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Lv 31,637 points

exquisite pianist

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  • My keyboard is severely messed up?

    For ins5tance, when i 5t6ype 5t 5this happens 5the numeral five and 5the le5t5ter required comes ou5t. when i use shif5t wi5th 5the dash i ge5t 5this_{ and when i jus5t use 5the dash i ge5t 5this-[ when i press 5tab, an appose5trophe comes and 5this is highl6y anno6ying.

    An6y idea wha5t 5the problem could be? I'm using a HP PresarioV3000 wi5th Windows Vis5ta. I5ts a lap5top.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem?


    Pen in hand,

    I sit.

    Facing the fireplace

    Where castles are in the sky

    I start the technology,

    I sit.

    Back to solid

    Mind in constant collision

    Pen in hand,

    I sit.

    I start to think

    To immortalize thoughtlessness.

    I travel antifuture,

    I sit.

    The creation wonders

    Imagination suffices.

    Pen in hand,

    I sit.

    Feet seemingly planted

    Hands pretend to feel.

    I allow that which wanders to leave,

    I sit.

    Solid yet invisible

    A living ghost

    Pen in hand,

    I sit.

    Living beneath a veil

    Shadowy memories flit.

    I disguise fear,

    I sit.

    Within an atmosphere

    Of timeless cruely.

    And then I get up.

    And all thats enchanted,

    Breaks like wings,

    On a fluttery butterfly.

    Crushing dreams,

    The pen falls.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Hydrogen carbonate indicator?

    Hi, I need to know how hydrogen carbonate indicator reacts to carbon dioxide.

    What colour is HCI originally?

    What colour does it become?

    How do you use it to test for the presence of CO2?

    Can it be used to test for the presence of other gases?

    Thank you so much. I'd appreciate it answers are given in NORMAL english as in simple enough for a beginner to understad, because I just started learing Chemistry, Biology and Physics as in depth as this. Before this, I was learning it under "Science" and it wasn't as in depth.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Is there any chance of my laptop "catching" a bug when I connect it to an overhead projector?

    I have a presentation to do in school, and I'm allowed to use my laptop. My question is, will my laptop be adversely affected by the overhead projector? Is there any chance of a virus attacking it or it "catching" a but? It is a Compaq Presario 3000 with Windows Vista Home and Business. It's rather expensive and I don't want to harm it.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Glitter eyeliner. It hurts! Anyone have tips on how I can apply it?

    I need to apply it without getting the glitter in my eye... HELP

    4 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Beauty, and the ostracization of the mediocre. Why?

    I'm going for an international oratory competition and my topic is beauty. The essence of my piece is this. Beautiful people are given more oppurtunities and are -frankly- loved more than the mediocre-looking. Why is this so? Are our genetics to be blamed for our physical flaws? Isn't the maxim "Beauty is only skin deep" true?

    I need points supporting this statement, and ideas on why beauty plays such an important role in society, so much so that we are willing to spend thousands on plastic surgery to beautify ourselves, because we think we arent good enough to survive.

    Beauty is important, yes that IS true, but why is it given the utmost importance now, in a crucial time in history?

    Please give me your views on this matter, anything with class, style, quality and excellence will be duly appreciated. Thank you all so much for your help.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I'm in charge of the english board in my class and I need some suggestions as to what I can post on it...?

    We're a bunch of straight-A 16 year olds and we have a section on our class wall for the english language. I need suggestions as to what I can post on it. It's not a very big board, and the content has to be recycled on a two-week or four-week basis.

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How do I give my dog its medication? It comes in the form of pills/tablets... I don't want to hurt her...?

    Yea, so we took my dog to the vet and she's got two pills to take... How do I stuff them down her throat with out her biting me or her getting hurt?

    33 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Ribbons, staircase and Christmas. How do I use ribbons to decorate the staircase?

    I have absolutel ZERO ideas on how i can twist and turn ribbons around the banister and make it look gorgeous for christmas. I have gold, green and marron ribbons. How do i wrap that around the banister? All helpful comments are deeply appreciated!

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Music code for my blog... But i don't want the play thing to be seen.. i guess that means its embedded..ryte?

    Hi, I need a website for free music codes, the song i want is Lucifer's Angel by the Rasmus. But i want it embedded. What that means is that i dont want the "box" with the play/pause buttons... i just want the music to come when someone visits my blog.

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • One Touch Horizon glucometer says Hi. Doctors and diabetecs please help!!?

    Hi, not as in hello, but hi as in an abbreviation for HIGH or something, but we're not sure what. This is really urgent, cos that is what the meter reading is when we tested my grandmothers blood sugar levels and we don't know what it means, or what to do... HELP. And she's not on insulin, so that is not an option

    7 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Discombobulated?

    Hi, does anyone know what that word means? Yes it exists, but i REALLY need to know what it means. Thanks!

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Ipod and Mp3 information required?

    Hi, i honestly need to know the difference between MP-3 (4 and 5) players and Ipods, inclusive of the differences and similiarities between the differnt types of ipods, such as nano, shuffle and the rest. Thank you! And the price range in Ringgit Malayisa please, if possible, if not i could convert it myself, but it would be a lot less hassle if you could do it for me. Thank you!

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Different country different lingo.. so what does this mean?

    What does this mean: (insert name) went commando. Example of a full sentence is Klive went commando OR Klive goes commando. Definition please!!

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • accomodation in Newcastle Upon Tyne?

    Studying in Northumbria University. need house for 7. below 50 pounds a week per person. near Uni. Help Please!!!

    5 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • Cinnamon toast...?

    Could i have a recipe for cinnamon toast? Really yummy cinnamon toast please...

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • So, we have a math exam tomorrow. And they tell us today. Answer me this. Would you A) Be murderous...?

    By the way, we have THREE years of math to cover. 47 Chapters. From trig to algebra.

    A) Be murderous

    B) Be excited

    C) Want to cry

    D) Want to kill yourself

    E) Your own answer (please type it out in full)

    9 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • I have to do a presentation on flash floods. Could anybody suggest interesting things i can include?

    OKAY, so we have to talk on flash floods and project information on it on the wall and stuff,and I want to make it interesting, so anyone? Suggestions! KEEP THEM COMING PEOPLE!

    6 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • There is this guy. I really really like him. But...?

    His brother said he's bi. As in BISEXUAL. At first, i was told he was gay. Then he told me the truth... Or actually, a certain body part told me the truth. And then his brother had to go drop this massive atomic bomb on me by saying he's bi. And now i'm not sure. He said he wants to go out with me, but everyone is discouraging me because he might have had some gay activity.

    (Exq. Pianist's sister)

    17 AnswersAdolescent2 decades ago