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Lv 44,505 points

Kristen K

Favorite Answers18%

I am a 34-yr-old VERY PROUD stay-at-home mama to twin boys, Wyatt & Jett. They were born on 7/24/07, honestly the happiest day of my life. My beautiful boys and their daddy make me feel like the most loved woman on earth. I like coming on Y!A to find others like me and to share what I know. It's great to find support and to offer it whenever possible, especially to all the nervous new moms out there like me! :) Aside from trying to be the best mom possible, I enjoy cooking, reading, surfing the 'net, and I'm a reality show and Days Of Our Lives junkie.

  • Chicken stock disaster. Help!?

    Okay, I feel REALLY stupid right now. Worked hard all day yesterday on making a homemade chicken stock...roasted the veggies, boiled a whole chicken, then put it all together to simmer all day with some spices. So, last night I go to turn it off. It hadn't reduced as much as I'd have liked (added way too much water for the size of the chicken), so I decided to turn off the stove and continue tomorrow by adding some more chicken pieces and cooking it down some more.

    Well, here is where my stupidity comes in. Somehow, and I have NO idea how I managed to not notice this, I turned the flame on HIGH instead of off. Went about my usual night routine of watching some TV, shower, etc.TWO HOURS later, I go into the kitchen again. Lo & behold, my chicken soup-to-be is now a pot of well, chicken & veggies. Thankfully, nothing burned.

    Now waht? Is it salvageable? Can I just add more water and kind of start again? Or will I get no flavor out of the chicken & veggies that are in the pot now? After all the time I put into it yesterday, I really hate the thought of having to start from scratch.


    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Days' fans...Don't you think everyone is too hard on Carly?

    It seems like everyone has forgotten that she was there for Bo and they loved each other deeply while Hope was presumed dead all those years ago. She helped raise Shawn D. and everything! Now that she's back, they portray her as this homewrecker coming between Bo & Hope. WTF? I mean, I know she hurt Bo by marrying Lawrence, but the way everyone acts is like she's hurting Hope..

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Jersey Shore Season 2, Episode 2 Song?

    In the first 5 minutes of tonight's show, there was this song that played. Lyrics went like this' No matter where we go we make it home. Got to lay our heads like a rolling stone". What song is this, and who is the artist? I tried googling just those words, but no matches came up. Thanks!

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Why do my computer's display settings keep changing?

    There are two user accts. on our home computer. This is only so we can personalize our display settings, since my eyesight requires the fonts be larger than the "normal" settings, and my fiance prefers smaller fonts.

    It WAS working fine until just recently. Now, EVERY single time I switch users to go onto "my side" of the computer MY settings are what his were changed to. Same thing happens when he switches to his side, he has to reset all his display settings again because they've changed to my settings. What gives??? It's not really that big of a deal, but it is a pain when you're in a hurry! Any ideas how to fix this, to keep each user's preferences as they are set?

    We use Windows Vista, btw.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • What determines baby's sex?

    I've heard that the woman's egg is the determining factor.

    I've also heard that it's the man's sperm and how fast or slow it swims that determines the baby's sex. It's been said that the slower moving sperm can make the baby a girl, while the fast swimmers create boys.

    Is there any truth to any of this, or is it just folklore?

    Thanks! :)

    10 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • McCain or Obama?

    I'm sure this has already been asked a few times, but in light of Hilary's being about to concede, what do you all think?

    35 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Incessant whining...hellllp?

    Icessant whining...hellllllp!?

    We really need some advice! One of our 8mo old b/b twins, has developed a new habit...whining incessantly all through meals. Or at least from beginning to mid-way through. He starts when we pick him up & put him in his high chair, conitnues on as we put on his bib, and throughout many bites of food,. Just constant whine, whine, whine., despite many reassurances and happy voices about yummy dinner/lunch/breakfast. He stops for a bit if I try to be entertaining, like singing Old MacDonald while I feed the twins, but that's not realistic to be able to do this EVERY time. What about in public? I'd be mortified to sing! LOL

    I've read somewhere that it takes a baby a while to make the new connection between spoon feeding and eating, whereas before his only connection to the food was the breast. It almost seems that as I pick him up at mealtimes, he's dejected or something because I'm not bringing him to breast, but putting him into his chair instead. I still

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Thinking of becoming a vegetarian, but...?

    Okay, before anyone starts in, let me say WHY I'm contemplating vegetarianism.

    I love animals, yes. But I'm by no means a PETA-type person.

    I love my meat. Beef, chicken, pork, all of it!

    My problem is with mass production of meat and those farming it, and its impact on the environment. This is what has me considering going veg.

    I think that if animals are "harvested" in a more natural, humane way, such as hunting, then that would be better. But, if you don't have the means to hunt, then what are good alternatives for mass produced meat? Free-range chicken? No hormones added beef? Are those really any different than the ones raised on mass production farms?

    I really don't want to cut meat entirely out of my diet, as we are carnivores, after all. The human body does need meat protein, it was built for that. I'm just looking to stop contributing to the mass production of meat.

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How to grow oranges?

    Can oranges be grown from the seeds inside of them? Or is there some kind of difference than the seeds you buy?

    I just ate the most delicious blood orange, and would LOVE to try growing them. Is it possible to grow a blood orange tree from the seeds that were in the orange I just ate? If so, how would I prepare the seed for planting?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Both guys & girls opinions, please?

    Why do guys call women "nags" or say they are nagging when we have to repeat ourselves 100x because THEY (the guy) didn't listen the first 99 times?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • twins-when will they notice each other?

    I have twin boys, almost 12wks old. They don't seem to acknowledge each other. Ever. Is this normal? A friend of mine told me that they won't really interact with each other until they're big enough to sit up and play together, but they actually do know each other is there now. How can they not? They were "womb mates", shared a crib until this week, etc.

    When will they start to interact?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Twin boy names?

    Due date's fast approaching now! (7/24!)

    My sweetie has chosen the name Wyatt for one of our boys, so I'll be naming the other one.

    So far, I like....







    What do you guys think of any of those? Or do you have any othr suggestions? We like names that are not too common (don't want 3 in a classroom with the same names or anything), but that also aren't too weird or out there.

    Thanks! :)

    84 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What would you do if this happened to you...?

    Night before last, I poured half of my 20oz. bottle of Coke into a cup of ice. As I was drinking it, I nearly choked on a jagged piece of plastic that apparently had come out of the Coke. The piece of plastic actually looks to be the same as what the bottle is made from, but the bottle is not damaged in any way.

    I saved the piece of plastic and the bottle it came from. What do I do now?

    This country is full of frivolous lawsuits, and I didn't actually get hurt or anything, but I do think someone or the Coca-Cola company should be made aware of this. I just don't know who to contact or what to do about it.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Best starting savings plan for new babies?

    I am having twin boys in July, and would really like to set up some kind of account or savings bond or something for them. Ideally, it'd be something I can add their birthday/holiday money to also over the years and would collect interest. Not neccesarily a college fund, but a nice little nest egg that they can have when they are old enough.

    Also, are there any plans that would allow for a smaller initial investment. With twins coming, money is tight, as you can imagine. Regardless, I feel that I have to do something like this for them.

    Thank you for your suggestions. :)

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How to make an address list using Windows Word or Spreadsheet?

    I am trying to create a master address list to print out. I was able to do it very simply at work using Office, but can't seem to figure out how to do it from home. Any ideas, step-by-step, if possible?

    What I'm looking to do is names & addresses in columns.

    OR, I'd like to do some kind of list that has names in one column, addresses in the next, etc.

    Thank you. :)

    Software1 decade ago
  • OK! magazine, is it just me or...?

    did this magazine start out tasteful, but now it's turned into tabloid trash?

    Seriously, I was really happy when it first came out, because it was so different from all the trashy mags out there (beautiful photography, and actually NICE to the celebs), but now I don't even want to buy it anymore.

    Anyone else feel the same?

    2 AnswersMagazines1 decade ago
  • Unique twin boy names?

    I'm looking for something unique, but not SO odd that nobody can pronounce it for my twin boys. I like kind of short names that can't be butchered too badly LOL. So far, we've come up with Jet, Colt, Orion...any ideas on these or other suggestions?


    36 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Twins advice?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm about 13wks pregnant with twins!

    I'm both very excited, as this is my first pregnancy (I say 1st, b/c I've had miscarriages before, but MUCH earlier on), and overwhelmed at the same time.

    Have any of you given birth to multiples? How do you manage feedings without doing it all daynight long?

    I will be having a C-section (b/c of back problems) and I'd like to breast-feed.

    I know it's early yet, but I'd appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks in advance! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Moving tips?

    I will be moving in December and am lookng for any suggestions for packing things. I thought it'd be a good idea to start now, rather than save it all for a single weekend, but I have NO idea where to even begin! :) It's really overwhelming, so I thought doing it bit by bit is a good idea. Any suggestions on what I can start packing now? Anyone have any kind of plan or list you've followed when moving yourself? Any websites or groups that offer helpful tips (the ones I've found so far really aren't much help)?

    Thanks in a advance. I appreciate any and all suggestions.

    8 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How do we ease the transition w/ custody change?

    My boyfriend & I will soon be taking primary custody of his 12-yr-old son (in December). We currently have him on Mondays & every other wknd. Basically, what's to happen is that the custody arrangement will be reversed, his mom will have him every other wknd, she will pay us child support, etc. This whole situation is very much agreed upon amongst all of us, so this is not like we're "taking" the child (just wanted to clarify that point).

    My question is, how do we ease the child into living w/ us full time? Things are very different for him when he's w/ us as it is, since he knows we have expectations of him, whilst his mother spoils him rotten & lets him get away w/ a LOT of bad behavior. We're strict, but we're fun, too. There's a very nice balance w/ us. We just need to know how to make this all easier for all of us. Routines? Schedules?

    I should also mention that the child has been diagnosed w/ bipolar disorder, so he can be quite the handful at times.

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago