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Hello all. My name is Lisa aka Matilda. I live in Bryan/College Station, Texas, Home of Texas A&M University and The Bush Presidential Library. I am a widow with a fiancee, and six very spoiled indoor cats. I am a rabid Texas Aggie Football Fan, I enjoy cooking, and reading books of all stripes. My taste in music ranges from Mozart to Eminem, to Panic In The Disco. My biggest hobby is manipulating pixels, and I use both Paint Shop Pro X, and PhotoImpact X to do what I do. I hate Photoshop. I am currently interested in changing my Matilda avatar's appearance, so Matilda will probably go through a full spectrum of looks before I am satisfied..if I ever am :) If anyone is at all interested, Matilda is face number 7 of Yahoo Avatars, and she is supposed to be smiling. I have a 360 page which has pictures, and reviews and I just added two feeds as well, so come on in, take your cybershoes off and enjoy. Cheers! Lisa aka Matilda

  • Need help choosing a build for City Of Heroes.?

    My fiancee is a City Of Heroes addict. He thinks I would enjoy the game, and went out and bought both the game, and paid for a year of online play for meee.

    I like the idea that this is something we can do together for fun, but I am a video game virgin. I never played them as a child, teenager, or young and not so young adult.

    Now that I am old enough to be a granny I am going to give it a whirl.

    I have read most of the sites on the Internet about COH, but have not read anything as to which type of build is best for a very new, and not at all confident newbie as myself.

    My fiancee says to stop dithering, and just jump in and play. But I want a character I can enjoy, and not get killed everytime I turn around.

    Anyone have any ideas???

    I am thinking about being a blaster of some sort. Maybe a Sonic/Energy Blaster...but I just don't know.

    Any and all ideas will be welcomed.

    Thank you in advanced.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need Radio Help in College Station, Texas?

    My question is this. I love listening to the KORA radio Station which is 98.3 FM

    I would like to buy one of the MP3 players which come with radio, but I have awful luck finding a pocket sized portable radio which will play this station, and am wondering if I will find similiar problems with the ones included with the MP3s.

    Does anyone know of an MP3 player/radio combo which will play this station??? If so, I will buy it in a heartbeat, as I would dearly like to listen to it while I am walking around the block or mall.

    Thank you so much.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Need to Convert a muffin mix to bread?

    Yeeks but I need help.

    I bought a package of Cornbread muffin mix, but want to make Cornbread in a loaf form with it.

    The cooking time says 15 to minutes in a 400 degree oven for a muffin pan, and says nothing at all about a loaf pan.

    My question is how long do I cook my loaf ???

    Sorry I sound hysterical...I feel that way.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why can I not post written comments on some blogs.?

    I am perplexed and sore in the need of an answer.

    I have been visiting various 360 pagwes tonight, and I have noticed something very odd.

    On some pages, I cannot leave a written comment, just a quick one.

    Fine, I can accept that the 360 owner wants only quick comments, what has me scratching my head in confusion is that on this same 360, all the comments are written ones.

    I just got back from visiting one girl's 360 who had a ton of written comments, yet no comment box for me to write one.

    Why is this?

    Grin. Are my comments so bad, Yahoo is barring me from making any???

    If not for the fact that I come across plenty of sites where I can write comments, I would believe this :)

    3 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Allergy Commercials-Do you believe them? Do you envy the people in them?

    I suffer from year round allergies. In the spring, and fall, I do good to get out of bed, and while I am able to do my job with a smile...I feel awful and this is with my allergy meds.

    I watch these allergy commercials where people who look like they feel like me, pop a pill, and suddenly they are bouncing about, full of vim and pep.

    I went to my allergy doc, telling him I wanted a pill to make me feel like the people in the commercials.

    He said he hated those commercials. With people with bad allergies, an allergy med is a great success if it allows you to get out of bed, and function like a normal human.

    So, my question to you guys is: has anyone like meeee, stared at these commericals with great envy, and gone to your doc, only to be told you are doing great with your med, and the commercials are not to be believed?

    If they are not to be believed, why are they allowed to run?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • If beauty creams work, then why doesn't everyone have young and vibrant skin?

    Read any magazine, watch television commercials, and you will see advertisements for beauty creams which promise you young, vibrant skin, as long as you use it for a month or two.

    So, why do we have ladies using this stuff and still they have dry looking skin, not to mention wrinkles???

    Just something I have been wondering about,and which makes me go hmmmm....

    10 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • How many adults watch movies meant for teens and love them?

    I am an adult, a very old adult, yet I am seriously thinking of buying the Disney channel original movie "Twitches." A movie meant for teens and subteens.

    I should be too old for enjoying this movie, but I want to see it anyway.

    Are there any other adults like me out there??? If so, why do we enjoy stuff made for the younger set?

    21 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why do cats think their food tastes better on the floor, than inside the bowl?

    Many times I have seen my kitties dump their food onto the floor, and eat it there with great gusto.

    I will come home from work and find more food on the floor than in the cat food bowls:)

    Why is this :)

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can Cats communucate with each other like people do?

    In my household of six cats, I have two male cats. Murray and Zoot. Both are litter mates of two years of age. They are best buddies, and can often be found curled up with each other. Murray is a big fluffy grey and white tux who does not seem to be very bright, but that's ok we love him the more for it.

    A few days ago I was sitting in my computer cave when I heard a series of high pitched, girlie sounding meows. I looked over and Murray was standing in front of Zoot, and was apparently angry at something, because Zoot's ears were back,and he had that pinched, guarded, look on his face he usually gets when Katy Jane is staring at him.

    This went on for several minutes, and It really looked like Murray was giving Zoot a tongue lashing in cat language. Then Murray jumped on Zoot, and they went rolling down the hallway in one ball of fur. Murray had spoken his peace, and they were friends again.

    What do you guys think? Was Murray really communicating with his brother???

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can there be more than one Alpha cat in the house? If so, how do I treat them?

    My fiancee and his four cats moved in with me last year. I suspect one of his cats, Zoot , thinks he is the Alpha over his tribe of cats, and my Katy Jane thinks she is boss over everyone.

    Zoot has recently turned two which is the age of social maturity, and Katy has started bopping him over the head for no reason I can see. They can also be found in the same room. Where Zoot is, so is Katy, and they are usually staring at each other. Like right now, Katy is sleeping at my feet, and Zoot is a few feet away, also sleeping, but they are facing each other.

    I suspect that Katy is bopping him over the head as a way of saying "You are not the boss of me, but I am the boss of you." By not going after her, Zoot agrees.

    So, can there be two Alphas? If so, how do I treat them so I don't step on any toes so to speak???

    When I feed them their wet food, I have been feeding Katy first, and then Zoot, and then the rest of the furry monsters..

    Is this making Katy too superior to Zoot

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been late?

    Has anyone been late, or almost late, to work because they had to answer just one more question on Yahoo Answers???

    If I leave now, I won't be late but will just squeak in on time.

    This place is addictive :)

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How can I tell which of my six indoor cats is the Alpha?

    I have six indoor cats--four females and two males. I had a Female Calico, my Fiancee brought in his four, three being littermates, and together we adopted a female kitten.

    My girl, Katy Jane, has recently started bopping our large male tabby on his head with her paw.

    She will be be walking past him, stop, bop, and continue on as if nothing happened. He will just sit and stare at her as if she is crazy.

    Occasionaly she will make a angry cat sound as she does so, but not often. She never hurts him, and other than the bop, does not attack. It is as if she is reminding him Who She Is.

    He is the only one of our cats she treats like this.

    Is she Alpha, and sees him as a threat to her title and thus she has to keep him subdued???

    or does she just have something against the Tabby boy, or both????

    Any help with this is appreciated.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Whoop! Who Thinks A&M will Beat Citadel?

    The Aggies Play Citadel today!!!! Aggie Football season has started!!!!

    Who besides myself thinks the Fighting Texas Aggies will score at least 80 points!!!!!

    Go Ags, Whoop !!!!!

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Whoop! Who Thinks A&M will Beat Citadel?

    The Aggies Play Citadel today!!!! Aggie Football season has started!!!!

    Who besides myself thinks the Fighting Texas Aggies will score at least 80 points!!!!!

    Go Ags, Whoop !!!!!

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Texas Aggie Football?

    Who, besides me, thinks that Coach Fran will earn his paycheck and take The Fighting Texas Aggies all the way this year?

    Whoop :)

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Has Yahoo Answers helped you when time is really important?

    For me, it especially came in handy when my fiancee cooked dinner and told me he was using a pepper I had never heard of. I am a wuss, so I flew onto Yahoo answers and put out a question to find out if a wuss like meee could handle it.

    I received responses almost immedietly :)

    Another time, it had been raining and raining and raining.....and it just so happened that it stopped raining on my day off from work, and my lawn mower would not start. I needed to mow my lawn. I did not have time to take it into the shop. The lawn was a jungle then, when it came time to take it out of the shop I imagned having grass up to my nose.

    I had gone for coffee at the corner store and saw an additive for cars which promised to take water out of gas. Hmm...could I have water in my gas???? Would this work in a lawnmower????

    Before I tried it though, I went to Yahoo answers and asked the folks here what they would do. I did not add the additive :)

    Anyone here have some similar stories?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Need help choosing a Flash Mp3Player.?

    I currently have an Ipod Shuffle, and two Coby Mp3 Players. The Cobys are my favorites. They only hold about 19 songs, but I love the fact I can use one AAA battery to power the thing . Sound quality, to meee, is as good or better than my shuffle.

    Which is why I have 2. They were $14.99 each at ToysRUs, and fit my ipod shuffle accessories.

    Now, I want to get a player which can hold at least a meg, takes regular batteries, has a screen, and has the ability to have playlists.

    I do not want a Nano, as I hate Itunes :)

    Can anyone steer me in the right direction????

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Question about Blind Carbon Copy.?

    My question has to deal with Blind carbon copies in email.

    Suppose my Sainted Granny sent her top secret prune cake recipe to all her grandkids.

    Being a cuber hip granny, she placed each of her grandkids email addys in the Bcc Field.

    Matilda received it, and while making the cake, it became clear to her that granny had left out the eggs.

    Matilda then brought up the email granny had sent, poked "Reply All," typed out a warning to all her cousins, then hit send.

    My question is this. Would all of Matilda's cousins receive Matilda's warning about the lack of eggs, or does Matilda have to input each of her cousins email addresses into the Bcc fields herself???

    Granny uses and Matilda uses Eudora.

    6 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Will Poblano peppers make my mouth burn?

    My fiancee is cooking dinner tonight, and is using Poblano peppers in his recipe.

    I am a wimp, and cannot handle spicy foods.

    Will I be ok with this pepper, or will I need a whole gallon of milk to go along with it????

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Can you predict a cat's temperment by it's color?? Details please.?

    I have been told that Calico's are crazy felines, and black cats are sneaky and like to lurk in the shadows.

    My calico girl's are indeed a trifle crazy ( in a good way though) and I have a black female who thinks the bedroom closet is her den and that is where she spends the most time. Sometimes I think she is going feral in there.

    So what do you all think??? Can one indeed predict a cat's temperment by it's color???

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago