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  • Is a HELOC against my rental property the best way to loan money to my sister?

    I have $100,000 equity in a property. I owe $30,000 against it. Payments are only $275/mth and it rents for $900. My sister has a business I want to help her within the amount of $5,000 but I don't want to pull too much out of my property or raise my payments. Will a Home Equity Line of Credit be a good idea?

  • Are you having problems with Yahoo mail today (June 5, 2014)? I cannot send or receive from any of my addresse?

    Started about Noon Alaska Time for me. I have cleared and dumped everything. Used three different browsers, 4 different email addresses and 2 different computers (on different wireless links)... NAHDA... how 'bout you?

    8 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages7 years ago
  • Can a person who is President / Executive Director of a nonprofit rent office space from a building they own?

    I hope this is not the quagmire I am seeing... in trying to help a nonprofit obtain grant funding (I am a grant writer by profession) I encountered some oddities for a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. The founder/president/executive director (5 member board) owns an educational business similar in nature to the nonprofit... exception is the nonprofit provides their services for low-income folks that cannot afford the businesses' services. On paper and in practice, there is no connection or co-mingling of funds between the business and the nonprofit. There is an exception... the facility where the business and nonprofit are located is personal property of the the business owner/nonprofit president/executive director who donates rent-free operating space to the nonprofit she chairs. This has all been fully disclosed in writing to the IRS within their Form 1023 application and a Letter of Determination was issued with the understanding... that no formal binding lease was documented and in place... Enter the problem, in order for the business to donate the operating space and utilities as an in-kind contribution for the nonprofit to receive grant funding... a document must be in place stating terms and conditions of property access and use during the grant funding period.

    Does this now jeopardize the 501(c)3 status of the non-profit because the relationship is no longer "arms-length" for the business-property owner / NPO board president / executive director?

    4 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit7 years ago
  • Does someone have just a basic list of what foods are GOOD and what foods are BAD for gout sufferers?

    I seem to be coming across the same information... what Gout is, what causes it, what triggers attacks, etc. What I cannot find is a basic "Shopping List" of good stuff - bad stuff. Is there a basic comprehensive list of "what to buy and what not to buy" to build meals for a person with gout?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Does anyone know of any free Bible Trivia links I can add to my church's website?

    All levels would be cool (children, novice, expert - like that). Preferably sites that don't have a lot of secular advertising.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If an incorporated church does NOT have a formal 501(c)3, are donations to them tax deductible?

    If I donate $1,000 to a small independent church that has not filed a 1023 for recognition as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit charity... and they give me a receipt - can I claim the donation as being tax deductible?

    Also, for the same church, if it is not tax-deductible for me but I donate it anyway - do they have to pay taxes on my donation (or tithes) as income?

    4 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • How receptive are middle / high schools to teaching Ethics?

    If a teacher wanted to teach high school students about "Ethics" by using an age-appropriate and interesting syllabus built around "Misappropriation of Public Funds" (i.e., theft within government agencies and nonprofit organizations), do you think...

    1) the topic would not be received well because there would be little interest,

    2) schools maybe would not approve (sore topic) or

    3) the topic has little importance or value to high school age youth

    A second part of the question is... if a teacher were to teach this particular topic - what course(s) could it best fit under (i.e., Social Studies, Current Events, Math, etc.)

    What I am looking for are "serious" thoughts on - are teenagers to young to learn about "Accountability and Transparency" with public money because we hear about it so much in the news today.

    Teaching9 years ago
  • For about a week I keep getting a "404 NOT FOUND" message when trying to open my Yahoo mail. Anyone else?

    It takes several attempts. Refreshing never works. Restarting my browser does not work Nor emptying my cache or restarting my computer. just after awhile I am able to get open my email. Anyone else having this problem?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • After a person dies family knows they were insured but do not know how to find the policy or know the company?

    Is there a way to find this information. Possibly a central insurance center of some kind? Would the State Insurance Commission be able to help?

    6 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • I am looking for News for an exact day, month, and year... can you help me find it?

    I have a relative born September 27, 1941. For her birthday, I have been looking for "What Happened That Day" in the news. All I am finding are websites with events for that day from every year throughout history... but I want information only for that one day and year... things like, News, what stuff cost (houses, food, cars), music... whatever. Can someone help me find a link?

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events9 years ago
  • Never had this happen. I cannot get my Yahoo Trash to empty. Any ideas?

    I have tried every way conceivable to get my Trash to dump but no go. All messages I delete still are showing up with a line through them. Any thing I should know about?

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • Does anyone know of ANY Christian ministry that is not a "nonprofit organization"?

    I would love to know of a church that stands on God's Word about taxes. Christian churches are being sanctioned under the IRS as tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organizations. To my understanding of "the system", a church does not HAVE to be "tax-exempt". Further, to my understanding of God's Word (the Bible), Christ paid taxes...

    (Matthew 17:24-27 (NKJV) "Peter and His Master Pay Their Taxes"

    When they had come to Capernaum,[a] those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, “Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?”

    He said, “Yes.”

    And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?”

    Peter said to Him, “From strangers.”

    Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.”

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me in numbers, not percentage how many New Yorkers are unemployed?

    ... or receiving unemployment compensation? I know statistically, in the last quarter of May 2012 the unemployment rate was 8.6... but that does not tell me how MANY people in thousands or millions that is. Can someone tell me and their source?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • What should a landlord do if a tenant has not paid rent for months and received a Pay or Vacant Notice?

    What should a landlord do when a tenant has not paid rent for months and finally received a Pay or Vacant Notice then threatens in retaliation to call Fire Marshall and CLAIM that the apartment is a “fire trap”?

    I live in and help with property management for a small complex. One apartment has tenants that are unruly, conduct questionable activities all hours of the day and night, and are months behind in rent. The apartments are well built and maintained, I enjoy living here except for my neighbors. The landlord has been very tolerant with them but finally had to serve an eviction notice and the tenants went ballistic. They live above me and I can hear them thumping, banging, stomping and having in and out visitors all hours of day and night. They also have people living with them. Their noise has intensified since they received their 7 day notice to vacate. I have called the police once but they just received a warning. I know they are lying that the apartment being a fire-trap but I suspect they are doing damage to give the appearance of being so. What should the landlord do?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • We all gotta love the great TV cooking celebrities and shows but have you noticed...?

    In cooking competitions we see chefs dripping sweat over their food. Second is the hair thing - does anyone wear nets, hats, or pull their hair back anymore? Finally and the most uncomfortable for me to see is the bling thing. These folks have rings and things on multiple fingers and will be digging away into their baking, salads, and mixings. Isn't there a lot of dirt and (eweee) dead skin caught in rings?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Have you ever "blown the whistle" or wanted to...?

    Have you ever "blown the whistle" or wanted to...?Have you ever worked for a government funded non-profit organization or even a government agency where you knew about (or suspected) some wrong doings (misappropriations, theft, fraud, etc.)?

    If so, did you blow the whistle, or at least want to, or did you feel it was just better to not get involved?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Have you ever "blown the whistle" or wanted to...?

    Have you ever worked for a government funded non-profit organization or even a government agency where you knew about (or suspected) some wrong doings (misappropriations, theft, fraud, etc.)?

    If so, did you blow the whistle, or at least want to, or did you feel it was just better to not get involved?

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't Christian churches and organizations pay income tax?

    Many many Christian churches and organizations operate their finances as a non-profit corporation under a "tax exempt" status (usually a 501(c)3). This is NOT mandated, required, or imposed by our government. This is a voluntary legal/administrative decision of the part of the churches or organizations leadership. BTW - being a nonprofit corporation does not automatically entitle an organization to being tax-exempt.

    It is required by the government when non-profits do not want to pay taxes that they justify "charitable" activities (which for Christians flies against Matthew 6: 1-4 "...when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret..."

    Christians should also know from our Bible (Matthew 17:24 - 27) that Christ paid temple tax to the Roman government. He also told (and helped) Peter to do the same. Therefore, I cannot, for the life of me as a Christian, understand... how can so very many Christian churches and organizations justify not payin taxes when our Lord Christ himself did and admonished us to follow him "least we be misunderstood"? What's your take?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago