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Favorite Answers10%
  • Can legal action be taken against a company that made written promises that were never fulfilled?

    I was contacted by a company who promised both written and verbally to provide pre set appointments and leads for a commission only sales position. They never delivered a single lead or pre set appointment over a two week period. Can I take any legal action against the failure to keep the promises they made, and the time and money I spent trying to sell the product?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Why is North Dakota asking for my fingerprints?

    I just accepted a new position as an Area Manager for a finance company in North Dakota. Why are they asking for my fingerprints, just to work in the state?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Internet connection problem?

    I am using an HP Laptop to connect to the internet through my HP Palm Pre's internet hotspot. Everytime I connect the first time, I have to reset the wireless adaptor before I get the internet. I am also using Avira Personal Free edition anit-virus and after I run updates, I again have to reset the wireless adaptor to get the internet connection back again. Anyone have some suggetions as to what I can do to correct this annoying issue?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Which would you choose?

    Would you rather make $50,000 a year, while everyone else around you made $25,000 or would you rather make $100,000 a year, while everyone else around you makes $200,000?

    And why?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Financial Demise Advice Please.

    It is time that I accept the fact that my outgo far exceeds my income and I'm not sure what the best options are to resolve this situation.

    I'm looking into three different options.

    1- Attempt to seek settlements on my credit card balances, 4 cards, total debt aprox. $15,000 unsecured.

    Maintain my mortage and auto loan payments while negotiating with the credit card companies. If any of the credit card

    accounts go to suit, my only option at that time will be to file BK.

    2- Attempt to sell my home, move to an apartment at a lower expense, and try to continue to keep the credit cards current.

    3- Just give up, throw in the towel now, and file for BK and be done with it.

    I have spent the last two years, trying to recover from a 2/3 reduction in my income after my employer got into trouble with the Iowa AG, and went bankrupt. I have exhausted my savings and retirement trying to keep my head above water as well as selling everything I possibly could.

    Now, there is no savings left, nothing left to sell, and I just went past due on 3 of the 4 cards in the past week.

    Prior to this moment, I have never even had a late payment.

    Anyone care to offer me opinions or suggestions on the best way to proceed?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Tell me about Chicago?

    The wife and I are planning to stay a little closer to home for our vacation this year, with the price of gas, and everything else going through the roof.

    We've never been to Chicago.

    We both enjoy nature, hiking, walking, we are really interested in historical architecture, homes as well as other buildings, and things or places related to American History.

    We already plan to hit Six Flags, The Zoo's, and I'm looking for suggestions of places and things to see.

    We are both in our 50's, and would also like some heads up about specific areas that should be avoided, by us tourists, due to danger, or just bad spots in and around the downtown area.

    Any help will be appreciated, and the best will be awarded with the famous 10 points!

    7 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • What Dance Song Plays in the....?

    latest Diet Pepsi Max commercial on TV?

    It's got a great beat, anyone know what and who?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How to remove or change default operating system?

    I'll keep this simple, let me know if you need more detail. I loaned a friend my laptop, Compaq Presario V2000. It had Windows XP Home on it. This dumb @#*& installed a registered copy of Windows Vista in addition to the XP.

    Now, since this Vista was already registered, Microsoft has shut down both computers and he gives me my laptop back!!!

    How can I remove the Vista, or, change to XP as the default because now, it opens with Vista, and tells me to register it. I can't register it, so my laptop is useless.

    Can anyone help me?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • I need a heating/AC specialist?

    I woke up this morning to a house that was 56 degrees, when it should have been 72!

    I checked the thermostat, everything looked fine, I went down and looked at the furnace. The pilot light was burning. I pushed the red reset button on the furnace, nothing happened. I pushed it again, held it in for a couple of seconds and it fired up.

    It cycled off, and about 30 min. later, it fired up again just like it is supposed to, and then wouldn't fire up again.

    This time, it took about 7 tries before the reset button got it to fire up again.

    What kind of problem could I be looking at in this scenario?

    It has worked fine up until this weekend when the temps fell to below zero for the first time this year if that means anything.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • OK, where are the Credit Experts?

    I'm in a dispute with my Credit Card Company. I'll try to make this as short as possible. In November, I took off a week for Thanksgiving, and missed my Credit Card Payment Due Date by 2 days. They charged me a $39 Late fee. When I contacted them, they agreed to waive the fee based on my excellent history. When I saw that after they credited the $39, my minimum payment was still showing $39 higher than it should be. I spoke to a company rep who said it would be ok to subtract the $39, and just make the reg. payment. So I did. Then, they hit me with another $39 late fee because I did what the rep said to do. Now they want an extra $78 on top of my reg payment this month!! They admit the rep gave me wrong info, but refuse to do anything about it. Is there a Federal Law that prohibits them from adjusting the minimum payment when late fees have been forgiven and deducted from the principal balance only?

    7 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • A couple of laptop with Vista issues.....?

    I have a Compaq Laptop with Vista Home Basic. I just discovered a couple of problems and I wonder if anyone else has the same experience and if anyone knows the cause or how to correct them.

    1- After waking the laptop from sleep mode, the display will come on, then go black for a few seconds, come back on, and go black again for a few seconds before staying on as it is supposed to.

    2- When I click Start, my "All Programs" button now has a pink background instead of a white one like it used to have.

    Anyone can offer some help on these two problems and

    PLEASE don't tell me to go back to XP!!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Help to locate kitchen decorations........?

    My wife found a couple of items at a thrift store and now she has assigned me to locate some similar items so I need some help.

    What she found was this...two frying pans (Decorative, not real)

    one has a figure of a pig, very cute, inside the pan (made to hang on the wall) and the other has a duck. They also have some straw glued at the bottom for a "barnyard" effect.

    Now, she expects me to find the same thing, two frying pan type wall decorations. One with a Cow, and one with a Chicken.

    Does anyone know where I can find such a thing?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Need Tech help regarding backing up to ext. hard drive?

    I would like to know how backing up my laptop to an external hard drive works?

    I did my first back up a month ago, and am almost ready to do another.

    When I do another one, does it over write the existing backup already on the external HD, or does it create an entire new back up?

    I just wonder if it will create a new back up everytime, eventually filling up the external HD, or if it just adds anything new since the previous back up to the original one that is on it now?

    I hope that I'm asking this in a way that is easy to understand.

    Who can answer this for me?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help in a musical search?

    I really love the sound of Santana. Not so much the vocals, but the instrumental sound with the percussion, the different sounds of bongos and other drums combined with the awesome guitar work.

    Any suggestions?

    While I know that the unique sound of Santana cannot be duplicated, is there anything out there that is similar?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How to find computer stats with Windows XP?

    I have an old tower with windows xp installed.

    Where and how can I find out the size of the hard drive, the size of the installed ram, and the processor speed?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • I need a mechanic's help here please!?

    I have an 05 Chrysler Sebring with the 4 cyl motor. The car runs and drives great, until today!! For the first time this year, I needed the air conditioner in the worst way. I turned it on, it was blowing COLD very quickly, then, I stopped at a red light, and the car started bucking, and jumping, and then it died. Re started without any problem, but would hardly accelerate, from the stop, much bucking and jerking. On the highway, it runs just fine, but around town, stop and go, it is having a VERY hard time. Then, just as I got back to the offfice, the check engine light came on. Anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My wife is looking for a GOOD face cream?

    My wife is 50 years old, but looks 30!! She is trying to find a good face cream for daily use. She has combination skin, some dry places, some a little oily. Can anyone recommend a good quality face cream that would be good for this type of combination, and sensitive skin?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How to reduce the problem of illegal immigration in the U.S.?

    OK, I have an idea, not sure if anyone else has brought this up? If they have, I have not heard anyone talking about it. It is a given fact that most illegals are here to work, and send the money they earn, back home to their families. Why don't we make it illegal to send money outside the US unless you can prove you are here legally? Seriously, I believe if they knew they couldn't send money home, not only would many of them decide not to come here illegally, but I also believe that many of them that are here now, would go home if they couldn't get the money they earn, back to their families. I know it sounds simplistic, but hey, who said the solution has to be so difficult. What does everyone here think of this idea?

    12 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Help me with some GOOD Blues songs?

    My wife just realized she LOVES the blues!! I'm looking for as many songs as you can suggest so I can get them for her. She really likes songs along the lines of "Jesus just left Chicago" by ZZ Top, "Pride and Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughn. She is not impressed by the "older" stuff like Robert Johnson (cut her some slack, she's from Thailand) but more along the newer stuff with better sound quality. She loves the sad, moaning type vocals, and the "crying" guitar sound. Ok, give em' to me, I know there has to be some serious blues listeners on here somewhere?

    16 AnswersBlues1 decade ago
  • I need a handyman's help with a window problem?

    My home has fairly new storm windows, and I have a problem with one of them. I hope I can describe this well enough? When I open the inside window in my kitchen, there is a small plastic piece attached to 2 pieces of heavy string, or cord, that is dangling (hanging loose) from the side of the window. Where is it supposed to be, and how can I repair it?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago