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  • How does an MRI magnet excite water molecules?

    I don't understand how the magnet in an MRI moves hydrogen atoms when a normal magnet only attracts iron.

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • Not sure if J.J. Abrams is the best choice to direct the new Star wars film?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a big J.J. Abrams fan, love the new Star Trek film, Lost and alot of his other stuff. My fear is that he has a bit of a generic Holllywood style of directing, in my opinion. I think someone like Christopher Nolan would be a much better choice because he adds a certain realism and depth to his films. Abrams is more like Micheal Bay, lots of camera movement and effects. Star Wars needs to get back to it's core which is the story and the characters and I think Nolan would be better at telling that kind of story. Again, just my opinion.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • If you are a moderate liberal, do you believe raising taxes on the rich will solve our economic issues?

    Fron what Ive read and seen, raisIng taxes on the rich is like a drop in the bucket. The problem is govt. spendIng, not revenue. How can you spend 1+trillion$ a year Over the past 3 years and ask for more? It's like a teenager with a credit card. There has to be a limit!

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What is going on with Google news and the one sided stories they run about the presidential election?

    I used to have Google News as my home page, no longer. I am sick to death of the one sided coverage on the upcoming presidential election. Every story about Romney is negative and it's the opposite for Obama. I thought the news was supposed to be unbiased but not anymore. Google should be ashamed of itself and the stories it puts on its news website. I would like to see a comparison of positive Obama stories vs. negative Romney stories. I know it has to be very lopsided in Obamas favor.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • The movie Face Off, does it make you angry?

    Face Off the movie is on cable and I remember why I wanted to walk out of the theater when I was dumb enough to pay money to see it. This is the kind of movie that makes me hate the Hollywood studios. To say this "film" is a stretch is an understatement. Almost every scene is an insult to anyone who has an IQ higher than Forrest Gump. Just wondered if anyone else felt the same.

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • On most modern commercial jet aircraft, do the ignitors fire at the same time the engine begins to spool?

    I'm having a discussion with another A&P mechanic about commercial jet turbine engine start up, such as the GE 90-115B. My thoughts are that the igniters don't fire until a certain rpm is reached, somewhere between 15% and 20%. He says that the igniters fire as soon as the engine begins to spool. Please give online references so that we can lay this to rest. Go here to follow the discussion.

    4 AnswersAircraft10 years ago
  • Does it seem ridiculous that the SSC Ultimate Aero and the Bugatti Veyron have never had a head to head race?

    Does it seem ridiculous that the SSC Ultimate Aero and the Bugatti Veyron have never had a head to head race?

    I've tried to find anything that documents these two super cars going head to head. They are the two fastest production cars in the world but they are too chicken **** to actually get on a track to see who is faster. Why?

    2 AnswersOther - Auto Racing10 years ago
  • Does it seem rediculous that the SSC Ultimate Aero and the Bugatti Veyron have never had a head to head race?

    I've tried to find anything that documents these two super cars going head to head. They are the two fastest production cars in the world but they are too chicken **** to actually get on a track to see who is faster. Why?

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • Dry Rub recipe for ribs?

    I'm trying to get away from the more salty rub and go with something a bit more like a Rendezvous flavor. I've been smoking ribs for about five years and everyone loves them but I want to ad a more complex flavor profile.I want to cut down on both the cumin and salt and give the ribs a more earthy, herbal flavor but still have the BBQ core. I use a baste but try not to add any sauce because to me that's cheating.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Will time continue forever?

    I don't mean will the known universe continue, I mean will time continue even if the universe continues to expand or collapses back on itself. Will history continue or be erased and has this happened before? According to the first law of physics, matter can neither be created nor destroyed but more to the point, the information or memory in that matter cannot be destroyed. So, does the information continue or is it erased which goes against Newton's first law?

    6 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Why is the issue of "anchor babies" not being dealt with in Congress?

    The 14th amendment was created so that the children of slaves would be considered US citizens because they were born in the US. At least that's the way I understand it. There was a debate over the amendment to exclude children of illegal aliens but it was never added to the amendment. So, why in the !#@# has Congress not included in the amendment a section excluding children born here by illegal immigrants? For the life of me I can't wrap my head around the ignorance of this issue by our govt. Is it because they fear of losing the hispanic vote or money or what?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think you should have to have some clue about our country and the candidates to vote.?

    So many people are allowed to vote and have absolutely no clue about who or what they are voting for. Howard Stern proved this the other day by asking a bunch of people in New York if they minded that Barrack Obama had a woman ( Sarah Palin) as a running mate. Most of the people said they didn't care and had no clue that she was McCain's running mate. It scares me that people who have absolutely no clue who is even running in this election can vote. Should we not have to have some very basic understanding of the govt. and the people we are electing before we can vote. I'm not asking much but there are millions of people out there that can't find the US on a globe or don't know what the capital is of their own state. I don't care who they vote for but it's my opinion that high school dropout's and convicted felons should lose their right to vote. Getting a GED is about as easy as getting a driver's license so there's no excuse and if you're a felon then tough s*#t.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had a near death experience, if so, what happened?

    I've been curious about this for a while and not because of any movies or TV shows I've seen. I had a dream about it and it was quite and experience. I wanted to know from someone who has first hand experience what it was like.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Barney Franks. Someone please explain to me how this guy was elected and why?

    I'm don't care that he's gay but he seems to be one of the most idiotic sounding politicians I've ever heard. He's a slob which is a slap in the face to most gays and he seems like the last person on Earth that I would ever elect to make decisions for me in Congress. Who voted for this guy and why? I honestly want to know.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Ladies, if you had to choose, is it better for a guy to be skinny or chubby.?

    I know most girls like muscular guys with good definition. Since most guys are not like that and tend to be either a little chubby or on the skinny side, which would you choose, hypothetically?

    15 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Do you think that a person should have to have a high school education to be able to vote?

    It seems to me that there are a great many un-educated and un-informed people out there voting. I am a little scared that someone who can't find the US on a globe has the right to vote. Am I wrong?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What happens to the props once a movie has completed principal photography.?

    I know that some things are auctioned off or put in museums but what about everything else that is specific to a particular film. For example, the soap that Tyler Durden made in Fight Club or Forrest Gump's Nike shoes. What happens to this stuff and how would someone go about getting it?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is there any scientific research that shows whether blue eyes or brown eyes are better as far as sight goes.?

    I guess what i'm getting at is, who is more likely to wear glasses or contacts, a person with brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, etc? I don't know if the color has anything to do with how well eyes function I was just curious if there are any figures that show if one group tends to have worse or better vision that the other.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What happens to old email accounts?

    I have changed ISP several times and used them as my email provider as well. When I switched ISP's I just stopped using that email account even though it may have still had hundreds of old emails save in it. So, what do they do with those accounts?

    12 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What's the best prank you ever pulled on someone?

    I used to pull pranks on people at work all the time just to make the time pass faster and some of the were pretty good.

    Example: Close a co-worker's phone cord in one of the drawers in thier desk or just tape it to the desk, then call them. If all goes well the phone will shoot out of their hand just as the phone reaches their mouth. If your lucky it will bounce all over their desk and everyone around will get a good chuckle.

    What are some creative pranks or tricks you done?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago