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  • What is the derivative of y=(3x^2+2)  cos^2⁡x ?

    My university friend has challenged me to work out the above equation.

    In fairness I did give him an equally difficult challenge on sport (as he is non-sporting).

    It's just a fun thing that we are doing during lockdown.

    Anyway, can somebody give me some help please as I haven't seen this type of equation before?

    He says that he can give me another one instead, but I still need to know how to work them out first.

    Many thanks.

    3 AnswersHomework Help11 months ago
  • Any good alternatives to gumtree out there?

    I think that Guntree is way too commercial now that eBay owns it.

    Are there any good alternative sites which aren't cluttered with sponsored ads and annoying pop-ups?

    Thanks :-)

  • Is there any Email software that can also run programs?

    I know that you can get software which can automatically download selected emails to external folders or your desktop.

    However, are there any email programs which can also execute i.e. run a program ?

    Just to clarify things, at work I often receive computer generated reports which I manually download to a specific folder. I then run a small windows program which extracts the data from the email and produces a document.

    I can find plenty of programs which can automatically download the emails to the folder (providing the computer is on which it always is), but I can't find one which will automatically download both the email and then run the program.

    Does such a program exist ?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How you ever been like St Peter and denied being a follower of Christ ?

    In the Bible, St Peter denied being a disciple of Christ (3 times).

    Have you ever been in a social situation, such as with a group of people, whereby one of them is slating your Christian beliefs, but you fail to stand up for fear of embarrassment ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is my Outlook Express still working ?

    I have always used Outlook Express in order to access my Hotmail account.

    However, I received an email from MSN advising that OE would no longer be able to access Hotmail after 30th June 2008.

    Now 2 months later I find that I can still send/receive emails from within Outlook Express.

    Why am I still able to access my Hotmail Account via Outlook Express without any problems ?

    1 AnswerMSN1 decade ago
  • Do you think more people around the World hate the USA ?

    In the last 10 or so years, do you think that more people now hate the USA than ever before ?

    Most of the Middle East seems to loathe the US, whilst burning the Stars & Stripes seems to be a popular pastime in several African countries.

    Even most European countries appear to distance themselves from the US.

    Is the USA really hated that much abroad ?

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does the USA welcome terrorists ?

    Luis Posada Carriles, a man who is responsible for some of the worst pre-9/11 crimes perpetrated in the Western Hemisphere has applied for politocal asylum in the USA.

    This is the same man who was responsible for the detonation of a bomb which killed 73 passengers and crew members aboard a Cuban passenger airliner as it flew over Barbadian waters on October 6, 1976, killing all on board including men, women and children. One woman was later found to be 7 months pregnant

    Later he was responsible for planting a bomb in a school hall in Panama (Central America) where a pro-Castro Cuban delegate was due to speak. Had the bomb not been discovered in time, it is likely that most of the hall would have been destroyed killing many of the audience. The proposed audience was to be 300-350 school kids.

    "One who shelters a terrorist, is a terrorist." - President George W. Bush (Dec 28, 2006).

    So, why is the USA sheltering this terrorist ?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A new US stamp - Is it true?

    Is it true that the US Government considered bringing out a new stamp with a picture of President Bush on it, but didn't as they were worried that people would spit on the wrong side ?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Concert for Princess Diana ?

    Is it not a bit sick that, several years after her tragic death, the Royals are planning a concert for princess Di ?

    Can't they just let her rest in peace, instead of continuing to use her name to help improve their standing in the eyes of the public ?

    What's next - a party for Pinochet ?

    6 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • Is Santa afraid to visit the Homes of Republicans?

    in case he gets shot for illegal entry ? After all, technically he is breaking and entering !!!

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who killed more of his own people ?

    Pinochet, Noriega or Saddam ?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does the USA have good military strategists ?

    What's the point in have a large, well-trained army if the people in charge are no good ?

    We can all blame Bush for the overall shambles in Iraq, but even he would have sought the "informed" opinions of military strategists.

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • For those who believe that we should legalize drugs...?

    Some people want to legalize drugs because they don't believe that such crimes can ever be eradicated and that keeping them illegal merely fuels other crimes (robbery, etc) in order to fund it.

    The are lots of other crimes that will never be eradicated e.g. Murder, Rape, House-Breaking, etc

    Does those supporting the legalization of drugs think that these crimes should be legalized as well ?

    14 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • For those wishing to withdraw troops from Iraq.?

    Do you think that the troops should be withdrawn tomorrow, or do you feel that the US has a moral responsibility to at least leave some form of stability in the country, even if it means staying an extra 3 months until other forces replace them (if any are willing) ?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A question for Democrats about Bush and Iraq.?

    Right now the Democrats are riding high thanks to George W Bush "staying the course" in Iraq, but if things should change then maybe Bush will go from bad guy to hero again.

    So, what would you rather see ?

    A. Bush continuing to lose votes through his "staying the course" policies in Iraq, thereby improving the chances that the next President is a Democrat, even if those current Bush policies mean more problems for the USA at home and abroad, and more soldiers dying in Iraq.

    B. A change of policies by Bush in Iraq to ease the tension, but with the possibilty that such a change will help improve the Republicans chances at the next election instead.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Isn't it embarrassing for Chile that Pinochet won't die ?

    I mean, they keep on pretending to want to "prosecute" Pinochet for crimes against humanity and in particular for crimes against innocent people in Chile.

    However, everyone knows that to prosecute Pinochet means "other" high-ranking and powerful individuals will also get caught up in the spotlight.

    So they are just waiting for him to shuffle off to "the big fire down below" so that they can drop all proceedings.

    The problem is that, he's now reached the age of 91 and keeps on recovering from strokes and heart-attacks. That man will live to be 100.

    How should Chile solve their problem ? Just prosecute him and be done with or else drag things out for another 10 years hoping that he dies before appearing in court ?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do so many "political" poster pretend to be on the other side ?

    Is it just me or are other posters noticing the number of "liberals" who claim to "hate Bush" then start saying what a "great guy he is", or the number of "so-called" Republicans who "praise Bush" and then "admit that he is clown" ?

    Are these people too chicken to post under their true colors ?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When Pinochet finally dies.....?

    Will he be hailed by Bush as a great friend of the USA and strong ally in Latin America, or will Bush be honest and admit that Pinochet was a right-wing dictator and oppresor of people.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago