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Should Mayor Rob Ford step down as mayor of Toronto ?

It does seem a have lot of friends and associates who are involved in the drug trade , I'm not talking about from his youth but current friendships with convicted drug people.One would think that as a parent he would be more selective about who he picks to hang out with.Don't we tell our own children that.There is an old saying you are known by the company you keep.Ford is supposed to be representing the people of Toronto.I guess he isn't aware that it includes honest law abiding people as well. Your thoughts?


EDIt I just remembered how Rob Ford behaved in the video when reporters questioned him about the recovered video.He certainly looked out of control and visibly shaken.Something like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.He acts like a bully in my opinion.Just thinking back to his days coaching high school football I remember when he asked with hat in hand to ask the provincial government for $2 million dollars to make improvements for the Don Bosco football field.This at a time when all levels of government were looking to implement savings.Sure Ford says he has saved the Toronto taxpayers money but how much has he tried to put back on the doors of the provincial and federal government which reads taxpayers who don't live in Toronto. Many of Fords associates are convicted of drug offences. I don't expect our elected officials to be saints but when they exercise a lapse in judgement I expect them to take responsibility for their choices. After all we tell our children

Update 2:

EDIT I know that we really don't truly know how people behave in their private lives but Ford seems to draw attention to himself.People who have addictions of any sort must struggle each day to do their work.I'm thinking that if Ford is addicted to something he should get help not for the city of Toronto but for himself and his family.What sort of example is he setting for his children.It must be difficult for his children to hear and read about.What sort of example is he living for his children.I still wonder why he feels it necessary to surround himself with such unsavoury people.There a lot of honest people out there whose organizations would benefit from his support.Most people try to distance them self from people with questionable character because when the dust settles,some of it will land on someone, even a friend.I still think he should take a leave of absence and let the city get back to business.In spite of the support of Ford nation,there are a lot of people who qu

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well for me, i wonder are there any truly innocent and law abiding officials out there. To step down, not to step down is the question. How long is it until the next election and who would be standing in his place. It would be easier for all involved if he resigned, but then again the next one coming in could be crooked too. Look at what is happening overall in Parliment and with varied people in highly respected positions. The media tends to look at one point of view without exercising all the facts. Myself I don't care either way.... but to those involved and the area of people that Mayor Ford deals with, get opinion polls or something.... see what the majority feels and he should govern himself accordingly to the wishes of the people he represents.

  • 8 years ago

    No more, or less is known about the video that what we found out about it when the story first broke. I still don't know what the mayor was doing in that video, and quite frankly, neither does anyone else. Also, none of the allegations, whether they be true or false, have hindered his ability to act as mayor, and at that, he's doing an excellent job, and I think the tax payers who voted for him are happy to agree. Notice I said the tax payers. The home owners who pay taxes. And contrary to what people think, it's not just the suburban home owners. He has the support of many home owners in the downtown core.

    I didn't vote to elect a role model. I voted for a mayor with an agenda that I agreed with, and I'm satisfied with the job that he's doing. So far, he's been saving money and uncovering the wrong doings of the previous mayor. Why don't we put the spotlight on the politicians who have thrown away millions, or even a billion dollars of our money? That seems like an issue the public should be more concerned with than someone's personal life. This whole web has been spun from allegations, and we're no closer to any facts than before.

    That being said. If everyone takes a look at their friend pool, I'm sure there's a bad apple in every bunch. Sometimes they're obvious, and sometimes they're the people you least expect. Are we really saying that we have to check friend references before we vote in political officials? That's ridiculous.

  • 8 years ago

    Why should he step down? The police chief has said he has seen a video similar to what the Toronto Star reported. I never though the Toronto Star made up seeing a video. So there is nothing new.

    Has the video been examined by experts to see if in fact it is the mayor? No.

    I may be mistaken. It is my understanding that the mayor was hanging out with someone alleged to be a drug dealer. That person has not been convicted. The mayor has not been charged with anything. He continues to do his job.

    Even if he was hanging out with a drug dealer, does that really disqualify him to act as mayor?

    No one has criticized the McGuinty/Wynne government. The province changed the law to make municipal elections every four years instead of three. Had the province not changed the law, there would an election this month.

  • 8 years ago

    Yep. Like it or not, the whole city will be judged on its "leaders." If TO gets judged on a druggie mayor, your whole town could be judged.

    Some politicians will hang on on like grim death - they seem to figure that ignoring a problem. and pretending it doesn't exist, will make it blow over more quickly. I'm from Calgary, but I've been shaking my head at the whole sad scene.

    Ford needs to step down, just to keep the dignity of the office of Mayor of Toronto. Not to mention Ford's own personal dignity. Have some respect for the office - and the people you claim to represent.

    Step down. and after a court has cleared your name, run again. There aren't any term limits in Canada. And stop hanging around with dope dealers! If you're a frickin' politician, you need to choose your friends carefully. Any person with a working brain will pick and choose their friends - I don't know what this guy's problem is.

    If Ford had any guts and/or class, he'd resign.

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  • 8 years ago

    I really don't think so

    Look I'm no fan of him, he comes across as cocky and overly emotional at times. That being said, what he does in his off time is his business, he doesn't owe the media or the public squat I'm not condoning drug use but its his business and up to him to get help without the public knowing. I guess what I'm trying to say is so far his apparent drug and alchol problems haven't effected his ability to do his job, its only being brought up because the media and public won't mind their own business about it, leave the guy alone. There's tons of drunks and druggies in this world and you don't see them getting this much backlash yet because he's in the spotlight his every move is heavily scruitinzed.

    BTW I don't think he does cocaine, trust me on this I know a lot of crackheads and the one thing about them is they are scrawny, for those who don't know cocaine is a heavy stimulant and it speeds UP the metabolism not just that but an addict will spend all his or her money feeding his/her addiction further causing weight loss. I'm do believe he does drugs, he's definitely a pot head for sure you can tell by his glazed eyes and dopey responses to questions that he's not all there, but I do not see any symptoms that he's a crack addict.

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