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Well I decided to update my info as my focus has gone from riding and training horses to spending time with my little girl. I never wanted to have kids but last year I found out I was pregnant and when that test read pregnant I did not know what to feel. Mostly I felt very scared. However in Feb I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Holland. My life has changed a lot and I still am trying to figure out how to handle everything. I am torn between being at home with my baby and being out working. I just got done working as an aide in a preschool where I was allowed to bring my baby but in the fall she will be too old and do not want me to bring her. So I am torn. My husband is great and supportive and I love that we have this little blessing together.

  • Eye pain after hitting head?

    My daughter who just turned 3 fell while running and hit her head on a cement floor. Then a 1/2 hour later she fell out of a bounce house head first. I called the doctor and they said to watch for 24 hours. This happened on Tuesday afternoon, then yesterday (Wednesday) she told me her eye hurt. I looked at it and it was clear and not red or watery. I thought maybe she had dust in it and told her to blink. She did not say anything for the rest of the afternoon or evening. After my husband put her to bed she start crying that her eye hurt. My husband said she mentioned something when he was tucking her in but they looked fine. I went and checked they were fine. She went to sleep and first thing when she woke up she told me her eye still hurt. She is playing fine and will say once in a while her eye hurts but she does not seem in a lot of pain. Not sure what to do, I do not know if the pain is related to her hitting her head or what is going on. Just looking for some advice.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Eye pain after hitting head?

    My daughter who just turned 3 fell while running and hit her head on a cement floor. Then a 1/2 hour later she fell out of a bounce house head first. I called the doctor and they said to watch for 24 hours. This happened on Tuesday afternoon, then yesterday (Wednesday) she told me her eye hurt. I looked at it and it was clear and not red or watery. I thought maybe she had dust in it and told her to blink. She did not say anything for the rest of the afternoon or evening. After my husband put her to bed she start crying that her eye hurt. My husband said she mentioned something when he was tucking her in but they looked fine. I went and checked they were fine. She went to sleep and first thing when she woke up she told me her eye still hurt. She is playing fine and will say once in a while her eye hurts but she does not seem in a lot of pain. Not sure what to do, I do not know if the pain is related to her hitting her head or what is going on. Just looking for some advice.

    4 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Dog getting protective of kids?

    We have an australian Shepherd and she has been good until a few months ago. We live on a farm and share property with my husbands brother so there is always people coming and going. She always would bark at people when they came, even his brother if he left and came back. She has always been very careful of who she approaches and usually will only go up to people if me or my husband are talking to them. Then she is their best friend. However she has recently gotten protective of our 2 year old daughter. My husbands niece who is 14 was playing with my daughter with a bubble wand and the dog nipped at her because she felt she was going to hit our daughter. Then the other day our daughter and 4 month old son were in the stroller and my husband stepped away for a second and a man working on the barn came over to say hi and she nipped at him. She only does this when we are not around so it is hard to correct. She has growled at people that approach them, we are around but not right there next to the kids when this happens. How do we correct it? We will be moving soon and have our own place so there will not be as many people but I still want her to know it is not okay to act that way.

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Chest congestion and cough in 4 month old?

    So when my son was about 6 weeks he started with a cough and some chest congestion. After about a week my daughter who is 2 started I brought them both to the doctor and she said a cold. Well after 2 days my daughter was better but my son was not so the next week I went back in and saw the physician assitant and she said it was caused by his reflux and to make sure he got it in the morning and keep him up right for 20 minutes after each feeding. Did not help the next week we had our 2 month well child and the doctor (another one) said it could be either a cold or reflux and should clear up. At 3 months it was still going on went in and saw the first doctor we saw and she said it was most likely reflux and should get better with solids. Now the cough is always there but sometime it is worse then others and he has coughing fits that wake him at night. It does not matter if he is upright or flat on his back. He is almost 4 month and it has been 4 weeks since we went in and we go in just over a week for 4 month well child. I just feel that something else is wrong and I want him to be better. Everyone is always like "What is up with his breathing" He is so raspy and feel like he needs to cough something out. He is on prevacid for his reflux and it help keep him from spitting up so I do not know if he needs to spit it up. It started after he was on the prevacid for a couple weeks. Anyone else have this issue? The last dr also said he may have asthma but we have never heard him wheeze so she said she wanted to wait on that.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Scared to pee in potty?

    So my daughter will be 2 next month. We have always made the potty something fun that she can sit on whenever. She has not ever peed in the potty. But she likes to sit on it. She woke up and asked for undies and I said okay. She went 3 hours with out anything. So I had her sit and gave her a cup of milk. She then asked for a diaper shortly after. I asked her to try to pee on the potty. She sat but nothing came. She shortly after peed a tiny bit on the floor. I had her sit and try to finish. She did nothing. It was nap time so I put a diaper on her. She woke up wet and asked for undies again. After about an hour she peed a very little in her undies. I had her sit and try to finish on the potty. She did nothing. You can tell she has to go but will not. I do not want to push the potty thing she wants to use it but seems scared. I never get upset with her when she has accidents. She gets upset when her undies get wet. She asks to be changed when she pees in her diaper.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Toddler waking up at night. ?

    So my daughter is now 20 months and I guess for the past month to month and a half she has been waking in the middle of the night. It started when she wet through her diaper or if it got really full. Thing is she does not go back to sleep for hours. Usually 2-3. She does not fuss but is awake and I can hear her moving in her crib and kicking her feet. Thus keeping me awake for the time she is up. If she hears me moving in bed she calls out to me but I do not respond to her. She will then fall back to sleep and sleep until 9:30 or 10. On the nights she does not wake she is up between 7:30 and 8. I have tried limiting her nap but that did nothing. Because of my husbands work schedule and the fact he wants to see her she goes to bed around 9. I just want sleep and regular sleep. I am tempted to make a drs appointment to see what they say. I need help!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Getting Baby to lay down and take a nap?

    So I have spoiled my little girl a lot when it comes to her sleep habits. But now it is a pain. We always hold her to get her to sleep and during naps we have to hold her the whole time or else she wakes up. This has become a big pain lately because I want to get other things done and it is impossible. She is 11 months old and when she was younger I would just take a nap with her but I need to clean my house. At night we hold her until she is just barely asleep then set her down. Sometimes she will fuss for a few seconds then go to sleep most times she just rolls over and stays asleep. At nap time you cannot set her down at all. However my husbands mom watches her while I am at work she sets her down in the crib at her house while she is wake and she goes right to sleep. At home she stands up and screams. What should I do going I am starting to go crazy and need to get my house clean

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What to do to prepare to get pregnant?

    So we have an 11 month old and when I became pregnant with her it was not planned. I am married and have been for 5 years. We have talked and would like to start trying in 5-6 month for our next ones. I am currently adjusting my eating habits to get healthier because I gained a lot of weight while pregnant last time and I have lost it all but I want to lose more and establish good habits for when I am pregnant. Thing is last time I had not taken any folic acid before and I always worried if I had effected my baby. She was born perfect! I just want to make sure I get myself as ready as possible. What are some good things to help get my body ready. I have an IUD in and I will go for a pregnancy check up to get it out and just talk with a dr but that will not be until I am a lot closer to when we want to start trying.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Having Pain in breast?

    Over a month ago I had a blocked duct and it took a lot of pumping and nursing to get it out. Well my nipple was a little sore after that and I just thought it was because of the plugged duct. Well then pain never went away and it got worse. After two weeks I went to my regular dr and she said it looked red but nothing major. I went on anti-biotics for a week. It did not get better so I called a lactation consultant and she told me to just pump off that breast for a couple of days. It did get better. I met with her after a couple of days and she said my baby was latching correct and everything looked fine. (My baby is 8 months old) So I went back to nursing on that breast. Well after week it started to hurt again. Now it is hurting a lot again so I decided to try just pumping again. Well when I started pumping there was some blood in the milk. I am just wondering what could be going on.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Halo Sleepsacks sizing?

    So my little girl is 6 months but big for her size 28 inches. So we have sleep sacks we were given when she was born that are supposed to go up to 9 months but she is already too long for them. I was looking at the Halo sleep sacks and they are small medium and large and there is no sizing chart on the site I am at. I did find one but I wanted to know how true to form is it. So anyone that has one please tell me your opinions on the sizing and if they are worth it. I would get the fleece as we live in VT and it is cold.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Going off anti-cancer meds?

    So about 3 years ago my mom found out she had breast cancer. She was in her mid 60's. She had a mastectomy on the breast and was pronounced cancer free. However to prevent cancer from getting into her other breast they have her on cancer fighting medicine. So far she has taken 3 and had bad side effects. She told me she is sick of the side effects and wants to just not take anything and risk getting cancer again. I was just wondering if any women out there have done this or know of ways to help make things better. It has been really hard on her dealing with everything and I just do not know what to do to make it better for her.

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Two questions about baby sleeping?

    So since my little girl has been in her crib she now has room to roll over. She is 5 1/2 months and can roll both ways (stomach to back, back to stomach) Well she keeps rolling over when I put her down to sleep and ends up on her belly. During the day when I can watch her I am not as worried. But at night it scares me. Everyone tells me it is okay because she can roll herself, yet it still frightens me that she will suffocate. Last night I checked on her and she was on her belly so I tried to roll her back and she woke up. Should I just leave her?

    The next question is she has a taggy blanket that she loves to snuggle with. It is only about 8inX8in. I do not let her sleep with it usually. But last night after she had woken up for the fifth time and she just wants to be held and cuddled. I gave it to her. She snuggled with it and instantly stopped crying and went to sleep. Would it be safe to let her have it? I took it back when she had gotten in a deeper sleep.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Babies being in the wind?

    So ever since my little girl was born if I have her outside and my mil sees and it is a little bit windy she tells me to get her out of the wind. My husbands parents own a farm and we live on the farm and they live down the road so they are always here. Today it was 80 outside and my husband was working in the garden. The wind picked up and his mom yelled at him for having Holland outside in a stroller because it was too windy. She is 5 1/2 months old and weighs 16 lbs. She is not a tiny baby and she is very healthy. We do not get why his mom is so worried about the wind. We mostly tell his mom that Holland is fine and it is not that windy. But it just confuses us. If anyone can shed some light on this. She is also in her late 60's and immigrated from the Netherlands when she was younger. So maybe it is something from when she grew up.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Moving baby into crib?

    So the crib we ordered will be here today. My husband really wants to set it up and move her in her own room as soon as possible. She is 5 and 1/2 months and sleeps in a pack and play in our room. I am excited for the crib but nervous about her not being next to me. If I am awake at night I will just watch her sleep. I also like being able to make sure she is alright. My friend told me that it is hard to do as she moved her son out who is the same age about a month ago. I am just wondering how to make it feel okay. She is not going to be far at all only 3 ft across the hall.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Unthawing and refreezing homemade babyfood?

    So I made a bunch of baby food a month ago when my little girl started solids. As I am unthawing it and going to feed it to her I am finding it to be very watery. Tonight I took some peaches I had made and boiled them on the stove to get some of the water out. They are now at a better consistency. There is enough for two feedings so I will not freeze it. I was wondering though if I took some of the other stuff out and did this also would it be okay to refreeze. Or should I just do this as needed and not refreeze it. Only boil down enough for a day or two. Thanks

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • do you Ever wonder?????

    We always have people tell us that our little girl is so cute and adorable. But both my husband and I wonder if they really mean it. We think she is adorable because she is ours and perfect in every way. But we wonder if people really mean it or just say it because that is what you say when you see a baby. I do not care what others think but it is something we have thought about because everyone always goes on and on about how cute she is.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Getting rid of Potato bugs?

    Each year we grow about 100 potato plants so there is enough to feed my husbands parent, us and his brothers family. Well we have developed a major potato bug issue. They have eaten most of the plants down to almost nothing. We try to collect them off the plants and kill them by putting them in oil. However we cannot get all of them. Because there are so many potatoes we cannot just plant in a different spot each year. Is there any other methods to help get rid of them. We do not want to use a lot of chemicals either.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why do they make two products?

    So I just saw a commercial for zip-lock bags that are made of less plastic and using wind energy. There is also a Reynolds wrap aluminum foil that is also more green. My question is if both the "greener" product and the original are of equal quality why do they make both. This also goes for the cleaners. I think that if we really want to make a change for a better earth that companies if they find a greener better way to make the product then they should just sell the "greener" product. Other wise you give people a choice and they will think that the "greener" product is not as good. So the question is if they are equal why make both?

    5 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Just a Random question.......?????

    In case you missed the small question in all my rambling. Does anyone else get that feeling? Or ever feel this way?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • best convertible car seats?

    My little girl is going to be 4 month old on the 16th and is already almost out grown her infant car seat. I have been looking for a couple months now at different car seats trying to figure out which one will be best. She is probably between 15-16lbs and around 26 inches. Her bottom to shoulder is 12 inches. I was just wondering what type of convertible seats you guys have used and found worked well. We have a chevy equinox so there is a good amount of room in the back seat. I know the britax are good but they are really expensive, are they really worth it or are there equal ones not so expensive. I want to spend under $200 but willing to go up that high.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago