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I am an open minded person who loves to learn from others, and enjoys deep conversations with others. I am always interested in both sides of the story, and try to consider all sides before I make decisions. I also love to help people, and am happy when the knowledge I have can help someone else! I am a Buddhist, and love all living creatures. I respect all life, and think that we are all the same regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, background and culture. I love to learn new things about people and cultures.

  • How do you deal with nosy in laws?

    We have a situation here that I need advice on. I have been married 4 years to the most wonderful man, but his parents are unreal. They are always in our business... and while I know they always will be because my husband is their son, they really do cross the line. They have called me telling me that I should let my husband look at all the porn he wants for example.

    Well yesterday... I hit my limit. It seems that some of our mail got delivered to them by mistake. They called us to come and get it, but we could not leave right then and my husband was headed out to work. Well, apparently they didn't like that because they OPENED our mail and then called us to harass us about it.

    I went to get our mail, because my husband wasn't available, and I asked them to not open our mail again like that. I told them that it really did cross a line, and it wasn't right. My father in law started to make sarcastic comments to me - about how its HIS house, and how I could go ahead and have him arrested. I just left.

    The thing is, my father in law has never treated me with any thing approaching respect. I have put up with this for my husbands sake. It is his family after all. But opening my mail is uncalled for, and they should KNOW they did something wrong, but his sarcastic remarks showed me that not only is he NOT sorry for violating our privacy, but that he has NO respect for me as his son's wife whatsoever.

    So how do we deal with this? My husband is planning to sit down with the two of them and explain what boundaries we need. But at the same time, how do I deal with his father, who treats me like a dog in every situation we are in together? My husband does plan to address this, but his father is spiteful and cruel and I know it won't stop. So how do I have a marriage like this?

    Any advice would be great... Thank you.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Taking a bus trip - how do I dress?

    Ok, so my hubby and I are going on a bus trip to Gettysburg, PA this weekend! We will only be there for one day. I am having trouble deciding what to wear!

    I love to wear long skirts. I am sooo cool in them when everyone else is sweating in shorts. If I was going alone, without this group, I'd wear one and not worry about it. But I am scared it will look funny to these people!

    The other thing is, I will look so strange in a skirt and sneakers. I need to have good walking shoes. Its too late to buy new shoes and break them in (I have terrible luck with shoes). So I can either wear my hiking sandals, or my walking sneakers. Neither are very attractive with a skirt lol.

    Should I not care about the shoes, and dress comfortable in a long skirt? Or should I wear shorts, or something that goes better with those kinds of shoes and be less comfortably dressed?

    Thanks for any input!!!

    9 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Ex Husband's death?

    I found out last night, that my ex husband killed himself back in February. My family didn't see fit to tell me about it, in fact if my cousin hadn't slipped, I would never have been told.

    I was married to him for 2.5 years, and our divorce took 1 year. He was never really stable, and we were both really young when we got married. He was always suicidal, which is one of the reasons I left - I knew he was dangerous. It has been about 7 years since I last saw him, and I am married now and living in another state.

    My question is... this happened in February, is it appropriate to send a card to his parents? I do know they blamed me for his suicidal tendencies, so I am a little worried that would do more harm then good. Should I just go about my life? Or acknowledge their son's death? I'm just not sure how to handle it and don't want to make things worse for them by bringing up old pain.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have you ever laughed when you were alone?

    Have you ever laughed, I mean really crack up, when you were all by yourself? My husband does (I hear him from the other room).. and I always think he is faking it because I have never done that.

    Just now, I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I'm here all alone, but I just cracked up. Out loud. I can't explain the way it felt. It was so.. strange. Not in a bad way at all, it was just, I could tell that I had never done it before because it felt so alien.

    So I am wondering... it is normal to do this? I do have trouble physically expressing some emotions... so is it just that I don't know how to relax enough to do that? Or is either way normal?

    I'm just curious to find this out. Thanks all :-)

    17 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Has anyone switched the quality of gas you use now? With gas prics so high?

    Just curious to see how many people who used to use Super or Premium have started to use Regular because of the rising gas prices.

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Would it be rude to tell my neighbors this?

    My Neighbors across the street got married a few months ago in Vegas. (I should mention he is the son of the man who sold us our house). My husband and I really don't like them for various reasons, but we are friendly with them. They have mentioned that they want to invite me and hubby to their reception, but I can't stomach the idea of going and sitting there with them and their friends. I want to tell them, nicely, that they should not invite us, but I'd like to know if that is rude. I was thinking of saying something like "You know, this is your wedding reception and we are not very close. You should use those seats for your close friends and family. No hard feelings, we just want you to have a good time." - does that sound rude or insensitive? I still plan on getting them a gift, but I really don't want to go to this thing, but still want to remain peaceful with them, as they are my neighbors and there is no sense burning bridges!

    23 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Bug Identification?

    Does anyone know of a good site for identifying bugs? I will post a description here of what I saw, maybe someone will know what this thing was.

    I live in the mountains of NE PA. I saw this bug by the Lackawanna river, about 50 feet from the water, crossing a trail.

    It was about 3 inches long, black, it had a clearly defined head, which had two huge (about 1/2 in span and 3/8 inch long) smooth pincers. Its body had about 12-15 segments, and each segment had a leg on each side. It was about the width of a pinky finger, its body looked flat (except for the legs) and its body sort of tapered as it reached the tail. The tail looked like a dolphin or whale tale.

    Does anyone know what this might have been? I am so grossed out lol, I feel like throwing up. And I am out in the woods every day and have never had a visceral reaction to a bug before! What on earth was this thing?

    Thanks :-)

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How can I get my husband to walk our dog?

    About a year ago, I let my husband talk me into getting a dog. He grew up with dogs, I never had one. We decided on a greyhound because they are supposed to be couch potatoes and that fit in best with our lazy lifestyle. Well, the greyhound we got, is not anything like that! He can walk for miles, and still want to go further.

    I work from home, and my husband works 2nd shift at his job. So he is home until about 3pm each day. This was supposed to work out great, as while I am working, I can't really pay attention to the dog. Ever since we got him though, my husband comes up with excuse after excuse why he can't walk the dog while I am working. I have discussed this with him so many times, how my job is our lively hood (I make twice as much as he does), and how I need his support, now that I am taking new responsibilities. But either he will not get out of bed until its time to go, or he will give me an excuse. How can I make him see how important this is?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How would you deal with this person?

    I was friends with this woman, going back about 10 years. About two years ago, we met for Christmas. She had just undergone gastric bypass surgery, and she looked wonderful. To celebrate her new self, I bought her a gorgeous necklace, it was blue topaz and had a big bow over the stone. I took a lot of time and thought to get that for her. She does her christmas shopping the year before, when all the chrsitmas sets go on sale, so every year my gift was something from clearance the year before. Not that I mind that... but then this happened. A few days after the holiday, she wrote me and told me she gave my necklace away. Since then I have not really considered her a friend. Now her thing is, she will email me, and I will respond, but instead of answering my email, in a week she will just send me a new one. I'm tired of it... but I don't want to be childish in dealing with her either. Any suggestions on how to handle this type of person? Thank you!

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain the electoral process of the US president?

    I read today that the democratic nomination is going to be determined by 216 super delegates. What is a super delegate, and how does that process work? Is MY individual vote in the primaries counted? Further, how do individual votes correspond to the Electoral Collage votes that determine the presidency?

    I know this is a complicated question, but I never really understood the whole process. It seems confusing, and I'd like to understand it. Its not a partisan question, I'm just curious overall! Thanks!

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will health care get better or stay the same?

    After this election, do you think the nation's health care crisis will improve right away, get worse for a while, or stay the same? It seems we are more worried about gas and housing costs right now then health care. We just found out our insurance company doubled our prescription co-pays, and cut out our vision plan. I realize that we are so very lucky to even have insurance, I didn't have it for 9 years before this. But really, it seems more and more employers are not offering insurance, or offering horrible insurance coverage. Do you think we will see a turnaround after this election?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How do you forgive your abusers?

    I am a victim of constant emotional, physical and sexual abuse from my mother and father, and grandmother. It took me until I was 29 years old to start to understand that I was in a constant state of traumatic abuse by my parents. I thought it was all normal until then. Now, I am working through my real emotions, and I'm very angry with them. I feel that I have 'forgiven' them, because I accept that this is who they are as people, and I know it probably comes from abuse in their past. But I am still very angry with them. My grandmother keeps saying she wants to 'fix' things with my family relationships, but she refuses to acknowledge the abuse, so she really can't fix it since she refuses to admit what the problem is. My friends say that I must forgive and forget, but I'm a little stuck on the forget part. What exactly does it mean to forgive and forget in a situation like this? Thanks for reading!

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Final Fantasy XI on a Laptop?

    Is there a way to configure FFXI to play on a laptop? I don't have regular computer keyboard and can't see a lot of my menus without the numberpad.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What are good herbs for muscle pain relief?

    I have a history of back spasms, followed by muscle pain that gets pretty intense. I am in physical therapy, but the pain is unreal. My doctor won't prescribe me pain medications - and I'm wary of the addictive nature of them, especially for such a long term issue as my back problems. I'd like a natrual route, an herbal mixture I can combine with stretching, excersise, and muscle strengthening.

    19 AnswersAlternative Medicine2 decades ago
  • When a sentance starts with "e-mail", is it ever capitilized?

    I have a sentance that starts "e-mail notification is performed..." and I need to know what is correct - E-mail, e-Mail, or just e-mail.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago