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  • my son said he has alump in his throat?

    he said last night he has a bubble (bump) in his throat and when he tries to swallow anything he said i feel like a shock that spreads through his throat. any clue to what this could be. he has a doc appt tomorrow but looking to get an idea of what it could be. thanks!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • would being tazed (tased) whichever be dangerous for me?

    M hubby is a cop. He recently got tazed for training. want to get tazed just to see what it's like. HIs dept is holding another class later this month and told me as long as I sign a waiver I could go through the course and be tazed. I think this is awesome. Yes People have called me crazy lol. But i just wanna see how it feels. My question is. I have a heart conditions. Where my left atrial valve closes prematurely at tmes. Would it betoo much of a risk to be tased with that condition. I want to to know but if it's going to be dangerous I am not going to risk it! Thanks officers for your input. Most importantly y'all stay safe!!

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • a cyst that measures 11.4 mm wide by 22.3mm long. Is that considered a big or a small cyst.?

    My son is 8 been getting bad migraines. They did an MRI on him and found a cyst on his left temporal lobe. measuring 11.4 mm wide and 22.3mm long. He's going to Riley's Children Hospital on Sept 26 to see what can be done. The only thing we were told by is old Doc was he cant play sports or hit his head or it will rupture and bleed into his brain and kill him.. not something any parent would want to hear let alone the child. Which is why we are go in to Indy. Second Opinion and pediatrician thought ti would be best we take him there. Anyone have any clue to whether or not thats a big or small cyst? appreciate any info. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • If your selected for jury duty what happens if?

    I got a notice about doin jury duty. Ther person Iuse to live with told me about it and he said he threw it away. I dont know when it was for. What will they do if I dont show up to that?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • someone is charged with?

    If someone is charged with a class d felony? how much jail time could one get. or what would the fine be. she called in a to get a prescription drug filled, using a diff docs name. They did more investigating and r now charging her wiht a class d. is there any way she would just get a slap on the wrist or probabion for it? Personally i think it's funny. she will get what she deserves! But I'm just curious to what they can do to her.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • My sis n law was court ordered to get?

    My sis n law was court ordered to get a hair follicle drug test. She was given 10 days to get it done.

    She had to pay for it. It's for a custody battle of her daughter. She's used. I am sure they will find

    it in her system. She didn't go and it's past the 10 day mark. Will the court issue a warrant for her arrest, or will they do anything at all about it?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • how far back can they go?

    I have to get a drug test Monday. It's a urine test. I was told they will be checking as far back as 3 months. Is that possible for a urine test?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • My daughter turned 10 in Oct. I was wondering?

    my daughter turned 10 in oct. Lately she seems to want to be by herself in her room watching TV or reading a book. I asked her several time if she is ok or if something was bothering her. she in a soft voice no. but my insticts say different. I was wondering if this is normal behavior for a 10 yr old. She's usually happy and loves being around me her dad and her brothers. We play board games and all kinds of activities with our kids. IDK what to think here! Is this normal

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My daughter turned 10 in Oct. I was wondering?

    my daughter turned 10 in oct. Lately she seems to want to be by herself in her room watching TV or reading a book. I asked her several time if she is ok or if something was bothering her. she in a soft voice no. but my insticts say different. I was wondering if this is normal behavior for a 10 yr old. She's usually happy and loves being around me her dad and her brothers. We play board games and all kinds of activities with our kids. IDK what to think here! Is this normal

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • I got 2 tickets for DWS what the worst they will do?

    Ok I was pulled over 2 times by the same cop for driving while suspended. I was suspended cause I forgot to pay a couple of tickets. ahh.. ne ways I have court on the 8th for those.

    What will they do. My license have been reinstated, will they suspend my driving privileges for a while

    or just slap me with a big fine...... Just wanting to know what to expect.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I have a ticket but the info on it...?

    I have 2 tickets. I dont remember at all gettin pulled over. 2 things wrong with the ticket. first it say i was doin a 41 in a 24. but the actual speed limit on the sign is 45. second. I was at work on the date and time it shows. i have the proof for the speed limin and that i was at work. My other ticket at the time was for driving while suspended. If they drop the first ticket would the second one be dropped too?

    What are the chances.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • would there be a chance that they come get me?

    OK I had court today for a speeding ticket at 9..I totally forgot about it.

    Now there's a bench warrant out for my arrest. Well I have court Friday for another police dept. for 7 speeding tickets. When I go to that one, will they arrest me for the other dept. and take me to jail. I am scared...not sure what to expect. I DONT SPEED ANYMORE! so dont worry.

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How many before license is suspended?

    I live in Indiana. I have 4 speeding tickets and 1 ticket for disregarding a stop sign. How many tickets can one get before

    their license gets suspended? I am not going to be speeding anymore. yeah lesson learned. Hell I plan on only driving when I go to work and that's it for me for a while!

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What will they do if?

    My Kansas license is suspended. I do have my Indiana now. I slipped thru the loop hole and got my Indiana DL before the kansas suspension showed up. If I were to get pulled over here in Indiana will it show me as suspended

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is this diet pill dangerous!?

    I started taking phentermine, it's a diet pill. I have lost 6 lbs in just a week. I luv how I am feeling. I have so much energy I just go go go.

    I just don't know how dangerous it is to be taking. I only want to lose 20 lbs. and figured this was the fastest way. but I don't want to harm myself in the process. and I am exercising everyday. anyone know of this diet pill give me some advice. I'd appreciate it much! What are some side effects if y'all know.

    23 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what could it be?

    My sister is preg. with her 3rd child. she's only 6 weeks along.

    She feels flutter in her stomach and wants to know if it's gas.

    Or is it possible to be prego with twins. It does run in the fam.

    But would she be able to feel flutters tht early or is it just gas?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • should this deputy be fired?

    My hubby is a deputy. He was called for a domestic. Well the guy there my hubby was arresting, tried to get my hubbys gun. So hubby called for back up! Well there was a call for cows. The other deputy decided to go get the cows instead of backin his own officer. The sheriff and another deputy were called, they were pissed at the other deputy. The deputies response was I didnt have my radio turned up. But yet he got the call for the dumb cows. Sorry, But I think he should lose his job. A fellow deputies life was in danger and he didnt care! Aren't y'all suppose to be there to help each other. Well I am way pissed a this guy! I hate to say this, but he needs to be fired.

    He's in this for himself, he dont care about the safety of other officers he only cares about himself. What kind of cop is that.

    I hate to see officers fired, but it's better than losing one b/c he wants to be a dumb@ss. sry I am just way ticked about this!

    Should I be that angry with him? or is it wrong?

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • wow...didnt know it would be soo scary?

    I filled out a form online for an addiction treatment center. That was scary. I gave my phone number and they called. I couldnt answer the phone b/c I was scared. They r there to help I shouldnt be scared. What should I do here. I really need the help but I am too afraid to go thru with this. I am afriad of what will happen in rehab! I am soo confused right now...

    Anyone have any advice?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I am just lost right now!?

    ok so hubby and I have sepereated goin to go on ahead and divorce. Well I thought I could handle this...but I have turned to drinkin and takin pain meds to deal with it. I know it's wrong. I am just soo lost I am not sure how to deal with any of this. I do want to straighten my life it's the only way I will accomplish anything, but not sure where to turn or go for help.

    My life is just gettin outta control, and not sure how to stop.

    I dont talk to my friends b/c I am afraid they will tell everyone I know or end up hatin me!! AHHHHHHH..... What to do here?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I feel like my life is fallin apart?

    my hubby and I have been married for 7 yrs together for 11.

    We have 3 kids we r seperating. I was ok with doin this at first. The kids r stayin with me. I was fine and sure that I was goin to be fine. Now that it's gettin closer for him to move. I am having doubts big time. How can I do all this on my own. What am I suppose to be doin? I am happy at times, sad at others and all that and scared. Not sure what I am doin or how I am goin to handle this! Anyone that knows what I am goin through, tell me how u cope (d) to get thru a situation like this? I feel like IDK.

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago