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  • Is this legally feasible?

    So, my wife attended one of those adult toy parties last weekend, and it got me thinking. Would it be legally possible to have a "firearms party"? I've put some though in to it, so hear me out.

    1) All attendees will have be 18+, of course.

    2) It would held at someone's house, much like a jewelry party, Tupperware party, etc.

    3)The host/salesperson/representative will be someone, most likely the owner and maybe and assistant, who works at a FFL (gun shops and pawnshops mostly).

    4) The sales person will bring a few actual guns, like say 3 of the best selling handguns, 2 of the best selling rifles, and 2 of the best selling shotguns, for display and sale right then and there at the party. Now of course, the person will have several ATF 4473 forms, and a cellphone to call in for the background check.

    5) Ammo for sale, except for in jurisdictions that limit ammo sales.

    5) A catalog of firearms that the salesperson could order for attendees, that will require a deposit upon order, and the remainder of payment once the sale of the product is approved and picked up at the store.

    So, my question is directed towards those who have experience with working in/owning an FFL,or those who are well versed in federal law on such topics. Also, anyone with any additional state laws about this, your help would be appreciated as well. Would this be legally feasible/allowed?

    10 AnswersHunting7 years ago
  • What's the mininum age for shooting a handgun at a range in PA?

    The question is pretty self-explainitory. I want to take my 10 year old cousin to the range, here in Pennsylvannia, for him to get some experience handling firearms. I am 25 years old and will be supervising his usage of my firearms. My main concern is that the minimum age for the range is over 10 years of age. Can anyone clarify this for me?

    4 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Short hair around temple on women?

    I've been noticing more and more frequently in the past year or so that some women have been buzz cutting the hair around the left temple and left ear real short, but keep the rest of their hair the normal length. What is the reason for it? Does it mean something? Is it a trend? Or am I just being paranoid about a few women who want their hair style to be different?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • What's the legality of a mobil bar in NYC?

    I didn't know whether to put the question in the business section or in the legal section, but the question is self explanatory. I saw someone jokingly make the suggestion of a truck, similar to that of an ice cream truck, but it had a driver and a bartender or 2. It would go around town to commercial/industrial areas during lunch time and after 5. It would serve alcohol drinks. My question is how legal is it to run such a business in NYC? Would I be allowed to park such a truck in Times Square for a few hours and open business? I understand brown bag law here, but what if I put the drinks in paper cups with lids? I don't intend to go to residential neighborhoods, because of laws about selling within a certain distance of school/playgrounds/parks. Also, is a alcohol delivery business legal? For example, someone emails or calls in an order of say 5 Bud Lights, 6 Martinis, and 2 Pina Colodas, would it be legal to deliver such drinks to a home? (Of course assuming that the purchasers are over the drinking age)

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • What does a tough hair line mean?

    So I went to get my hair cut from a different barber then the guy I normally see. When the barber got to the hair on the back of my hair he said something about me having a tough hair line. What does that mean? Is it good, bad or just normal?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Should the WWE exploit the Punk/fan incident?

    I'm thinking that by possibly pushing the envelope on this one, they could raise their ratings. What I'm thinking is that Punk could go with this incident and play it off as "oh the fans don't respect me" and all that b.s. He could beat his opponent at HIAC, and go on a "I'm for myself and F the fans" war path. This could last for the next 3 months, which is enough build up time for a rivalry with the Rock leading up to the Royal Rumble. Whether or not the incident with the fan was planned or not, the fallout could make for an interesting rivalry. Also, the next 3 months leading to the RR should be enough time to settle with the fan, if it was real, and cut him a deal to be in the Rock's corner for the match. What do you guys think?

    7 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • What are some good fishing spots on Staten Island, NY?

    This question is pretty much self explanatory. Does anyone of any good fishing spots on Staten Island, NY? If so, what am I most likely to catch there? Also, what times are best for fishing at the spot? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • Staining the wood of my rifle suggestion?

    Ok so I own a Mosin Nagant M91/30 and I want to touch up some of the wood stain on a few spots of the rifle that have started to fade. My question is, would I specifically have to buy a gun wood stain or would a wood stain from say Home Depot or Lowes do the job as well? Any recommendations, suggestion, and tips would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersHunting10 years ago
  • What do you guys think of my storyline?

    Ok so I came with a WWE storyline and wanted every ones' opinion on it. 1st, it involves the whole Triple H as COO deal. 2nd, it involves Undertaker's possible retirement after WM 28, and 3rd it involves promoting newer talent. I want to state that this story line will be from the present day situation, and ending at Survivor Series of 2012. Ok so here it goes.

    Triple H goes on as a tweener/face COO for the next about 4-5 months until RR. He then becomes more sinister, evil and mad with power, and thus begins to play favorites and becomes a heel. He starts to claim the WWE is all his because Vince and Shane are out of the picture, and Steph is in his pocket. He starts saying how he can change the WWE however he wants and whenever he wants because of this, and the only thing that matters is $$$. Shortly after the RR, either Steph or Shane make a few guest appearances saying that Triple H is nothing but a no good money and power hungry gold digger, and he/she plans to get Vince back in power. This leads to several proxy fights at the few PPVs leading up to WM.

    By this point, several superstars have aligned themselves with either Triple H's or Vince's cause. Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Mark Henry, and several other superstar are pro-Triple H. This leaves room for Cena to turn heel at the RR and join Triple H, claiming he has served the fans enough and is concerned with his financial future instead. CM Punk, (assuming he'll be around long enough), will be pro-Vince saying he doesn't care for Cena or Triple H, and figures it pays more to do what the fans want, turning him face. He will be joined by R-Truth, who will say that he knew all along it wasn't the fans or Vince who kept him down, but the true conspirators were Cena and Triple H, who hog all the spotlight. The Rock will make an appearance claiming he's pro-Vince, since Vince and the fans are the ones who made him famous.

    So it will be Cena vs. The Rock, CM. Punk vs.possibly Triple H.

    Here's where the Undertaker fits in. He comes back about a month before Mania and claims he's pro-Vince since Vince made him who he is, and he's thankful and loyal to him for it. Assuming that everything is timed right in terms of contracts, Triple H stated he signed a major opponent for Taker to face at WM28. Stipulation is that if Undertaker can walk out of Miami, Triple H will give up, otherwise Taker retires. The mystery opponent never shows his face but leaves a lot clues. Turns it's Sting, who's pro-Triple H because he hates the way Vince treated all the former WCW talent, so he wants to get revenge by destroying 1 of Vince's remaining greats. At WM, Taker wins after a long and grueling battle, but can't get up afterward because he's to severely beaten, thus retire with a perfect WM streak.

    Triple H claims he's still in control and all the pro-Vince and anti-Triple H stuff dies down, until about Summerslam, when some of the legends come out together saying, how they are voicing the opinions of the talent, because everyone's afraid to do it themselves. They say Vince made the WWE with the help of the fans and the talent, and thus should return. At this point Vince comes back for an appearance saying he won the injunction against him, and filed another one against Triple H for abuse of power and for trying to manipulate company shares for his own good, and all that corporate bs. They then agree that they'll raise 2 teams each to fight at Survivor Series, 1 men's team each, and 1 women's team each and winner keeps the WWE. Vince's teams win and Triple H is "fired". Vince than admits he's too old to continue and appoints someone or another as his successor. What do you think?

    7 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What's good bait for a groundhog?

    Ok here's the situation, I have 2 groundhogs running around my backyard, doing whatever it is groundhogs do. I'm worried that they could attack my dogs or someone in my house, or spread rabies. So I need advice from people who have hunted groundhogs before, what would be good bait to lure them out of their hole. Better yet, does anyone know of anything I could use as a repellent?

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • At what point is a handgun not considered a handgun anymore?

    What I mean is, if I were to take apart my handgun, as in remove the slide, barrel and mag, and carry all those parts together, but not put together, would that still be considered a handgun? * I do not plan to do anything illegal with this knowledge, and I do legally own a handgun and have concealed carry permit for my state*

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any good hunting ground in the Upstate of S.C.?

    This question is pretty straight forward, does anyone know of any good hunting grounds in Greenville, Pickens, Anderson and Oconee counties, South Carolina? I'm new to hunting and I've only been living in the area for the past 6 months, so I need a recommendation from someone who's been hunting in this area before. I'm interested in hunting turkeys and deer, if that makes a difference. Also, does anyone know if it's legal to hunt on your own private property? (I live outside of city limits and have a huge backyard that doesn't face another house). As well, would I need a permit and tags to hunt on my private property, if it's legal to do so?. Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Is this a possibility for the Nexus?

    I was just randomly thinking about some of the actions of, as well as some of the things said by the Nexus and I had the idea that it might be possible that Muhammad Hassan might be behind the Nexus. Here's why I think so: 1) The Nexus always talked of a higher power controlling them. This could possibly be "Allah" whom is being spoken to and through Muhammad Hassan. 2) As we all might remember, Muhammad Hassan's WWE career ended due to controversy with his storyline with the Undertaker, thus explaining why Nexus took out Taker. 3) This could lead to a massive heel push for the Nexus and it could provide a plausible reason to "rehire" John Cena. My question is, what are your thoughts on this WS?

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • TNA's Beautiful People?

    Am I the noticed the similarities between The Beautiful People's entrance music to the song My D*ck by Mickey Avalon? I don't know if this is intentional, coincidental, or my perverted mind going off whenever I see them.

    For reference, here's My D*ck by Mickey Avalon. Just listen to the music and disregard the lyrics :

    And here's The Beautiful People's Entrance Music for comparison:

    Sound eerily similar to me.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Your thoughts on the GM?

    Ok, well rather obviously the "mystery" GM is quoting past legends and stars. Now stay with me on this. If you remember the wrestler Eugene (Nick Dinsmore. Does anybody even remember the guy?)would always quote and impersonate various other wrestlers, particularly Stone Cold and the Rock. My question is could it be possible for it to be Eugene? Maybe as a huge swerve?

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Any good manufacturers?

    I am considering opening an eBay business, and I have all the info for how to start the business in my state. My question is, does anyone know of any good manufacturers that I can buy goods from cheaply for me to resell on eBay?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Wireless Router help needed?

    Ok so i have a Linksys wireless router-G, which is connect to my desktop through ethernet, no problem. Yet when I turn on my laptop, it picks up the signal from the router with "Excellent" strenght, connects to, yet, when I ty to go online, I am still not able to connect to the internet. What are my options for resolving the problem?

    7 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago