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independent, committed, thinker, partner, parent, grandparent, aunt, cousin, outdoor enthusiast, city loving, country dwelling. Libertarian, activist, retred.

  • Looking for custom Back pack information?

    We are really into back packing, and most of the off the shelf Backpacks just don't have it! My needs are basic. Light but durable, external frame, little if no bells and whistles (i.e. detachable day pack, compartmentalized, a ton of adjustable straps) My needs are simplistic: large volume interior, no outside pockets except for perhaps one, two or three, meshed outside pockets and/or a couple dasie chain gear loops, the ability to strap a tent to one side and a waffle bed pad on the other and the sleeping bag on the bottom.

    Most off the shelf' packs you see in the stores, just have way to much on them, which of course adds to the weight with useless compartments and to price with the labor involved in making those useless pockets.

    I really think if there is nothing out there, this might be a possible business opportunity. But more importantly, I just need to carry a minimal amount, (we have it all worked out as to what we need and we don't need a gazillion pockets or added features) comfortably and with ease of stowage are my priorities.

    I've been to Kelty and most other brand name pack manufacturers, I'm looking for some info from those making packs to user needs, or making AT (Appalachian trail) Packs.

    Much Thanks!

    2 AnswersCamping1 decade ago
  • How's this for an addition to Obama's infrastructure improvement plan?

    It's clear that he will try to implement somethings that look like he's doing something positive to compensate for his inability to meet all his promises to end the war and unite the people or even to provide jobs (not the job of the government) while improving the economy (stopping fraud and creating incentive for business, like lower taxes are good things that he won't pay attention to). So here is a thought that perhaps Dem's and Rep's (that act more like Dem's) a like can agree upon. "Improved mass transportation!" There is a trend toward saving gas and the world (very large marketing and political ploy) So let's play along and make things really good for everyone involved. Wouldn't you be more apt to ride the rails if they were consistent, clean, convenient, quick, on time and more frequent? I know if I were driving into large metropolitan area's I'd want to be able to spend less time in traffic and you know we've been told we need reduce carbon emissions (propaganda). I would also like that my kids could get here from their by some means less expensive then the amount they have to pay for dependable vehicles and the insurance for said vehicles. So lets all get in favor of a new administrations attempt at helping the economy as well as helping the environment (Which BTW cleans it self constantly with out us, with less cars on the road, we might have manufacture bankruptcies but we will breath easier and sleep without a guilty conscious which is really all we have because modern industrial nations clean the environment more then 3rd world countries some claim we are polluting). I can imagine lots of mono rail systems moving at high speeds down the median strips of highways throughout or great country, very much like the Eisenhower administration envisioned those highways themselves.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • why can't we live with or with out evil corporations?

    We are in the middle of an economic crisis due to bad managerial processes in the banking industry due to political pressure to provide something for less to those with little. And we hear that we need to bail out the big three so there won't be mass hysteria and bread lines like during the great depression. But when times are grand, all we want to do is tax those large corporations like the big three so much that they can't maintain good profit margins to provide good paying jobs?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would be the first question that you would ask your Children on National Television?

    When asked by his adorable young daughter, "Where are you daddy?" Senator Obama returns a question, "How do you think your mother did?" Would that have been your first question? If not, what would it have been? "Oh and Obama didn't even get the city he was in right!"

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the China womens gymnists team 12 going on 16?

    Those of you that are watching the 2008 Summer Olympics in Bejing tonight are some of these girls really 16 or 15 turning 16 in 2008?

    To me it looks like a couple of the girls are 10 or 12 maybe. Judging from the fluidity of their body movements and their over all phisical and facial features, I don't think so!

    I know that rigorious training can postpone puberty and cause elfin or sprite like features in young girls who are serious competitors, but?

    And I don't want any answers telling me, if they can compete they should be allowed. For these two reasons. The rules are the rules and agreed to by those participating, and more importantly, they are taking a position away from someone that is the correct age.

    8 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Government to consider another rebate?

    I'm not sure I heard this correctly, but there is consideration in the direction of Congress providing another tax rebate (and probably to people that didn't pay taxes, too!)?

    Why don't they just do the right thing, and lower the tax burden on those that are paying taxes?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What Mexican brand ingredients should I purchase?

    We travel to Playa Del Carmen once a year, and do our grocery shopping at the local super markets. One fun thing I enjoy Cooking for our vacation is Tacos. They are quick and easy, but I'm never really sure of what things are in the stores as everything is in Spanish. Can you suggest some good basic ingredients, seasonings and brands en Hispaniola, so I can copy them and look for them in the stores


    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • A long with the Q and A there are comments.?

    I'll always leave a thank you there if my answer has been chosen as the best.(I think offering some appreciation for being selected is good etiquette, perhaps not as good as an e-mail directly, but some people don't have their e-mail turned on. And also, Is the person asking the question notified that they have comments to their question?

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Aren't we off topic when?

    we talk about who should use the N word and not the way it was used by the Reverend Jackson?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Tony Snow was a wonderful person because,?

    he was a liberal democrate, before he became a conservative republican?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with this statement?

    Most people don't care who or what your are, when and where you came, from or who you sleep with, as long as you can pull your own weight, are not a threat to their safety or lifes ambitions, and a productive citizen who is happy and well adjusted and not dependent on their tax dollars for your existance provided you are able to provide for yourself.. In fact, they may even be curious and willing to get to know you and understand you and your diffeculties even though you are different from them.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Find accommodations in Italy on the fly?

    A girl friend and I will be traveling to Italy in August 2007 for a week and we want to see places between Veniza and Rome. I've been 30 years ago and just drove into a town and found a room in a guest house or Zimmer, she is the type that wants to book all her accomodations ahead of time. Is it still possible to find good lodging in family run guest homes in most towns, that is acceptable as far as clean and resonable, especially if your from the US?

    2 AnswersOther - Italy1 decade ago
  • Fence as focal point?

    I've just installed a split rail fence (two posts, two horizontal rails, two slanting finish rails at each end) at the top side of a hill in front of our home, closer to the home then the property line. We plan on planting wild flowers from the fence down to the property line. My partner is conserned that the fence looks like it's in the wrong place as she feels that fences should be only used for the division of properties and potetial buyers would see it as a property line. is she right?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why do both believers and non believers feel they must convert others?

    I get a lump in my throat evertime I read some person in defence of their religion or non religion. I am spiritual and Godly and raised as a Episcapalian. I fear that there is so much hate on both sides that no one listens to the possiblities of a world were all are free to believe in thier concepts without fear from others trying convert them to their way. I especially see a very large amount of hate from non believes towards believers. Why do we even have to call them Believers Non believers, that is so communist!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago