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  • What to do about my step-daughter?

    I've been with this guy for almost 4 years now and we have a 2 1/2 year old daughter together, he has 2 other children by previous women in his life the boy is 11 and the girl is 8. The 8 year old talks to herself and has full conversations with herself. she also has this act where she is so shy and innocent around her dad but when he leaves the room, horns come out and she acts like the "Orphan" and she flirts with my 10 year old cousin too, when daddy is not around of course. she has pinched my daughter before, bent her fingers back when she thought no one was looking but acts like an angel when her dad comes around like "his angel could do no wrong". what should I do because I don't want her around my daughter even if she is her half sister.

    PS- the step children do not live with us

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what would you do to resolve this issue?

    I've just recently started Nursing School and I have a few distractions. When my bf doesn't have to work he plays his video game up until like 3-4am when I have to get up at 5:30am! I had this discussion with him b4 and it only stopped 4 a day or so. I told him if he wants to play his game he should go downstairs, but he wants to play in the room where me and our 18 month old sleeps. He is being really inconsiderated and I'm tired of it. I didn't say anything because I'm trying to avoid arguing but it's going to happen. What would you do?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can i get out of my mortgage?

    Me and my grandmother want to leave from this house but her daughter wants to stay here, but she thinks that I'm suppose to stay here while her boyfriend and kids move in too, when it's already a crowded house. 2/3 of the owners want to sell, but 1/3 wants to keep it. She can either buy us out or be forced to sell right? she is one of those hostile, violent women who doesnt even live on this property, her children still lives here( who is under age), but she lives with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend's bills are getting high and he wants to move in here, but she wants me to continue paying my part while he goes half with her on her bills! I want to get my own Apt. with my boyfriend and my baby. Can you help? The Mortgage company said that she can sign an "assume" form meaning she can take over the mortgage by herself, but i dont want to pay $500 dollars for the forms if she's not going to sign.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What can I do about frustration?

    A lot of times I feel like I dont have any help with my daughter. I dont get any sleep, she doesnt let me. The crazy thing is...I'm not a single mother! her dad is here but I dont feel like he does anything! he plays his videogames, go out, and im the one doing the feeding, bathing and rocking to sleep. I hate arguing, but I'm tired of the BS. what can I do?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What would you have done?

    I have been taking and picking up my bf to and from work for 2 years now and at the end of the year he always have parties because it's a univ. anyways, when the parties run late i asked him to tell me ahead of time so i can leave the house later with our 11 month old. there has been back to back parties and he has not called and left me waiting for 1 hour on fri. 30min. on sat. 30 min. on Mon. and he tried to pull this same mess today! I had my baby with me, i had just gotten off of work and it was like 3:30p and he didnt call and say "oh i'm running late" or anything I rush out to leave with the baby and while i was driving i noticed that she whining and i said to myself she must be hungry. she was i got there about 3:50 something and we were out there to almost 4:05 i was calling his phone, nothing. i finally got fed up and called his job phone he said a couple of minutes. it was going on 4:30 i called his cell again and nothing. i called his job back and told him i was leaving, by this time my daughter was balling and screaming at the top of her lungs. i left to go feed my daughter. i will not apologize for this ever... he got a ride home. what would you have done?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How can i get my baby to sleep in her own bed on her own?

    Im sooo frustrated. i get about 1 hour of sleep per night because my 9 month keeps me up. she wakes up all of the time, whether its to eat or get in a more comfortable position. when my bf wakes up its only to give me the bottle for her then he goes back to sleep. i have to get up at 6:45am every morning and he has to go to work at 12n and she goes to sleep about 11:30pm every night! how can i get her to go to sleep earlier and in her own bed?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can I trade in this car?

    I have a 2008 hyundai accent, what kind of car do you think I could get if I trade it in? I need a car of equal value with no payments. Money is tight so I need no payments.

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What do u think about this?

    My bf and i have been together for 18 months and we have a baby girl. Last night i wasnt feeling well and he and his son was over his relatives house, but i called him home to help with the baby and wash her bottles out. he came, but he came with an attitude, he was talking all kind of junk til the point where he was sayin "do what chu gotta do" meaning (let's go our seperate ways) only because i asked him for more help with our daughter. I think its more to it than that, because in his last relationship, this girl played him out to the fullest extent and he wanted to "work it out". thats not even going on over here! (well not on my part anyway). what do u think? i have bent over backwards to please him ever since we've been together. even paid fines for him, that came out to alot of money, but i wanted him to have his name clear if he ever got pulled over. (silly me for caring right)?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do u think about this?

    My boyfriend amd i have been together for a year and a half and we have a 5 month baby girl. When it was just us (me and him) he would always have his guys night out with his family 2 nights a week. Now that we have a baby and she's 5 months I ask him to cut back a bit because I need help with our daughter, and I'm a first time mother, and he got an attitude about it. for 5 months I haven't said anything to him about going out, and I don't go out, but i need a break sometimes,it seems like he thinks something wrong with that. Now he looks at me differently, i don't think that he finds me attractive anymore and that i'm tryin to keep him locked up in th house,when all i said was don't stay out for 8-9 hrs at a time, be home helping me take care of OUR baby.

    Is there something wrong with that? Am I missing something? please let me know, and be honest. I told him if he's not happy then go, he's said "I'm Ight". What does that mean?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • What does A.M. care means in a hospital?

    Please no dumb answers please! I don't think it means morning care, but I could be wrong.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What can I do about this problem?

    I've recently had a baby, she's about to be 3 months now and I'm am very happy now that I have the little girl i've always wanted!

    The problem is not with motherhood, the problem is with her father who is my boyfriend. all we seem to do is argue all of the time, for example: usually ever night he would get up to get me her bottles for feeding from the fridge, or he would sometimes put her to sleep for me, or go make her bottles, anything else I would do the rest. it's becoming very frequently now that he is becoming lazier and lazier. Like last week when I asked him to put down to go to sleep while i looked up some baby tips on and he just ignored me and continued to play his video game while she cried so i immediately pick her up and rocked her to bed. then yesterday, she was sleep in my arms and i didn't want her to wake up and I needed to get her bottles ready for her night feedings, so I asked him to do it, and her just told me to put her down and go make her bottles while he continued to sleep. I did and she cried so loud because I had woken her up. I dont know what to do anymore, I haven't spoken to him all day at all, I'm so frustrated by his behavior. And all of a sudden he tries to help me out today by changing her and feeding her to get on my good side again, but if we were talking I would be doing those things for her not him. what do you think i should do?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What can I do for my 25th birthday?

    my boyfriend and I always go out to eat and go to the movies, so there's really nothing that comes to mind when it comes to my birthday. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • How can your license b suspended if I never had them?

    my bf got pulled over in 2001 and they charged him with driving on a suspended license and he never ever had a license, can they do that? or does he need a lawyer?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what does my bf have? How can I cure him?

    my bf got sick at work a couple of days ago at work. he has chills, a fever, body-aches, vomiting, etc... we went to the ER and they said that he has "flu-like" symptoms, but his flu test was negative. what can I give him to make his sickness go away? I gave him Motrin, it reduces his fever but he still vomits everything up. would Amoxicillian work for him?

    7 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What can I do?

    I'm getting more depressed by the day. I expecting a child soon, I got fired because I am pregnant, and my bills are really backing up. My unemployment is doing something but it's not handling all of my finances at all, my boyfriend is helping me and we still are poor. I have been still looking for a job even tho I am 5 months, but I need money now. I have a baby coming soon and I can't afford to be this broke, any suggestions?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I sell my shares to my home?

    I live in a home where there is three owners and I hate it! I want to get out of here because one of them is a real *****! I am expecting a baby and I want my own house alone with my boyfriend, but I can't leave unless I do something about this house, I don't want my child to live in this house at all, is there any, any way to get out of this mortgage.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can this job do this?

    Today I was let go from my job because I was pregnant! The HR woman said "don't look at it as being fired" but they let me go, they said that I just wasn't the right person for the job. They started changing when they found out that I was pregnant. on Thursday, I had some pain so the doctor put me on bed rest for that weekend, (this is my first EVER pregnancy) I didn't even kno that I could get pregnant! anyways I come back to work and I was fired for something that I have no control over. I did my work, never called out on my own (the dr. put me out for spotting, and pain once before) but that's it! do I have a case?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago