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James Blackley

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  • Thoughts on this name for a girl?

    What's everyones thoughts on this name for a girl: Jenna-Tailia. 

    10 AnswersBaby Names5 months ago
  • WillI ever hear from my sisters again? Or no?

    is is the situation-

    Growing up I was close with my 2 sisters' growing up, when I was in college, they were still at home, by the time I graduated both of them moved to another city and got married to their husbands. In 2011 I moved out to their city (they asked me to), and we were still close.

    Over the years though, they have gotten married/had kids, and the 4 of them are close (sisters, their husbands). They are always making the effort with each other to hang out etc, which is totally cool with me. However, its always me making the effort with them, such as I'm usually the one texting them if they want to hang out, and whenever we are in the room as a group, the 4 of them keep to themselves and whenever I try to converse with them its very short on their end.

    I have made them aware of this issue, and where I stand! I totally get they are busy with their lives but all I ask from them is for them to make an effort with me as well, to meet me half way, alas they haven't.

    Last weekend was the boiling point for us- I sent them a txt saying I was done making the effort with them and if they want me in their lives they can contact me, they both said "ok" and that was that.

    My question here- It's been a week since their last text. Will I ever hear from them again? Or should I let all hope go?

    2 AnswersFriends1 year ago
  • will i ever hear from either of my sisters again in this life time?

    This is the situation-

    Growing up I was close with my 2 sisters' growing up, when I was in college, they were still at home, by the time I graduated both of them moved to another city and got married to their husbands. In 2011 I moved out to their city (they asked me to), and we were still close.

    Over the years though, they have gotten married/had kids, and the 4 of them are close (sisters, their husbands). They are always making the effort with each other to hang out etc, which is totally cool with me. However, its always me making the effort with them, such as I'm usually the one texting them if they want to hang out, and whenever we are in the room as a group, the 4 of them keep to themselves and whenever I try to converse with them its very short on their end.

    I have made them aware of this issue, and where I stand! I totally get they are busy with their lives but all I ask from them is for them to make an effort with me as well, to meet me half way, alas they haven't.

    Last weekend was the boiling point for us- I sent them a txt saying I was done making the effort with them and if they want me in their lives they can contact me, they both said "ok" and that was that.

    My question here- It's been a week since their last text. Will I ever hear from them again? Or should I let all hope go?

    1 AnswerFriends1 year ago
  • Where do I go from here?

    Ok so let me start from the beginning, so that people can make sense of the situation that I currently find myself in:

    I have 2 sisters and we were always close when we were growing up. I'm 3 and 5 years older than they are, and when I attended college they still lived at home. They both moved to another city together and have lived there ever since, and when I graduated university they asked me to move out to their city, which I did. We were all close even then, they both got married and had children, and I didn't! I think that's where the issues between me and them began, and have since snowballed over the years.

    Whenever the 5 of us (me, my sisters, there husbands) are in the room, they converse amongst themselves and I'm left out in the cold. When I do try to converse with them, they are very short with me, and then they re-direct things back to themselves.

    It usually me who makes the effort with them! It's mostly me who texts them to see if they would like to hang out etc, the only time they will text me is if there is some big get together or on holidays, not much else in between.

    I am very close with my nieces and nephews however, and when I do hang with them, I never bring my issues with my sister around them. No matter how deep the divide, I would never walk away from my nieces and nephews.

    I have texted them about this and they blame me for everything. I told them that I will no longer be contacting them, and if they want me around they can text.

    3 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • Where do I go from here?

    Ok so let me start from the beginning, so that people can make sense of the situation that I currently find myself in:

    I have 2 sisters and we were always close when we were growing up. I'm 3 and 5 years older than they are, and when I attended college they still lived at home. They both moved to another city together and have lived there ever since, and when I graduated university they asked me to move out to their city, which I did. We were all close even then, they both got married and had children, and I didn't! I think that's where the issues between me and them began, and have since snowballed over the years.

    Whenever the 5 of us (me, my sisters, there husbands) are in the room, they converse amongst themselves and I'm left out in the cold. When I do try to converse with them, they are very short with me, and then they re-direct things back to themselves.

    It usually me who makes the effort with them! It's mostly me who texts them to see if they would like to hang out etc, the only time they will text me is if there is some big get together or on holidays, not much else in between.

    I am very close with my nieces and nephews however, and when I do hang with them, I never bring my issues with my sister around them. No matter how deep the divide, I would never walk away from my nieces and nephews.

    I have texted them about this and they blame me for everything. I told them that I will no longer be contacting them, and if they want me around they can text.

    2 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • Females what is your thoughts on this?

    I've heard various women saying a dude should never hit a woman. I'm curious to hear womens thoughts on this female hitting the male bus driver and him KO'ing her.

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 year ago
  • Shooting pains in my left hand?

    For past several days I have been getting these weird sharp/shooting pains in my left hand. They occur 2-3 times a day, and they last for 30 seconds at a time.

    Any thoughts on what this may or may not be?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 year ago
  • Was I friend-zoned?

    I've been friends with this woman for a long time now, and I asked her out on a first date 2 months ago, since then we have been on several more. I decided to ask her how she feels about me, just to know where I stand. Her response was "In the middle, in between friends and girlfriend/boyfriend". What the hell do I make of this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Where do me and her stand with each other?

    I've been friends with this woman for a long time now, and I asked her out on a first date 2 months ago, since then we have been on several more. I decided to ask her how she feels about me, just to know where I stand. Her response was "In the middle, in between friends and girlfriend/boyfriend". What the hell do I make of this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • How do do I deal with this annoying person?

    I ride public transit to work every weekday and there's this one person I'm sort of friends with that rides the bus with me (both too and from work, he works in the next building over). In the past few months though he has become very annoying to say the least! I'm the type of person that needs my quiet time to dezone before work and after, and he just yammers on the majority of the way about utterly stupid ****. He's a nice guy don't get me wrong, but he just lacks boundaries and doesn't know when or how to shut up. I find him espically more annoying after I work a long *** day! My question is how do I deal with this guy but without being an jerk towards him? Thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Whats going on with me her? Do I stand a chance with her? Details below?

    We were texting the other day and she said she had moved to a new city (closer to me actually) and we got into dicussing beaches and nude swimming (she likes doing that by herself). Anyways I mustered up the nerve to ask her if she wanted to go skinny dipping with me and shockingly she said yes, now of course I do have feelings for her and got kinda horny chatting about it (she did too I think) and we got onto discussing having sex. Anyways heres the the text

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Me and a good friend have this thing going on and neither of have really defined it, can you guys help me figure it out?

    Me and a good friend of mine have had a solid friendship for many years (with some light flirting/teasing mixed in) but recently things have I think been beginning to take a turn in a good way but I just want to be sure which is why I'm asking.

    We were texting the other day and she said she had moved to a new city (closer to me actually) and we got into dicussing beaches and nude swimming (she likes doing that by herself). Anyways I mustered up the nerve to ask her if she wanted to go skinny dipping with me and shockingly she said yes, now of course I do have feelings for her and got kinda horny chatting about it (she did too I think) and we got onto discussing having sex. Anyways heres the the text

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I feel like me and my family are drifting apart?

    Let me explain the dynamics of my family first so you guys can get a better picture of what the issue is. Growing up me/my mom/my 2 younger sisters were always close, there wasn't any problems between us growing up.

    However I think the issues started when I went away to college at 17 and my two younger sisters were at home. They bonded heavily and we all didn't keep in touch as much as we did growing up, which is normal I suppose due to the fact I was 10 hours away at college.

    Anyways they both moved out to another city, and they pushed me to move out there as well. I thought things were going good once we moved out, we would all meet up 2x a week (my 2 brother in laws included) and everything was good that way. 2 years later they both moved out to another town (10 mins from where Im at) and they live 2 blocks away from each other.

    They see each other almost every day, wheras I see them maybe once a week to once every 3 weeks (depends on things). Whenever I'm out there it seems they have this tight knit circle and they are always chatting about whats going on in their lives etc, and I feel like I'm out of the loop with things. I do try to engage in conversations with them but its met with one worded replies or just all around rudeness ie just recently my sister told me "dont chime in on conversations"

    4 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Was this a French kiss?

    Was it me or was there some tongue action going on during their kiss?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I'm offended by the remarks my sister made to me tonight?

    A little backstory-

    My sister gave birth to her daughter a year ago and I see them about once every two weeks (always been that way since she was born) and my other sister/her husband were named her god-parents.

    Tonight when all of us were heading up to visit my Dad and I offered to bring up one of my nieces's books and that's when my sister snapped at me by saying "I feel like you are trying to step in and control my daughter! Also that your tryingher to prove yourself"

    Her comments perplexed me because I would never try to step in and take her parents role in her life, I never try to tell my sister how to parent her daughter. I never step in and do anything without my sisters permission and I always ask her first, for example " would you like me to give her a strawberry?". However, yet its ok for my other sister to step in and give her baths, take her for walks, offer to watch her for the night, give her food etc... and nothing is said to her yet she thinks' I'm overbearing and acts like I'm some kind of threat to my neice.

    Am I trying to prove things? Sure I guess, I mean I do try my best to be a good uncle to her, but that's about it.

    What should I do about this?

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Confused over the comments my sister made about me?

    A little backstory-

    My sister gave birth to her daughter a year ago and I see them about once every two weeks (always been that way since she was born) and my other sister/her husband were named her god-parents.

    Tonight when all of us were heading up to visit my Dad and I offered to bring up one of my nieces's books and that's when my sister snapped at me by saying "I feel like you are trying to step in and control my daughter! Also that your tryingher to prove yourself"

    Her comments perplexed me because I would never try to step in and take her parents role in her life, I never try to tell my sister how to parent her daughter. I never step in and do anything without my sisters permission and I always ask her first, for example " would you like me to give her a strawberry?". However, yet its ok for my other sister to step in and give her baths, take her for walks, offer to watch her for the night, give her food etc... and nothing is said to her yet she thinks' I'm overbearing and acts like I'm some kind of threat to my neice.

    Am I trying to prove things? Sure I guess, I mean I do try my best to be a good uncle to her, but that's about it.

    What should I do about this?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • what did she mean when she said I'm always yours?

    always yours" what did she mean by it?

    Havent herd from you in a while and still saying HOWDY to our Knight

    Hoping all is well and hope to hear again soon

    PS_Kass needs a new GOODYEAR

    Always your's

    kimberly and (yeah Kass too) :P

    This was the email she sent, what did she mean by "always yours"?

    I've known this woman for years (Kass is her sister), and outside of light flirting its always been friendship beteween us. What did she mean by "Always yours"?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I've been friends with, she sent me an email and ended with "always yours" what did she mean by it?

    Havent herd from you in a while and still saying HOWDY to our Knight

    Hoping all is well and hope to hear again soon

    PS_Kass needs a new GOODYEAR

    Always your's

    kimberly and (yeah Kass too) :P

    This was the email she sent, what did she mean by "always yours"?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Am I in the friendzone with her?

    Normally I'm pretty good at reading a woman, but this one I can make sense of. I'm friends with this co-worker and we get along great, I've noticed though in the past month or so she has been hitting on me such as finding excuses to chat me up, asking me to add her on facebook, giving me compliments including "you look great have you been working out?". I knew she was married which is why I didn't flirt back with her, but recently I found out (she confirmed it) her and her husband were in the process of divorcing (she's already moved out) so I asked her if she wanted to hang out for coffee and she replied with "sure thanks, we can go out for coffee after work on Sunday".

    The date got postponed until yesterday, and she was unusually chipper at work. She was telling me she was chatting with her good friend about us going out for coffee and she was lighting up a christmas tree when she was telling me that. Here's the confusing part she brought her friend (a female) along with her when we went out for coffee, anyways it went well but she asked me about what I thought of these other 2 coworkers looks.

    My question is am I in the friendzone or is there hope?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What did she mean by this?

    Me and this woman were talking tonight (we're good friend btw), and we were somehow talking about being in each others lives, I told her this:

    Me: You're a good friend and you're stuck with me :P

    Her: Oh I'm so lucky

    Me: I hope that wasn't sarcasm

    Her: It was laced with it, but it was also true

    What did she mean?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago