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  • Frustrated.... can't find the recipes I need...?

    I've looked online forever now and can't find recipes like what my m.i.l. and her sisters made...

    Does anyone have any genuine recipes for kahk and petits fours? Pls don't bother searching online unless you've found something I haven't, lol! Already been through most of them and left flustered... :-(

    Anyways... Eid Mubarak!

    3 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Nutella... any ideas on how to...

    Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how to make Nutella more fluffy and spreadable? I want to make it into a cake filling for DH's birthday, but I want a more fluffy texture with the same Nutella flavor. Tanx!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • A bird in the same house as an infant?

    I heard a rumor that it isn't safe for a baby to have a bird around, but I can't find anything online either refuting or confirming that. Does anyone know about this and/or have any links?

    I've heard it's not good to have cats (I have one) or dogs because of the possibility to develop allergies, but I recently read an article on WebMD that suggests it's a good idea for a baby to be exposed to one or two cats or dogs because it helps build their immune system. Would possible allergies be the reason some say they aren't safe to keep?


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Gestational Diabetes during Ramadan...?

    Reposting this because it went to Diabetes section instead of Ramadan. :-/

    I haven't spoken with my Dr. yet (promise I will!), but I'm a little curious as to what to do during Ramadan. I had planned on fasting as much as I could during Ramadan this year, but not overdoing it so I don't affect the baby negatively. Now I have gestational diabetes and have to be VERY strict in what I eat and how often (at least every three hours). And there's the possibility that I will need insulin later, just how much later is still in the air.

    Has anyone ever dealt with gestational diabetes during Ramadan? What are your experiences? And just confirming: missing fasts because of gestational diabetes do need to be made up later, right?

    14 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Gestational diabetes during Ramadan...?

    I haven't spoken with my Dr. yet (promise I will!), but I'm a little curious as to what to do during Ramadan. I had planned on fasting as much as I could during Ramadan this year, but not overdoing it so I don't affect the baby negatively. Now I have gestational diabetes and have to be VERY strict in what I eat and how often (at least every three hours). And there's the possibility that I will need insulin later, just how much later is still in the air.

    Has anyone ever dealt with gestational diabetes during Ramadan? What are your experiences? And just confirming: missing fasts because of gestational diabetes do need to be made up later, right?

    9 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Just out of curiosity...?

    ... I'm asking of the opinions of Israeli citizens, not necessarily for military secrets. :-P

    1. If Israel was to launch an attack on Iran, would they have the means to sustain themselves without US aid?

    2. Do you think a pre-emptive strike on Iran is a good idea, and if so, why?

    3. Do you support going to war with Iran, and why/why not?

    16 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever come across a halal butcher...?

    that sells organic/free-range/vegetarian-fed meats? I get all my beef and chicken from the halal butcher, but one little giveaway that they're practicing the same methods (aside from the slaughter) as the regular butchers is that if left out, the chicken will start to smell like a sewer. (Research "fecal soup" and you'll find out why: )

    Have you ever come across one that sells organic halal? Or have you ever tried to convince your butcher of doing so?

    4 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Why use cooking and storing methods as an excuse for the law against eating pork...?

    ... when so many other meats were permissible that used the exact same cooking and storing methods? I mean, if the ban on pork was placed simply because there were not healthy methods of cooking and storing meats, then wouldn't that mean that all other meats would be forbidden as well?

    We're not told specifically and directly why pork is forbidden, but in my opinion, it just might have something to do with the diet of the pig itself. It's omnivorous, which means it'll eat meat or vegetation, it's a scavenger and will eat carcases, it's even cannibalistic, and it certainly doesn't mind eating poo, whether it belongs to itself or any other species of animal (seen it on a safari show).That by *itself* would be enough to convince me not to eat it, lol!

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • On gay marriage and polygamy/polyandry...?

    This is a hypothetical question, but please answer with what you're more likely to feel rather than what's ideal. And those who wish to be ignorant, arrogant or adore Fred Phelps... don't bother wasting your time.

    Gay marriage is being more and more accepted throughout the US (and in turn, other places in the world). Pretty soon every state will legalize gay marriages, I have no doubts. So for those of you that support gay marriages, assuming that you do so because you believe that what consenting adults agree to/desire is their own business, how do you feel about legalizing polygamous or polyandrous marriages? I don't mean the type that's on everyone's mind after the FLDS raid, where underage girls are married off or where women are forced into marriage. I'm talking about the type between consenting adults that doesn't cross any other moralistic lines that society has drawn. Would you accept this as much as gay marriages? And why or why not? Detailed answers are best imo. ;-)

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Another Q on nail polish... sorry :-P?

    I've always believed the same about nail polish preventing proper wuduu, so I don't wear it - and my nails really thank me for it! :-P

    But something just came to my mind...

    When we wear socks, we don't have to remove them for wuduu as long as we had our wuduu before we put them on. Couldn't the same be said for wearing nail polish? And if not, why?

    Not trying to start anything, I promise! But it just came to mind and made me wonder...


    12 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • How do you pronounce namaste and...?

    When meeting a friend's parents, what is the proper and most common way to greet them? Are there differences in greetings by region?

    5 AnswersOther - India1 decade ago
  • God of Islam and God of Christianity?

    Way too often I see people separating the God of Christianity from the God of Islam. And for many, no matter how many times you tell them they're the same, they refuse to listen. Most of them often resort to insisting that I worship a moon god or a false god. So I have a proposal. Instead of assuming you know whom or what I worship, how about I tell you.

    My God is the same God that Jews worship. He's not human, He created humans. I worship the same God Adam worshiped, Abraham almost gave his firstborn to, Moses spoke to, and Jesus prayed to. If you still insist that my God is not the same God you worship, then that would separate your god from the God that Jews worship as well, and wouldn't that leave your god the false god?

    What do others think about this insistence? Do you think that it's wise to say that Muslims worship a fake replica of the God of the Jews and Christians, when certain interpretations of God in Christianity are so far from the God of Judaism and Islam?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Regarding headscarves (hijab)...?

    Many people believe that Muslim women are forced to wear the scarves or are oppressed for doing so and need to be free. While, unfortunately, there are some women who undergo harassment in order to wear the headscarf (or to wear it "properly") it isn't the case with most of the Muslim female population.

    At the same time, there are those who claim to support freedom of speech and expression that have banned Muslim women from wearing the headscarves and use the claims above to support their move. As well, there are individuals that, although they don't live in such an area that bans the hijab, they are in full support of such a move from their own government.

    My question is does this make sense to you that in order for everyone to have freedom of religion and speech, certain people can be forced to suppress their freedom of religion and speech?

    What are your thoughts?

    Btw: ignorance will be ignored. Be ignorant all you want, but as a forwearning, you're wasting your valuable time

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Gestational Diabetes...?

    I had an O'Sullivan's done week before last and my sugar was at 160. I had the three hour test done last Fri., so I'm still waiting for the results of that one.

    Aside from having a large baby, does gestational diabetes have any other effect on the baby?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy milestones....?

    So, I'm 17 weeks today, I've already felt kicks on two occasions, and I noticed my collostrum about a week ago. I'm sure these things can happen early, but how often to they happen early? My friend is at least two months ahead of me and she's only recently started feeling kicks. I think she thinks I'm lying when I tell her these things, lol!

    What were/are your favorite milestones so far and when did they first occur for you?

    Oh, and does early collostrum have anything to do with better breastfeedings or a better milk supply?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • MC Solaar...?

    Does anyone know where I can find the translation of his songs? I heard one on YouTube today that got me intrigued, and I don't quite know that much French. :-P


    1 AnswerOther - France1 decade ago
  • If the majority of Jews in Israel and the occupied territories are atheist...?

    ... then doesn't that nullify the idea of the promised land?

    I'm asking for other's opinions on this (ultimately controversial topic, lol), especially Christians who believe that Jews are entitled to the land. I've heard many times that the majority of Israelis are atheists, and recently even unknowingly immigrating skinheads with Jewish family histories. If this is true, and they believe in neither God nor his covenants or Books, then doesn't it seem strange that some of them use religion as evidence that they belong in this region?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • About Muslim names...?

    I've always wanted to name my children (insha'Allah) Muslim names that are easy to pronounce since my family is American and we currently live in the US. I have tons of girl names, but I can't think of a single boy's name that would be easy for Americans but still portray his Muslim identity... Brain fart perhaps...

    Any suggestions?

    23 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • What are the restrictions on Shabbat?

    I know it is forbidden to work, does that include housework/yardworkd and cooking? Or just working for an income? Also, as I understand, candles are lit instead of using electricity. Are only electric lights not to be used or all types of electricity?

    Long answers are quite welcome! :-D

    7 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • What's the best side dish to go with butter chicken?

    And what is the name of butter chicken in Hindi?

    Is mango lassi typically served as a dessert or with the meal?

    And what is the best chutney to use with potato or beef samosas? (apologies to the vegetarians!)

    I've collected some tasty recipes for all of them except chutneys. So now I want an Indian dinner tonight :-P (which DH LOVES, like me!) and put those recipes together. Thanks in advance!

    10 AnswersOther - India1 decade ago