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  • Sillie question, but I'm so bored - not sure who to ask figured ya'll might be able to gimme a glimpse?

    How bored would you have to be to drop dead of boredom?

    I know it's a sillie question, but physically could it happen?

    And if so what would the data from the studies show?

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Spartan warriors in 835 B.C. wore what types of head gear?

    looking specifically for the helmet worn by a Spartan King with a big black plume in the movie 300

    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Is there a bluetooth keyboard for smartphones, that is not Palm related?

    I need one for the Q - Verizon supported

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for a deputy to ask my kid..... need a serious legal answer please.?

    The kid got caught with cigarettes at school, definitely against the law (Riverside cnty CA) we know, we know.... the drug him into the office to call me and suspend him and the officer at the school asked him if he was popular, then said that he heard my son smoked pot alot and that he had been selling it. The officer asked if he were to search the kids room would he find any parphenilia or pornography???

    Officer asked the kid if he should call me and my boy told him to go ahead. He didn't. The principal called me to tell me of the suspension and that was it.

    Is it legal for him to have questioned him with these sorts of accusations?

    Now if you knew us you would understand how farfetched this train of questioning really is. This kids parents have lived life and he is not clueless and neither are we, you know the old saying "you can't kid a kidder". We've not raised a little pothead and he certainly is no angel, but this sort of disrespect is totally uncalled for.

    30 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • If/When whatever you believe - Jesus comes back.......?

    Where is he gonna be coming from?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are some military airplanes painted with green camouflage?

    My son and I were driving by an old base turned museum and he posed this question.

    Why aren't they painted light blue and white, those are the basic colors in the sky?

    Not very hidden when they're all green and what not.....

    15 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Several questions all at once.... i used all the space up... is not meant to pick on anyone...?

    Do you believe that all of humanity will ever be able to co-exist in the areas of religion and spirituality? Can we allow each individual their own beliefs without bashing one another for them?

    If the Athiest does not believe in God - why should I try to make him/her?

    If the Agnostic is merely one without knowledge (and by the way a person can be agnostic about anything... I am agnostic about bio-chemical warfare) can I lovingly show him/her my beliefs without degrading other systems. Not to sway that person but just to show an option?

    If a Christian is so set in their ways why must another call them names to feel better about themselves?

    Why have so many of the US population based their decisions on Islam based on what they are shown on television? How many of those who do not practice Islam have actually gone to see it practiced in their homes or place of worship?

    Ask questions, find out why others believe or practice they way they do, with an open mind. Cant hurt. Can it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Macaroni and Cheese????

    Fork or spoon?

    what would be the proper tool to use while eating mac&cheese?!?!?!?

    23 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Discuss please the differences between these two ideas.?

    Religion. Please tell us all what you think this word means, what does it represent.

    And do the same for the word Spirituality.

    have fun kiddies

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there an online manual for Adobe Photoshop?

    I just got the 6.0 version installed on the ol' laptop and I need some guidance. Just enough to be dangerous though.

    Is there anywhere online I can read about this contraption??

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • how can i get my password?

    the geniuses over at hotmail keep emailing my password to an email account i can't open becuase.... well frankly being the rocket scientist that i am.... i forgot it. Is there any way to get it. It is not even asking me for my secret question's answer. I dunno... but i'd like it, cause someone changed my myspace password and now i can't get into it without this password. such a tangled web.

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Please, so frustrated. How do I import files to iTunes?

    I have recently added iTunes to my computer and it seems that I cannot move an entire albums information to iTunes from my other music programs. Can this be done? And if so will you please share your cache of uselful knowledge with those of use that are rookies at moving stuff to iTunes? It sure does take forever moving one file at a time, and my kids are almost as impatient as I am. Thanks lots.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Please, so frustrated. How do I import files to iTunes?

    I have recently added iTunes to my computer and it seems that I cannot move an entire albums information to iTunes from my other music programs. Can this be done? And if so will you please share your cache of uselful knowledge with those of use that are rookies at moving stuff to iTunes? It sure does take forever moving one file at a time, and my kids are almost as impatient as I am. Thanks lots.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Please, so frustrated. How do I import files to iTunes?

    I have recently added iTunes to my computer and it seems that I cannot move an entire albums information to iTunes from my other music programs. Can this be done? And if so will you please share your cache of uselful knowledge with those of use that are rookies at moving stuff to iTunes? It sure does take forever moving one file at a time, and my kids are almost as impatient as I am. Thanks lots.

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Does this bother you?

    You're at the local convenience store making a purchase using your atm/debit/credit card and the genius behind the counter feels it is necessary to direct you in pushing the correct buttons to complete the transaction, as if you have never taken this same action before?

    DRIVES ME BATSHI*T.... how bout you?

    I've started informing these people that I have raised two children, hold down a good job and actually drove myself to their store and am pretty goddamn sure I can figure out the machine without guidance. They don't seem to like it very much, but at least I'm cutting down on repeat offenders.

    17 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do I ??????

    How can I use a different picture for my yahoo answers than what I have as my avatar, like a photo I've downloaded?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • I keep getting this...?

    I keep receiving emails that have nothing, absolutely nothing if the 'from' catergory and the subject is always the word none in brackets. I never open them, but it kinda freaks me out... what gives??? Does anyone know

    5 AnswersInternet2 decades ago