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  • having deployment woes?

    I need an opinion from someone who has been deployed previously or has been through deployment. So a guy I've known forever came home before he deployed and we met up and realized we still had feelings for each other. He has since been deployed now to a warzone for a little over 2 months or so. The first month or so that he was there, things were great. He would call and/or text me from his local cellphone that he bought there almost daily. Then he started going on missions and around the same time, essentially became MIA. I would send him a text like once a week or so just to let him know I missed him, but he almost never would reply. The last time I talked to him on the phone was almost 6 wks ago for like an hour and things were fine then. He missed me etc. Since then, 3 weeks ago, he called once (I was busy, he left a mushy VM) and texted just a few times, and almost all of these were to apologize for being busy, he misses me etc. Then nothing until last week he did text me to wish me a happy birthday. I see that he has had time to log into facebook and post comments etc. so I'm really confused. My gut told me something was wrong so I emailed him and texted him to make sure everything was OK, but no reply. I understand if he is genuinely busy to contact me, but it just seems to me if he has time to get on facebook, then he would have time to communicate with me too. SO, I get the feeling he is distancing himself from me, but I'm confused why he would wish me a happy birthday if he really doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I don't know if he's just acting weird due to the deployment, or if I am just reading into things too much.... A friend suggested that maybe when he talks to me it makes him miss home more, so he purposely doesn't talk as often in order to keep his head focused on the mission? Is there something I am missing here??? I want to be supportive and all but it's hard when communication is so one-sided. I am so close to just calling it a day.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I know if my deployed SO is truly busy, or blowing me off?

    I need an opinion from someone who has been deployed previously. So a guy I've known forever came home before he deployed and we met up and realized we still had feelings for each other. He has since been deployed now to a warzone for a little over 2 months or so. The first month or so that he was there, things were great. He would call and/or text me from his local cellphone almost daily. Then he started going on missions and around the same time, essentially became MIA. I would send him a text like once a week or so just to let him know I missed him, but he almost never would reply. The last time I talked to him on the phone was almost 6 wks ago for like an hour and things were fine then. He missed me etc. Since then, 3 weeks ago, he called once (I was busy, he left a mushy VM) and texted just a few times, and almost all of these were to apologize for being busy, he misses me etc. Then nothing until last week he did text me to wish me a happy birthday. Last week my gut told me something was wrong so I emailed him and texted him to make sure everything was OK, but no reply. But the thing is, I see that he has had time to log into facebook and post comments etc. so I'm really confused. I understand if he is genuinely busy to contact me, but it just seems to me if he has time to get on facebook, then he would have time to communicate with me too. SO, I get the feeling he is distancing himself from me, but I'm confused why he would wish me a happy birthday if he really doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I don't know if he's just acting weird due to the deployment, or if I am just reading into things too much.... A friend suggested that maybe when he talks to me it makes him miss home more, so he purposely doesn't talk as often in order to keep his head focused on the mission? Is there something I am missing here??? I want to be supportive and all but it's hard when communication is so one-sided. I am so close to just calling it a day.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I feel like I accidentally asked to be invited to my friend's wedding?

    About 5 years ago, during my freshman yr in college, I befriended another girl. We had a lot of common activities so we became close, however I ended up transferring mid soph yr. We kept in touch, not like an everyday thing but more like once or twice every 6 months. We've since graduated and she got engaged over a year ago to the guy she dated our freshman year. She never mentioned the wedding to me so I assumed I wouldnt be invited. Last week, I emailed her to see how she was doing and she said she was getting ready for her wedding and gave a date (late summer). I replied to the rest of her email and asked where she was registered so I could get her a gift (I really want to do so.) Well she responded by saying dont worry she was planning to invite me to the wedding and also her bach party if I'm not able to go to the wedding since it far away from me. I really hope I didn't make her feel obligated to say that; I really just wanted to get her a gift. I'm not sure how to respond. Help

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did I really just flub up a job offer?

    I had a REALLY great interview last week for my first real job and yesterday the hiring manager called me from a (her?) cell phone saying she was looking forward to talking to me abt the job and thanks for the thank you letter etc. So I called back her office this morning like she said and got VM so I left a message. She called back about 30 min later but my phone malfunctioned (it didn't even ring) and so I just got notification of the VM, which said she would be back in the office at such and such time and sorry about playing phone tag. I waited to call a few min after the time she said and got her VM again and left another message. Later in the afternoon I realized that my phone still wasn't accepting all incoming calls so I called back again and explained my phone wasn't working and gave an alt # to be reached. Well it's 5 pm and I haven't heard anything. Did I really just miss out on this great opportunity? What should I do next?? I'm afraid she gave the job to someone else :(

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Mixed signals..?

    I've known this guy for about 5 years now, we dated briefly in high school. We go to different colleges. Last Christmas, we met up for a reunion as I hadn't seen him in maybe 2 or 3 years. We really hit it off but then went back to our different colleges. We will both be at home this summer so I was thinking maybe we could rekindle something. We've remained in touch briefly over the semester, talking maybe once every other week.

    Here's the thing: Sometiems I call and leave a message and he doesn't return the call. So I go thinking he's uninterested but then he goes and drunk dials me saying that he thought I was really attractive and nice when we met up over Christmas and that if we were in the same state, maybe we could be together. I've talked to him only a little bit after that and then a week or so later, I called and left a message but he didn't return the call. What gives?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I can't stand my friend's friend?

    There's this girl who I absolutely cannot stand anymore. Way back in August her mom died. My roommates tried to set up a fruit dessert thing on the 1 week anniversary and she said she was going to come but then never showed. She was sketchy like this all last fall, including when she drew my name for a secret santa deal and then didn't show up. I ended up getting a recycled gift a month later in which she just left the gift on my porch without even ringing the doorbell. In Jan, she dropped my roommate's dog out the window so she was out of the picture for a while, but since it's getting warmer lately, my roommates and her have been going to the dog park frequently. So now she is over almost every day and I can't stand her. She is loud and obnoxious and obviously rude. It's getting to the point that I prefer to be isolated in my room whenever she comes over than see her. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I can't stand my friend's friend?

    There's this girl who I absolutely cannot stand anymore. Way back in August her mom died. My roommates tried to set up a fruit dessert thing on the 1 week anniversary and she said she was going to come but then never showed. She was sketchy like this all last fall, including when she drew my name for a secret santa deal and then didn't show up. I ended up getting a recycled gift a month later in which she just left the gift on my porch without even ringing the doorbell. In Jan, she dropped my roommate's dog out the window so she was out of the picture for a while, but since it's getting warmer lately, my roommates and her have been going to the dog park frequently. So now she is over almost every day and I can't stand her. She is loud and obnoxious and obviously rude. It's getting to the point that I prefer to be isolated in my room whenever she comes over than see her. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Is this a line they use on every potential job candidate?

    Yesterday while observing on a unit in the hospital where I would wish to work after graduation, I found out that they are offering a summer internship position that had not been advertised due to a computer glitch. The person who told me is one of the head people in the unit, but not the hiring manager. She told me what to do to apply. Today I followed up with her, telling her I had done what she had suggested and thanked her for letting me know about the opportunity. Before I left, she grazed my arm and said "I hope to see you this summer". Is this something they tell everybody?

    3 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • if i call a 1-800 phone card will there be ANY trace of it on my phone bill?

    my boyfriend in the army overseas gave me his calling card number and PIN to call him when I want. He said that it won't show up on my bill but I just want to make sure before I make all these calls to some 800 number and have my parents get all suspicious

    7 AnswersLand Phones2 decades ago
  • My kitten doesn't lift her tail to poop...?

    We've had her a little over a week now, and just yesterday realized that she doesn't lift her tail straight up in the air when she poops. She instead just lifts it half way and sorta curls it around her body and poop ends up getting on it. I believe this just started? Could it be because we are watching her go? How do we teach her to lift her tail up when she goes?? My mom is talking about having to get rid of her b/c she doesn't want to clean poop off her tail everytime she goes. Please help!

    8 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • my parents hate him...the him they knew 4 years ago...?

    I met my boyfriend senior year of high school after he turned 18. I loved him but he partied all the time, smoked weed and had a thing for ladies. Needless to say, my parents hated him and still do very much. Now, I'm about to enter my senior year of college and he'll be 22 soon. In the 4 years we've known each other, we've both matured SO MUCH. He hardly parties anymore and is completely against pot. He is ready to grow up and be a man. We have remained friends pretty much this whole time and today he told me he wishes to marry me and how much he thanks God I came into his life and helped him be who he is today. This was all just talk, not a formal proposal. I love him with all I am parents still hate him! They think he is the person he was 4 years ago but he's totally not My mom once said if I married him not to send her an invite to the wedding! I would like to approach them in an adult manner but am afraid my parents are too childish to sit down with us. Please help!

    13 AnswersWeddings2 decades ago
  • bestest guy friend playing 'i miss you' songs?

    My ex/best guy friend lives on the other side of the world. I haven't seen him in person in almost a year so we chat using webcam instead of the phone bc its free and we can also see each other. Lately he's been playing songs that have an "I miss you" theme in the background while we're talking. Am I reading too much into this or just coincidence?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • best friend is married to someone!?

    My best friend of 4 years in the army overseas. He asked me to marry him but I said no bc of college. A mo. later he said he was marrying someone he knew 4 mo. bc he was so lonely. He signed papers 2 mo later, We fought a lot but we worked it out. At beg he told me that he didnt like me anymore bc he could turn off his feelings,but later he said he does love me, nobody can ever replace what we have, he will marry me when he is more mature. Weve only talked about this once 2 months ago, never come up again. I am going crazy bc I want to be with him but he is married and I want to respect it.

    Ive decided to end the friendship b/c my feelings are inapprop. Should I give a reason or just change my # w/o telling him? I dont want him to think Im trying to break them up but I think he is owed a reason. How do I get courage to do this? I am so glad to talk 2 him when he calls, and I know he won't want to let me go so easily; tried before when he married but he begged me not to go. How hard!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Best workout for belly flab?

    My mother has been excited that I've come home from college for the summer and she's made all these pies and cookies. I've put on some weight, except it all went straight to my gut, right under my belly button and saddlebags on my hips. I'm concerned about my stomach more b/c it now looks like I'm pregnant! I'm only 5'4 110 lb and I look pregnant! How can I get rid of my belly or is there anyway to redistribute the fat to my arms or something?

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • Mid-cycle spotting...?

    Today, I've been having some spotting, thin and pinkish, enough to need pantiliners but not a pad or tampon. I am at day 16 in my cycle and pregnancy is not a possibility. This has happened before and I just spotted for a day, it wasn't a full blown period. I've heard something about 'ovulation spotting'. Am I bleeding because my hormones are too high or too low and does this mean I might have issues with fertility later?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • Last Friday I went on a very casual lunch first date. I thought the date went very well.?

    There weren't any awkward silences and I thought conversation flowed. However, at the end, he gave me a tight one arm hug and said "I'll call you sometime". A mutual friend who asked me to call her after the date said she thinks he left it open like that because he is out of town this entire week for spring break with a bunch of guys. I have not heard from him at all. I have thought a little and realized maybe I didn't seem interested enough, it was a very casual environment and it was hard to be flirty. He also seemed shy and had trouble maintaining eye contact- would look down more often than not while speaking.

    I really like this guy and was thinking of sending a friendly text message asking how his spring break was going and ask him to call when he gets back in town. But I don't want to seem like I'm chasing him if he just isn't interested. Is this a good idea?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago