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  • Waitressing - sexual harrassment?

    I like to observe human behavior while I dine, and I noticed at breakfast the old men are much more open with propositions, hugs, kisses and even groping the waitresses. I assume it's because there are less women to protest at breakfast, or they are older and don't care. I wondered how the waitresses felt. Do you allow it for better tips, or do you enjoy the attention? I'm not judging, just curious.

    3 AnswersOther - US Dining Out10 years ago
  • Laptop CPU Single or Duo?

    I'm looking for a low priced laptop that is fast and has good wireless internet. Is a high speed single core best or a duo cpu? I tried a HP with 2.0 duo/Win7. Duo's seem to get hotter, and I didn't really see much increase in speed.and it got much hotter. what did everyone else experience? I'm looking at a single 3.4Ghz vs a duo 2.4Ghz.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Is it time to let the US Postal System be privatized?

    An envelope took 30 days to move from PA to Ohio, a package sat in Florida for 7 days, Priority mail didn't get scanned and was delivered to the wrong address! Can another company do worse? Maybe UPS or FedEx can do better! They cut services and close Post Offices, raise rates, yet still can't make a profit!

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Converting to Salt fr pool?

    I've used Baquicil in my pool for 30 years. We are thinking of converting to the salt system. Anyone have experiences with salt they could share?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Who can we talk to about Wicca?

    There are some people, incarcerated by the state, who want to learn about and discuss one of the oldest religions in the country, Wicca. They are prevented from doing this because they can't get the state to allow anyone to come in and council them and because it is not a christian religion. Is there anyone they can correspond with on this topic?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should we be legislating Children's behavior?

    We imprison the mentally ill, taser children and old ladies for not immediately following commands, and Law Enforcement has abused every power we have given them! Is it a smart move to pass legislation so they can prosecute children for behavior in schools?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you think this plan is feasable to help our economy?

    If we examine the flight of US jobs to foreign soil, we find the main issue is that they can manufacture more cheaply, even with long distance shipping. If we ban foreign imports, they will do likewise and hurt foreign sales. Could we have a federal program that places tariffs on imports to be used to subsidize American goods, thereby stimulating the job market, while not banning foreign goods. An example: an American made tv set costs $300, while the same set made in China costs $200. If we place a $50 import tariff on the Chinese set, and offer a $50 rebate for purchasing the American made set, it evens the playing field while still allowing foreign competition. It costs the government $0 and there is less incentive to move jobs out of the country.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can you recommend a desktop PC?

    I have a 2.4G single core and want to move up. With all the Duo cores and the quads, I'm not sure what to pick. I'd like to keep the price under $1000, but have speed. I figure 2-4GB DDRR, DVD-RW, card reader, and at least 6 USB ports, at least 500GB HD, LAN. I was looking at the All - in - Ones with touch screen, but they look like waiting for the next generation might be good. If you bought a new PC recently, can you share your experiences?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is the PlayStation 3 any good?

    I heard good & bad about PS3. I'd like some user feedback!

    2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • How much is normal tipping for a motel room?

    I know restaurant tipping runs 15 - 20+%, but what about motel/hotel stays? Maid service can run from making the beds and towels to turn down service and vacuuming the room.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • This is for the flag wavers that scream "Buy American!"?

    I bought a Ford, that was made in Mexico, and the flag wavers cheered. I bought a Honda that was made in Tennessee, and the flag wavers booed. The Ford was built by foreigners and the execs got mega-bucks for the idea. The Honda was built in an American plant, by Americans, and the Honda execs make about 1/10 what the Ford execs do, and get bonuses only when they deserve one. So how is buying foreign cars (whatever that is) un-American? Chrysler is going under because they were buying Chinese made parts and they were failing within 6 months of manufacture. Daimler was unable to save them, once they discovered what the American execs were doing. I was laid off from 2 American Pharmaceutical companies. One moved manufacturing to China, but told us it didn't (we trained the Chinese workers!), and the 2nd company moved the work to India. Don't you think it's time you stop listening to the propaganda and start looking around you? The threat is not immigration; it's the elimination of factory jobs in the US in favor of cheap foreign labor and lax government controls. Do you really care if Mexicans are picking your lettuce for $10/day?

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is the WalMart philosophy good for the country and/or WalMart?

    I believe the WalMart philosophy of forcing suppliers to move overseas to provide them with cheaper merchandise is self-defeating. It eliminates home-based manufacturing jobs (bad for the country) and in so doing, erodes their customer base of blue collar worker's income. What do you think?

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Micron Transport GX3 can't connect to wireless signal.

    Seems to be a problem with this laptop. I can install a wireless PC card, with drivers. It works fine until I power down, then power up. It can't connect for about 5 minutes. Eventually I can reconnect to the router. I have no specs, so it could have an intenal wireless card. I've seen other's with the same complaint for this laptop.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Does anyopne know who can be contacted for information regarding the formation of a Wiccan group?

    I know a group of people who want to start a Wiccan group, but don't know who to ask for help.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Should negative campaign ads be allowed?

    How about if the voters make the change. Tell the politicians from now on, all you want to hear and see is why you should vote for them, not slander & lies about the opponents. Aren't you tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils"? The Republican Committee has earmarked $50million for raking up muk to use against the Democrats, who I'm sure have just as much handy! I for one am tired of hearing the crap they shovel not only at election time, but all the time. How about leading the country for a change huh? Tell the candidates if they get negative, they don't get your vote! It's up to you the voters!

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • 10 Commandments at the courthouse?

    There was quite an uproar over taking the 10 commandments out of the courthouse based on seperation of church & state. One must ask supporters, Would you feel the same way about putting the Koran, a Torah or some other religious icon in the courthouse? Why do you assume that Christianity is the only religion represented in this country, or the world? Our forefathers saw religion build it's power here, as it had done in Europe, and knowing that the same religious persecution would follow, wisely made it the law of the land, that you could practice any religion you wanted, but you could not force others to live under your religious laws!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago