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  • Was there a warning sent by the Yahoo admin team?

    Is there a warning currently being sent out by the Yahoo admin team? From email address, I received a message in my Yahoo email account that reads as follows:

    Dear User,

    We are sorry to inform you that we are currently working on securing our

    server. During this process, accounts which are not manually verified by

    us will be deleted, Please confirm and submit your login information for

    manual verification by one of our customer care agents.

    Information which is to be provided for account verification is below.

    Please be sure to click the REPLY button first before attempting to fill

    the form:

    User Name: ----------( )

    User Id: --------------( )

    Password: --------( )

    Date Of Birth: ----------( )

    Country (At Sign up): ---( )

    NOTE: Your login information is 100% safe and secure with us. We are

    sorry for any inconveniences

    this might cause you. Bringing to you the best services is our primary


    Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two

    weeks of receiving this warning will lose the account permanently.


    7 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Ascites a medical mystery?

    My mother has a recurring ascites, has been in the hospital for 3 weeks, has had every test you can think of, and they still don't know why she has it. The doctor's are calling her a medical mystery. She is 60 years of age, has been morbidly obese for over 35 years, a smoker (pack a day) for 35 years, a heavy drinker on weekends only for 35 years, type 2 diabetes for two years, high blood pressure, has had 2 stints placed in arteries surrounding her heart (one in 2003 and 2007), and has been taking a host of medications for years. For the ascites she's had 2 abdominal CT's, 2 MRI's, 2 upper GI tract scopes, 2 colonoscopies, and loads of blood tests by two different hospitals all showing nothing of any real significance. She has tested negative for cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney infection, congenital heart disease (though she has symptoms), her ovaries LOOK fine, and her digestive system LOOKS normal (no bowl movement in a week and throwing up all she takes in). She's loosing weight rapidly (58 pounds since the beginning of March) and getting weaker by the day because she can't keep any food down. Yesterday, the hospital did laparoscopic surgery on her abdomen and though they say they didn't see anything specific, they found that her anatomy wasn't normal. They found a thick coating surrounding her intestines and all her abdominal organs are stuck together by these small fibrous tissues. They've taken samples from their abnormal findings and are waiting for the results. In the meantime, they've decided to release my mother while they wait for the results but she is still very ill. I don’t know what else to do. Can you help? Have you ever heard of anything like this or know of someone who can help?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Ascites medical mystery?

    My mother has a recurring ascites, has been in the hospital for 3 weeks, has had every test you can think of, and they still don't know why she has it. The doctor's are calling her a medical mystery. She is 60 years of age, has been morbidly obese for over 35 years, a smoker (pack a day) for 35 years, a heavy drinker on weekends only for 35 years, type 2 diabetes for two years, high blood pressure, has had 2 stints placed in arteries surrounding her heart (one in 2003 and 2007), and has been taking a host of medications for years. For the ascites she's had 2 abdominal CT's, 2 MRI's, 2 upper GI tract scopes, 2 colonoscopies, and loads of blood tests by two different hospitals all showing nothing of any real significance. She has tested negative for cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney infection, congenital heart disease (though she has symptoms), her ovaries LOOK fine, and her digestive system LOOKS normal (no bowl movement in a week and throwing up all she takes in). She's loosing weight rapidly (58 pounds since the beginning of March) and getting weaker by the day because she can't keep any food down. Yesterday, the hospital did laparoscopic surgery on her abdomen and though they say they didn't see anything specific, they found that her anatomy wasn't normal. They found a thick coating surrounding her intestines and all her abdominal organs are stuck together by these small fibrous tissues. They've taken samples from their abnormal findings and are waiting for the results. In the meantime, they've decided to release my mother while they wait for the results but she is still very ill. I don’t know what else to do. Can you help? Have you ever heard of anything like this or know of someone who can help?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Intestinal Bacteria with Ascites possible?

    My mother has been suffering with an ascites since November of last year. They just diagnosed her in early March with the condition but have yet to definitively find the cause. I've taken her to two hospitals and both of them released her with a ton of medications for pain, vomiting, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. Each hospital did liver biopsies which turned up no evidence of cirrhosis of the liver. While that was a relief, I'm still sitting home now with my sick mother who is vomiting what I believe is actual feces, hasn't eliminated any waste (#2) since maybe a week ago, is loosing weight rapidly, and getting very weak. She thinks she's dying and I'm scared to death for her. One hospital did say that they "think" it might be because of intestinal bacteria. I just want to know if that's possible and what can be don about it. My mother can't go on like this! Someone please help! But let me stress again I've already taken her to two hospitals! What can be done now!?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Intestinal Bacteria with Ascites possible?

    My mother has been suffering with an ascites since November of last year. They just diagnosed her in early March with the condition but have yet to definitively find the cause. I've taken her to two hospitals and both of them released her with a ton of medications for pain, vomiting, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. Each hospital did liver biopsies which turned up no evidence of cirrhosis of the liver. While that was a relief, I'm still sitting home now with my sick mother who is vomiting what I believe is actual feces, hasn't eliminated any waste (#2) since maybe a week ago, is loosing weight rapidly, and getting very weak. She thinks she's dying and I'm scared to death for her. One hospital did say that they "think" it might be because of intestinal bacteria. I just want to know if that's possible and what can be don about it. My mother can't go on like this! Someone please help! But let me stress again I've already taken her to two hospitals! What can be done now!?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Intestinal Bacteria with Ascites possible?

    My mother has been suffering with an ascites since November of last year. They just diagnosed her in early March with the condition but have yet to definitively find the cause. I've taken her to two hospitals and both of them released her with a ton of medications for pain, vomiting, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. Each hospital did liver biopsies which turned up no evidence of cirrhosis of the liver. While that was a relief, I'm still sitting home now with my sick mother who is vomiting what I believe is actual feces, hasn't eliminated any waste (#2) since maybe a week ago, is loosing weight rapidly, and getting very weak. She thinks she's dying and I'm scared to death for her. One hospital did say that they "think" it might be because of intestinal bacteria. I just want to know if that's possible and what can be don about it. My mother can't go on like this! Someone please help! But let me stress again I've already taken her to two hospitals! What can be done now!?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Old Electro-Dance Track?

    I am looking for a mp3 copy of Pacific State (Original) by 808 State. The remixes are all over the internet but I only like the very first version that came out somewhere around 1995 or so (can't remember). Can someone please either tell me where I can buy the mp3, or download it to a site where I can purchase it. I would be ever so grateful. Thanks.

    1 AnswerGoogle1 decade ago
  • Pacific State (Original) by 808 State?

    I am looking for a mp3 copy of Pacific State by 808 State. The remixes are all over the internet but I only like the very first version that came out somewhere around 1995 or so (can't remember). Can someone please either tell me where I can buy the mp3, or download it to a site where I can purchase it. I would be ever so grateful. Thanks.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • In Most Species, Faithfulness Is a Fantasy?

    Why is it that mankind, the most intelligent species on earth, is always trying to find commonality with animals? From the THEORY of evolution, to sex, to marriage, finances, ingenuity etc., human beings just don't seem to be satisfied with being the most advanced of all the earth’s creatures. Many are still trying to psychologically pick apart human reasoning and practices through the personalities and actions of mere animals.

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • A question to young ladies 13-25?

    I am 40 years old and currently going back to college for my Psychology degree. My hope is to inspire and advise young women on how to cultivate good self esteam and value themselves enough to see the devaluing and even painful result of overt promiscuity. I have many years of life long lessons I had to learn the hard way and I want to teach and inspire young women on how to enjoy life without giving into popular veiws on sex and relationships. My only obsticle is I'm not sure how to get this point across without turning into a preacher or parent figure, which turns young people totally off.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you reject Christ?

    Galatians 6:7 - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    Here is an example of someone who did:

    Campinas (IN 2005) In Campinas, Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend..... The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car: "My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.." She responded: "Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here.....It's Already Full "

    Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact. The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken.

    Reject God and you reject His protection.


    47 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone other than myself think its stupid...?

    for 50 Cent to bet that his CD will sell more than Kayne West's? I mean, its got to be the most arrogant and unintelligent thing I've seen in hip-hop (and I've seen some ridiculously stupid things let me tell you)! What difference would it make? What would it prove accept that one conceited rapper, apparently in love with himself, can't bare to share the spotlight with another rapper who probably doesn't give a rats anal hair about the bet in the first place? 50 Cent is just tying to incite some sort of hip-hop war. I hope that people who love real hip-hop, of which 50 Cent's music is NOT, won't even buy into this crap! What say any of you?

    24 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in evolution?

    If so you might want to read this article. Please post comments on what you think.

    64 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Raggea music by Jah Cure?

    I am looking for the CD's or compilations that have Jah Cures songs "Yesterday" "What would it take" "My Heartbeat" and "Run come love me." I heard them while on Youtube, went searching for them on Yahoo, but I couldn't find anything. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul1 decade ago
  • Jah Cure's Reggea music?

    I am looking for the CD's or compilations that have Jah Cures songs "Yesterday" "What would it take" "My Heartbeat" and "Run come love me." I heard them while on Youtube, went searching for them on Yahoo, but I couldn't find anything. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't the promotion of abstinence as an option work?

    Above all I totally believe that apart from God all humanity can do is fail so no prayer is a huge factor. However, I also think abstinence as a choice may not be working because not enough is being taught on the psychological, mental, and emotional pitfalls that occur with sexual activity. Many deep mental scars are left behind. Some people never get over their past hurt and it impairs the ability for some to move on and progress. Teens should know about these things as well!

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would a national campaign encouraging abstinence be a bad idea?

    Abstinence is the only known and 100% proven method of preventing unplanned pregnancy and transmitting STD's. Besides, sex brings with it a whole lot of psychological, mental, emotional, and physical responsibilities that many people, especially teens, are not ready for. What's wrong with encouraging parents and teachers to teach abstinence to teens and young children? No one is saying take out all the other messages on safe sex but make abstinence equally taught and demonstrated in our society. Some might say that its unrealistic but I say that it's a million times better than the reality that we are now experiencing with the spread of A.I.D.S and other STD's. What are some of your thoughts?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would an online degree for Psychology be as accredited and recognized as a normal unieversity degree?

    I'm contemplating doing my Junior and Senior year all online. I've gone to some pretty intersting sites but I wondered would those degree's be a respected as the ones I'd get at a university. What would be the pros and cons?

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Why would a national campaign encouraging abstinence be a bad idea?

    Abstinence is the only known and 100% proven method of preventing unplanned pregnancy and transmitting STD's. Besides, sex brings with it a whole lot of psychological, mental, emotional, and physical responsibilities that many people, especially teens, are not ready for. What's wrong with encouraging parents and teachers to teach abstinence to teens and young children? No one is saying take out all the other messages on safe sex but make abstinence equally taught and demonstrated in our society. Some might say that its unrealistic but I say that it's a million times better than the reality that we are now experiencing with the spread of A.I.D.S and other STD's. What are some of your thoughts?

    4 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Acne question for a licensed physician?

    I am African American and have had trouble in the past finding over the counter treatments for acne. None of them ever worked nor did ProActive or Murad. I went to a dermatologist and she perscribed a high Benzoil Peroxide cream called Durad and a Retinol A cream called Tretinoin. These worked wonders but were too expensive. Is there any over the counter creams or solutions comparable to the ones my doctor prescribed?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago