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How do you find permission nodes in Minecraft plugin files?
I've been trying to figure out what the /help permission node is because bPermission isn't letting default players use it.
I can't find anything in any of the files that has to do with nodes.
Can anybody help me out or give me a link to a list of Essentials nodes or something?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agotamagotchi v 4.5 growth lists?
anyone have like, a list of them or how to evolve them? :D
1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade agowhat are the twenty one animals to play with your chao on "sonic adventure battle 2", and where! help please!
i cant figure them all out!
i have 18 so far.
unicorn, skeleton dog, hedgehog, gorilla, penguin, vulture, dragon, ram, otter, golden bird, seal, parrot,that lizard thing, bunny, skunk, bear, racoon,bat,
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoname this gaaaaame!?
the hints are:
items: swords, raygun, hammer, baseball bat, arrows, bombs, bob ombs, poke' balls, wall mines, party ball, flippers, food, maximum tomato, and these are only SOME of the items,
bad guys: well, it depends, are YOU good?.... or evil?
special character: Mr. game and watch.
can you guess iiiiiiiiiitttt!?!?!??!!??! kirby dance! <(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)> <(^-^)> <(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)> <(^-^)> <(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)> <(^-^)> :}D
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoanyone have a high lvl runescape account i could have? higher than lvl 33 pls! (no member plz)?
i die alot .... when i die..... :)
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoanyone know how to make a quick buck? oh, and heres a smiley with a mustache for you! :}D?
i wanna get some money so i can buy a toy called "cube world". and there twenty dollars for two. but they do funny stuff! :D
8 AnswersToys1 decade agolol. who thinks i have to much time on my hands? :D?
5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade agoaha. whats your favorite animal. no ones ever asked this question yet.?
mines still wolf!
24 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades agowhat if you if what if what you if if you what....?
favorite animal?... mines wolf :D
10 AnswersHyundai2 decades agofavorite kind of ice cream?
chocolate chheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese cake!
12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 decades agoyour all made of PIE!?
11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 decades agoHELLO newyork!?
ok, if you dont know this. than your dumb. whats the biggest FISH (not whale) in the sea? :)
2 AnswersZoology2 decades agowhat do you think heaven will be like?.... CHRISTIANS ONLY! :D?
maybe evrything will be just like you want it. :)
2 AnswersStuttgart2 decades agomy lil brother keep pulling his pants down right in front of me and screams "MOON!!!" what should i do?
im thinking i should pull his socks off.... he starts SCREAMING his FREACKING HEAD OFF!
13 AnswersCancer2 decades agowhats the most embarresing thing you think you done to someone?.... :)?
i punched my lil bro inbetween the legs cuzz he was all like "look at my but!" *shake shake* and when i finaly looked. HE WAS BUTT NAKED i kicked him inbetween the legs SO HARD!
10 AnswersEthnic Cuisine2 decades ago