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  • respiratory therapist vs cardiovascular tech?

    i applied for both of these programs at the college where i am going and i talked to both advisors the other day and basically found out i am probably going to be accepted into both programs so i am going to have to choose which one to go into, and i honestly have no clue which one would be better, ive researched quite a bit online and the pay looks about the same for either does anyone have experience in either field, i am basically wondering what the schedule is like for both, what kind of settings they both would work in and stuff like that, any inpt is greatly appreciated, thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • weight loss/thyroid issues?

    my mom and i have been dieting and working out 5-6 days a week for the past few months, she is losing weight regularly, and i can not seems to lose more than a few pounds and then i gain it right back. my grandma, my mom, and my aunt all have thyroid problems, and are on medication to control it, i have never been tested for thyroid problems (im 23), my mom keeps telling me i need to be tested, could a thyroid problem really stop me from losing weight? i always felt like saying that was a cop out for people who werent really trying hard to lose weight but i am really trying hard, my mom and i are doing the exact same workout routine, and eat a lot of the same things too, so im just confused as to why shes losing weight and im not, could it really be due to a thyroid issue? thanks for any thoughts!

    29 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Any childcare professionals with advice on separation anxiety?

    My son is two and a half, he has never had to be in daycare, he is always with myself, my husband, or members of our family. He has no problem when he is left with anyone in our family, but recently we joined the YMCA in hopes of being able to lose weight and get healthy, one of the main things I was excited about was the fact that they have free on site child care but I took him there the first day and it didnt go well, he was fine when I first left the room but about 20 minutes later, the childcare provider had to come get me because he was inconsolable, I went and got him but was unable to get him to calm down so we just left, well I want to take him back but Im not sure how to go about it, I am afraid wen he sees the building he will remember how upset he was and start throwing a fit all over again before we even get in the room. So basically I am just looking for any tips/ thoughts on how I could get him used to going there just for an hour or so 4-5 times a week, thanks.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is the world coming to?

    Why do crazy people find it neccessary to kill innocent people for no reason? I was just reading about the mall shooting in Nebraska, its just so crazy and depressing to think about the fact that there are so many messed up people in this world, I mean my gosh, why cant these people get help, if they feel the need to end their lives, why do they have to take other innocent people with them, ahhhh, just venting, any thoughts?

    17 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know anything about Florida landlord tenant laws regarding security deposits?

    My husband and I moved to a new home on the first of October, we left our last house completely clean and ready to move in, the carpets were stained in some areas, which we let them know about when we were moving out, and they said it was no problem bc they always replace the carpet in between tenants anyway. We gave our old landlords an $825 security deposit and a $200 water deposit (the water bill was paid in full). Well since we moved out (2 months ago) we have not received anything from them, we have tried calling them several times to find out why they are not returning our money but they do not answer our calls and will not return them either. Basically, I dont know what the laws are but I know they are at least supposed to give us something in writing if they are keeping our deposit, but how much time do they have? This is getting a bit ridiculous but I dont know what to do or where to go from here. Any input is appreciated, thanks!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • what legal obligation do these landlords have?

    we are supposed to be moving this weekend into a house my husband's boss's mom (sorry) owns. we have given our 30 day notice at our current residence and need to be out of here by the 1st which is monday. we went over and looked at the new house over a month ago and they were doing some work on the house like painting, getting rid of the fireants, and fixing things up. my husband has been talking with them all along and they have been telling him all the stuff theyve gotten done, one of the main things was the carpet in one of the bedrooms was in terrible shape and they said they were replacing it, well my husband met with them last weekend and gave them more than half of the move in money and got the key so we could start moving stuff in this week so we wouldnt have to do it all in one day, they said they were almost done painting but we couldnt start moving stuff in just yet and they would call us when they were done, they never called us so we called them last night....

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • did anyone see "my husbands three wives" on tlc last night?

    are there seriously people living like this? this man had two wives and was trying to bring in a third women to their "family". he was such a jerk, i felt so bad for the kids, they were so confused and treated terribly by their father, i cant believe the guy is a psychologist, he has serious mental problems and so do his wives... i really feel bad for all the children though... anybody have any thoughts?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • did anyone see "my husbands three wives" on tlc last night?

    are there seriously people living like this? this man had two wives and was trying to bring in a third women to their "family". he was such a jerk, i felt so bad for the kids, they were so confused and treated terribly by their father, i cant believe the guy is a psychologist, he has serious mental problems and so do his wives... i really feel bad for all the children though... anybody have any thoughts?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • anyone have any ideas for a homemade costume for my two year old son?

    I just dont like store bought costumes, I really like the look of something put together at home, I want to make sure its something he will be comfortable in to walk around all night, anybody have any good ideas?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Anyone been in this type of situation?

    I have been with my husband for almost eight years, since I was 15, we have a wonderful son who I adore, I love my son and my husband more than anything even though we do fight quite a bit, just about everyday things like money and family, we always get through everything, for the past few months Ive been having dreams about him leaving and me being with another man and usually its this guy I have not seen in years that I used to have a huge crush on... I do sometimes have feelings like would we both be happier apart considering neither one of us has ever really been in another serious relationship, I just dont know, anyone been in this same type of situation, what did you do, just suppress these feelings and move on, if you decided to split, were you happier in the end? any thoughts are appreciated!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • radiology tech or respiratory therapist?

    I have to decide by January which program I want to apply for and I am having a hard time, I dont really know a whole lot about either but I was going into nursing and decided to do something more specialized, anybody with experience have any suggestions, thoughts? any oppinions are appreciated, thanks!

    5 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • How can my husband and I get closer?

    My husband and I have been together almost eight years, married for almost three and we have a two year old son, we got together when we were very young, I was 15 and he was 18, hes the only man Ive ever been with in every way, I love him so much, he is really a good husband and father in that he has a good job and pays his share of the bills, but as far as emotionally he just always seems so cold, we work different shifts so we dont see eachother very much but when we do have time together he never will pay attention to me as far as just talking and doing things together in general, I guess I should say we have a pretty good sex life, but it seems like thats the only thing we actually do together that we both enjoy! I try to talk to him about how I feel but he just blows me off, says nothings wrong, Im crazy, etc. I am just wondering what I can say or do to help better our relationship, especially when Im the only one who thinks theres a problem, any thoughts?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • potty training my son, strange behavior question?

    my son turned 2 in july, for quite a while he has been showing signs of readiness for potty training, like showing interest in the bathroom, wanting to be changed quickly when wet or messy, things like that, a few days ago i was leaving his bottom bare for a while because he had a little rash and he kept bringing me a diaper to put on then wanting to be changed as soon as he went in the diaper, i decided it was time to see if maybe he would try to go in the potty, so i left him bare and instead of putting a diaper on him i put him on the potty and he went with no problem, so i just left him bare for a couple days and he even has been asking to go to the potty when he has to go pee, but heres the weird part, i took him and bought him some diego undies to wear and whenever i put undies on him he pees in them, every single time, ive tried saying these are big boy undies, dont pee in them, but he just doesnt seem to understand that theyre not diapers, anybody else ever experienced this?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • server just has to vent: why cant people learn how to tip correctly?

    i know this topic has been posted before but i just want to get some more oppinions. i work at a casual italian restaurant and i had a terribble weekend as far as tips go, i just dont understand why people will sit there and say everything was so great, youre an excellent server and then leave 10% or less for a tip, i had people leave $5 on $65 check, $5 on $84 check and my last table left $7 on a $83 check and these were just some of the terrible tips i received. what is wrong with people? i totally understand tipping poorly if the service is bad but if you have good food, good service and everything is great, why would you tip so badly? i just feel like if people go out to eat then they should plan to leave the correct amount for a tip, if you dont want to have to tip a server then go through a drive through somewhere, anybody have any thoughts? any cheapskates out there that would like to explain why they feel they need to rob their servers when they go out to eat?

    18 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Am I a terrible mom?

    I am sitting here in tears right now, my son is two years old, he and I are home a lot together, I work but part time and at night, I feel like my son is a spoiled rotten little brat, and I know its all mine and my husbands fault, he doesnt get to be around other kids at all, we go to the park and stuff but usually were the only ones there, so i signed him up for a toddler creative movement class at the ymca, today was the first class, and it was a disaster, we both left the class after 5 minutes sobbing, we got in the room and everything was fine, they were playing with these little rubber balls, throwing them around and stuff but then the teacher wanted the kids in a circle to dance around and stuff, now all the other kids did this with no problem, not my son, he starts throwing a tantrum like no other, throwing himself on the floor, running to the door beating on it, screaming like a banshee, i didnt know what to do, i tried ignoring him for a minute but

    23 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • college, financial aid, student loans, oh my...?

    I am 23 and have been out of college for a couple years, having a child and getting married and all, but I recently decided I would really prefer not to be a server for the rest of my life, so I am going back to school this fall come hell or high water but I have a couple questions, when I was in school before I had scholarships that covered everything so financial aid wasnt really a concern but now it definitely is, I filed a fafsa online and got my SAR, it says my EFC is 2608, anyone know what this means? My husband and I make an ok living so I doubt I will qualify for much but I also know I can not afford to pay for everything myself, so heres my other question, will I be able to get a student loan if I have bad credit? I am going in to talk to a counselor at the college sometime this week but I want to go in with some idea of what to expect so any thoughts and comments are welcomed, thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • respiratory therapist?

    i am going back to school this fall and am looking into different career paths, the community college where im going has a two year respiratory therapy program that looks interesting, but i have never heard of this profession before, i know i want to go into the medical field, i was going into the nursing program but changed my mind, anybody know anything about respiratory therapy? thanks.

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • waaaa, no more photomail?

    so yahoo is not doing photomail anymore? so everyones "insert pictures" button is gone? why did they do away with it? it was so easy to email pics that way, i hate having to attach, they never come out right, it takes forever and its just a pain. does anyone know of an easier way to email pics, i have kodak easyshare so its easy to get the pics on my comp but i have lots of family out of state who i email pics to all the time, theres got to be a better way, any thoughts?

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos1 decade ago
  • i know, another potty training question?

    my son will be 2 in just a couple weeks, i really feel like he is ready to start with potty training, he does not like the feeling of being wet or messy, he comes up to me to be changed almost as soon as he goes, i just have a few questions for parents that have been there, do you like pull ups or do you feel like they just slow the process, i was thinking maybe underwear at home and pull ups when we go out or away, and also some things i have read say to put the potty in the living room while they are getting started, it seems like it would definitely be easier to get to quickly but will this slow the process as well? any thoughts or oppinions are appreciated, thanks!

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Are you supposed to have to pay to submit a mortgage application?

    I found a mortgage company online that says they can help people with low credit scores and low down payments to buy a house, they sent me an application but the thing is it says i have to pay $69 to submit the application, is this a normal practice? am i just out this money if they end up not being able to approve me for the home loan? i just wanna make sure this isnt some kind of scam, it seems like a reputable company but im not sure, any thoughts?

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago