I need a first and last name. Something unique and real sounding. Maybe something from someone you remember in life or a notorious female serial killer, murderer or outlaw. Or just a real sounding inmate name... Then I need a nickname as well. I've been trying to come up with one for 2 days. I can't play till I come up with a name. Help!! Make it good n scary & slutty n tough and real sounding. Lets see how creative we can all get. Write as many as pops in your head I might be able to mix and match to come up with a good one... Thanks you all !!!!!!!!!!

    9 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Escape proof dog harness for my Boston Terrier?????????

    She is an escape artist I guess. She is stocky, broad chested, short necked, wide shouldered little Houdini! I named her Idgie off that girl on the "Fried Green Tomatoes" movie cause she was so ornery like her!!! I can't find the proper harness for her short thick neck. Any suggestions? Please give a link to any store online so I can view the harness. It would be greatly appreciated!

    Here she is:

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pre-menopause support & advice...Kinda scared......?

    OK, I'm 47 now, my periods have been changing for the last 2 years, otherwise they have always been on time. I've bled lightly for 2 months then gone back normal for months. It's happened on & off. Now I have been bleeding heavy and clotting for going on 2 months. Some cramping & more big clots and flooding this time, does this sound right? I had a pap 6 months everything was great in that department. I just want some feed back from other women who are going or have been through this. How long does this last? Does it just stop one day & I'm done or does it go on for years, I don't think I cant stand to bleed for years! It is so heavy at times when I stand up or sit for a long time I have to change my clothes. What did the doctor tell you when you were going through it? What medicine or hormones did he give you? I don't know much about hormones, mom & grandma never took any, aren't they dangerous? Tell me how it went for you? Something herbal I can try?

    11 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I'd like to hear some choice names for a guy who's wife had a baby Mon & he brings another woman home Sun!

    Yea can you believe that! My son in law(if thats what you want to call him), has been married two years to my step-daughter hits her and is mentally abusive as well. Anyway she just had there baby Mon. still with stitches and he hasn't even come home but once since then. But today we found out hes' been shacking up with a UGLY bug eyed Blond HOE with 3 kids. He had the nerve to tell his wife to stay at her mothers tonight, then he brings this funky slut into there house while she was at her moms. What do you think of somebody like that? The baby is a week old, he only held her once! It was a mess we took her over there and beat on the doors of course he wouldn't open it. We called to police and finally got in, his wife was crying hysterically and couldn't hardly breathe, It was terrible. That slut just sat there on the couch with her kids! I'd like to kick that chicks A$$. If it were your daughter he did this way what words would you have for him & his HOE? Please do tell me..

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you make yourself care if your fat or not????

    In need some kinda of inspiration, something to make me get up and go..... Even if the doc tells you that its causing health problems & it still hasn't phased you..... What do you do to start to care??????

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Expertise needed good but simple flavorful sauce for spaghetti squash. Tasty enough so will make me want more!

    I recently found out I have NASH a fatty liver disease. I have to loose some weight so the fat will come out of my liver or it will scar it. Which could lead to major Cirrhosis of the liver later in life, pretty scary huh? Well now I'm looking for stuff to fill in my void of food that I love so! I boiled a spaghetti squash today and have just been staring at it. It doesn't look appealing at all. I suppose I could learn to like it if it had a tasty sauce on it. Is there a trick to plumping it? Maybe boil it in water or is that it!. Just any little advice or experience you've had with Spaghetti squash. What are some other low calorie veggies & tasty recipes I can find to tame my stomach and stay under 1500 cals a day? I LOVE TO EAT! I am lifting weights twice a week in the stronger women program. I have lost 8 lbs but am stuck and starting to backslide! Give me foods I can eat a lot of and still be legal!!! Ive checked on some Shirataki noodles, but the shipping for California is high!

    7 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Apple Cider.........What am I going to do with all of it??????

    There are a lot of questions pertaining to apple cider on yahoo answers, but not a lot of recipes or ideas on how to use it, besides drinking it. I got a couple gallons and there is no way I can drink all that! Tell me how I can use it in cooking. I've Googled and Yahoo'd but can't find any good ideas. Maybe ya'll can. Do you know how it holds up in the freezer? Will it still be good for anything when I thaw it? I'm at a loss and I really hate to waste it. It wasn't expensive but I just have this thing about wasting food!!!!!! My Mamaw instilled that in me.....Anybody??????????????

    I thank ya'll in advance.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO ANSWER MY QUESTION! What is the adhesive used on nasal strips? For snoring or sports?

    I have a challenge for you, if you think you can find this information!

    I've looked at every box in the store. Not one of them give the name of the adhesive or the ingredients. Can a nurse, student or chemistry expert please find this out? Maybe a link so I can read about it. I have Googled, Yahoo'd, asked Jeeves, Dog Piled, Monster Crawled, used all search engines on Internet Explorer, as well as MSN'd and can not find the answer!!!! Some people are allergic to certain things, it shouldn't be that hard to find. Aren't companies suppose to give a list of ingredients on all the products now days? My family would appreciate the info.!!! And you will get 10 points and my humble respect!!

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • What is the skin adhesive/glue used on breathe right nasal strips made of? "name of product/ingredients"

    Some ingredients break our skin out and I would like to know exactly what the heck it is before I purchase them. There are also generics on the market but none of the boxes tell exactly whats it is! Some just say latex free, some say natural rubber latex and so on. It's aggrivating....I can't find this information on Google, Yahoo etc. It seems almost top secret! If anyone can find links on the technical ingredients can they please post them so I can read about it. My family would appreciate it!

    Is it the same as the adhesive used on bandaid bandages, I think it is different.

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • "American School" (Lansing IL.) Algebra 2. Need copy of the problems on Exam 8 PLEASE!!!!?

    My son has completed all 7-12 exams, mailed them to American School in Lansing Il. But we can't get anyone to speed up the grading process so he can graduate by the 18th of MAY with his class. He appearantly needs to correct some on Exam 8 they claimed they mailed it on the 3rd but it has been 8 days since and we have still not gotten the paper so he can correct it and get it back to them. We don't have anymore time to waste. I have copies of every other test 7, 9, 10, 11 & 12. Wouldn't you know 8 has been missed placed. He has his answer work sheet but not the problems to look at. Can some one please photo copy a copy to "PAINT" (in Windows) and email them. He only has 8 days. I think I'm going to have to drive 9 1/2 hrs to get his transcript on time.The councelor has to have it in writing! My nerves are shot! They received every test back in the time they allowed. Now they claim they are backed up. That should not keep our kids from graduating. Any other mothers out there PLEASE HELP

    2 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Online site to order 2 or 3 good quality peach trees,cherry trees,apricot etc. Not Henry Fields to expensive!?

    Time to order seed, tree & garden plants. I just want a couple Trugold Peach Trees, 2 Apricot trees, Strawberries, and a Cherry tree. Henrey Fields to so expensive but they do guarantee. I have ordered from them before but just wondered if there was another well known established Seed & Nursery Company that has competitive prices. One that will order & deliver online. Don't want to order in bulk my yard is small. Any suggestions on type of fruit trees would help too I am in zone 7 (Arkansas). Please share your knowledge & experience with me but only if you have dealt with that particular Nursery in the past and know for a fact they are high quality. Please give me the link or Company's name. I want to order Shiitake mushroom spores or dowels to, any suggestions or tips on mushroom gardens & tasty types of mushrooms would be so GREAT!!!!.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who's Yahoo page won't change? I can't refresh or go to the next page of questions, WHY?

    For about a week or more yahoo won't change when I refresh? When I have looked at all the questions I try to go to the next batch but can't!The only way I can get it to is go to My Q&A then press answer from there, then it will change. Otherwise I will sit here for 10 minutes clicking & clicking & clicking before it finally moves on. Have I got something set wrong or is it Yahoo??? I don't remember changing any settings. Any suggestions to fix this if it is my computer? Sometimes when I answer it takes up to 30 seconds to submit this is a new computer what the heck is wrong??????? Sometimes when I try to go back a page it won't do that either unless I press it several times what is that all about?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Colbert County, Al.(Cherokee) Can anyone from Colbert Co. give me info on a 15 or 20yr. old rape case?

    I am looking for information on a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER on the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Website. who now lives in Cherokee Alabama. This person was convicted on 2 counts of "Subjecting 2 Females to Sexual Contact" & was convicted and released in the 90's. But only registered in the last 2 yrs. It happened in the range of 15 to 20 yrs ago in Colbert County, Al. This person know lives in Cherokee. The address is public on the website & we dont want any contact or anything like that. The Case I am asking about is CC93-115/115. It involves a family member who has parished but the case was never solved. I will not post any other info. on here, but if anyone can tell us what happened (no names) or can locate a newspaper clip or anything like that, please email me. Nothing can be done now she is dead nor do we want to cause any harm or grief to anyone, nor contact w/anyone. The family is still hurting 26 yrs later. This will be private and no one will know we ever spoke about it.

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Spell Check on Yahoo, is there a better download somewhere I don't know about? Maybe a trick to make it work ?

    I am a fairly good speller, but not the best typer. Sometimes I go to fast and mess up words pretty bad. I can't rely on spell check 75% of the it says no errors found. AGGRAVATING!!! For instance "taht" which is "that" or "soupose" which is "suppose", it didn't catch either one of those just now. It usually happens when I need it the most, I have even misspelled purposely AS A TEST and it says none found. That's just crap!! It can make people look like bumbling idiots if you miss proofread yourself. Is there a newer spellcheck that is available? does anyone else have this spell check problem. Maybe it's me or my computer. Anybody know the answer to this problem. Should I alert Yahoo technical support, just wanted suggestions before I actually did htat?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Hey, Is today anybody else's birthday?

    If it is: HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!!!! It is beautiful outside, I feel pretty good, I look better than I use too, my kids are great & my HUSBAND is WONDERFUL!!! So I hope everybody is as blessed on there Birthday as I have been!

    11 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What's a good name for my mushroom dish?

    The theme is mushrooms.

    It has over a pound of mushrooms(any kind), poultry, seafood & rice. I am making this recipe from my head and can't think of a good name. Remember it has lots of mushrooms & a sauce. It's not spicey or doesn't represent any region of the world. It's just an everday dish my family likes. A clever name might catch the Judges's attention. Give me all that pops into your head.

    I will post the best idea & who gave it to me.

    18 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago