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Favorite Answers18%
  • At what age does it become illegal for a parent to physically discipline a child?

    At what age is it no longer legal for a parent to physically punish (ie spank, paddle, beat, slap, etc.) a "child" (meaning offspring, not necessarily adolescent)? If a parent of a young adult (age 18+) physically punishes the young adult, is it considered assault? If a parent threatens to beat, kick, spank, slap, or cause physical pain by any means, is this a violent threat? Is such a threat legal?

    Some things to consider:

    Legal definition of assault

    Question pertains to United States citizens

    Please cite laws in support of your answers.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A Quick Poll: What's a good name for a poodle?

    Ok, so my mom has decided--quite randomly--that she wants a poodle. She's got one picked out, I think. And we've spent the entire evening trying to think of something to name it when we get it. We've come up with some pretty crazy and a few normal names.

    Here's a little background: It's a miniature apricot poodle. My mom wants it to be named something cute and/or quirky. My dad hates French names. If it were my choice, we'd name it Poco.

    So I want the best names you can think of for a poodle--NO VULGARITIES, PLEASE. Best answer goes to the person who gives me the best name--whether it's what we name the dog or not.

    Go ahead...amuse me.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Music Man Hairstyle Suggestions?

    I am playing the part of Zaneeta Shinn in my school's production of Meredith Wilson's "The Music Man". My director informed me that I will be responsible for my own hair-do, and possibly makeup. I need suggestions for the best way to fix my hair. I have medium-long straight red hair, which will hold a curl for only a short amount of time and with much coaxing from the hairspray and curling iron. Makeup-wise, I am fair-skinned with freckles. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • In the French and Indian War. why did the Indians support the French?

    I need specific examples of how and why. My particular AP history book (it's called "The American Pageant" and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone) is fairly silent on the specific issue--poorly organized, boring, out of order...uggh. But anywho, I'm writing the chapter essay--and none of the information is in the chapter. So if anyone could help me, that would be great...

    If you don't want to actually tell me, citing some good sources would be appreciated as well. I'm not opposed to studying or reading extra!


    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Help me find death statistics for the United States?

    I need the average percentage of total deaths in the United States due to the following:

    -Alcohol-related deaths (in general)

    -Tobacco-related deaths (in general)

    -liver cirrhosis

    -heart failure (related to tobacco or alcohol use)

    -brain damage

    -birth defects (caused by mother's tobacco or alcohol use)

    -suicide (related to alcohol use)


    -Homicide (related to alcohol use)

    -Auto accidents (related to alcohol)

    -Cancer (related to alcohol and tobacco)

    Any other death statistics related to tobacco and alcohol would be helpful as well.

    Please cite your sources.

    The answer with the most statistics from the most reliable sources gets best answer.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What percentage of the oxygen in today's atmosphere is contributed by algae?

    In numbers please (no indefinite terms like "most" or "more than half"), and please cite your source.

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Urgent Question! What is the best medium in which to culture Rhizobium bacteria?

    I need to know what medium should be used for a bacterial culture of the rhizobium species, a type of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that grows on the roots of kudzu. I think agar will work, but I'm not sure. This is for a group experiment that we have to design ourselves, and it's proving extremely tricky. Our teacher was not available to answer questions, so we're a bit pressed for help!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for a subject author for my final project?

    Ok, our English class was assigned a final project: to choose an author and give a 7-10 minute oral report. The report should contain critical details about the author's life, style, novels, traditions, influences, etc.

    My original choice was C.S. Lewis, because he spoke out boldly about his beliefs. However, one of my "friends" decided that they were going to steal my idea. So I need a new idea.

    I'd prefer that the author be a deep thinker, with strong convictions. I would like for the author to be a Christian. Also, I would prefer to do my report on a deceased writer, possibly a classical writer.

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anybody know the lyrics to the oldies song "Carolina Girls"?

    It's an old "beach-music" sounding song, the kind that people shag to. I've heard it a million times at dances and such, and I still can't remember all the lyrics. Somebody help me out please!

    9 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • The terrier that was bathed by Anna earlier should now be brushed by her.?

    My friend and I need help with this sentence. The assignment was to correct the tense so that the tense of the verbs was maintained. We were also asked to correct verbs in passive voice that should be in active voice.

    I think that the entire sentence should be changed to active voice. My friend thinks that the voice is fine. Who's right?

    His sentence reads:

    The terrier that Anna bathed earlier should now be brushed.

    Mine reads:

    Anna bathed the terrier earlier and should now brush it.

    Which sentence is grammatically correct?

    3 AnswersHomework Help2 decades ago
  • Treaty of Tordesillas info?

    I need to know how the Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 affected the course of world history and today's cultures. Any links that you think would be helpful would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersHistory2 decades ago
  • What are some thoeries as to what caused the mass extinctions at the end of the Paleozoic?

    I want to hear all theories that have ever been suggested, regardless of how stupid they sounded. So if you have a theory, or have heard one, let me know!

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology2 decades ago
  • Sidneyia inexpectans information please!?

    Any info about this Cambrian creature would be appreciated. Also, links that would help with my research would be fantastic. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHomework Help2 decades ago
  • Finding a MODEST prom dress...?

    I'm a petite red-head with green eyes and fair skin. What colors and styles would you suggest for a modest prom dress? I don't want to look very old either, I'd like to resemble a young teen. But the key word is MODEST!

    6 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago
  • What are the names of some laggerstattens?

    Need to know names of as many laggerstattens as possible, preferably those from the Paleozoic era. Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help2 decades ago
  • Any members of a Marching Band out there? What's your fav marching show ever?

    I really liked last year's for our school ("Locomotion"), loved "The Cathedral" (done by Lincolnton High), and I can't wait until our next show: "Pendora's Box"

    What shows have ya'll done, and what's the best you've ever heard?

    3 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • Which of these medieval groups were called the Northmen? Franks, Vikings, Magyars, or Lombards?

    Franks, Vikings, Magyars, or Lombards? Teacher asked a question on a subject he didn't teach, so I was just wondering if this should be considered common knowledge...

    3 AnswersHomework Help2 decades ago