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Have a keen interest in psychology and relationships, alternative therapies and helping others. Love animals.

  • Attachment image

    Is there any value to my Great Grandma's G Schwechten Hof Piano Forte Fabrikant Berlin?

    It needs tuning. The ivory keys are yellowed. It has a matching seat with very very old music sheets inside.

    Is it worth restoration and if so, how much does that cost vs its value as is vs its value as a family heirloom worth keeping to plink on occasionally?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • How do I delete pics off my phone if the gallery won't open because there's not enough memory?

    Samsung Galaxy 2.

    have tried connecting to my laptop to open files, but is not registering that the phone is there.

    Have tried deleting music, apps, etc but still tells me there's not enough memory to open the gallery.

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Where is a good place to learn Mauritian Creole online?

    i am a googler but i can't find much more than just phrases for tourists!

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Definition of Urdu family member name & family position, please?

    we have just spent time with our new beautiful family in Mauritius. We now know ChaCha, ChaChi, Pupa, Pupu, Mosi, etc, etc. I would like some clarification on these terms please.

    1 AnswerGenealogy9 years ago
  • What are good gifts to give when vising people in another country?

    we're going overseas with limited luggage weight limits but want/need to bring gifts for a family who we know there.

    We're from Australia, they're in Mauritius.

    What is a good small, light, inexpensive gift to give, with an Aussie flavour perhaps, which will be received well?

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays10 years ago
  • Please help me know what this plant is that is growing in my garden!?!?

    I have a plant in the yard which in Autumn, comes up with two leaves which eventually curl over and at full-growth, are about 10cm wide.

    Then the plant has a flower, which is the size of a small fist and is bright red. It reminds me of a fist punching through the dirt (from a distance) - but it's red.

    This plant didn't appear last year (we've had drought), but this year I have paid attention to the area and 4 sets of leaves are popping up.

    I dare not dig up to see if it's a bulb or what. Wouldn't want to make it unhappy!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Election in the Media - what the?

    Is any one else totally confused by the TV ads about the election?

    They are spending so much of our tax-payers money on tv ads, but I don't understand what they're going on about - they slander the "other" party, but what I really want to know is "What do they have to offer themselves?" not why I shouldn't vote for the other party.

    There's so much rubbish out there it is hard for me to make a decision based on some reality and truth.

    Where can I go to find out what each party has to offer and do a quick catch up before next week's election!!!!

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Election in the Media - what the?

    Is any one else totally confused by the TV ads about the election?

    They are spending so much of our tax-payers money on tv ads, but I don't understand what they're going on about - they slander the "other" party, but what I really want to know is "What do they have to offer themselves?" not why I shouldn't vote for the other party.

    There's so much crap out there it is hard for me to make a decision based on some reality and truth.

    Where can I go to find out what each party has to offer and do a quick catch up before next week's election!!!!

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What plant will grow in dappled shade in a side-passage?

    I live in a mediterranean sort of climate - wet, low frost winter - hot and dry summer.

    Soil is clay, but I have a compost heap which I will dig through into the soil before planting.

    I want to plant something (like a hedge) that will grow about 2 metres high and that has a dense habit.

    MUST be a plant that will happily grow in dappled shade - this area gets about 1-2 hours of direct sunlight a day only. No strong winds here.

    A house has been built next door and I have the unfortunate situation of their laundry, toilet and garage being right next to my bedroom windows. I need something that will provide a bit of a sound-cushion effect if possible.

    I am happy to love and care for my plant but I don't want anything TOO fussy to look after. Prefer no flowers or low-pollen flowers. Must not be poisonous to dogs!!

    Want to plant in the next week or so - must be readily available and able to be planted in Autumn.

    Thank you so much for answering this question!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • MySpace question: How is the best way to connect with people?

    I just signed up with MySpace and beyond having asked my friends to join up, how do I 'befriend' other like-minded people and how is the best way to search for them? When I type a word or a few words in the Search bar, it comes up with hundreds of pages of people and I want to reduce that down so it's not so overwhelming!

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • How can I look less "librarian" and more young & cool - and maybe even 'rock chick'?

    My BF is a wrestler. He loves me just as I am, but I wish I fit in with the wrestling crowd a bit better because I want to go watch his matches, but feel stupid because I know I look like a total geek. Seriously, I look like a 40-year old librarian compared to everyone in the wrestling crowd! (I'm 28.)

    I usually stick to neutral shades of makeup - definitely part of the problem - so what can I do to make myself up so I don't stick out like a sore thumb at these events?

    What would you suggest I wear?

    12 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How will my current income be effected if I register an ABN and begin running a small business on the side?


    I work a full-time job as an employee.

    I want to hold CM craft workshops on the side to help me pay off some debts. I believe I will need to register an ABN so I can purchase and make sales of goods.

    How will the income (though not very sizeable) effect my current income - will I be taxed more for earning more, or might the costs and running fees of the business offset the tax.

    Yep, I need to see an accountant - but just looking for basic advice here first so I can get a basic understanding.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What are some good questions to ask when meeting with the 'upline' of a craft workshop business?

    I am very very interested in joining Creative Memories, but don't want to get sucked in before I know all the facts.

    Though I have a full-time job, I need extra income desperately.

    I REALLY love doing crafts and I always wanted to be a teacher, so this really appeals to me. I will get to do both :)

    However, I don't want to join and pay out money (that I can't spare if I am not going to earn it back relatively quickly) and end up worse than I am now! I have an exy vet bill coming up and so I could use the money to help pay off my VISA and get me back to having a positive amount of $.

    All you business-minded people out there, have you got some words of wisdom for me?

    The company DOES offer a LOT of support business-wise, but I just want to know the BEST questions to ask before I go and sign my name or commit to anything. I have a meeting with my current Consultant and her Up-Line on Wednesday - along with a bunch of other ladies who are going too.

    Thanks heaps!

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • My dog needs an operation ASAP - how do I save money in a hurry?

    My dog needs an operation, she's torn her cruciate ligament (her knee) and is limping and in pain. She means the world to me and I need to get it done ASAP - it tears my heart out to see her in pain. The operation will cost around $500 plus boarding fees for a few days. How can I save money within a short amount of time (i.e. a month at worst), while still paying bills and debts off?!

    Please don't reply if you hate dogs or are going to be negative about spending a large sum on a dog.

    I am genuine and I hope those who answer this are too.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I need to save a large amount of money in a short amount of time - what is the best way to do this?

    My dog needs an operation, she's torn her cruciate ligament (her knee) and is limping and in pain. She means the world to me and I need to get it done ASAP - it tears my heart out to see her in pain. The operation will cost around $500 plus boarding fees for a few days. How can I save money within a short amount of time (i.e. a month at worst), while still paying bills and debts off?!

    Please don't reply if you hate dogs or are going to be negative about spending a large sum on a dog.

    I am genuine and I hope those who answer this are too.

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Is it fair for my sister to give me compensation for me driving her around all the time?

    My sister is 30 this year and doesn't have her drivers license or any wish to get it.

    She lives with me... which is OK ... but she expects me to do the shopping and run errands and pick her up from the bus stop when it's raining.

    She never compensates me for these trips, in fact she says "It's your fault for having a car. It's much cheaper to take a bus."

    Is it not fair that since I am struggling financially and she is doing well for herself, that she help out by paying a bus fare per trip at the very least, to help me out?

    Yes we're sisters and I do a lot for her, but having a car is hugely expensive these days and I am at wit's end trying to make ends meet!!!

    17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have or know where to find a Vietnamese (?) Steamed Pork Bun Recipe?

    Looking for the recipe for a steamed bun which is stuffed with a pork and vegetable filling, like you can buy from Asian Grocer Stores.

    Has carrot, egg, peas... that type of thing in it.

    Links to a recipe on the web would be great. Really need the dough recipe moreso than the filling.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My really cool new mules (shoes) are cutting into the top of my foot and causing a blister how can I stop it?

    What's a good way to "wear in" / adjust shoes so they don't cut?

    Unfortunately they're not leather so they won't soften with use.

    They only cut from the action of walking - NOT because they're too small.

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does getting your nose pierced hurt?

    Got any horror stories about nose piercings I should know about before I consider getting my nose pierced?

    (I'm in my late 20's - I'm not a kid)

    23 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago