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  • Why was the format of Question and answers changed?

    Is there any way to retrieve this information ? Some of the questions and answers I saved were relevant to me and were saved for a reason. I find this new format difficult to access .Were users even asked about this change ? Any information would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Afew question about CFL bulbs and banning incandecent light bulbs?

    1.Since you can't use CFL bulbs with a dimmer switch or recessed receptacleswhat lights do you use.

    2. Can you use CFL bulbs in your fridge, stove, clothes dryer and chandiliers

    2 AnswersOther - Environment7 years ago
  • How much mercury is in a compact florescent light bulb and how are they safely disposed of?

    I remember learning in school that mercury was dangerous and I just wondered how the compact florescent bulbs are disposed of and are they environmentally safe ? I'm not an alarmist but I just wondered if they are any better for the environment than the old incandescent light bulb ?

    2 AnswersOther - Environment7 years ago
  • Mayor Rob Ford told his friend Conrad Black he'd take a urine test now .Why wait so long to take one ?

    He stated that he only used crack once and that was some time ago.He also admitted to having been in drunken stupor's on multiple occasions.I imagine he must be sure now there would be no trace of drugs now.He should have taken a urine or hair follicle test to prove or disprove if he was in fact doing or was on drugs.I think it is too little too late to mean anything. Your thoughts ?

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events7 years ago
  • To reduce ticket scalping, why don't they have people give their name for each person buying a ticket.?

    The buyer would then show I.D to prove they bought the ticket from an authorized vendor.All too often people buy multiple tickets and then some "emergency " comes up and they are selling the tickets on line for a significant profit.Just how do you know you can't attend a concert next summer when you bought the tickets only hours before. I think that while checking I.D might be time consuming it would help reduce some of the scalping going on.The people who are selling the tickets don't care because they are getting their money.Too bad the fans of these artists or events should take a stand and say we are not buying your music,videos, books etc or anything else that puts a dollar in their pocket when only a select few have access to the public events.with the increased use of the computer it is even more difficult to get tickets.Has greed become the norm.The everyday fans,young and old must compete against big corporations like American Express who have some sort of priority status when it comes to buying tickets, Radio stations and other media are given tickets for promotion and then there are the scalpers in it for greed.How does the regular fan get a ticket at par? It is the young kids saving their pocket money, a young couple saving for that special night out or the senior on a limited budget who are the stars bread and butter.It is the everyday fan who buys the T-shirts, the music, downloads their work, sports their clothing line or anything else they endorse that makes them rich.How about alittle bit of concern for the fans who are their bread and butter.Do the stars even care about their fans anymore?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why aren't nuclear plants required to disclose how and where they will dispose of nuclear waste?

    Many people are not aware of how it is disposed of until it is a topic in the media. I don't find any comfort in the fact that Kincardine will be burying its nuclear waste .How do they guarantee it will not contaminate the soil or leak out into Lake Michigan ?

    1 AnswerOther - Environment8 years ago
  • Should Mayor Rob Ford step down as mayor of Toronto ?

    It does seem a have lot of friends and associates who are involved in the drug trade , I'm not talking about from his youth but current friendships with convicted drug people.One would think that as a parent he would be more selective about who he picks to hang out with.Don't we tell our own children that.There is an old saying you are known by the company you keep.Ford is supposed to be representing the people of Toronto.I guess he isn't aware that it includes honest law abiding people as well. Your thoughts?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Fargo North Dakota woman giving out letters to "fat" kids on Halloween not candy.?

    Cherl, a woman in Fargo North Dakota is giving out letters to children whom she feels are too fat to trick or treat for candy.I think she should have disclosed her full name and address so people could avoid her house. I imagine she would find herself on a egg and toilet paper payback from the public who feels her letter objectionable.It takes a lot of nerve to be so openly cruel to a child who is out trying to have fun.Why wouldn't she just have special treats that were healthy and give them out to all the kids.I think a better option for this lady is to just turn her light off and don't give out treats at all.She could take the money she would have spent on candy and spend it on food for a food bank.At least this option would show a little more class and would actually be helping her community.Your thoughts on this woman and her letter.

    11 AnswersHalloween8 years ago
  • Is Toronto Mayor Rob Ford friends with anyone who doesn't have a criminal past?

    The media has revealed a steady stream of people who have past or present links with drugs or have criminal records who are currently working for him or are his friends.. He even tried to make an unannounced jail visit to a friend .He claimed he wanted a tour of the jail but later admitted he wanted to visit a friend , who was in jail on drug charges .You would think he would be distancing himself from these people if he wants to be taken seriously.Your thoughts. ? If you lived in Toronto would you vote for Rob Ford in the next election?

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Will you lose your saved phone messages if you disconnect your landline phone from the wall?

    I just want to know if unplugging the cord from the wall will cause you to lose your saved messages. I know when the power goes out the messages are still saved but what if the cord is unplugged from the wall for a period of time. Any input would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerLand Phones8 years ago
  • When is Bob Barker demanding San Francisco Zoo to move their polar bears to a more northerly zoo?

    Since he believes it was cruel to keep elephants at the Toronto zoo and successfully lobbied to have them moved to a sanctuary I just wondered when he was going to see if the polar bears at the San Francisco zoo should be relocated to a zoo or sanctuary to a climate more suitable to their natural environment.I also wonder if he will accept responsibility if any of these animals die or are stressed by the move ( in small crates and chained for extended periods of time so they don't shift) to a new environment. I just wonder what steps he is taking to ensure these animals will be able to adapt to their new environment .

    4 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Should high performing teachers be made to work in low scoring schools?

    I wonder if these high performing teachers would even want to put their classroom management techniques to a real test in a low performing classroom? Once again there is another study suggesting that teachers should be paid on their performance.In theory this might be a positive step but it omits a very important issue regarding performance and that is the composition of the classroom.A classroom is made up of students with varying abilities, personal challenges and economic backgrounds.Schools which have low scores year after year are typically in low income,high crime areas. No teacher can overcome these issues but many times these same schools have a lack of funding,lack of support staff, lack of the basics supplies such a paper,pencils and yes even text books..These studies about teacher performance don't seem to take into account that lessons need to be adapted to reach students with varying abilities, behavioural students ,lack of parental support and sometimes administrative support..Teachers also must deal with social and cultural issues also. If a teacher could pick and choose only "the high scoring students, the good students who apply them self on a daily best and give learning their best effort teachers would probably agree to merit pay.However since nothing about teaching in today's classrooms is equal .Teachers wear many hats ,educator. mediator, councillor,social worker etc.There are many variables that a teacher can't control in their position as educator .I'm sure that we don't want to punish teachers because they can't reach students who come to class without homework done, are tired and hungrey,fail to hand in work on time, skip classes and are discipline problems.The"good " teachers go to schools where parents teach their children the value of an education and give the teacher and administration their support.Low scoring schools can't even do fundraising to buy some of the basics because the average family income is too low.Perhaps these high success should be given to show how good their skills are by being made to work in low scoring schools to see if they can magically turn low scores into high ones.

  • How much is a 2012 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 4 door sedan worth ? There are several issues with it.?

    The body has scratches down both sides of the car, the water pump doesn't work,, transmission doesn't work, stuck in park.etc This car has been parked for around one year due to mechanical repairs that need to be done.Does this car have any real value or is it just scrap? I'm not considering buying this vehicle but someone I know is being sued for the value of this car which has been parked in some one else's driveway ,unplated and uninsured.Basically I'd like to know if this car has any value at all ?

    2 AnswersPontiac8 years ago
  • Why didn't someone think this through before it was made public?

    Seven year old Miles Ambridge has spinal muscular atrophy and is in a wheelchair.When the class picture was taken he is visibly off to the side and is trying to bring his face in closer to his peers.I can't believe this is the first time a school has had class photos taken with a child in a wheelchair.The company that does these photos would have also taken such pictures as well.When students are told about acceptance and inclusion why is it that the adults dropped the ball. This boy has a physical disability not a learning issue.I think the school is going to redo the pictures but it never should have happened.At the very least the teacher could have stood near Miles. I.m still shaking my head.Your thoughts? I'm not sure if this should be posted under education or something else.

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Why are websites appearing within a poster's question?I especially have concerns with some of the websites?

    I think some sites I've seen could compromise a person's privacy on here.What are your thoughts on this.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Algebra help ,easy for students not so easy for grandma?

    Factor x ^ - 49 (I've used the ^ symbol to indicate the x is squared)

    x^ -49

    = (x+7) (x-7)

    = x^ +7x -7x -49

    = x^ -49

    Is this answer correct ? I'm trying to help grandchild with algebra and this was my solution but I don't want to give him wrong method to factor question. I think he was a little confused that this question was under factoring tri-nomials but there was just the 2 "numbers" I just want to know if I'm on track with this section.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • I need help finding an article that was on Yahoo about 2 weeks ago.?

    It was a story of how a photographer had posed a young boy with MS doing activities he could never do in reality.It was an amazing set of photos and must have meant a lot for the boy to see himself doing activities that other kids do.If I remember right the boy was on the floor and props were set around him to give the illusion he was able to move.I think it was tastefully done.I had wanted to share these pic with someone and couldn't find it again.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Who do I contact at Yahoo to update my e-mail account? I deleted the notice by mistake?

    I don't want to lose my yahoo e-mail account.Can anyone tell me how to update my account.Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Do lawyers have to disclose to their clients they have outsourced work for a cheaper rate?

    An article in the Toronto Star stated that some lawyers were outsourcing repetitive work to lawyers in India and the Philippines.The article went on to say that the outsourced lawyers they used were paid $25. per hour versus hundreds of dollars for a .Do the Canadian lawyers have a responsibilty to report on their billing statement that the work was done in another country and does the billing statement reflect the substantially lower cost ? I have no difficulty believing that this is more typical than.Why aren't any of these saving passed on to the consumer at any point other than greed.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Are male sports reporters allowed in female athletes change rooms to do interviews?

    I read that Don Cherry doesn't think that female sports reporters should be permitted in the male athletes change rooms.I just wondered are male sports reporters permitted in female athletes change rooms? I never really thought about it before and really don't follow sports .If you were an athlete at any level would you feel comfortable with a reporter of the opposite gender interviewing you in the change room ? What are your thoughts ?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago