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  • Does anyone have the EXACT words to the song, Never Say Never Again, by Lani Hall, from the Bond movie?

    I just need a copy of the lyrics and I've looked throughout the net to find them, very unsuccessfully. Thanks for the help. :)

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Would you like to know the REAL reason behind chemtrails?

    This is a new YouTube Radio Broadcast in 5 parts. Take time to listen to this former CIA employee and also was on the 'inside' of Wright-Patterson AFB, where project 'Clover Leaf' originated.

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Why am I looking for a very serious science minded individual? I have a story to write, and it IS serious.?

    Granted, global warming is an issue. However, it's not only from above, but it is also from beneath the oceans. Severe earth quakes beneath our oceans, that literally go unnoticed by scientists, who profess to be serious. They continually blame our 'carbon footprint' as the cause of ice melting at the poles. We know for a fact, that the earth was HOT before it was ever cooled, and it was cooled by the Ice Age, which scientists have always speculated was from a meteor strike. You've all studied science, so I don't have to repeat it.

    I found one other person in here, about 2 years ago, that agreed it would be near impossible to melt the ice caps the way they've been disappearing so very quickly. It may be believable for the surface snow breaking away; however, they're speaking of quick movement of glaciers, and icebergs. To heat an iceberg from above and cause it to break away, would make the heat too intense for us to bare.

    Where are you Mr. Scientist who agreed with me?

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Organic - vs - Genitically Engineered?? Which do you choose? I say 'all natural'?

    In special mention today on MSN, there have been several investigations into the foods that Americans consume daily. According to the reports all those luscious, huge strawberries we eat as well as other exceptionally 'large' fruits and veggies are that way for one reason. They ARE 'G.E.' foods.

    There are also other organizations which would like to curtail the use of manure for organic farming because of the e-coli bacteria. However, there ARE alternatives to manure such as 'fish emulsion'...or other safe and natural fertilizers.

    The argument with me is, is that when we were kids (back in the 50's) we ate fruits from the orchards never having to even think about e-coli and NONE of us died...nor were ever sick before they began 'altering' foods one way or another. There was NO 'mad cow disease' and we let the cattle graze on the grasses the land had to offer, without worry of pestisides. They didn't CHARGE MORE for foods grown or cattle raised without these things. WHY NOW?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Need assistance with attachments?

    I have the Yahoo! Beta e-mail and have found that when I try to FORWARD e-mails with photo attachments the recipient does NOT receive the pictures.

    Unlike the original e-mail set up, there is NOT an option to send 'As Attachment' in Beta. Does anyone know how to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and have a really fantastic day.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • What type of story would the majority like to see?

    Since I do write scripts and novels, what do each of you like the best? (Genere) What have you NOT seen enough of and would like to see or read more of?

    I have a vivid imagination and a passion for writing. However, I want to please 'the people', which is the most important. If the story isn't interesting, it just doesn't sell.

    Let me know what you would like to see more of and your favroite type of characters. I'd love to hear from a very large majority to attempt to please everyone. You are the best audience I can think of.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does anyone make use of the Rune Stones out here?

    I've got this feeling they are not telling me the truth some times when I use them. If anyone does make use of these tools, do you know how many times they can be used before they must be cleansed again? How do you cleanse and recharge them? Southern exposure sunlight or waxing moon-light?

    I'm asking because I'm really and truly getting frustrated. I've not found one psychic who's predicted anything right for me; not ever and I've been through many of them. I've been unable to fortell for myself because I'm just too close to the forest to see the trees. (I'm a 10/15 Libra) I've got this thing for a guy who is a Sagatarrius (sp) and I know that we would get along great, but I would be most probably be considered a paint-spot on his old shoes. That's the difference in our backgrounds. I know that nothing is impossible, however, my Rune Stones tell me stuff in answer to my questions but I've caught them in LIES. What should I do?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Is it true?

    A couple of people have told me that there is a listing of Christian Activists (and others) that is kept for human resources and employers of government agencies and any company who is willing to pay for it, to view. That they just have to enter a name, with city and state and it compares the name to different activists agendas. They also said that they got the information every time a person answered a poll on-line.

    I was wondering if anyone else may have knowedge of this activity and WHY they would do this. It just seems to me that more than 4 years of not being able to get a decent job is way too long. I usually do the letters to senators from the web site Numbers USA, Family Research Council in Washington and The American Family Association.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the predictions of Nostradamus? What do you think of that sample?

    I received an email today with the link to a book that has been published regarding the predictions of Nostradamus. This link will take you to a sample page given on the web site.

    As for me, I will purchase the entire book, which can be downloaded in PDF format.

    I see many things going on now that are in line with what he had to say, and are especially interesting because of how long ago these predictions were made.

    I have decided to put this under Government and Politics because of the issues that are stated on the sample page, and since his predictions deal with the future in that regard, this is an area that has the traffic with the most profound insights. (BTW, that's a compliment to everyone) This has nothing to do with what side of the political fence we are on, but as 'a whole' of society.

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see the news about the latest fire in California?

    I sure hope no one gets hurt. So far 500 acres have burned. Does anyone have anymore inforamtion about it besides what's on Yahoo! AP release? That was quite a picture they posted.

    No matter whom I disagree with for whatever reason, I sure don't like to see lives in danger, do you?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If atheists are non-believers, why are they...?

    in Religion and Spirituality instead of in the section of Mythology & Folklore???

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Chevron Oil in California does a good thing?

    Today in the New York Times there was an article which stated that Chevron Oil Company is using a new method to extract oil from old wells. This is good news for right now, and seems it will lower our dependency on foreign oil products.

    What do you think? Does this look like a good thing to you until scientists working on alternative fuels find more answers? Have a look.

    2 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • Wow!! Are the fireworks going off in the Democratic debates already??

    Here is the latest copy/paste article from the liberal campaign front. Will Obama and Miss Hillary actually make it to the poll times or will one get sidetracked by slurring the other?

    WASHINGTON - The rival presidential campaigns of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) traded accusations of nasty politics Wednesday over Hollywood donor David Geffen, who once backed Bill Clinton but now supports his wife's top rival.


    The Clinton campaign demanded that Obama denounce comments made by the DreamWorks movie studio founder, who told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd in Wednesday's editions that while "everybody in politics lies," the former president and his wife "do it with such ease, it's troubling."

    The Clinton camp also called on Obama to give back Geffen's $2,300 contribution.

    Campaigning in Iowa, Obama refused.

    "It's not clear to me why I'd be apologizing for someone else's remark," the Illinois senator said.

    For her part, New York Sen. Clinton sidestepped questions, leaving the issue to her aides to discuss.

    "I'm just going to stay focused on my campaign and I'm going to run a positive campaign about the issues that affect the people in our country," she told The Associated Press in an interview in Nevada. She was participating a candidate forum in Carson City.

    The Clinton team seemed eager to continue the attack. With Obama in Iowa, aides arranged for former Iowa attorney general Bonnie Campbell to criticize him in a conference call with reporters.

    In the newspaper interview, Geffen also said Bill Clinton is "a reckless guy" and he does not think Hillary Clinton can bring the country together during a time of war, no matter how smart or ambitious she is.

    Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs added another criticism of Clinton.

    "It is also ironic that Senator Clinton lavished praise on Monday and is fully willing to accept today the support of South Carolina state Sen. Robert Ford, who said if Barack Obama were to win the nomination, he would drag down the rest of the Democratic Party because 'he's black,'" Gibbs' statement said.

    Ford later apologized. The Clinton campaign said it disagreed with Ford, but the senator has embraced his support.

    Another Democratic presidential candidate, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, said at the candidate forum that Obama should denounce Geffen's comments. "We Democrats should all sign a pledge that we all be positive," Richardson said.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do the adults here feel that they should monitor their childrens access to the internet?

    In a recent news release from United Press International, they state that according to FBI statistics, there is an increased number of gangs that are forming from the Internet. The following is a copy/pasted article, which states the following facts. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

    U.S. street gangs use Internet to recruit

    By UPI Staff

    United Press International

    February 21, 2007

    WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Justice Department said gang membership is rising in the United States as the groups increasingly use the Internet for recruitment.

    Statistics from the department show that there are more than 21,000 gangs in the country with more than 700,000 members and those numbers are increasing, ABC News reported Tuesday.

    The department said the groups use "Net Banging," the use of online content glorifying the gang lifestyle, to recruit children as young as 8 years.

    "The concerns you have with that generation is they do not have a criminal history. And so because they do not have a criminal history, we don't have a lot of information on them," Wichita, Kan., Police Chief Norman Williams of the younger gang members, told ABC.

    Chip Burress, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Division, said the gang problem is a major concern.

    "It's not becoming an epidemic, it is an epidemic," he said.

    Copyright 2007 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Iran never lies?

    Here is the latest news headline. Do you think Iran is innocent or guilty of lying, and why?

    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) Iran rejects claims it delayed payments to Russia to build a nuclear power plant, accusing Moscow of trying to prolong the plant's launch, the official news agency reports.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a clue where we can see this video?

    This is the latest, breaking news. Do you have any idea where to find this? Thanks.

    CAIRO, Egypt (AP) Al-Qaida posts an Internet video showing what is purportedly an insurgent attack on a U.S.-Afghan military post in southern Afghanistan.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If there is so much truth to this, why doesn't the FDA ban these foods from the marketplace?

    This is a report that was sent by a healthier living web site. If all these statements are so ture, and they think we should have it, why do they not just ban it as they did smoking?

    The six unhealthiest foods to avoid at all costs!

    1. Soda. An average can of soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, plus artificial food colors and sulphites. Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners, which are even more unhealthy, and have even been linked to cancer.

    2. Potato chips and French fries. These popular snack foods contain acrylamide, a known cancer-causing agent that is formed when foods are baked or fried at high temperatures. They're also full of trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

    3. Doughnuts. Break a doughnut down, and you'll find nothing more than refined sugar and flour, artificial flavors, and partially hydrogenated oil that is loaded with trans fats. A true heart attack on a plate, doughnuts have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    4. Coffee cake and other baked goods. These foods almost always contain high amounts of trans fats as well as corn syrup, preservatives, and artificial flavors and colors. In fact, not only are these foods often made with hydrogenated oils, but they're usually fried in them too. True triggers for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease!

    5. Luncheon meats/hot dogs. Processed meats like these contain a cancer-causing ingredient known as sodium nitrite, a known cancer causing agent.

    6. Canned soup. Most canned soups have high levels of trans fats, sodium, and artificial preservatives. Just one cup can contain almost 1,000 milligrams of salt, nearly half of the recommended daily guidelines. This is a blood pressure nightmare!

    You DO have other options. Many of these foods offer natural and organic alternatives. But even so, be sure to read the label to make sure you aren't getting fooled. You hold the power to decide what goes into your mouth. The key is having the knowledge to determine what is good for you, and what is bad.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Isn't this a nice headline to view? What do you think?

    Yahoo! Alerts Yahoo! News - My Alerts - Edit Alert

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 12:49 AM PST

    BEIJING (AP) North Korea agrees with U.S. and four regional powers on nuclear disarmament plan.

    See, with prayer, anything is possible...and YES, I do pray for peace all the time.

    18 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have "The Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon" a Nancy Drew PC game?

    I was just wondering how to get past a certain point. I have picked up 3 gem stones and the top from the box with the gem colored pedals on it. I can't get the picture off the wall in the dining car, I have 3 sluggs that opened the next to last car with the machines in them, but I can't figure out the combination to three things. One, the combination to the first set of 4 numbers, under the grate, the second combination to the larger 'thing' for lack of a better term, in the owners car with the machinery and also there is the keypad with the decorations on it.

    I'm really stumpted. Can anyone help me shed some light on this? I'm clueless, even with the clues I get answers to. I could not find anything with the owners wife's last words on it either, and I did find the drawing of the doll with the green and blue eye. I found the plans to the mechnism in the owners car, in one of the drawers and also the note about one of the dolls having a crack in it. HELP?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago