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Favorite Answers38%
  • Yahoo Calendar email reminders?

    How about fixing the glitch that has resulted the lack of email reminders for set events in the Calendar application.

    All of a sudden, the reminders are not being sent via email as I have them set-up.

    I heavily rely on Yahoo Calendar to remind me of doctor appointments and med re-orders not to mention various other things.

    Could anyone please send me info on how to fix this problem?

    I have made sure the correct email address is set-up. It is a Yahoo email addy. Everything is set to just exactly how I set them up when I added them as events to my Calendar. So, the problem has to be on Yahoo's end.

    Please notify them their Calendar email reminders are not working and peoples lives are affected.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts7 years ago
  • Yahoo Mail problems accessing?

    I am sure I am not the first to ask this question, but why am I having difficulty accessing my Yahoo Mail account? I have been a Yahoo user for some time now and I know Yahoo seems to have ongoing issues which makes Yahoo very user unfriendly. Is there a place where Yahoo updates the current problems people are experiencing?

    This has been very frustrating the past week or so. I was able to access my Yahoo mail through Firefox, so does that mean it is an Internet Explorer problem and not a Yahoo problem?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • What to do with quarantined virus/Trojan?

    My anti-virus program quarantined a virus/trojan. If I delete the virus/trojan from quarantine, does that mean the virus/trojan is gone and not residing in my computer?

    6 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • I am a Leo, how do I figure out what sign is good for me?

    Okay, so far I have had three serious relationships all which didn't work out. One was a Gemini, another an Aries and the last was a Pisces.

    I know it takes two, but I have often wondered if I am getting involved with conflicting signs.

    Can anyone enlighten me?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What kind of tests are involved in vocational evaluation?

    I've been told I need to go through a vocational evaluation. I am sure it is to find out what kind of vocation would best suit me or what my potential earning capacity could be? I know these days a lot of employers rely on job service sites to test prospective employees before they will even consider interviewing them. My husband wanted to get a job over-seas and he had to do what they called the "WABI" Workplace Aptitude Behavior Inventory. He would never tell me what the test was like because it disqualified him from getting the job. So, what I would like to know is what can I expect or what is involved in a vocational evaluation? I'd like specifics and/or places I could find this information. I know it is not a pass or fail sort of thing, but I get 'test anxiety' and I worry less if know ahead of time what to expect.

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • What is with all these crazy Yahoo Connect emails?

    All of a sudden I have been getting emails from people I don't even know to connect with them in Yahoo? Each email comes in pairs, with a different person per pair. They come addressed to my @ameritech account and my plain Yahoo account. I've had a least a dozen pairs of them since yesterday and they are a PITA to report that many. Anyone else with this problem and can tell me what is going on? Yahoo always seems plagued with this kind of ridiculousness. And, please don't tell me to change my password because it is so far beyond ridiculous that even the CIA couldn't break it! LOL

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Is a motorcycle considered a recreational vehicle?

    We are in the middle of a divorce and we both have each a vehicle to drive all year around. The motorcycle can only be used approx. 5 months of the year is we are lucky with the weather.

    So, I am thinking it should be considered a recreational vehicle. How do you think?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • In a state where there is community property law, how much can a spouse expect in alimony?

    In a twenty year marriage, no children, one spouse works and the other is disabled & can't work, shouldn't maintenance be half the net income of the spouse who is working?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is up w/ the "Change notification for your Extra Email address" emails?

    What is up w/ "Change notification for your Extra Email address" emails?

    Rec'd 2 separate emails with the heading: "Change notification for your Extra Email address". Both were from: Yahoo Mail < Each had different instructions as to how to continue receiving the emails, which I might add were very vague. It was as though they forgot the final part of the instructions, such as what are you suppose to do after you click on "Add or edit an account". See example below:

    Please make sure you provide the right Extra Email Addresses so you continue to receive the emails.

    To confirm your existing Extra Email Address:

    1. In Yahoo! Mail, go to "Options," then "More Options"

    2. From the menu on the left, click "Account"

    3. Click "Add or edit an account"

    Thank you,

    Yahoo! Mail Team

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • What is up w/ "Change notification for your Extra Email address" emails?

    Rec'd 2 separate emails with the heading: "Change notification for your Extra Email address". Both were from: Yahoo Mail < Each had different instructions as to how to continue receiving the emails, which I might add were very vague. It was as though they forgot the final part of the instructions, such as what are you suppose to do after you click on "Add or edit an account". See example below:

    Please make sure you provide the right Extra Email Addresses so you continue to receive the emails.

    To confirm your existing Extra Email Address:

    1. In Yahoo! Mail, go to "Options," then "More Options"

    2. From the menu on the left, click "Account"

    3. Click "Add or edit an account"

    Thank you,

    Yahoo! Mail Team

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Why did my Yahoo Home page change?

    All of a sudden the other day, Windows had an update download and afterwards my Homepage changed. Basically, it took the color and background theme away, which kind of acted as a buffer. I have low vision and this stark black & white web page makes it difficult to read. How can I find out which of the Windows Updates changed all this? FYI -- I have tried going into 'Change Appearance' and re-choosing the color I want and theme. I then click on "I am Done", but nothing changes. Does any one have any idea of what is up and how I can get my old page with the color & theme combo back?

    2 AnswersMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • What is the fix for having the details show up when I hold my cursor over the thumbnail of a picture?

    When I would be in My Pictures file on my Windows XP SP 3, I used to be able to have the details of things such as how many KB's, date taken, etc. showing up when I held my cursor over the thumbnail of any picture I had in that file. All of a sudden that ability disappeared on me. It is driving me nuts trying to find how or where I can go in and fix it, so the details show up again. Anyone familiar with this problem, can you give clear instruction as how to fix it?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why is my Cursor is doing something that it never has done before?

    All of a sudden whenever I point my cursor on anything, esp if it has a word to it, a display comes up with every foreign word it would be if I wanted to know what it [the word] was in a foreign language. I have been trying to find where I can disable that feature. I have tried Yahoo tools because that is my Internet browser. I, also, tried going into my Google Tool Bar, but I just can't find how to disable it. It is pretty annoying because the display box enlarges over something I am trying to read. Does anyone know what this feature is and how I can disable it?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Where did Yahoo Buzz comment section go?

    Yahoo Buzz Comment portion of Yahoo News was my perk for the day. I loved reading the comments. It was like reading an editorial but with more free speech.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What kind of snake lays black eggs in the Upper Midwest of the United States?

    My sister found half of a black egg shell. Obviously, whatever had already hatched. We'd like to know what kind of snake laid it? It was bigger than a chicken egg shell.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • What kind of bird lays black eggs?

    My sister found an egg shell which was all black. Apparently, whatever hatched was no longer around. Does anyone know what kind of bird would lay an egg with a black shell. Robin egg shells are blue, so I am sure other birds can lay different colored shells. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Looking for a good song for a mother/son dance at his wedding reception?

    My son is 31 years old and getting married for the first-time. His finance asked me if I had anything special requests, but my mind is blank. I know my son has liked Roy Orbison since he was a kid. I wouldn't mind a modern country western type song. Please, if anyone has a good suggestion, I could use some help.

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • On the Yahoo Mail page, what settings do I change to disable...?

    the advertising from enlarging and blocking my view to reading my email's subject's title lines? It is getting pretty annoying, especially since I have to click to close the advertising box. But, closing it (the advertising box) doesn't keep it from continually opening up again within a few seconds. It also makes trying to read the summary page of my Yahoo Mail's inbox very time consuming. And did I say, annoying! I don't mind a little advertising, but having it blow up and cover my screen is not what I call good advertising.

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • Ideas for wedding shower games?

    I am responsible for planning the games for an upcoming wedding shower. One game I would like to play is some form of Newlywed game. I have watched the new show for ideas of questions to ask. What I would like to do is video the groom answering questions and play it at the shower after we posed the questions to the bride. I have decided it would be wise to ask multiple answer questions, so the guests can play along. What has me stumped is how to give points for the questions. Anyone with any good ideas how to set-up this game?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Ideas for wedding shower games?

    I am responsible for planning the games for an upcoming wedding shower. One game I would like to play is some form of Newlywed game. I have watched the new show for ideas of questions to ask. What I would like to do is video the groom answering questions and play it at the shower after we posed the questions to the bride. I have decided it would be wise to ask multiple answer questions, so the guests can play along. What has me stumped is how to give points for the questions. Anyone with any good ideas how to set-up this game?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago